Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

5 common misconceptions about social media marketing companies – (press release)

Although we are known as Social Stairway we do a lot more than just social media marketing. So, heres a few common misconceptions that you might keep in mind when looking for an online marketing agency that would be a good fit for your organization

Myth 1. Social Media Marketing Companies only work with Social Media:

Most GOOD social media marketing companies are shifting more and more to becoming full service inbound marketing agencies. The shift is mainly driven by the need to demonstrate clear ROI from social media efforts. And to get conversions from these efforts you typically must continue to track traffic when it LEAVES the social platform and heads to a business website.

To accurately follow these leads and conversions, an agency will need to help your business integrate email and sales for following up. You will also need a well-developed content marketing strategy as this is often why people leave the social network and head to your website in the first place.

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5 common misconceptions about social media marketing companies - (press release)

The Monday Stack: Every Company on Earth Needs Sprinklr – DMN

May 15, 2017

Always positive about his business's mission, Sprinklr founder and CEO Ragy Thomas was still highly charged from the billion dollar unicorn's "coming out party" when I caught up with him Friday.

Just about a month prior to our conversation, Sprinklr had officially its expansion from social media management to customer experience management with the launch of the Experience Cloud. But Thomas told me: "This is who we were from day one." The difficulty lay in asking prospective clients to bet on Sprinklr as a comprehensive digital transition partner without first building credibility. Those first seven and a half years, Thomas says, "were painful," and he's truly delighted that Sprinklr can no longer be considered yet another of those "ankle biting single point solutions."

To be fair, Thomas laid a trail of clues for us. For example, when I interviewed him in June 2016, I asked him if Sprinklr was edging closer to being a broad customer experience management suite, he told me:

It would be very hard to deny what you just said. I don't think it's a secret that we're by far the most ambitious company to come out of this last generation of companies in the enterprise space: And you can quote me on that.

Sprinklr is not alone, of course, in asserting that brands are being replaced by experiences. "The brand is what people experience," Thomas says, "and social is the foundation of customer experience." The move is from one way interactions to bi-directional conversations, and the ability to manage this conversation across dozens of channels is now key to business success. How does it feel to have joined the experience chorus, alongside Salesforce, Adobe, Marketo, and all the rest?

"I have no time to think about the other guys," said Thomas. "The sun is shining, we love them all." But, he added: "We're on a mission. Every company on earth needs what we're building. The fun is only beginning."

The Sprinklr experience cloud (needed by "every company," but Thomas will admit built for the enterprise) includes cloud-based platforms for social, marketing, advertising (although not yet including execution beyond social channels), research, care, and commerce.

Spare a thought too for the woman with probably the most difficult job in content marketing today, Dana Brooks Reinglass. She's the first person to be hired for the Chief Storyteller position at United Airlines. After a career with Oprah, she seems to have developed a thick skin. "Thanks for not booing me," she said, taking the #ThinkContent stage.

Monday Stack logo by Hilary Allison

See the rest here:
The Monday Stack: Every Company on Earth Needs Sprinklr - DMN

Social Media: How to use humor in your marketing – The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines

May 13, 2017 at 8:06 pm | Print View

Having a sense of humor can help your brand standout exponentially. Nothing delivers connection and meaning faster than making someone laugh.

As comedian Louis CK notes, The goal of comedy is to just laugh, which is a really high-hearted thing, (about) visceral connection and reaction.

In addition to comedy, C.K. knows a thing or two about branding and marketing. Advertising Age ranked him at the top of their Digital A-List in 2012 for rethinking how artists interact with their fans. A recent Nielsen study found that 47 percent of global respondents said that humorous ads resonated the most.

Why Humor Helps

For scrappy businesses, Humor can help you stand out in a crowded world, says Tim Washer, creative director at Cisco. In this role, Washer produces hilarious videos for the B2B software brand including a popular ad introducing a new server as the ideal Valentines Day gift. (Nothing says I love you like six times the mobile backhaul capacity.)

In rolling out their new mail-order service, Dollar Shave Club needed to cut through the clutter of the billion-dollar razor industry. They did so with a hilarious 90-second video that offers a mix of on-target product benefits conveyed in a distinct brand voice.

Forty-eight hours after the videos debut on YouTube, Dollar Shave Club was laughing all the way to the bank with 12,000 people signed up for their service.

Theres no limit to who can use humor. You arent bound by size, industry, budget or any other constraint. So how do you get started?

Start with the Right People

BarkBox has a lot of fun with their marketing. For an example, check out their posts on #HumpDay which takes on new meaning when your business is dog products. So how do they do it?

I dont find myself to be the funniest person in the room. But because of that, Ive only hired people on my team who are genuinely funny, says Stacie Grissom, Bark & Cos editor-in-chief. Humor is something that needs to come naturally. And if it doesnt come naturally to you find someone to help you out.

Create a role like Cisco did or simply hire for humor. Bottom line surround yourself with the right people.

How to Tell Funny (Brand) Stories

Most comedy tells stories. As such, many of those same story elements are critical in telling a funny story for your brand.

l Plot Kurt Vonnegut famously called them story shapes but ultimately there are only a few different common plots out there. What kind of story are you trying to tell?

l Character Your main character shouldnt be your brand it should be about your audience.

l Conflict Most comedy comes from pain. In many cases your customers are in pain and you can help them. Humor allows you to explore this by casting pain in a comedic light.

We werent laughing at the Wheres the beef? lady in the Wendys ads. We were laughing with her at the sad state of the fast-food hamburger.

l Voice Humor has to fit your brand voice. For years, Charmin embraced a family friendly voice in talking about bathroom business. Thats why they regularly use scatological puns and the hashtag #tweetfromtheseat to weigh in on current events and pop culture but still in a G-rated context.

