Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Advertising, Promotion, Labeling and the Role of Social Media in Regulatory Communications – Regulatory Focus

Articles throughout December explored advertising, promotion and labeling in addition to the role of social media in regulatory communications. Leading experts in the profession shared valuable insight on a wide range of issues impacting APL professionals today, including optimizing ad/promo regulatory affairs communications, Facebook chat study results and the use of hashtags, social media influencers and considerations, price transparency and assessing risk and strategic business decision-making.

Regulatory professionals, DiDonato, Lee and Roychowdhury, discuss the emergence of social media for use in pharmaceutical advertising and promotion in The Brave new World of Social Media: Regulatory Perspective on Hashtags and Facebook Messenger. The authors cover what hashtags mean, how they function, their uses and potential misuses and provide results of their investigation into how pharmaceutical companies using the social media platform Facebook Messenger respond to consumer questions received through social media. They conclude that the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory professionals should use social media carefully and remain complaint with standard advertising and promotion regulations.

Over the past seven years, there has been a steady decline in the number of FDA enforcement letters pertaining to the advertising and promotion activities for prescription drug products. At the same time, the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) have issued guidance documents to provide a framework for industry to address the current issues facing todays regulatory professionals. Regulatory enthusiast, Jurcik, discusses how regulatory professionals can make benefit-risk decisions with limited agency guidance materials or enforcement examples in Assessing Risk and Strategic Business Decision-Making Without Consistent FDA Enforcement. She concludes that with a scarcity of enforcement letters from FDA in recent years, regulatory professionals must turn to other tools to understand FDA and other government agency issues related to drug promotional activities.

Advertising and promotional (Ad/Promo) review committees in the pharmaceutical industry serve an important role in helping to protect the company, its employees and, most importantly, the patients who take prescription medicines. Ad/Promo committees review and approve product advertising and promotional materials and other internal and external communications. In Optimizing the Review Process of Advertising and Promotional Communications, Gomba, Jameison and Sadowski discuss how medical, legal and regulatory review committee members can best function to provide efficient and effective communication as well as a productive environment aimed at yielding creative, yet compliant, materials. The experts make suggestions for optimizing communications as part of the internal review process by providing clear understanding of regulations and establishing clearly defined processes to foster compliance. They also touch on the importance of timelines and work prioritization, having a unified committee perspective and the need for respectful behavior in team meetings.Engaging social media influencers for prescription drug promotion can present a challenge for most pharmaceutical companies; however, by working with the right social media influencer and operating within standing regulations, companies can reach appropriate patients via social media. In Clarity in Chaos: Best Practice Tips for Engaging Influencers for Pharmaceutical Promotion, Blackmon and Williams demonstrate how one pharmaceutical company used social media to offer guidance to pharmaceutical companies considering using media influencers to promote their products. The experts cover internal collaboration and alignment, identification of creative guardrails for brand teams and regulatory requirements and recommendations.

Whether you are a patient, healthcare provider, industry professional or just have access to news, you have probably witnessed conversations regarding drug pricing transparency, an issue unfolding across America. In Drug Pricing Transparency: the Conversation is far From Over, Walker and Lem discuss the US governments attempts to require drug pricing transparency in advertising. The thought leaders explain the events following the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publication of a proposed rule for regulation to require drug pricing transparency. They outline recent initiatives by a number of other federal agencies to develop ways to inform the public about drug costs, efforts by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to add their voice to the issue, lawsuits filed by several pharmaceutical companies against federal agencies and subsequent court decisions and appeals.

Regulatory Intelligence

To support the release of the Q4 Regulatory Focus Article Series, Regulatory Intelligence and Policy: Shaping the Global Landscape, RAPS hosted a lively discussion on Regulatory Exchange with three regulatory intelligence experts, Meredith Brown-Tuttle, Matt Medlin and Kirsten Messmer. In Regulatory Intelligence and Policy, the experts, who were all authors in the series, offered their perspectives on the importance of regulatory intelligence and the integral role RI professionals play in defining strategy for companies in regard to development, approval and maintenance of products, as well any changes to regulations impacting the global regulatory landscape. This article presents the questions and answers from the 11 December online discussion.

What you Missed at Convergence

The following two articles were based on a presentations given at RAPS Regulatory Convergence, 21-24 September 2019, Philadelphia, PA.

