Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

The Beauty Brands Stepping Up In The Fight To Dismantle Systemic Racism – British Vogue

The world has witnessed waves of unrest following the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and Tony McDade, whose unjust killings have spurred countless people to actively join the fight to end racism, the murder of unarmed black people, and the criminalisation of black skin. Corporations and brands are also being called upon to actively participate in the dismantling of systemic racism, and a number of big names in beauty have stepped up to the plate, through substantial donations to anti-racist organisations, efforts to raise awareness of the killings, and commitments to self-education.

Beauty brands owe a great deal of their success to black creators and influencers, as well as black consumers, who, despite having historically been left out of the beauty conversation, have in the past been found to spend as much as 80 per cent more on cosmetics, and twice as much on skincare, as their non-black counterparts in the US. Given that research carried out by social marketing agency Vamp found that 83 per cent of black women use Instagram to access beauty content, its only right that the beauty brands black women continue to invest their money and time in use their platforms and followings to spread the anti-racism message.

Beyond mere Instagram posts, prominent black figures in beauty, such as YouTuber Jackie Aina, are calling on brands to increase the numbers of black employees at all levels of their business, to hold themselves accountable for having turned a blind eye to racism in the past, to further diversify their campaigns, to safeguard the health and welfare of their existing black staff, and to commit to being non-optical allies from now on.

Below, eight beauty brands that have shown solidarity.

We are joining in the fight against systemic racism, and we encourage those who are not familiar with the Black Lives Matter movement to educate themselves and take action. Thats one of several messages of solidarity and support shared by Huda Kattan and her Huda Beauty team in recent days. But words aside, Huda Beauty a brand that is loved and has been popularised by many black beauty influencers pledged $500,000 (395,000) to the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The organisation, founded in 1909, is Americas first and largest grassroots civil rights association dedicated to fighting for the constitutional rights of African-Americans, and against systemic racism.

Kristyn Potter, head of content at cruelty-free beauty brand Allies of Skin, has spoken frankly of her fears for her brother as a young black man living in America. Every day I worry about the safety of my little brother, a black man in America, she shared. When he was younger, I worried that he would experience racism in school. When he went to college in a rural town, I worried that he would get pulled over and shot by the police. Every single day. Now that hes out of college, I worry that he will be one of the many black people targeted for a crime and killed ruthlessly, like George Floyd. I worry for his safety more than I worry for mine. But that isnt to say it doesnt happen to black women as well (see the recent killing of Breonna Taylor) and black trans people (Tony McDade).

Allies of Skin has since donated to Black Lives Matter; ACLU Nationwide (the American Civil Liberties Union) which works to protect voting rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, and vulnerable people in prisons, jails and immigration detention centres; and the Minnesota-based Black Visions Collective, which is committed to dismantling systems of oppression and violence.

Taking a stand against racism and police brutality, natural beauty brand Herbivore Botanicals has donated its profits from the past weekend to the cause. The $46,000 (36,300) fund will benefit ACLU Nationwide, Black Lives Matter and the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which seeks to end discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing, and also funds criminal bail and immigration bonds for low-income individuals. Herbivore has long advocated for marginalised communities, including the LGBTQ+ community 1 from every sale of its Prism Exfoliating Glow Lotion benefits LGBTQIA+ charities.

Disciple London committed itself in 2019 to supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, donating 1 from every sale of its CBD oil, Miracle Drops, to the cause. In a racially unjust prison system, black and minority people are disproportionately jailed for cannabis-related crimes in the US, where cannabis is now not only legal in a number of states, but has provided profitable businesses for many. The number of black and minority ethnic people behind bars as a result of the same thing cannabis businesses were making money from did not sit well with Disciple founder Charlotte Ferguson. She has since backed the fight for social justice through raising awareness, and financially supporting, those affected.

