Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Social Tools – Salesfusion Marketing Automation

Integrate social media with your digital campaigns from inside Salesfusion

Salesfusion offers tools that help you monitor social networks, publish or share content and manage your online reputation.

The social signals tool is designed to help you engage with individuals who are talking about, or seeking answers to, specific keyword sets. It identifies people who meet your search criteria and facilitates automated nurturing through twitter. It also allows you to view profiles and respond directly to people who may be interested in your products and services.

You can also shorten URLs for online publishing. The published URLs can identify individuals by email address who clicked and which social network or post they originated. If these leads convert to customers, Salesfusion can track that to help you monetize your social media efforts.

Social sharing widgets make it easy for you to extend the reach of your email campaigns, digital content and landing pages. As people share your content, they may be scored differently in the lead scoring model and tracked as social advocates.

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Social Tools - Salesfusion Marketing Automation

Social Media – The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace

Sticky: Social Media Posting Guidelines




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Social Media - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace

Social Media Marketing | OrangeSoda

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Expand your online footprint with social media marketing services. Get quality, custom content and distribution across all the major social networks; dedicated account management and strategy advice from our social media experts on how to make your business more engaging and social.

Scroll down to learn more about our Social Media services or click on the button below to get in touch with an OrangeSoda sales representative.

Establish brand presence on major social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn.

Our social marketing experts will help determine the best geographic and demographic targets for your Facebook Ads campaign.

Monthly posts on all the major social networks will help keep your business relevant and engaging.

Our experts will consult you on the best strategies for your business social media marketing efforts.

Apart from setting up your social profiles, the social team at OrangeSoda can help you amplify your social presence and content with Facebook ads. Well work with you to create optimized copy that drives results and clickthroughs.

Learn more about how Social Media Marketing can boost your business online marketing efforts!

Social Media Resources Page

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Social Media Marketing | OrangeSoda

Social Marketing Theory – Scribd

Social Marketing Theory

by Hendrika MeischkeSocial marketing theory is a combination of theoretical perspectives and a set of marketingtechniques. Social marketing has been defined as: "the design, implementation, and control ofprograms seeking to increase the acceptability of a social idea or practice in a target group.


Itutilizes concepts of market segmentation, consumer research, idea configuration,communication, facilitation, incentives, and exchange theory to maximize target groupresponse.


In social marketing the intervention is developed from a solid base of communicationand social-psychological theories: marketing techniques are used to supplement messagedevelopment and program implementation.


Social Marketing theory is based on the "

marketing philosophy

" that people will adopt newbehaviors, or ideas if they feel that something of value is exchanged between him/her and the"social marketer".


Thus, one of the goals of a social marketer should be to meet consumer needsand wants The "something" can be a tangible product (i.e., oral contraceptive) or an idea (i.e.,notion of family planning) or both. Another assumption is that well-honed and demonstrablyeffective techniques from the commercial business sector can successfully and efficiently beapplied to advance social causes.


These techniques include

the five "P's"- product, price,place, promotion and positioning.

In brief, the


refers to the behavior (i.e., eating lowfat foods) or idea (i.e., eat five fruits and vegetables a day for better health) that the audienceneeds to accept. A product line refers to the variety in which the product can be promoted (i.e.drink fruit juice instead of eating a banana) to attain the goal of adoption of the product. The


of the product refers to the monetary as well as the non-monetary cost of a product. Thesenon-monetary costs include psychological, social, or convenience costs. For instance, promotionof a low fat diet may not only require buying higher priced low fat products but also increasedifficulty in obtaining such products, preparing them and making them part of a new lifestyle.Reducing these costs greatly increase the chances that a new idea/product will be adopted. The


refers to the distribution sites of the product. The greater the number of distribution sitesand the more convenient and appropriate the places where the product can be found the betterchance that awareness and use of the product is facilitated.


of a product refers to theways in which the audience is made aware of the product, such as use of advertisements, directmarketing and other avenues. In the promotion of a product social marketing campaigns rely onthe

interaction between mass media and interpersonal channels

for increasing awareness andfacilitating change.


refers to the psychological "image" of the product. For instance,the promotion of a low fat diet can be "positioned" as a healthy way to a "slimmer" body, or, away to reduce the chances of getting health disease or certain types of cancer.Social-psychological theories, complemented with empirical evidence, are important inestablishing the variables of importance for adoption of the "product". Careful definition of theproblem and clear objective setting are important to any campaign. However, the mostsignificant contribution of social marketing has been the strong focus on consumer needs.


