Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Pre-activism Will Be The Next Phase In Social Marketing: Tata Global Beverages – BW Businessworld

Tata Global Beverages has been one of the rare companies which has mastered the art of social marketing by rolling out concepts like Jaago Re, which has played a prominent role in influencing peoples behaviour thus benefiting the individuals and communities for the greater social good. Now the company is going the extra mile by coming up in new avatar aka Jaago Re 2.0, which focuses on pre-activism, an idea which urges consumers to act before a tragedy happens. It may be recalled that Tata Teas decade-old 'Jaago Re' campaign, which struck a chord with the masses and ignited the spirit of activism much before the advent of social media, has now become a hallmark for social media marketing.

Sushant Dash, Regional President, TATA Global Beverages, stated, I believe the kind of results that you get a movement from the lens of a Brand or from the lens of Marketing can give you a lot more success. What we have realized is that most of the activism happens after an incident has happened. But what we believe is if we really want to make an impact, then this activism has to become pre-activism. We need to raise our voice and do things before a disaster happens. Then only a true change can happen. That is the next phase of Jaago Re, which is about pre-activism and creating a new language. Our new campaign says, Alarm Bajne se Pehle Jaago Re.

Differing with his views slightly from Dash, Jeroninio Almeida, Founder, iCongo, Rex & Karmaveer Awards, maintained, Marketers and Business Heads need to make this an important step of their strategies. What you see in this country is that whenever there is a Tsunami or earthquake or something goes wrong, you dont wait for the alarm to wring. I dont think we should pre-empt something which is preventive. That is where the corporates and business leaders play a huge role. There ideal situation would be when the business leaders, army and the government come together and decide how to prevent a certain disaster, whether it a manmade or a social one."

Delineating her thoughts, Lynn de Souza, Founder, Social Access said, As an individual, whether you are in the army, company or in a managerial department of Tata Tea, or an NGO, ultimately all comes down to the individuals. If the country has to progress, the individual has to contribute. You (referring to Sushant Dash) chose to walk the talk. We being in the social space, urge you to Talk the Walk instead of what you are currently doing. There is so much that needs to be done by NGOs, individuals, etc. They want to talk about it now. Thats where the marketing community and corporate sectors can come and spread awareness and help these people Walk the Talk.

Talking about the genesis of social marketing that the company had pioneered, Dash said, A Lot of people talk about social progress and the role that corporates and brands can play in it. We run a very successful Jaago Re campaign which is a cause related marketing for the last 10 years. When we started this campaign in 2008, we were the first one to talk about cause related marketing.

Talking about its Jaago Re campaign, Dash recalled, When we started in 2007, we believed in apathy among the youth. People were not worried about social progress, but were only concerned about individual needs like job, house, etc. That apathy has turned to activism and people are vocal about it. We had a punchline-dont just wake up every morning, be awake. We were the first one to do it from the realm of a brand doing rather than just a CSR initiative. We did it because our brands DNA is cause related marketing. We do it because my companys profitability is linked to cause related marketing i.e. social movement or social progress. The passion with which what we bring to the table is very different from just a CSR activity.

He also stated how an ordinary person can take a cue from Tata Global Beverages by doing something which is in sync with their brand philosophy. As an individual, dont blame others rather than change yourself. So if you and I stop taking a bribe, then there will be no corruption and we will be able to elect the right candidates. Jaago Re is not just about creating awareness but also about helping individuals Walk the Talk.

Original post:
Pre-activism Will Be The Next Phase In Social Marketing: Tata Global Beverages - BW Businessworld

Instagram encroaches on Snapchat’s turf of social media influencers, winning their hearts, minds and posts – CNBC

Harris Markowitz was overjoyed when he was nominated for Shorty Award's "Snapchatter of the Year" last year. The award show, which honors the best in social media, pitted the 25-year-old against the likes of DJ Khaled, who would later be crowned.

Markowitz's nomination, however, piqued the interest of some major brands like Zillow and Coca-Cola, which soon commissioned him to create content for their brand's Snapchat accounts.

Fifteen months later, Markowitz's personal Snapchat account is mostly dark, and he isn't working on any brand accounts anymore. "We saw a decline in viewership on Snapchat and an increase on Instagram," Markowitz told CNBC recently.

The shift mirrors the relentless rise of the Facebook-owned Instagram Stories platform since its launch nearly one year ago, costing Snapchat its popularity with a medium it largely pioneered.

"Snapchat should've went back to the drawing board and figured out a new way to compete, instead of being romantic to how [it] has been running for the last couple of years," Markowitz said.

In a statement to CNBC, Ben Schwerin, vice president of partnerships for Snapchat's parent company Snap, said that the company's intent was "to build the best possible storytelling platform for you and your closest friends. Over the past few years, we've been delighted to see that many of the world's most influential people in fashion, sports, music, and entertainment were also using stories to connect with their biggest fans."