People-powered millennial brand Glossier has joined the fight against white supremacy. It has pledged a total of $1,000,000, (800,000) to organisations that fight racial injustice, as well as supporting black-owned beauty businesses. $500,000 (400,000) will be spread across Black Lives Matter; the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; the Equal Justice Initiative; the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, which protects and defends the human rights of black transgender people; and We Are The Protestors, headed up by activist and educator DeRay, activist, data scientist and policy analyst Samuel Sinyangwe, and activist, writer and educator Brittany Packnett Cunningham. Together, they have built a database that allows users to track how US legislation impacts every state, giving civilians the information they need to hold representatives accountable for police brutality and violence. Glossier has also pledged to donate another $500,000 (400,000) in grants to support black-owned beauty businesses, and promised to provide further details on this initiative in June.

The British brand Nails Inc. shared its appreciation for the black talent it works with, and is donating all of its June profits to Black Lives Matter. It has continued to share resources and details of other organisations focused on combating racial injustice, including the George Floyd Memorial Fund, Brooklyn Community Bail Fund and Women For Political Change.

Anastasia Beverly Hills has pledged $1 million (800,000), with $100,000 (79,000) going to Black Lives Matter, the Innocence Project, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Black Visions Collective and the Marshall Project. It is also set to release details of new initiatives that will provide financial support to black-owned businesses and artists in the beauty industry. The brand has vowed to use its platform and privilege to amplify the voices of the marginalised from now on.

In Honest Beautys declaration of support, the brand pledged $100,000 (79,000) to organisations fighting racial injustice, including the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Equal Justice Initiative. The Equal Justice Initiative, founded by Just Mercy author Bryan Stevenson, works to challenge and advance reform within the criminal justice system through litigation, policy reform and education. The non-profit law firm provides legal representation for prisoners wrongly accused, or who have been denied a fair trial. Once it has succeeded in winning an appeal or having a wrongful conviction overturned, it helps wrongfully incarcerated individuals to reintegrate into society. Honest Beauty has also promised to match all employee donations made to civil rights organisations.

More from British Vogue:

Originally posted here:
The Beauty Brands Stepping Up In The Fight To Dismantle Systemic Racism - British Vogue

How to Make Your Content Marketing More Accessible: Best Practices for Written, Visual, and Audio Content – The Content Standard by Skyword

The internet may put unlimited information right at our fingertips, but for those with auditory and/or visual impairments, accessing this wealth of knowledge can be challenging. Whether youre a content creator or content marketing leader, you can play a leading role in ensuring content on the web is more accessible to the widest audience possible.

Accessible content is designed and developed so that anyone with a disability (auditory, cognitive, neurological, speech, and visual) can easily interact with it. From a business standpoint, accessible content is great for your brand.

Google awards better rankings to more accessible webpages, explains marketing guru Neil Patel, which means accessible content automatically has a better shot at reaching your target audience. And as your content reaches more users, its also more poised to drive conversions. In the United States alone, brands could miss out on a $130 billion market by producing content thats inaccessible, according to data from a 2018 American Institutes for Research report.

Accessible content also makes for better user experiences because its clearer, easier to understand, and better organized. How you format and code content can affect its accessibility, as can the language you use within itmore to come on that later.

Content needs to be accessible in order to work with screen readers. These apps, which can be used on computers and phones, read website content and convert the text they see to speech or braille for users. Screen readers can also scan documents, spreadsheets, and other sources of information.

Not only do screen readers make content more accessible, but they also allow users to customize their consumption experience. With a screen reader, users can easily:

Ideally, every piece of content you create and publish should be accessible to everyone. But where do you begin? Follow these best practices to begin making your written, visual, audio, and social content more accessible.

Featured image attribution: Pixabay on Pexels.

If your written content is optimized for SEO, chances are its already pretty accessible. However, its worth taking another look at these areas before hitting publish:

Anchor text: Screen reader users often read anchor text out of context, as they can tab through links on pages or pull up a list of all its links. As such, your anchor text should be descriptive and unambiguous. Avoid using anchor text that says, Read more, or, Click here. Instead, say something like, Learn more with this resource on dog agility training, placing your link on the phrase resource on dog agility training. Theres technically no word limit for anchor text, but its generally best to keep it short so its not too interruptive when read aloud by screen readers.