Global Pediatric Drug Development addresses global pediatric drug development and compares strategies and regulations in the US and the European Union (EU). Regulatory experts, Georgopoulos and McBride, identify key regulations and resources to support pediatric drug development, describe some of the most important factors to consider when developing a global pediatric drug development strategy and point out some common pitfalls in the development of a global pediatric drug development strategy.

Form FDA 1572: Challenges and Opportunities discusses considerations for conducting global clinical trials under the US Food and Drug Administrations Form FDA 1572, an agreement signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) to provide certain information to the sponsor and ensuring the sponsor will comply with FDA regulations related to the conduct of the clinical investigation of drugs and biologics. Some national authorities will not allow their investigators to sign Form FDA 1572 as from their perspective it represents a foreign legal requirement. Regulatory expert, Pangu, discusses the challenges in not signing and recommends processes that sponsors of global clinical trials can adopt to overcome the challenges of signing or not signing Form FDA 1572.

Whats Coming in January

January feature articles will explore the vital role of regulatory within organizations and throughout the product lifecycle. We have brought together some of the leading experts in the profession to share their valuable experience on a wide range of issues impacting regulatory professionals today, including regulatory leadership for a culture of quality, how to successfully hire and engage consultants, regulatorys role in business strategies and UDI and recall management. Other articles will cover REMS requirements for healthcare providers, independently unified drug development processes, a review and update of Chinas regulatory environment and the changing regulatory landscape for insulin. Look for these articles and more throughout January.

March Call for Articles

Regulatory Focus is looking for articles for the March 2020 topic covering regulatory ethics and history. Ethics is the assumed hallmark and unequivocal standard behind all elements of regulatory affairs and compliance. This issue seeks to examine various perspectives on this essential concept. Desired contributions will explore ethics and compliance with broad applicability to the field. Articles are sought evaluating:

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Advertising, Promotion, Labeling and the Role of Social Media in Regulatory Communications - Regulatory Focus

The Work Diary of Anna Bond, Whose Work Includes Making Diaries – The New York Times

If you are cracking open a brand-new calendar to bring fresh organization to 2020, you may have Anna Bond to thank. And speaking of thanking people, you may have her to thank for that too.

Ms. Bond, 35, is the chief creative officer of Rifle Paper Co., which has sold nearly 750,000 planners since 2015 and more than 500,000 thank-you cards last year alone.

She and her husband, Nathan Bond, the companys C.E.O., started Rifle out of his parents garage apartment ten years ago (choosing the name simply because she liked it, not for any connotation of shuffling through papers). We had absolutely no clue what we were doing, she said.

But their company has been operating at a profit almost from its beginning, Ms. Bond said. We have never taken on any investment or taken on any debt at all, she said. It was a common-sense approach.

Rifle employs more than 150 people between its headquarters in Winter Park, Fla., its nearby warehouse where orders are fulfilled and its office in New York. Its offerings have expanded to include wrapping paper, gift bags, phone cases, book covers, sneakers, rugs, wallpaper, water bottles, mugs and pillows. All bear Ms. Bonds signature floral designs that she, a former art student, creates with brush in hand, using gouache paint.

She got started designing posters that advertised Mr. Bonds band performances, back when they were dating. Friends started asking her to do their wedding invitations. After she did invitations for her own wedding, orders started pouring in.

This was 2009, still early days for social media. People were making more connections with friends old and new by computer and phone. One might think this would spell doom for the old-fashioned letter writing industry, but some saw an opportunity to market its specialness. Small-batch stationery companies sprouted all over the Etsyverse. Rifle has been one of the few to have broken through to a larger market that includes legacy brands like Crane & Co.

The Bonds also have three young sons Ford, 4; Ronan, 20 months; and Louis, 8 months and so when we spoke with Ms. Bond in mid-December, her own planner was stuffed: both with last-minute details for her familys 2019 celebration and ideas for how her business will approach the December 2020 holiday season.

11:30 a.m. I arrived to our New York office in SoHo after a photo shoot. I flew in from Florida on Sunday night. I come once a month to meet with the designers here. Most of the day I was with Trish Whalen, our president, and Debs Camplin, the new creative director. They worked together at Kate Spade.

