Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

6 Steps To Building Your Social Media Empire – Daily Beast

These days, any savvy marketer knows that you need to be able to build strategic campaigns that include social media. But making sure they succeed can be an obstacle. With the Social Media Marketing In 2017 Bundle, you will learn all the most relevant best practices today that will help you increase sales, grow an audience and build a brand all while leveraging social platforms. The bundle includes six different courses covering everything from Facebook to Youtube, Twitter to LinkedIn, and Google+ to Pinterest. You will discover how a simple tweet can lead to increased web traffic, spikes in sales, more YouTube views, and much-needed SEO boosts for your website. Do you have questions about how Facebook ads can actually generate revenue? You can study the course that specializes in how to use Facebook Live, Messenger, and other tools to develop a steadfast marketing strategy and monetize your use of the platform. Curious how Pinterest is best optimized today? Learn how your pins can be used as a marketing channel and generate long-term results for your campaigns. Best of all, the Social Media Marketing In 2017 Bundle is available today for $34.

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6 Steps To Building Your Social Media Empire - Daily Beast

The Power Of Social Media For A Business – Bangor Daily News

Many businesses know that social media can beneficial to their business. However, most do not understand the power of social media. Most businesses understand that it can help generate more sales for businesses, but the bigger opportunity lies in partnerships, branding, customer loyalty and accelerated marketing. Here are some of the best ways to use social media with a few case studies to help you understand how it can transform your business.

One of the best ways to use social media is to build your brand. The best way to get started with your branding campaign is to create content thats crafted for your target audience. That will motivate people who read your content to share it to their network and follow your profile. There are other ways to build a brand on social media from engaging with followers/customers, using social media as a communication channel, maintaining a consistent presence, to reaching out to influencers.

Building partnerships is one of the biggest reasons you should be embracing social media. Influencers have access to thousands, even millions of followers which can have an immense impact your business. You can reach out to influencers to promote your products, cross promote content, strike up partnerships, and more. Even engaging in a conversation with big influencers can result in a lot of brand awareness. The key is to engage with influencers that have some relation to your business. For example, it makes sense for a makeup business to reach out to an influencerthat focuses on skin care.

Social media is a great way to maximize the results of other digital marketing channels. Email marketing and SEO synergizes very well with social media. Email marketing and social media combined will result in greater message reach, so its a smart idea to cross promote your email list and social media pages. A big part of SEO is generating links back to your site. Using social media to proliferate your content is one of the best ways to build the links you need to rank higher in the search engines.

Three Great Examples of Winning Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Emerson Salon is a small hair dressing business that were working with a limited budget. They used a combination of their website, blog, Facebook and Twitter to post content, cross promote each channel and ultimately drive traffic back to the main site. This resulted in over 13000 Twitter followers, 1780 Facebook likes and 75% of their customers being generated through this strategy.

One thing that distinguishes Airbnb from traditional hotel chains is how they approach their social media strategy. They regularly post beautiful and inspiring pictures of accommodations, travel photos and their customers. Theyve created a lifestyle travel blog of sorts with their social media channels. By being consistent with their posting and putting a lot of thought into their content, they now regularly generate thousands of Instagram likes per post.

Sometimes the best way to capitalize on social media is to jump in on trending topics. Kohls decided to get involved with the viral story of a woman having a blast with her Star Wars Chewbacca mask. Part of the story revolved around her stating that the mask was for herself and not for her family. So Kohls decided to give her whole family $2500 in gift cards. As a result, Kohls was able to ride the viral story and associate themselves with the story when the woman followed up on her initial video with the gifts her whole family received.

As you can see, there is a lot that you can accomplish with social media. Its not just another marketing channel designed for sales. That said, it can be hard to gain momentum from social media. It takes time to build followers and a brand. But there are many ways to accelerate your social media results. The secret lies in using advertising, knowing how social media sites rank posts and building followers in unconventional ways.

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The Power Of Social Media For A Business - Bangor Daily News

6 Crazy Effective Growth Hacks for Your Next Content Marketing Campaign – Entrepreneur

If youve ever been to Disneyland, then you have probably had the misfortune of experiencing the ride Its a Small World. While it may have taken you days of agony and despair to remove that oddly catchy tune from your head, the message behind the music is so true.

With the rise of the internet, email, and social media, the world is getting smaller and smaller. This while simultaneously being filled with a relentless stream of new and distracting content that makes it difficult for the modern marketer to gain any real relevance.