HTML header tags: Use these whenever possible to organize your content. Header tags, such as H2 and H3, serve as commands for a screen reader. They also make your content more discoverable on Google, according to Search Engine Journal. Assistive technologies wont identify bolded copy as header text. As such, youll need to format phrases accordingly as header text so theyre scannable by devices and so users can easily skim your content.

Subheads and titles: Clear headings make it easier for readers to process your contentand theyre even more important for screen reader users. Those with visual impairments cant visually scan your pages, but they can load a list of headings and subheadings on a screen reader. They see these out of context though, so its crucial for your headings to accurately represent the article sections they belong to.

Bulleted and numbered lists: Lists shouldnt be created manually, such as by simply inserting numbers or dashes before list items. Lists must be created using HTML (

  • ) coding in order for them to be identified by adaptive technologies. Using proper coding can also help you land in Googles answer box, also known as position zero.

    Additionally, dont identify content based on its page position. Phrases such as as mentioned above or as seen below can alienate users with vision impairments.

    Photo attribution: Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.

    The way you treat photos and infographics can also affect how accessible your content is. Are you using alt text and image descriptions? If not, you should be.

    According to the Accessibility and Usability Group at the Pennsylvania State University, If no alt text is provided, then a screen reader would only be able to say IMAGE or perhaps provide a file name. Use alt text to accurately describe images, not to keyword stuff. You can use keywords in alt text, but only if they make sense and are used organically.

    Alt text descriptions should be vivid and valuable to someone who is visually impaired. If youre not sure where to start, consider this example:

    Avoid using the phrases image of or picture of in alt text. Additionally, dont describe colors or patterns, as these adjectives can alienate users with visual impairments. Screen readers cut off alt text after 125 characters, so make sure you keep your copy short and intentional.

    If your CMS has a field for alt text and one for image descriptions, you might be tempted to use the same text for both. Dont. Alt text should communicate the basic elements of an image, whereas an image description should provide further details. Image descriptions should also be longer than alt text. In general, youll want to keep your image descriptions around 280 characters.

    For infographics, using text within the image itself isnt enough to make this content accessible. According to the Universal Design Center at California State University, youll also need to have a transcript for infographics, which can either be hidden behind the infographic image, displayed below it, or provided through a link.

    Youll also want to use larger size fonts in your infographics, such as 14 point or greater, and avoid relying on colors to convey meaning. However, people who are colorblind benefit from images that use generous color contrast ratios. If youre using Adobe Illustrator, you can test whether your graphic is optimal for those who are colorblind by selecting View > Proof Set Up > Colorblindness.

    Avoid exporting your infographics as images, as the content of photos cant be crawled by assistant devices or by Google. Instead, be sure to use HTML and CSS or PDF infographics.

    Photo attribution: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

    Always include transcripts with your podcasts and videos so theyre more accessible to people with hearing impairments, reading disabilities, and whose native language is different than whats featured in the video. Transcripts provide a better user experience because they allow users to consume content via the method they prefer: reading or listening to it.

    According to Designrr, your transcript should include both true speech and nonverbal sounds, such as music, laughter, and sound effects. However, they advise removing coughs and stuttersbasically anything that isnt essential to the story. Its best to keep formatting, styling, and editing consistent across all of your transcripts. Whether theyre being displayed on your site or shared on social, your podcasts and videos should always have a transcript accompanying them.

    You also want to make sure youre using an accessible media player that can be used without a mouse and with screen readers. It should also have a speech interface. In comparing 20 different media players for accessibility, the Big Ten Academic Alliances Committee on Institutional Cooperation Information Technology Accessibility Group found that Able Player, PayPals Accessible HTML5 Video Player, and Video Js supported more accessibility features than the competition.

    Ideally, your videos and podcasts should include captions and a transcript; but dont rely on automated captions, as they can be unreliable. Having captions makes your content even more accessible and can help you capture the attention of users who scroll their social feeds without wearing headphones. And, according to Digiday, this could represent a large chunk of your audience. In consulting leading digital publishers like Mic and PopSugar, Digiday found that up to 85 percent of video views are with sound off.

