Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Timing is of the essence in social media marketing – The Drum

Oreos famous 2013 Super Bowl Twitter ad was one of the most iconic moments in social media marketing. The power went out during the halftime show, and Oreo tweeted an ad that said: You can still dunk in the dark. This opportunistic marketing play is still being deemed as best-in-class years later.

How Oreo achieved this was not a secret. Most marketers know that being timely and responsive on social media is critical because relevance is essential in the crowded online space.

Oreos moment at that Super Bowl exemplifies the importance of timeliness, relevance and creative agility.

Social media marketing is one of the most measurable formats we have today. You can learn so much about your target audiences and their online behavior.

You should leverage any set of tools that gives you this much real-time insight to maximize your return on investment.

As youre tracking your ad performance, think about how you can optimize quickly based on the available insights. What are you learning and what changes can you make to help your ads perform better? How quickly can you make changes so you have a real impact?

The second piece of the puzzle is the creative gap. Brands need to re-think creative strategy as social media marketing demands a high volume of assets that require frequent refresh to stay effective.

Ad fatigue plays a significant role in affecting online campaign performance and brands like Cooking Dash, PayPal and Instamotor have successfully turned their campaign performance around through increasing ad creative production volume and refresh rate.

Not every company can afford to have a 15-person social media marketing team like Oreo. This doesnt mean its hopeless for those of you who cant afford such luxuries.

Thanks to technology, we can now activate global creative talent any time of the day. It takes a fraction of the time it used to take to produce high ad volumes. AI technology gives us the ability to make creatives smarter and campaigns more cost-effective. Moreover, automating the entire process of creative management and monitoring is now possible.

Thanks to technology, you can now have time on your hands.

ReFuel4 is winner of Facebooks 2016 innovator of the year and is the worlds leading data-driven creative platform, delivering creatives from 10,000 global designers backed by predictive AI and automation technology. Learn more here.

See the article here:
Timing is of the essence in social media marketing - The Drum

The ‘green’ factor – The News International


Ms. Shazina Masud joined Greenstar Social Marketing in February, 2017 as its Chief Technical Officer. She brings with her over 20 years of experience in private sector marketing and sales, including experience in social marketing and social franchising of reproductive health products and services. Previously, she was serving as the Country Director and Chief of Party of a DFID supported project on Provision for Reproductive Health Services through Social Marketing ,implemented in three provinces of Pakistan.

Before that she was the Country Director for Population Services International - Nepal, where she was responsible for streamlining the entitys social marketing of family planning products and introducing innovative initiatives to create a brand identity for the network. She also worked in a similar capacity with PSI in Somaliland for two years. And also provided technical support to PSIs Reproductive Health programs in South Africa and Cambodia. In an exclusive interview with You! Ms. Masud shares her views with our readers...

You! What Greenstar is all about?

Shazina Masud: Greenstars goal is to contribute to the development of Pakistan through family planning. Historically it has worked towards mother and child health as well as in areas of prevention and treatment of TB as well as Malaria. It focuses on the private sector channels to deliver health results at an affordable price but works closely with the government to support their efforts so that the sum of the two create an impact that reduces the burden of disease in the country.

You! What is your modus operandi?

S.M: We use commercial marketing techniques and processes for social gains in Pakistan. We use modern marketing tools and strategies to create demand for affordable heath solutions to our target market which is the lower half of the economic pyramid enabling them to lead healthier and happier lives.

You! How have other women received your work?

S.M: I interact with women at two levels, those with whom I work and those whom we serve. With women who work with me, work as a team and learn from each other and strengthen each other. There is no way to succeed without doing that. And the women who we serve, because it is a collective, team effort - there are many instances where their lives have changed for the better, where they feel more enlightened and more empowered. This affects not only the woman but her family and eventually her community.

You! How successful you people have been in creating awareness among women through your programmes?