If you have been struggling to grow your content marketing campaigns due to the overabundance of competition, then it is time to try something a little bit different. Growth-hacking is a relatively new term for aset of tactics and techniques. These tactics give you a map for supercharging your content marketing growth and expanding your reach to new levels.

If you are interested in rapidly boosting the growth of your content marketing campaign, then the following 6 growth hacks will equipyou with everything you need. You'll quickly gain the know-how to improve your campaigns in exciting and sometimes counterintuitive ways.

Your headline is the most essential part of your content marketing campaigns. Without fully optimized headlines, you can'thave the greatest and most viral worthy content in the world. No one will ever be interested enough to take the time to read it.

This makes it absolutely essential that you A/B test headlines for every single article and analyze your testing results before publishing or promoting it.

Related: Suck at Writing Headlines? These 10 Online Tools Will Help

The company Upworthy, who regularly creates some of the most viral content on the web mandates that all of their writers test at least 25 headline variations through creative social media posts before they are allowed to publish new content.

Once a winner is found, and a winner is almost always found, they then publish and promote their new content. They now havea fully optimized headline, ensuring more engagement and more click-throughs.

The video game industry grosses tens of billions of dollars annually and isnt showing any signs of slowing down. I'mnot suggesting that you hop on the bandwagon and create a new video game development company, butyou can still transfer peoples love of games into your content marketing strategy.

By using a number of creative WordPress plugins, you can gamify your blog and your content with patches, achievements, and unique user profiles. This tacticwill have people begging to come back for more.

Repurposing old content is one of the easiest and most effective growth hacking techniques to grow your content marketing campaigns. It takes almost no time to convert old blog posts into YouTube videos. You'lldistilthe key points into Slideshare presentations, or summarize themin a Facebook post.

By repurposing your content you open dozens of new doors and take advantage of previously unused platforms that will quickly and easily expand your reach. The best part? You already have all of the content required to take advantage of this epic little hack.

A great way to grow your audience and increase content engagement is to get involved in social media groups where you can add genuine value while simultaneously promoting your new content.

Join relevant groups and jump into the conversation. People will start to see you as an authority and will take notice when you start sharing and promoting your latest blog posts and videos.

One of the most important parts of content creation is generating conversions from that content.An effective way to achieve this is through the use of creative content pop-ups that have a clear and user-friendly call to action.

For example, if you write an article on Facebook Ad hacks, you can implementa pop-up that encourages readers to opt-in to your newsletter.Include an exchange for a free video course on Facebook ad design is a phenomenal way to boost conversions in a natural and helpful way.

Related: Pop-up Shop Marketing: A Quick How-to Guide

With the enormity of most social media channels, it is easy for your content to get lost in the slew of other posts cluttering up your audiences newsfeed. This makes it absolutely essential that you regularly share new posts several times throughout the day.

Related: Here are the Best Months, Days, and Times to Publish

Contrary to popular belief, publishing your content at different timeswill not negatively affect your account or annoy your audience.According to most studies, is an incredible way to keep your social media profiles relevant and visible.

Whether you are a newbie in the content marketing game or a seasoned veteran, growth hacking, when used properly, will allow you to quickly take your campaigns to new heights.

Take advantage of the six hacks detailed above and watch your company and your revenue grow.

Sam Oh is a web strategist, digital marketer and founder ofMoney Journal.There he publishes in-depth guides to help entrepreneurs gain traction and grow by leveraging online marketing tactics.Ohhas also created profi...

6 Crazy Effective Growth Hacks for Your Next Content Marketing Campaign - Entrepreneur

How to capitalize on social video formats – BizReport

Kristina: We're seeing the proliferation of user-generated content across all mediums. How can brands be using user-generated content to reach more consumers?

Amir Shub, General Manager, Americas, BARK, the company behind BarkBox, is a great example of a customer having success here. Canvas works really well for them. They use a lot of variations of images and video, and often compile video that customers upload when they get new boxes delivered. They source the videos by having customers use #barkboxday when they share on social, and the ads get a lot of organic engagement, likes and comments. We've also worked with fashion ecommerce companies that use third party software to pull Instagram and social media posts, often from a hashtag, from their customers and use that as ad creative. User generated content helps tell a much more colorful story about a brand and opens up a lot of different visuals to work with.