    Photo attribution: mikoto.raw on Pexels.

    Youll also want to use image descriptions in your social media posts. Facebook and Instagram provide automated image descriptions, but its always best to write your own. Follow the same best practices as you would when writing descriptions for images that accompany your written content, keeping the language focused on whats happening in the photo rather than saying how the photo makes you feel.

    On Instagram, you can include image alt text in a new post or add it to preexisting posts by using the platforms advanced settings, according to Social Media Examiner. Underneath the accessibility header, youll find the option to write alt text. Facebook offers the same flexibility, allowing you to override the automated alt text before and after you post by simply going to the images settings.

    If youre going to use hashtags, be sure to write them in camelcase: #LikeThis. This formatting allows users to easily read and understand the hashtag; it also makes it easier for screen readers to figure out how to pronounce each word separately.

    If youre using animated GIFs in your posts or content, make sure to use text to accompany them. However, its worth avoiding them completely, as GIFs fall under the forms of media that may cause headaches and trigger epileptic seizures in some users, according to the Epilepsy Foundation.

    Use emojis sparingly, and put spaces between each emoji when youre using them in a sequence. Screen readers describe them aloude.g., clapping handswhich can make for an awkward user experience. Also, dont create emoticons with text, such as :). These wont be read as emojis.

    Its a fact: The content marketing landscape is getting more crowded by the day. By providing accessible content, you can help your brand stand out from the pack and provide better user experiences for every member of your audience. Put more simply: You work tirelessly on your content, so shouldnt the largest possible audience enjoy it? Make the effort to make your content marketing accessible, and Google will reward you by dishing it out to more users.

    For more stories like this, subscribe to the Content Standard newsletter.

    Featured photo attribution: Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.

    Continued here:
    How to Make Your Content Marketing More Accessible: Best Practices for Written, Visual, and Audio Content - The Content Standard by Skyword

  • How Social Platforms are Responding to the #BlackLivesMatter Protests Across the US – Social Media Today

    With #BlackLivesMatter protests being held in various cities across the US, in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, social media platforms have also been adding their support to the cause.

    Here's what we've seen from each of the major companies.

    First off, Twitter has provided a range of resources and tips to help people get a better understanding of the situation, and the part that they can play in making a change (tap through on this tweet for the full thread).

    Twitter has also updated its main profile to reflect its support for the protests.

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has also allocated several new grants via his #StartSmall initiative to programs designed to address racial inequality.

    Twitter has also published a guide to allyship which outlines how people can learn more about racial injustice, and what they can do to improve the situation.

    LinkedIn, meanwhile, has also voiced its support for those calling for change.

    LinkedIn is also using its various social media profiles to share perspectives from black employees, adding more context to the situation.

    LinkedIn has also made a series of LinkedIn Learning courses on diversity and inclusion available for free as it seeks to contribute to broader education on these key elements.

    YouTube has also added its support, while additionally pledging $1 million in funding to support organizations seeking to address injustice.

    Over on TikTok, the trending video platform has posted an update on its efforts to fix a glitch which saw posts uploaded using the hashtags#BlackLivesMatter and #GeorgeFloyd receive 0 views, according to the counter. This was a technical problem - those videos were being viewed and TikTok has assured users it was not, in any way, seeking to suppress any related discussion.

    TikTok says that #BlackLivesMatter videos have accumulated over 2 billion views on the platform thus far.

    "We fully acknowledge our responsibility to not simply wish for and talk about the importance of diversity on our platform, but to actively promote and protect it. We share in the pain our country is in, and it is palpable across our TikTok communities. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Black community and, as we write this, our teams are working on ways to elevate and support Black voices and causes."

    TikTok has also committed to establishing a new creator diversity council, while it's allocating $3 million from its $250 million COVID-19 relief fund to non-profits that help the Black community, "which has been disproportionately affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic".