S.M: Greenstar has worked in the area of family planning in Pakistan for the past twenty-five years. The government of Pakistan has been a major player since the 1960s in tackling family planning issues of the country. There are other organizations who also work in this area. Collectively a lot of progress has been made over the years in creating awareness. According to Pakistan Demographic Health Survey of 2012, over 90% of the women in Pakistan are aware of family planning. While there is still a gap in knowledge and practice, this in itself is a great achievement.

You! Do your teams go to rural areas too?

S.M: Actually, our main focus is on urban and peri-urban areas, as they are heavily populated due to the internal migration, that continues to take place in the country. But yes, our teams do go to rural areas.

You! How important do you think is it for a common woman to know about precautions?

S.M: I think women should know and have the knowledge and ability to plan and space a pregnancy. This impacts her health, her body, her childs health and her familys well-being.

You! What difficulties or problems you guys face while promoting family planning messages in rural areas or slum areas?

S.M: The biggest issue is of myths and misconceptions about family planning! This is especially true where education and literacy is low and issues get distorted as they spread from word of mouth. We devote a lot of effort in dispelling these misconceptions through information, one to one interactions, media campaigns and counselling.

You! What is the most important advice you can give to women?

S.M: I would ask women to be confident, to take charge of their lives, they have the ability - they lack nothing. They should not be subservient to anyone, but be bold and strong and live as equals to men.

You! Do you think general mind set of our society is changing regarding family planning?

S.M: I think there is more acceptance but there is still a long way to go.

You! What are the challenges, in your eyes, being faced by Pakistani women today?

S.M: There is no easy path to success for either men or women though our challenges might be different. I do not consider men as adversaries of women. We are partners and working together in that spirit, there is always success.

You! What do you think are the main ingredients or traits essential to attain success?

S.M: The most important is that you should have a passion or a strong interest in what you are doing. An attitude of learning as you move ahead, irrespective of your years of experience or qualification. With this combination and with some hard work thrown in, I do not see anyone not being successful.

You! What are the positive points of being economically independent?

S.M: Nine times out of ten a womans economic independence will translate into better opportunities for her family in terms of education, health and nutrition.

You! Do you think a professional can be a good wife and mother?

S.M: Women who work and have families and children are far more conscious that they should give proper attention to their family than perhaps who stay at home. A professional woman has to prove herself at work and at home and I have the utmost respect for them for managing that balance.

You! How do you unwind?

S.M: I watch sports and News on TV. Otherwise I meet with friends and family. Ten years ago I would have said I read books to unwind, but it has become impossible to find time to that. This is my resolution for this year - to start reading again.

You! What is a typical day in your life?

S.M: I get up quite early in the morning and the first action is to check my office emails. I then read the newspaper and have my breakfast. I give the instructions for the day to my house team and get ready for office which ends normally late evening around seven or eight. I come home, talk to my mother and have dinner with her. I enjoy watching the news to update myself and chill for a couple of hours in front of that. After a final check of the office emails, its off to bed.

You! Any lessons learnt the hard way...

S.M: I have been very fortunate so far, professionally and personally. The only lesson learnt the hard way is no to jump when trekking - I broke my ankle because of a fall six months ago and it still hasnt healed!

See the original post here:
The 'green' factor - The News International

This new AI-powered social marketing tool can predict engagement or write the post for you – MarTech Today

A rebranded startup is today launching an AI-powered social marketing tool that it says can boost engagement, and even write the post.

Post Intelligence, based in San Francisco, was founded in 2015 as MyLikes by ex-Google execs Bindu Reddy and Arvind Sundararajan. The company is rebrandingtoday under the new name, as it unveils a beta of its new intelligent social marketing app for Web and Android, called Pi.

Pi tracks social trends and a users history of social posts to predict engagement (e.g., likes and shares), recommend content, learn what works, and even generate posts.

The company said it constructs a deep neural network for each users social media feed to build custom models of engagement prediction. The engagement is predicted as 0 to 10, with 0 showing little engagement, 5 a typical amount and 10 a boost.Reddy told me that Pi can accurately predict 85 percent of the time whether engagement will be less, typical or boosted, with an 80 confidence threshold.