Yet Markowitz's outlook is shared by many non-celebrity social media influencers who struggle with posting on both platforms simultaneously.

In a recent study, social media marketing firm Mediakix looked at 12 top influencers who maintain a dual presence on Instagram and Snapchat. The firm found that over a 30-day period, those accounts overwhelmingly preferred Instagram Stories to Snapchat, posting 25 percent more on the former than the latter.

To be certain, Snapchat where boldface names such as DJ Khaled, Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen are prolific users is a slightly different animal than most other social platforms.

Those who post don't 'like' or re-share the disappearing video snippets that helped the platform become wildly popular with Millenials, most of whom use Snapchat to communicate with friends, celebrities and experience events. In that context, high follower counts are less important when the content is ephemeral and can't go viral.

Still, in a space built on an instantly recorded video where two giants are slugging it out for users, is there room for both?

Instagram encroaches on Snapchat's turf of social media influencers, winning their hearts, minds and posts - CNBC

3 Ways Micro-Influencers Are Impacting Social Media Marketing –

Influencers with small but loyal followings may market your brand better than the social media giants. Learn why these micro-influencers are game-changers.

Influencer marketing is a strategy in which businesses from all around the internet are competing. Creating a brand campaign around someone with a celebrity-status following has been a great first step in the evolution of influencer marketing in social media.

Micro-influencers, who have smaller audiences, are sliding up the scale. According to Abtin Masseratagah, CEO of Northrn, they are impacting the marketing industry at the highest rate. In today's world of marketing, every brand across the internet has the opportunity to work with someone who has invested time with a target audience the company may not have known it had.

To learn more about how micro-influencers are taking social media by storm and why they will change the way the influencer marketing game is played, read the three points below:

Micro-influencers are effective at marketing strategy because they are more invested in what they are doing on their social media channels of choice.

In fact, Adweek published an article saying these micro-influencers are personally more involved in their channels than mega-influencers. They have everything invested in what they are doing, which brings more personality, style and flair.

Masseratagah mentioned a report from Markerlythat studied Instagram engagement, with surprising findings:

Markerly recommends that brands pursue accounts with 1,000 to 10,000 followers in the micro-influencer category, as they receive more engagement than users with more followers.

Based on this fact alone, we can see the impact micro-influencers have on marketing as a whole. Someone who dedicates their marketing to one social channel and puts everything they've got into this channel will come out with better results than others trying to juggle every social channel.

One of the downsides of an influencer who has millions of followers is the connection theory of being relevant to an individual who has certain wants or needs for their life.

Micro-influencers have built loyal followings because they tap into a smaller, more targeted user base. This way, everything they do or say is relevant and useful to their particular audience.

Take two influencers who are huge in the social space today, the Kardashian sisters, who were given an assignment from a brand. Micro-influencers were given the same assignment. Digidayreported that the micro-influencers received a higher conversion rate.

A survey by Experticity showed 82 percent of customers would rather be sold to by a micro-influencer anyway. That's loyalty.

Micro-influencers are becoming the go-to source of big brands. These small influencers pack a huge wallop because of their connectivity, personality and relativity to their audience.

Don't think about social media in terms of followers. This is just a number and isn't relevant to the power someone can bring to a social marketing campaign. Think about the impact they have with so few followers. This is the key to bringing more advanced social marketing strategies to your business.

One of the reasons so many brands reach out to these micro-influencers is because their followers value their opinion. For some women, it's simply going to Instagram to get ideas about what type of dress they should wear on a night out.

Everyone has a person in some niche where you look forward to reading or watching what they're going to put up next. You keep up with them because they are serving up their own brand of "regular" and connecting with you on this level. Masseratagah said he jumps over to a certain micro-influencer's account whenever he needs some handyman ideas for around the house. Watching or reading about their experiences doing things you want to do builds trust and respect for them.

Authenticity is what users of social media want from every brand. It develops the relationship and creates a more advanced sales process further down the road.

So if you're trying to become an influencer and you thought the only thing preventing this from happening was your number of followers, think again. Maybe you own a company and are thinking about taking the plunge into influencer marketing. If either of these things are true, take a closer look at the micro-influencers in your niche, and you will find that not only is their audience reliable and trustworthy, but their results are real. This is why they are the unsung heroes of so many accomplished brands online.