I dont think theres any brand that shouldnt be funny, says Eric Munn of Onion Labs, the content services division of the venerable comedy brand, The Onion, which works with brands such as Audi, Bacardi, and Overstock to create engaging and humorous content on their platforms.

Surround yourself with funny people and use the tools of storytelling archetypes, characters, conflict and voice to find a way of embracing humor that fits for your brand. Go forth and be funny!

l Nick Westergaard is founder of Brand Driven Digital;; @NickWestergaard

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Social Media: How to use humor in your marketing - The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines

51% of U.S. SMBs have no Facebook Page – Social Marketing … – BizReport

Manta's survey of 4,700 small businesses in the U.S. (fewer than 10 employees) found that only 49% had a Facebook Page. The main objectives for having a Facebook presence were cited as being awareness, attract new customers (by phone or by website traffic), and customer retention.

However, half of those SMBs with a Facebook Page were seeing a positive ROI, found Mantra. This might be explained by other findings of the survey such as 58% spending less than an hour a week on Facebook marketing and only 9% posting daily (the majority (58%) posting "a few times a month").

Manta interviewed social media experts to come up with answers to common questions asked by business owners about Facebook. Regarding the topic of post frequency, Allison Baker, social media and marketing coordinator for H2O Media Inc., recommended one to three times per day.

"You don't want to bombard your followers, but you don't want them to forget about you either," advised Baker. "Having a consistent, daily presence is extremely important on social media. Even if you're only posting something like an inspirational quote, your followers will still see your business name and logo, and this will keep you top of mind."

Earlier this year a survey of small businesses by B2B ratings and review firm, Clutch, found that many small business owners are not using social media, instead harking back to marketing headlines from several years ago that expressed doubt in the value of Likes or Tweets.

"They are missing out because of their own viewpoint on the topic, [made] from believing five- to six-year-old headlines and not recapturing the maturation of the space," said Joshua Dirks, CEO of Project Bionic, a Seattle-based creative marketing agency.

Tags: marketing, research, small business, social media

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51% of U.S. SMBs have no Facebook Page - Social Marketing ... - BizReport

The Rules of Social Media Marketing Success: Listen and Plan – CMSWire

Any social media strategy before you tweet, before you pin starts with listening PHOTO: William Iven

Social media marketing leveled the playing field for marketers in companies of all sizes.

When done right, it offers a direct connection with your customers and insight into their needs, their attitudes towards your (and your competitor's) brand and their context.

When done wrong, it's amazing the outsized headaches 140 characters can make.

In this four-part series I'll be sharing the eight mandates that set your social media marketing strategy up for success so you hopefully avoid those headaches.

I believe that listening is the single most important key for marketers who want to be successful in social media.

Although the average person spends about 45 percent of his or her waking hours listening, most of us are simply not very good at it. Various studies conducted over the years have shown that we comprehend and retain only about 25 percent of what we hear.

With that challenge so prevalent, applying good listening strategies and skills in the social media environment becomes even more critical.

"Intentional listening," as my friend and colleague Eric Fletcher calls it, should be front and center in your social media marketing strategy, as it plays an integral role in ensuring that you can find your target audience, hear and understand their wants and needs, and then effectively communicate with them in such a way that establishes trust and strong, long-lasting relationships.

At the outset of your social media marketing program even before implementing your listening tactics do your homework. Conduct surveys and focus groups. Gather responses and evaluate. And spend some quality time "lurking and learning" on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media channels to find out what your target audience has to say.

Finally, make sure you're carefully monitoring your competitors as well. Are they listening to their constituents or just broadcasting marketing messages? You'll have to do a little old-fashioned detective work, but remember that with social media, the playing field truly has been leveled. You don't have to guess about who's doing what just listen.

Too many marketers jump right in and start using various social tools such as Twitter, Google plus and blogs before they've even developed a strategic plan or thought about how those activities might impact the rest of their marketing initiatives.

Don't make that mistake. Take a little time to determine how to best integrate social media into your existing marketing strategy and mix. It'll pay off for you.

Step one in the planning process is to nail down specific social media objectives, based on the listening activities detailed in the first mandate. Now that you know what your constituents care about and are discussing on social media, how does that impact the messages you need to communicate to them? Step two is to integrate your social media strategy into your overall marketing strategy to ensure you can leverage your resources efficiently and effectively and that common goals can be more easily reached.

If you work for a large enterprise, you have two significant advantages over a small business when it comes to planning and budgeting for a social media marketing program. First, your company's DNA most likely has a built-in "think strategically" strand, and second, it also probably has a fairly large wallet.

If, however, you work for or own a small business, you have an advantage as well. You most likely can make strategic decisions and launch new marketing programs fairly quickly. That can be a huge benefit in the fast-paced social media world.

Finally, be sure you're prepared to monitor and measure your impact and progress. Establishing benchmarks and other metrics that can be tracked over time will help you better understand what's working and what's not, and thus be able to make whatever adjustments are necessary to ensure the success of your social media marketing activities.

Check in next week for the next post in this series, where we will discuss developing relationships and establishing trust.

Kent Huffman is a fractional/on-demand CMO at DigiMark Partners, which offers strategic and tactical marketing services to CEOs and owners of small and mid-sized businesses. He is a growth-oriented B2B and B2C marketing and branding executive, C-suite advisor, change agent, and published author with expertise in virtually all aspects of the marketing discipline.

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The Rules of Social Media Marketing Success: Listen and Plan - CMSWire