Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

The Best Social Media Marketing Services of 2016

The internet is one of your most powerful tools when it comes to building name recognition and driving consumers to your business. Whether your company has a brick and mortar location, exclusively online or a combination of both, online marketing is essential to your success. One critical component of using the internet for advertising is effectively using social media to your advantage. Research shows that over 80% of internet users spend the majority of their time on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus. While each social platform has basic tools to help you create an ad and promote your services, social media marketing services are specially designed to help you quickly pinpoint your audience, which social media they are accessing, critical SEO terms and the best placement of your marketing materials so you don't have to waste money through trial and error.

We reviewed several social media marketing services and narrowed it down to the top ten. We chose WebiMax, Ignite Social Media and Customer Magnetism as the top services in social media advertising. We've also included articles on social media to further help you promote your business using the internet.

Most social media marketing companies we reviewed list their clients and the success each has seen using that particular company. Most have some pretty big names from a variety of industries so you can gauge how successful your particular campaign may be, based on other industry leaders' success. Here are some additional points we made note of while reviewing the best social media marketing companies.

Profile Creation & Management Social media marketing services vary by the depth of the tools offered. Most take over your social media profiles and manage them for you. A few, including the top social media marketing company, help you create a business social medial profile from the beginning, then either hand the reins over to you or continue to manage it for you.

Most social media marketing services help you develop a marketing strategy, taking into account important demographics to define your target audience, best SEO and keywords to help snag high volumes of searches. The best services use geo-specific targeting so local customers that have the best likelihood of using your services are reached. In addition to creating an advertising strategy, look for a service that assists you in creating the content whether that is educational articles, infographics or video. It is also helpful if the service has experience in link building, connecting each of your social media profiles and company website together, which in turns help rank you high on search engine searches.

Performance Monitoring & Reports Creating a strategy and managing your campaign is an important part of a social media marketing company, but it is also important to monitor the success of the campaign and make adjustments as necessary. The best social media marketing services monitor your online reputation, making sure your brand is being viewed favorably and quickly jumping on any negative comments or reports. Additionally, these services should be able to provide you with plenty of data about the increased viewers and followers of each of your social media profiles.

Help & Support It is important with any business service to have access to the account manager or team that is assigned to your social media campaign. You want to be able to communicate your wishes but also have someone proactive in contacting you on a regular basis about the success of your social media promotions. Telephone and email support is available with all of the social media companies we reviewed. Some have the option of connecting with live chat or even Skype, ensuring you always have a way to contact your media team.

Most companies have blogs and articles that touch on some of the trends on social media. However, the best social media services offer training to you or your social media team so that you can eventually bring the management of your business profiles in house. Training materials include in-depth training articles, webinars and one-on-one training sessions.

Social media marketing is an important tool for growing your online image. It takes time and the right marketing company to make it work. Finding the best social media management service is becoming more and more essential, but choosing the right one can take your business to the next help and help you reach a new audience while retaining your current clientele.

See the original post here:
The Best Social Media Marketing Services of 2016

Social Marketing Evidence Base : PSI

The Evidence That Social Marketing Works What is Social Marketing?

A strategy that uses marketing concepts product design, appropriate pricing, sales and distribution, and communications to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and communities for the greater good. Social marketing programs sell subsidized products through commercial sector outlets like pharmacies, distribute products for free, deliver health services through social franchises, and promote behaviors not dependent upon a product or service, like hand washing.

Download an infographic of The Social Marketing Evidence Base (PDF) | Spanish Version | French Version

Social marketing can make people healthier

Successful social marketing programs seek insight into their consumers and the market and target segments of the population most likely to change

Effective approaches, like condom social marketing and social franchising of health services, should be replicated and scaled up

More social marketing evaluations are needed to fill gaps in the evidence

In response to questions about the effectiveness of social marketing in global health, we systematically reviewed all literature published between 1995 and 2013 on social marketing for HIV, reproductive health, malaria, child survival, and tuberculosis in developing countries. After reviewing more than 6500 studies, we found 109 studies looking at whether social marketing makes people healthier. Here's what these studies tell us about what social marketing programs can achieve.