A user can post to multiple pages on multiple platforms through Pi and schedule when the posts will run, for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Support for Instagram and Snapchat ison the drawing board.

Pi can also recommend links to content that will increase engagement for that post, provide a list of suggested topics and suggest the best posting time to receive the most engagement. Heres a screen shot from the web version:

Over time, Post Intelligence said, the model learns the users posting patterns and can actually construct a short post on a given topic and send it out. Post Intelligence offers the following example of how a user interested in politics might communicate what she wants to send out:

Hi Pi, Post a tweet about how disappointed I am with the new healthcare bill and millions losing insurance. The AI would understand the meaning behind the sentence and in real-time find data about the healthcare bill and compose a tweet with a link to an article about healthcare.

example Totally bummed that 20+ million will be losing health care under the new GOP plan. http://healthcarelink

Pi also has a sponsored content functionality, based on a previous product from the companys days as MyLikes. It is designed to recommend content from more than 30 partnering publishers to social media influencers with more than 10,000 followers on the supported platforms, based on matches to the influencers best-performing content.

The recommended content from Huffington Post, Bored Panda, Simplemost and others can be posted by the influencer as a link with a blurb and image or video. When the influencers followers click on the link, or when they view a shared video, the influencer gets a referral fee.

Read more from the original source:
This new AI-powered social marketing tool can predict engagement or write the post for you - MarTech Today

Spend smart: Learn how to budget your social marketing – Brafton (blog)

Once upon a time, social medias greatest allure for marketers was its price tag. Businesses could engage eager audiences free of charge, boosting brand awareness with a Facebook post instead of dedicating thousands of dollars to costly print advertisement campaigns or television commercials.

Well, the good times rolled and rolled and rolled away.

Social media is now a pay-to-play space, just like those pesky publishing and TV markets it once helped undercut. Organic posting is still important, but heightened competition means marketers must put their money where their mouths are to break out from the crowd.

Of course, determining how social media fits into your marketing budget is difficult to do when youre unsure how much spend is necessary. Allow us to lend a hand.

In order to illustrate best practices in social spending, Brafton tasked two of its brightest minds Associate Director of Social Media Allie Stone and Associate Social Media Manager Erin Hancock with creating an initial plan of attack for a fictional client.

The client in question is a B2B software provider. While the client doesnt have a huge marketing budget, theyre willing to make a reasonable investment in a social media marketing strategy.

Please allow Allie and Erin to walk us through how theyd help this client succeed.

Before any work can be done, objectives must be outlined.

The first step is to discuss what the clients goals are for this particular campaign, Erin said. Do they want to get leads or simply spread the word about their brand?

Furthermore, how is the client measuring the value of the campaign? What specific metrics are they focusing on?

For the sake of argument, well say this client wants leads.

Next up is audience. What are the clients buyer personas? Where are these individuals most active online?

Allie recommended researching which social platforms typically bring in the most traffic and conversions for the clients industry, as well studying any social media campaigns the client has run in the past to determine what worked and what didnt.

Since the client operates in the B2B space, LinkedIn and Twitter were obvious choices.

LinkedIn offers a qualified professional audience you cant get anywhere else, Allie said. It would allow us to target by specific job titles, skills and even groups. Twitter would be good to utilize because of its remarketing capabilities and ability to target by companies competitors.

That latter point means the client could advertise to the followers of other players in its space in addition to people who follow industry influencers.

There is constant change in the software industry, Allie said. Twitter allows your company to join the conversation about these changes as well as provide a level of customer service to current clients.

Cost per click on Twitter ranges from $0.10 to $3. LinkedIn, with its more qualified user base, features a CPC of between $5 and $12.

The team recommended starting with $500 a month on Twitter and $100 a day on LinkedIn. Changes should be made to this budget after analyzing results following the first few months of strategy implementation.

Choosing the platforms to focus on and how much to spend on them is one thing; knowing how to leverage them is another entirely. In this case, the ultimate objective is lead generation.