    "In addition, we are committing another $1 million toward fighting the racial injustice and inequality that we are witnessing in this country. This is just a first step, and we will further develop our ongoing efforts in this space as we work to support underrepresented groups as a whole.

    TikTok is also observing Blackout Tuesday, in solidarity with black artists:

    "This is not a day off, but a day of action. There will be no playlists or campaigns on TikTok's Sounds page today out of respect for the movement. The effect that Black music, artists, and creators have on TikTok is undeniable. TikTok is proud to be a platform and community where Black music thrives, talent is discovered, and creativity flourishes."

    Incoming TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer has also shared his thoughts on the protests, his first official comments as CEO:

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, has posted a personal update to outline his reflections on the protests.

    Within his various notes, Zuckerberg discusses the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's ongoing support of programs focused on overcoming racial injustice, while Zuckerberg has also pledged a further $10 million in funding for groups working on the same.

    Facebook has also posted this update on its official profile:

    Both Facebook and Instagram have also switched all of their official profiles to black and white colors in support.

    We stand against racism, and in solidarity with the Black community. Lets amplify the voice of Black people, and fight systemic inequality in our world. #ShareBlackStories

    And Instagram chief Adam Mosseri, who has just recently returned from paternity leave, has also posted an impassioned response to the situation on his profile.

    Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, meanwhile, has shared his response with his staff via an internal memo, in which Spiegel said that he was heartbroken and enraged by the ongoing battle against racism in the US.

    As first reported by The Information, Spiegel has also called for the creation of an American commission to address racial injustice, and comprehensive tax reform, providing concrete options for a way forward from the current situation.

    As explained by Spiegel:

    "Some of you have asked about whether Snap will contribute to organizations that support equality and justice. The answer is yes. But in my experience, philanthropy is simply unable to make more than a dent in the grave injustices we face. While our family has and will continue to contribute meaningfully to create opportunity for the underprivileged, and donate to the guardians of justice, these circumstances call for a more radical reorganization of our society. Private philanthropy can patch holes, or accelerate progress, but it alone cannot cross the deep and wide chasm of injustice. We must cross that chasm together as a united nation. United in the striving for freedom, equality, and justice for all."

    You can read Spiegel's full memo here:

    Pinterest has outlined how it's working to respond to the call for more action on improving racial inequality, with measures that include elevating content on racial justice, "such as resources for how parents can talk to their children", highlighting organizations that users can support, and providing educational information about systemic racism in America.

    Pinterest is also donating 25k shares of stock (currently valued at roughly $500,000) to "organizations committed to racial justice and promoting tolerance". Pinterest has additionally committed $250,000 to help rebuild local businesses damaged in the protests, and will provide a further $750,000 in paid media to organizations that support racial justice.

    As per Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann:

    "With everything we do, we will make it clear that our black employees matter, black Pinners and creators matter, and Black Lives Matter. "

    You can read Silbermann's full statement here:

    And Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian has resigned from the Reddit board, while also urging the Board to replace him with a black candidate. Ohanian says that he will use future gains on his Reddit stock to serve the black community, beginning with a $1M to Colin Kaepernick's 'Know Your Rights' initiative.

    As per Ohanian:

    "Im saying this as a father who needs to be able to answer his black daughter when she asks: What did you do?

    Reddit has pledged to honor Ohanian's request, while also updating its content moderation policies to explicitly address hate.

    In the broader tech sphere, Google has also allocated $12 million in funding to organizations working to address racial inequities.

    As per Google CEO Sundar Pichai:

    "Our first grants of $1 million each will go to our long-term partners at the Center for Policing Equity and the Equal Justice Initiative. And well be providing technical support through our Fellows program. This builds on the $32 million we have donated to racial justice over the past five years. Well also offer $25 million in Ad Grants to help organizations fighting racial injustice provide critical information."

    Google will also match an additional $2.5 million in donations raised via an internal campaign.

    "This represents the largest Googler giving campaign in our companys history, with both the largest amount raised by employees and the broadest participation."