12:30 p.m. Over lunch, we continued to talk about holiday 2020 ideas, because a few key accounts would like to see previews. We reviewed cards that need to get to the printer. We ordered take out from Sweetgreen and ate at the conference table in the office. In Florida, nobody eats at their desks. I didnt think that was weird until we hired New Yorkers and they would say, Where is everyone? And I would say, Theyre out taking their lunch break.

2 p.m. Trish brought up some big collaborations she wants me to consider. I passed on most of them. We have a capsule collection at Anthropologie of mugs and travel accessories, categories we have not yet fully developed. Anthropologie wants to keep some of that going and I did say yes to that.

7 p.m. I went back to Greenwich Hotel and ordered room service (spaghetti). I was in bed by 9:30. One of my goals when I come to New York is to sleep. Child-free sleep is a deep, magical sleep.

7:45 a.m. I had breakfast with a friend in the pretty parlor room at the hotel. He works at the Art Academy and weve been talking about our doing a workshop with the students, where we would end up with a limited-edition print.

9:30 a.m. I did a few emails. We use Slack at Rifle, so I checked in on some Slacks from the Florida team. I personally like Slack for group-chat back-and-forth conversation, whereas email is good for discussions you need to keep organized.

1 p.m. We had an epic two-hour meeting discussing our spring marketing initiatives, so that I can go to the creative team in Florida to talk about how we can support it all. We had lunch during the meeting. I ordered from a random Japanese place I found on Uber Eats.

3:30 p.m. We reviewed some 2021 planners and a few tech samples. Like an AirPod Pro case we are making with Case-Mate.

4 p.m. I met with one of our designers. We were talking about holiday concepts for 2020. We made advent calendars this year for the first time and theyve been very popular. So she showed me a few concepts for next year.

4:30 p.m. I met with a designer about what we are doing for our Keds collaboration for 2021.

5:30-6:30 p.m. I reviewed and approved some social posts. I try to delegate some of that work but any direct communication with the customer is so important. Its never a waste of time.

6:30 p.m. I left for La Guardia Airport and got home around 1 a.m.

6 a.m. Ford, my oldest, got up and requested some bread and butter. I pleaded with him to wait until breakfast time. I gave in.

7:50 a.m. I took Ford to school. Ronan, my middle son, came for the ride. Nathan stayed home with the baby. I stopped for coffee on the way back, cappuccino at the good old suburban Starbucks. I have learned the importance of drive-throughs since Ive had children.

8:15 a.m. I hung out at home with Ronan and Louis, the baby. When the nanny arrived at 9:15, I showered and went to work.

10 a.m. Nathan and I share an assistant. When I get in, she and I do a quick touch-base. Shes helping with our Rifle holiday party, so we talked about that too. Were doing it at a venue in downtown Orlando. It will be employees and their significant others. We also invited local vendors. Were expecting about 250 people.

11 a.m. This is when I did my most urgent task of the day, which was actually due on Friday, half a week before. I was reviewing 17 new cards, the final files that would be sent to the printer. They are all cards that I painted and that the creative team cleaned up and prepped for print. They will be available at the end of January or early February. All of our cards are printed locally in Florida, so the turnaround time is quick.

2 p.m. I snuck in dealing with our own family Christmas card. I came home from New York to a pile of Christmas cards from people who are more on time that I am and I was like, Oh shoot! Im around my own designs all the time and I think its nice to sometimes support other brands. So I used a different company, Artifact Uprising. Theyre very minimal and simple, a personal favorite.

4 p.m. My mom picked up Ford from school and they came by the office to say hi. He likes to run around. He thinks its his domain.

4:30 p.m. We met with the marketing team and talked about all of our company holiday cards, who was going to be writing what cards to whom and how we are going to get them all out the door.

6 p.m. I left and stopped at Whole Foods on my way home. The intention was to cook dinner but we ended up ordering takeout from a local Turkish place. It was better than what I would have made.

7-8:15 p.m. Bedtime for the kids. It is chaos.

9 p.m. We had dinner, watched The Crown and went to bed.

8:15 a.m. I took Ronan, my second, to run a few errands. We went to a bookstore because Fords school is having a holiday party and I forgot to get him a book for the gift exchange. Its nice to have one-on-one time with the middle child.

11:30 a.m. I spent a few hours working on a document for Trish. Its a five-page PDF that gives our rough ideas for Christmas for next year for Trish to pitch. Sketches we like, color palettes, things like that.