We would work to educate potential customers, then nurture them down the sales funnel, Allie said. On Twitter, we could promote blogs to educate the audience about the brand.

Using the Twitter pixel, a snippet of code used on website pages to assist with tracking, Braftons social strategists could then remarket to that audience using an asset that is more bottom of the funnel.

On LinkedIn, its best to have an asset highlighting a product or service and how it can provide value for the targeted audience, Allie said. Perhaps a case study or whitepaper. We want to be pushing people to a gated page to take advantage of the qualified audience in hopes of collecting their information. Blogs can also be thrown into the mix to introduce a brand to the audience. If you are promoting a blog, you want to include calls to action to bring readers further into your website and hopefully to product or service pages.

Arguably the most important factor for social media marketing spending is ad targeting. This allows the client to zero in on the most desirable sales prospects.

For LinkedIn, I would target first by by industry and job title, Erin said. Then I would look at different companies. On Twitter, I would target by followers and have the client provide a list of key influencers so we can then target their followers. Otherwise we would create our own list of influencers. A secondary option is to target by interests and keywords.

Next up is measuring results.

Showing return on investment depends on the clients goals and how ads are optimized, Erin said. For example, if the goal is whitepaper downloads that capture lead information, we can optimize the ad for that.

Ad conversions can be tracked in Google Analytics using UTM codes and Google Analytics goals.

If the client can attach a monetary value to a whitepaper download, we are better able to show if these downloads yielded profit, broke even, or worst, lost some money, Allie said. We evaluate the success of each campaign after its run and make adjustments, but often times we like to look at ROI after month three. If we havent hit a groove, then something must be off.

Its also important to remember that social ROI can be particularly difficult to track. While an ad on social media may assist in a conversion, it may not receive full credit depending on how a website visitor ultimately converts.

We still consider this a win, because if they never came across the social ad, they wouldnt have converted down the line, Allie continued. Its definitely worth looking at the path toward conversions in Google Analytics.

Budgets bring limitations, but there are still numerous organic opportunities within social media marketing.

Organic posting and having that presence is a good way to spread the word for free, Erin said. While we cant target like that, posting daily can show your followers youre engaged.

Allie recommended utilizing Twitter cards to collect users information organically. Its also smart to tag businesses in Twitter posts, send content assets to thought leaders through direct messages and generally work to increase engagement with social influencers.

Strike up conversations to get your brand presence out there, Allie said. By using a personal profile for LinkedIn Pulse and discussion posts, you can organically promote assets and get in touch with any connections you might have within your personal network.

Obviously every social media marketing strategy will be different, changing based on goals and overall marketing budget. However, some things remain the same, including the need for careful planning, strategic platform usage and ROI analysis.

The days of making a marketing splash on social for free may be over, but with the right gameplan and experienced strategists, its still very much possible to see socials benefits on a budget.

Read more from the original source:
Spend smart: Learn how to budget your social marketing - Brafton (blog)

This new AI-powered social marketing tool can predict engagement or write the post for you – Marketing Land

A rebranded startup islaunching this week an AI-powered social marketing tool that it says can boost engagement, and even write the post.

Post Intelligence, based in San Francisco, was founded in 2015 as MyLikes by ex-Google execs Bindu Reddy and Arvind Sundararajan. The company is rebranding under the new name, as it unveils a beta of its new intelligent social marketing app for Web and Android, called Pi.

Pi tracks social trends and a users history of social posts to predict engagement (e.g., likes and shares), recommend content, learn what works, and even generate posts.

The company said it constructs a deep neural network for each users social media feed to build custom models of engagement prediction. The engagement is predicted as 0 to 10, with 0 showing little engagement, 5 a typical amount and 10 a boost.Reddy told me that Pi can accurately predict 85 percent of the time whether engagement will be less, typical or boosted, with an 80 confidence threshold.

[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]

More here:
This new AI-powered social marketing tool can predict engagement or write the post for you - Marketing Land