Kristina: Facebook has a number of video ad formats. How can brands be using those formats to their fullest extent?

Amir: Facebook does have quite a few ad formats specific to video and that allow video and static image to be combined. Shoppable video can be really effective because it eliminates a step for the consumer. Canvas ads, which instantly load to a full-screen experience, are great for video and can be used to show a localized collections of products alongside a map showing a consumer to the store. The Collection format lets brands highlight one product they know will grab a consumer's attention alongside other related products for upselling.

Kristina: What about automation - is this something brands need to invest in?

Amir: Creative automation can help brands get the assets needed to take advantage of each format, but what's most important is ongoing testing to see what resonates best with each brand's' own audience and then moving the spend to what's working. For example, our customer JustFab (a TechStyle brand) was putting a lot of efforts into Carousel ads, but the data showed they were doing fine but not a top performer and this insight led the company to experiment with different formats. They found showing multiple products in one creative vs. one product per ad was much more effective. Another customer uses automated creative to launch over 500 different ads each day, but then by the end of the day is only putting budget into the five best-performing. More high-volume testing and use of data really lets brands refine their strategy and focus on the formats and creative that are driving performance.

Kristina: Let's skip ahead to ten years from now. Tell me, what does video advertising look like?

Amir: It's early to say now, but with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, video for digital publishers and advertisers is only in its infancy. It's not so much what does it look like, but where it'll be, which is everywhere. I really expect that video will be the dominant medium that we deliver information through and that brands connect with consumers through. The ways we create and distribute video will be incredibly tailored to the consumer using technology. As attention shifts away from TV and to digital, we'll maintain the video medium that made TV so successful for so many years, but also see video evolve and advance tremendously.

Tags: advertising,, social marketing, social video, video advertising, video trends

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How to capitalize on social video formats - BizReport

3 Ways Millennials Are Leveraging Social Influence for Social Good – Entrepreneur

One of the most talked about marketing trends over the past few years has been influencer marketing, and rightfully so, as it provides brands with an incredible opportunity to be seen by extremely engaged audiences.

The majority of buzz surrounding influencers is the money they are able to make from sponsored posts and brand endorsements. Its a very lucrative time to be an influencer with a large, engaged following -- I speak with brands of all sizes daily through my agency that arent even sure what influencer marketing even entails -- they just think they need to jump on the train.

While many are leveraging their social influence to land big paychecks, many millennials are focused on leveraging their influencer for social good -- the media just doesnt like to focus on it. A story about a social influencer being paid six-figues for a single post is going to pull more attention, clicks and social shares than one about social good -- like The Santa Clause Affect-- but these stories do exist.

Related: 10 Laws of Social Media Marketing

There are so many benefits of building a personal brand, and the recent surge of social media stars is a prime example of how powerful your own brand can become. There are some social media influencers who have larger followings than some of the most popular actors and entertainers in the world.

Social media provides the perfect platform to establish, grow and then leverage a personal brand. Millennial initiatives like The Santa Clause Affect, are providing education, based on knowledge of the social media ecosystem. Understanding how to create content and build a following can be used for more than just become a social media superstar -- it can lead to successful career opportunities in virtually any industry or setting. They are teaching a skillset that can be used for enormous personal and professional growth opportunities.

Related: 4 Ways to Market Your Business for Free

Social media is the ultimate platform to raise social awareness -- Harambe is the perfect example of how the millennial generation is taking causes they feel strongly about, and turning them into viral stories.

In todays social setting, when somethinggoes viral, it is often turned into a meme. Millennials understand that they can use a twist of humor to garner social media tractions.

While many social influencers are leveraging their reach for personal and financial gain, a large percentage also useit to make positive impacts in society.

Related: Use These 5 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan

Social media stardom has created several self-made millionaires. Its opened the doors to paid endorsement deals, movies, TV, merchandise and more. While the odds of becoming rich and famous on social media are extremely slim, its a great example of how working hard can help you achieve your dreams.

Being a social media staris an actual career these days, as crazy as that might sound to those older than the millennial generation. Social media can be the breeding ground for new opportunities, and millennials have no problem teaching others how to best use it as a launching platform to create social good.

Jonathan Long is the founder ofMarket Domination Media,a performance-based online marketing agency, blerrp, an influencer marketing agencyand co-founder of consumer productSexy Smile Kit&trade...

3 Ways Millennials Are Leveraging Social Influence for Social Good - Entrepreneur