2 p.m. One of my designers popped in and we wrapped up discussions about our 2021 planners. We are making changes to the packaging.

2:30 p.m. I had my standing meeting with the V.P. of marketing and our project manager. We talked about the sales and announcements that will happen on the website for Christmas so I can brief the designers on anything we might need from them. I met with the senior marketing designer and she showed me social posts that are going up during the weekend.

5 p.m. I had the final meeting about the planners. I had asked for little revisions, we are trying to make our packaging more consistent. There are some updates to the fonts.

5:30 p.m. I saw the time and it just hit me that we had a guest coming to stay for a few nights. I raced home. The guest room doubles as a nursery and the sheets were clean, but the kids play on the bed while I put the baby to sleep. So I changed the sheets and freshened the room. I moved the babys stuff into our room.

6 p.m. We had the normal evening routine of feeding the kids and putting them to bed. I had intended, again, to make dinner but we decided to order in. Nathan and I caught up with our friend and hung out.

10:30 a.m. I arrived to the office. We have a small retail store in front of our offices and we do a Christmas sidewalk and I checked out how it was going. We sell any of our products that are slightly flawed at a discount, and its quite popular locally.

11 a.m. I did a few emails and hand-lettered a quote that will post on social media sometime next week. Normally I paint everything in gouache but I have these Japanese paint pens that feel like paintbrushes but are more like markers. I have been using them for lettering.

12:25 p.m. I went early to Fords school Christmas party. One of the other moms asked me to help set up and Im trying to be more involved. Ford was excited to give the book in the Rifle Nutcracker wrapping.

2 p.m. I went to the office holiday-party venue. I wanted to be sure everything was good to go. I brought my dress, so the staff who needed to get home to change could do that, and helped with final details flowers on the table and things like that.

5:30 p.m. The party! Nathan likes to have live music every year that connects to a theme. This year we had a mariachi band and the theme was Mexico City. The dcor was beautiful, very colorful, lush and festive. The band was amazing. Theyre called Mariachi Cobre and they play at Epcot. We had local food trucks, there was a taco truck where they made the tortillas right there. We had a photo booth. My friend who planned the party hired these women to make flower crowns with real flowers and attach them to headbands.

We were talking to a group who have been with Rifle for over five years and we talked about past parties and how everything has changed. Its nice to have staff thats been here a long time. There is a whole group of people who have grown up with the company and thats really fun, because Nathan and I have grown up with it too.

Interviews are conducted by email, text and phone, then condensed and edited.

Originally posted here:
The Work Diary of Anna Bond, Whose Work Includes Making Diaries - The New York Times

In 2020, fashion and beauty brands will invest more in influencers – Glossy

Influencer marketing isnt going anywhere; its just changing.

In 2019, influencers and the brands that work with them saw some big shifts around influencer marketing. A big moment came in November when Instagram announced it would start a test by hiding likes in the U.S. The news sparked concerns from influencers and led to stories on the soon-to-be death of the influencer community. Others saw it as an opportunity to look at new metrics, devaluing the like and instead focusing more on a diverse range of metrics like engagement rate, conversions and website traffic. Moving into 2020, it seems that diversifying the influencer strategy is going to be key for brands.

Pierre-Loc Assayag, co-founder and CEO of influencer relationship management platform Traackr, said companies that have already seen some success with influencers will continue to invest in this channel in 2020.

In some industries, like in cosmetics, in fashion and in CPG, as well, [influencer marketing] is starting to compete with media plans, said Assayag. Media planners, media planning firms and agencies have been dismissing influencer marketing for a long time, and now its starting to eat up some of their budget. Now they are paying attention. In 2020 and 2021, theres probably going to be an all-out war between media planners and influencer marketing.

Revolve went public in June. At the time, the companys chief brand officer Raissa Gerona said she spent many weeks traveling to meet with investors explaining the value of influencer marketing. At one point, the company shared that, in 2018, influencers drove 70% of sales for the company, which was valued at $1.2 billion.

The educational process is crucial for them to understand not only how Revolve does [influencer marketing], but also that this is how young people get information and get inspiration, Gerona said in a previous interview with Glossy.

The company reported marketing costs of $23.1 million for the third quarter, up from $18.9 million in the same three-month period in 2018. That figure accounts for a wide variety of marketing channels, like paid social and traditional performance marketing, per the companys most recent earnings call, but influencer marketing is still a major focus for the online clothing retailer.