Nathan Resnick

Read more:
3 Ways Micro-Influencers Are Impacting Social Media Marketing -

Winthrop athletics announces communications/marketing personnel moves – The Herald

The Herald
Winthrop athletics announces communications/marketing personnel moves
The Herald
Lane comes from the University of South Carolina where she led the athletic department's digital and social media efforts and held key roles in strategic communication, content planning and marketing. During her seven-year tenure, she led the Gamecocks ...

and more »

Originally posted here:
Winthrop athletics announces communications/marketing personnel moves - The Herald

Tech Moves: Amazon reportedly hires Box health tech exec; Bizible adds Inside Social founder as VP; and more – GeekWire

Missy Krasner. (Photo via Twitter)

Amazon has hired health technology executive Missy Krasner, the VP and managing director of healthcare and life sciences at cloud content management company Box, according to a report Thursday by CNBC.

The report cited anonymous sources close to the hiring, which hasnt yet been announced. GeekWire has reached out to Amazon for comment and will update this story when we hear back.

Krasners addition is yet another example of Amazon edging towards the health technology market. Amazon Web Services is beefing up its HIPAA compliant offerings for use by health tech companies that must take extra safety precautions because they work with sensitive patient data.

Just last month, AWS hired Nicole Bell, founder of Seattle health care startup hub Cambia Grove, as a liaison to the healthcare industry.

Although Krasners new role at Amazon isnt clear, she has an expertise in a wide array of health technologies and specifically cloud technology. Before Box, she advised Silicon Valley venture group Canvas Ventures on health technology investments and formerly spent five years at Google, two of which she spent designing and launching Googlesonline medical records and wellness platform.

At Box, Krasner led the healthcare and live sciences industry teem, overseeing sales, marketing, product and business development in that area. Box is the largest HIPAA compliant file-sharing solution in the world.

B2B marketing analytics platform Bizible announced a dream come true for its founder and CEO, Aaron Bird: The company has added entrepreneurBrewster Stanislawto its leadership team as VP of product and strategy.

Ive been trying to work with Brewster for about 7 years now, Bizible Founder and CEOAaron Bird explained to GeekWire in an email. Back in 2010, before I left Microsoft to start Bizible, I came very close to joining Brewster as their founding CTO in what eventually become Inside Social.

Stanislaw founded Inside Social in 2012 along withJoey Kotkins andAlan Balasundaram. The company provided social media data for marketing teams, helping prove return on investment for social marketing campaigns.

The company was acquired by Simply Measured in 2015 and Stanislaw served as Simply Measureds Head of Product until he joined Bizible in March. But Bird said that, in a different world, things might not have worked out that way.

[W]e came pretty close to acquiring Inside Social (but Simply Measured bought them instead). Apparently, the third times a charm and Brewster and I are now working together, he said.

In his new role at Bizible, Stanislaw will head product direction and strategic technology partnerships.

Seattle-based Ranku, an ed tech startup that helps online degree programs reach more students, made headlines when it was acquired by publishing giant Wiley in September. Now the companys founder and CEO, Kim Taylor, is leaving Wiley to return to her native San Francisco, where she first started Ranku.

Wiley told GeekWire in an email that she is making the move to be closer to family and friends. Shes also going to take a break from working for a while.

After spending 10 years in the online degree space Im going to be taking some time off to travel and get married, she said. Im also advising and investing in education companies before starting a new project.

Taylor moved Ranku to Seattle in 2014 after taking the company through theTechStars education accelerator in New York City.

Social media analytics company Simply Measured announced the addition of former Expedia finance leader Cecilia Cayetano as the companys new VP of Finance and Operations.

Cayetano joins Simply Measured from legal tech startup Avvo, where she served as the companys corporate controller. She previously held senior finance positions at travel giant Expedia and also spent seven years as the senior manager of risk advisory services for global business consultant Ernst and Young.

I am inspired by Simply Measureds leadership in data-driven social marketing, passionate customer base, and talented (fun!) people, Cayetano said in a press release. I look forward to working with the Simply Measured team to support our companys continued success.

Workflow and content automation company Nintex announced the promotion of VPJosh Waldo to be the companys first Chief Customer Officer.

Waldo first joined Nintex in 2014 and served as the companys VP of channels and strategy until taking on the CCO role. He formerly spent eight years at Microsoft, most recently working as the senior director of cloud partner strategy for the companys Azure cloud computing platform. He also held roles at Oracle and Seibel Systems.

As CCO, Waldo will lead the companysglobal customer support organization and also take charge of external partnerships.

During his three years at Nintex, Josh has developed a best-in-class partner program and channels organization and a product marketing team that is driving our market success and technology advances, Nintex CEOJohn Burton said in a press release. Joshs experience and skills enabling the ongoing success of our 7,400-plus customers and partners worldwide provide an excellent background to assume this new role and to bring Nintex to the next level of providing a superior customer journey and heightened success.

Tech Moves: Amazon reportedly hires Box health tech exec; Bizible adds Inside Social founder as VP; and more - GeekWire