20 Studies: Increases in risk perception, knowledge, and self-efficacy about HIV/AIDS

10 Studies: Positive changes in social norms and attitudes about modern contraception and family planning

20 Studies: 18-40% increases in insecticide-treated bednet ownership. Free distribution may outperform social marketing in increasing coverage

21 Studies: Improvements in knowledge and attitudes about water treatment, zinc treatment, vitamin supplements, and food fortifications

18 Studies: Up to 100% increase in HIV condom use, 49% reduction in needle sharing, and increase in HIV testing. No effects for partner reduction

13 Studies: Up to 55% increase RH in modern contraceptive use. Improvements in service utilization and quality of care

21 Studies: 15-40% increases for infant use of bednets. 20-40% increases for other populations. Three studies on malaria treatment

28 Studies: Up to 25% increase in LD latrine use, 43% increase in chemically IVAL treating water. Increases in consumption of nutrient-rich and fortifed foods

1 Study: 64% increase in sputum smear testing

8 Studies: Reductions of up to 53% in HIV prevalence and 77% in STI prevalence, and 79% increase in STI cure rate

1 Study: No difference in unplanned pregnancy found between treatment and control

10 Studies: Reductions in parasitemia, anemia, and child mortality

11 Studies: 5% reduction in anemia, increases in serum retinol in women and children, statistically significant reduction in diarrhea

2 Studies: 50% increase in TB case notification rate and 52% increase in new cases of smear positive pulmonary TB

The Social Marketing Evidence Base is a resource that compiles evaluations of social marketing interventions by PSI, other NGOs, and academic institutions in the health areas where we work. To develop this resource, we completed these steps:

Read more about PSIs methodology for the Social Marketing Evidence Base (PDF)

Designed by Elefint Designs

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Social Marketing Evidence Base : PSI

Social Media Marketing Training for Startups – Udemy

Dan Martell skydives and snowboards and believes running is among the secrets to a fruitful life. But the 31-year-old Moncton, N.B., native insists business is his sport.

With a background in computer programming but no formal business training, Dans passion for technology and business has meant he has had a hand in launching several companies to date.

Dan has been described as not having a knowing-doing gap. At 25, and just 10 months into his 2004 start-up, Spheric Technologies Inc., the Canadian firm was landing so many deals south of the border that instead of seeking visa sponsorships for his traveling employees, he moved quickly to set up a U.S. office. Growing by an average of 152% per year, Spheric raked in three business awards before he sold the company in mid-2008.

An award winning Entrepreneur, Dan recently co-founded Flowtown, a social marketing platform focused on helping small businessesachievereal results in the world of social media. Now living in San Francisco, Martell spends the majority of his time looking at ways to build a bridge between Silicon Valley and New Brunswick. As an informal angel investor, he is active in advising entrepreneurs usingtheLean Startup approachto gain market adoption.

An avid reader who dreams of remaining a lifelong student, Dan invests in startups whose opportunities and ideas he can get excited about. His philosophy is to build companies that solve the business problems he faces. He takes risks in work and life and focuses on the journey over the reward. Martell is relentless in his work ethic if a job has to get done, hell do it right away.

Martell is a board member of Propel ICT and StartupWeekend, a startup advisor to YearOneLabs and500Startups. He is passionately involved in facilitating micro-lending to entrepreneurs in developing countries through the non-profit,


Email: dan.martell [ at ] gmail [dot] com

Read more here:
Social Media Marketing Training for Startups - Udemy

How Nonprofits Sell Behavior Change with Social Marketing

One example of a social campaign. The Ad Council produced this campaign to get kids to brush their teeth. Ad Council

Updated November 09, 2015.

For many nonprofit managers, marketing equals fundraising.

But your organization exists for more than just bringing in donations. By using social marketing methods for behavior change, you can boost the effectiveness of programs and activities that are the reason your organization exists to make a difference.

Social marketing uses the same tools and techniques of commercial marketing, but its purpose is to bring about positive health and social change.

The bottom line for social marketing is behavior change.

Social marketing, as described here, is different from using social media to communicate or peer-to-peer and consumer-generated content.

Indeed, this social marketing has been around for over several decades, used to address issues around the world, from family planning, to HIV/AIDS, to breast cancer screening.

When social marketers develop a program strategy, they consider the same elements of the marketing mix as commercial marketers.

However, the social marketing mix has to be adjusted to take into account the unique nature of the products and environments with which they work.

What does the social marketing mix look like, and how is it different from the Four Ps that commercial marketers use?

The social marketing product is not usually a tangible item although it can be (condoms, for instance).