We are pioneers of social media marketing and will continue to stay at the forefront by focusing on building upon our experiential marketing initiatives such as #RevolveFestival, #RevolveSummer, #RevolveAroundTheWorld and collaborating with influencers within our network, Gerona said. Instagram will continue to be a key platform for communicating with our customer, and its constantly evolving. Were also exploring video content heavily with platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.

While Revolve has staked its claim as a leader in the influencer marketing space, other companies are still trying to perfect their influencer strategies. And the opportunity, for those who can do it well, is only growing. In 2019, the influencer marketing economy was expected to hit $6.5 billion, according to Influencer Marketing Hub,with 86% of brands saying they planned to invest more in influencers throughout the year.

For brands continuing to focus on influencers, analysts said bringing in a variety of people with various follower counts will be key.

Successful brands will continue to use a tiered approach to influencers, from both a paid and earned perspective, to build long-term relationships with authentic, third-party endorsements, said Lindsay Johnson, group account director for influencer and social media marketing at Small Girls PR.

Overall, fashion and beauty brands worked more micro-, nano- and macro-influencers into their strategies in 2019. Sephora announced its Sephora Squad program in April, which picked 24 brand ambassadors with varying follower counts to work with the brand. Companies like Aerie, Nasty Gal and Shopbop have all forged partnerships with various influencers, as well. Over the summer, Amazon even got into working with influencers for The Drop, which launches limited-edition collections designed by influencers for Amazon Fashion customers.

What all of those brands have in common is that theyre looking to build more long-term partnerships with influential people, rather than pay them to post a few things on Instagram.

One-off influencer marketing posts do not make impact or resonate with consumers. It is essential for brands to actually invest in this form of marketing versus just dabble in it, said Sherry Jhawar, co-founder and president of Blended Strategy Group. I often remind chief marketing officers and other marketing executives that when print media plans were a larger part of marketing budgets, we would never have done just one print ad in one magazine and say that was our print plan for the year or for a product launch. So why would we do that with influencer marketing?

Johnson said this practice of investing more in influencer marketing, but working with influencers with a variety of follower counts, is only going to continue into 2020.

Depending on a brands goals, working with mega-influencers and celebrities will still be worth the spend from an individual reach perspective, as well as a media perspective. The talkability of a campaign is stretched further if you can leverage a celebrity for interviews, which is unlikely to be the case for even large-scale influencers, Johnson said.

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In 2020, fashion and beauty brands will invest more in influencers - Glossy

Discover Where Will Social Marketing Management Software Market Be in Coming Years? – News Cast Report

The global Social Marketing Management Software market, which is extensively assessed in the report contemplates the best need development angles and how they could affect the market over the figure residency under thought. The experts have taken careful endeavors to thoroughly evaluating every development factor of the market, other than indicating how certain market restrictions could represent a danger to players in the coming years. In addition, the report additionally gives data on top patterns and openings and how players could take advantage of them to take up the difficulties in the Social Marketing Management Software. This could be a helpful rule for players to concrete their situation in the business or make a rebound in the market.

Summary of Market:The global Social Marketing Management Software market is valued at xx million US$ in 2019 is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx% during 2019-2025.

Social Marketing Management (SMM) applications include the tools, templates and services to create, maintain and optimize a commercial presence in social environments. This market focuses on the vendor solutions that help you analyze and participate in social conversations. This is done through social listening, publishing, engagement (of broader audiences, as well as social user communities), reporting and analytics capabilities, and support for workflow and automation of SMM processes.

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This report focuses on Social Marketing Management Software volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents overall Social Marketing Management Software market size by analyzing historical data and future prospect. Regionally, this report focuses on several key regions: North America, Europe, China and Japan.

In-Depth Qualitative Analyses Include Identification and Investigation of the Following Aspects:Social Marketing Management Software Market Structure, Growth Drivers, Restraints and Challenges, Emerging Product Trends & Market Opportunities, Porters Fiver Forces.

This Report Covers Leading Companies Associated in Social Marketing Management Software Market:

On the basis of type/product,this report displays the sales volume, revenue (Million USD), product price, market share and growth rate ofeach type, primarily split into-

Cloud-Based On-Premises

On the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Social Marketing Management Software market foreach application, including-

Financial Manufacturing Industry Retail Services Other

Social Marketing Management Software Market: Regional analysis includes:

Asia-Pacific(Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia) Europe(Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) North America(the United States, Mexico, and Canada.) South America(Brazil etc.) The Middle East and Africa(GCC Countries and Egypt.)