    Apple CEO Tim Cook has also shared his support, and concerns, in an internal memo to employees. In that same memo, Cook pledged to match donations from employees to organizations seeking to address race-based injustice.

    As reported by Bloomberg:

    "The Apple executive said that the company would be donating to a number of groups, including the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit focusing on racial injustice. The iPhone maker will also offer a two-for-one match for employee donations in the month of June."

    Cook also posted this public statement on the situation, and how Apple will look to improve going forward.

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has also called for change, while underlining the company's work with the Criminal Justice Reform Initiative. Microsoft is also using its social media profiles to highlight perspectives from black employees at the company.

    SEO tech platform Moz has also published a post outlining its support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

    We'll update this post with more info on social media and tech sector responses as they come in.

    Continue reading here:
    How Social Platforms are Responding to the #BlackLivesMatter Protests Across the US - Social Media Today

    Businesses and brands will need to step up their social media strategy after Covid-19 –

    OPINION: Its fair to say the game has changed. As we emerge from lockdown, businesses at all levels are reeling from the economic shockwaves, with many industries still deep in the tunnel, where they may not see light for some time.

    So what does marketing in a post-Covid world look like?

    Due to the forced digitalisation, innovation and adaptation of many businesses and brands, we arent going back to normal as we know it. This shift in consumer attention has been coming for quite some time, but has been rapidly sped up by the pandemic.

    Digital and social media are now in a position that parallels the importance of traditional advertising. As Kiwis are demanding more transparency, honesty and authenticity than ever before, businesses and brands need to step up to the mark. Were now entering an era of community-driven focus, that extends into an always-on approach to communication and content.

    READ MORE:* Punt on fresh vegetable delivery pays off for Invercargill man during Covid-19 lockdown* Small businesses need nuanced support as they begin to recover from Covid-19* Clever response to water restrictions a reminder there is always a solution* Massey University's Retail Reboot series: Stock, costs, and revenue streams

    An example of an extremely successful purpose-led business, that has capitalised on the growth of social media, is the UK-based retail brand Gymshark growing to a $500 million business in just seven years. Their strong, community-driven approach enables not just a business-to-consumer model of communication, but consumer-to-business as well. Over time, this has developed into an open two-way conservation with the brand engaging everyone from famous fitness influencers to casual joggers.


    Geoff Holmes is head of strategy at UNCO.

    Social and digital media should be at the top of the marketing hierarchy.

    Connection is king. The businesses and brands that can build an authentic relationship with their consumers will win the day. In a post-Covid world, Kiwis want to feel appreciated, respected and supported. Social media is the only place that offers this intimate space, where consumers can interact and feel part of a community social-first thinking should be front of mind.

    At UNCO, wed implore all business owners and marketing managers to ask themselves this question: If you were your target consumer, would you follow and share your own social media content? And if so, why? This line of thinking is a great starting point to determine whether your strategy is ready for this new era of marketing. These three principals should remain at the core of your strategy: Value, authenticity, and community.

    Once these principles are nailed, you will ensure a reliable source of revenue and conversions with your content and community initiatives.

    Simply put, connection equals conversion.

    Obviously this line of thinking impacts all aspects of marketing, from branding to customer service, but even more so how social media and content should be approached.

    Over the last six months the social media landscape has changed so much. Facebook has just launched in-app shopping, rocketing the platform back to relevance when it was drifting towards mediocrity. Weve also recently seen a dethroning of the culture-defining Instagram platform, as users move on to the increasingly popular TikTok app now boasting more than 800 million users worldwide.

    While all platforms are valuable to both businesses and brands to some degree. The decision to prioritise a certain direction over another, ultimately comes down to your consumer base.

    Although TikTok is still relatively new and untested, it offers a real opportunity for those willing to innovate and think outside-of-the-box. It provides an opportunity to access popular culture and youth, ideal for those brands that desire to be iconic and future-proof themselves for the next few years as youd be right on the cutting edge of innovative marketing.