Social marketers sell a particular behavior. While you may be promoting a life-saving or life-improving practice, quite often social marketing behaviors are things that people don't particularly want to do, such as eat more fiber, conserve water, exercise, or get a colonoscopy.

To address this issue, you must use the same tools as commercial marketing to promote the product's benefits based on the target audience's core values. Show them how using the product helps them become the person they want to be.

While adopting the product may have a monetary cost, more significant price considerations are social and emotional costs.

These include:

The strategic issue is to figure out how to reduce the "price" as much as possible and make it easy and stress-free to perform the behavior.

How will you make the product available? How and where can people perform the action? Where can they get the product?

The idea of a camera's aperture is relevant here.

Just like a camera's lens opens and shuts very quickly to let in the light when you take a picture, you have only a small window of opportunity to get your message through to the target audience at a time and place they can act on it.

Your potential participants will not go out of their way to look for your messages. You need to go to them and provide the opportunity to learn quickly and easily about the product and perform the behavior.

Promotional approaches for social marketing do not differ much from those used by commercial marketers.

One key difference may lie in the types of target audiences addressed. Many are not the kinds of consumers that a for-profit business would even consider going after.

They may be low-income, unable to speak English, difficult to find, and uninterested in making any changes in their lives.

Social marketers must be creative in the ways they promote their products to these hard-to-reach populations.

And because of the inherent challenges faced by social marketing programs, I have added four more Ps to the social marketing mix

When planning and managing a social marketing campaign, you must take into account all of the people who can affect the success of the program, such as the external publics, the target audience, groups that influence the target audience, policymakers, the media, and others outside the organization.

Just as important, there are the people within your organization that you must convince or inform.

For instance Board members and management staff must approve your plans. Even the receptionist who answers the phones needs to know what to do when someone calls in response to your campaign.

Many social marketing issues are so big that one organization cannot address them. That's when you need partners to pull off a particular campaign.

Potential partners include organizations (other nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses) that have one or more of the following attributes:

Government or organizational policies can act as a catalyst for social change on a large scale.

When policies provide an environment of support for a particular behavior, people are much more likely to make that behavior change and stay with it.

For example, nonsmoking workplace policies make it easier for smokers to quit by ensuring that they do not see others lighting up around them, thus removing social cues to smoking.

Unlike businesses, many nonprofit organizations cannot automatically set aside a percentage of their revenue for marketing activities.

Social marketers must be creative and proactive in seeking funding for their campaigns from sources such as corporate partners, foundations, donations, and government agencies.

Use the social marketing mix to go beyond fundraising. Use marketing to make an impact on the lives of the people your organization exists to serve.

Read the original:
How Nonprofits Sell Behavior Change with Social Marketing

11 Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics You Need to …

Twitter recently announced that it has started to add content to users timelines, and it will continue. Facebook uses the Edgerank algorithm, which was developed by Facebook to govern what is displayed and how high the display is placed on the News Feed. YouTube continuously plays pre-roll videos before sports clips that you try and watch.

It seems that organic content continues to diminish as the social media titans try to expand their advertising revenue. The late Jim Henson was famously quoted as saying,

If you cant beat them. Join them.

Should social media marketers adhere to the Kermit creators words of wisdom and shift focus to the paid advertising side? If your organic content is not being recognized, the answer might be an astounding yes.

Below are 11 fascinating social media marketing facts and statistics, which will blow the mind of all social gurus. Even if you consider yourself the Cookie Monster of paid advertising on social, the astounding statistics provided below do not lie in regards to how businesses are flocking to promote their content on social media.

Advertising on more established social networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube now provide yearly data, which demonstrates the relevancy of promoting content via social media. Whether you are one of the major players like Samsungadvertising heavily on Facebook or a smaller company, like an apartment community in Charlotte, the results will speak for themselves.

Newer platforms like Instagram have allowed selective companies to start advertising on its photo sharing application. According to Tech Crunch, the reason why Instagram is so popular is because of the limited distractions on the application (hence, no advertisements). The real question is how social marketers will react if the organic reach via social continues to decrease. Creating compelling content is time consuming and the backbone of social. As the saying goes, With hard work comes great reward. If there is no reward for the organic content that is being created, some of the most powerful social networks could start to lose users. Unless marketers accept that in order to be seen, you must pay a pretty penny. If this is the case, the statistics referenced above will just continue to grow.

Author bio: Jason Parks is the owner of The Media Captain, a Social Marketing and SEO Company.

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11 Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics You Need to ...