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Research objectives:

To study and estimate the market size of Social Marketing Management Software, in terms of value. To find growth and challenges for the global market. To study worthwhile expansions such as expansions, new services launches in Global Social Marketing Management Software. To conduct the pricing analysis for the global market. To classify and assess the side view of important companies of Global Social Marketing Management Software.

Key Questions Answered in the Report:

How is the Social Marketing Management Software market expected toGrow In Terms Of Valueduring the study period? What are theCompetition Developments and Trendsin the Social Marketing Management Software market? What are the underlyingMacro-Economic and Industry Factorsimpacting the growth of the Social Marketing Management Software market? What are theKey Challenges, Opportunities, and Improvementsfaced by market players in the global Social Marketing Management Software market?

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ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,90 State Street,Albany NY,United States 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usMedia Release:

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Discover Where Will Social Marketing Management Software Market Be in Coming Years? - News Cast Report

Best Of The Decade: The Articles That Resonated Most With Readers – Forbes

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

As I reflect on the past decade writing for Forbes (I started in 2011), I decided to look at the articles that resonated most with readers. The most popular articles included insight on marketing careers and marketing actionsfrom a way to think about the most popular form of social media (word-of-mouth) to the biggest job-search mistakes C-level leaders make to a study that identifies the top companies that produce C-level marketers. Below are the top 5 articles and associated links (one of my personal favorites is #5 below).

#1: Why Word of Mouth Marketing is the Most Important Social Media (July 17, 2014)

This article explores the power of the original form of social mediaword of mouth marketing. Suzanne Fanning, former President of WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association), provides insight on word of mouth marketing and contemporary efforts to create experiences that are worthy of sharing. She provides insight on a 3 E model: Engage, Equip, and Empower.

#2: The Biggest Mistakes C-Level Candidates Make When Seeking a New Job (June 5, 2014)

What are common mistakes that C-level marketers make when working with headquarters and interviewing for jobs? I reached out to Henry Flores, currently a Partner and Head of Marketing Officers Practice at Ward Howell International, an executive search firm, to better understand the key mistakes C-level candidates make. Flores provides great insight into how to turn a C-level job search into a successful one. One of my favorite tips candidates failing to employ marketing thinking to the search. The search approach should be about them and not about me.

#3: Survey Reveals the Companies that Develop the Best C-Level Marketing Leaders (August 21, 2016)

Which firms have a reputation for developing superior C-level marketing leaders? When I couldnt find data on this question, I decided to conduct research with Christine DeYoung, partner at DHR International, an executive recruiting firm (see the list of the top companies that develop the best C-level marketing leaders here). The list of companies that have reputations for developing talented C-level marketers? Most come from the consumer-packaged goods industry (Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever, General Mills, KraftHeinz, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, Clorox, and so forth). Through interviews with executives, we delve into what makes these firms better at developing C-level capable marketers.

#4: The 5 Questions C-Level Candidates Should Ask in an Interview (December 28, 2015)

Many C-level job candidates fail to have thoughtful and well-prepared questions to ask at the end of an interview. I posed a question to an executive recruiter to identify the key questions all C-level candidates should ask in an interview. They include the basics (e.g., What does success look like?) as well as some rarely asked questions (e.g., What is the degree of managerial discretion afforded this position?).

#5: MBA Students: Choose your First Marketing Job Wisely (January 22, 2015)

This is one of my favorite articles. It was born out of a number of conversations I had with students about the right first job. I noticed that because students didnt have an understanding of how marketing jobs varied across firms and industries (some are P&L, CEO-preparing roles and others are glorified collateral making roles), that they were making decisions based on ineffective proxies (e.g., which company is their favorite consumer brand). This article was first written as a letter to a student to help them consider their job options from a different vantage point. I continue to share it with students who often mistake passion for a brand from a consumer perspective with passion as a prospective employer. As a friend from graduate school found outyou may love playing golf but working for a golf company may not be a great career starting point.

Have a terrific new year!

Join the Discussion: @KimWhitler

Go here to read the rest:
Best Of The Decade: The Articles That Resonated Most With Readers - Forbes