    For retail, e-commerce and fast-moving consumer goods brands, utilising TikTok at this early stage could prove hugely beneficial given the rates of organic reach, brand awareness and cross-platform engagement. Consumer-facing export brands such as tourism would also be right at home, given its ability to market to both the eastern and western worlds whilst also taking advantage of our post-lockdown desire to get out and explore New Zealand, rather than heading to the islands for the 16th time.

    Its fair to say there is an abundance of opportunity out there for those businesses and brands willing to be brave and try something new.

    Geoff Holmes is head of strategy at UNCO, a market-leading social media agency that specialises in building loyal and profitable communities online. If you found this of some value, drop him a line.

    Businesses and brands will need to step up their social media strategy after Covid-19 -

    Safilo Completes Acquisition of the 70% Stake in Blenders Eyewear – InvisionMag

    (PRESS RELEASE) Safilo Group announces the closing of the acquisition of the 70% stake in the equity of the California company Blenders Eyewear LLC (the Company).

    Founded in San Diego in 2012 by Chase Fisher, Blenders Eyewear has built an advanced e-commerce platform, with unique digital and social media skills, achieving fast and profitable growth. The Company generates approximately 95% of its current business through its proprietary direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform.

    Blenders Eyewears value for money products are inspired by the California active and progressive lifestyle, particularly appealing to a broad range of consumers with a focus on Millennials and Generation Z, both female and male.

    The brand, profitable since its inception, has fuelled its rapid growth through highly effective social marketing strategies, partnering with influencers, athletes, lifestyle enthusiasts, and product collaborations which have driven sales and brand awareness.

    Blenders Eyewear closed 2019 with net sales of USD 40.7 million, up 38% compared to the previous year and with a 3-year CAGR of 174%.

    Angelo Trocchia, Safilos chief executive officer, said:

    The closing of the Blenders acquisition represents a big leap forward for us on the 360 digital transformation strategy we presented in December last year and which we are now accelerating in all its three key components, from the launch of the latest technologies in the B2B and CRM fields to the strengthening of digital and social marketing capabilities, to the Direct to Consumer distribution. Blenders Eyewear is a compelling price-to-value eyewear proposition, a digitally native business model and a strong e-commerce pure player which goes to enrich our proprietary brands portfolio in a crucial moment for our Groups business development and for our industrys evolution. We are working in difficult times, turning around our business in a challenging and fast-evolving marketplace and I am firmly convinced that a focused execution of our strategies will put our Company in a stronger position, better equipped to meet our challenges head-on and to be frontrunners in some of the new business opportunities that lie ahead.

    Chase Fisher, founder and CEO of Blenders Eyewear, commented:

    We are super excited to have finalized our union with Safilo, ready to progress faster than ever on our growth and development projects. The global pandemics lockdowns that we have been all suffering have undoubtedly elevated the importance of e-commerce and digital channels, also pushing new consumers to shop online for the very first time. We, at Blenders Eyewear, have seen and are experiencing this digital escalation. Our results were very solid in the first quarter of the year, with sales up more than 30%, and further accelerating in April and May. Together with Safilo, we aim to continue scaling up our digital capabilities, constantly improving the customer journey and experience, alongside pioneering new ways of engaging with ever more demanding consumers, building profitable traffic and conversion.

    The overall consideration for the 70% controlling interest in the Company is USD 63.9 million (corresponding to Euro 57.5 million).

    Chase Fisher will retain full ownership of 30% of the equity interests and, pursuant to the contractual terms, these remaining equity interests are subject to customary reciprocal put and call options which can be exercised starting from 2023. Chase Fisher will remain CEO of Blenders Eyewear which will continue to run out of its San Diego home.

    The acquisition has been entirely financed through the utilization of the Euro 60 million second tranche of the Euro 90 million subordinated loan provided by Safilos reference shareholder, Multibrands Italy B.V., controlled by HAL Holding N.V., as communicated to the market on February 10th, 2020.

    Go here to read the rest:
    Safilo Completes Acquisition of the 70% Stake in Blenders Eyewear - InvisionMag