Tomaximize the five P's in a social marketing campaign, identification of needs and wants of"consumer" is key to successful marketing of ideas and behaviors. To find out more about theneeds and wants of the audience is to conduct intensive

audience analysis

, includingpreproduction and production research


, and to design campaign elements for differentsubgroups (

audience segmentation

). Audience segmentation refers to the process of breakingdown the mass audience into smaller subgroups that are internally as homogeneous as possiblewhile being as different as possible from other groups. However, the "audience" in a social

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Social Marketing Theory - Scribd

How To Create A Social Media Marketing Plan In 6 Steps

So now you need to create a social media marketing plan. No easy task, right? Many of us struggle to iron out exactly what that is, let alone how to build one from scratch.

Put simply, every action you take on social networks should be a part of a larger social media marketing strategy. That means every Tweet, reply, like and comment should all be guided by a plan and driving towards pre-determined goals. It might sound complicated, but if you take the time to create a comprehensive social media plan, the rest of your social efforts should follow naturally. Everyone can do this if they approach it correctly.

Learn what a social media marketing plan should include, and follow our 6-step plan for creating your own:

A social media marketing plan is the summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve for your business using social networks. This plan should comprise an audit of where your accounts are today, goals for where you want them to be in the near future, and all the tools you want to use to get there.

In general, the more specific you can get with your plan, the more effective youll be in its implementation. Try and keep it concise and dont make your social media marketing strategyso lofty and broad that its unattainable. This plan will guide your actions, but it will also be a measure by which you determine whether youre succeeding or failing at social media. You dont want to set yourself up for failure from the outset.

The first step to any social media marketing strategy is to establish objectives and goals that you hope to achieve. Having these objectives also allows you to quickly react when social media campaigns are not meeting your expectations. Without these goals, you have no means of gauging your success and no means of proving your return on investment.

These goals should be aligned with your broader marketing strategy, so that your social media efforts all drive towards business objectives. If your social media marketing strategy is shown to drive business goals forward, youre more likely to get executive buy-in and investment. They should also go beyond vanity metrics like retweets or Likes, in favour of more advanced metrics like leads generated, sentiment or website traffic referred. Strive to approach these goals using the SMART approach, meaning they should all be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

A simple way to start your social media marketing plan is by writing down at least three social media goals. Make sure to ask yourself what the goal will look like when completed, and use that to determine how you will track it.

For example:

For Instagram we will share photos that communicate our company culture. We will do this by posting 3 photos a week that will achieve 30 likes plus 10 comments each.

Prior to creating your social media marketing plan, you need to assess your current social media use and how it is working for you. This requires figuring out who is currently connecting to you via social media, which social media sites your target market uses and how your social media presence compares to your competitors.

Weve created a social media audit template that you can follow for each step of the process:

Once youve conducted your audit you should have a clear picture of every social account representing your business, who runs or controls them, and what purpose they serve. This living inventory should be maintained regularly, especially as you scale your business.

It should also be evident which accounts need to be updated and which need to be deleted altogether. Reporting fraudulent accounts will help ensure that people searching for you online are only connecting with the branded accounts you manage and your approved messaging.

An important part of your social media marketing plan will be to create mission statements for each social network profile. These one-sentence statements will help you focus your attention on a very specific goal you want to accomplish using Facebook, Twitter or any other social network. They will guide your actions and help steer you back on track when these profiles become less effective. They also force you to realize that not every social network is good for the right thing. Instagram might be great for selling a clothing brand, but for construction supplies Facebook might be a better medium. Take the time you need to determine the purpose of every social profile you have. If you cant figure out its purpose, you should probably delete that profile.

Mission statement example: We will use Instagram to showcase our company culture to recruit new talent.

To help with creating these mission statements, learn about your audience on each profile by using Forresters Social Technology Profile Tool. This will provide you with data that classifies consumers into seven levels of how they engage with technology. By profiling your customers habits on technology, youll be able to gain a clear perspective on where each of your social media profile stands with your customers.

Once youve audited your accounts, its time to hone your online presence. Choose what networks best meet your social media goals. If you dont already have social media profiles on each network you focus on, build them from the ground up with your broader goals and audience in mind. If you do have existing accounts, its time to refine them and update them for your best possible results.

Weve created a guide on How to Set-up Facebook, Twitter and Every Other Major Social Network to walk you through that process. Every social network has a different audience and should be treated definitely. See how you can optimize your profiles themselves to meet any of your business goals. Optimizing profiles for SEO can help generate more web traffic to your online properties. Cross-promoting social accounts could help you grow the reach of content. In general, social media profiles should be filled out completely, images and text optimized for the social network in question.

One of the most important reasons for being active on social media is that your consumers already are. That usually means, so are your competitors. That might not be comforting, but it actually means that theres a wealth of knowledge already available to you which you can integrate into your social media marketing plan. Turn to your competitors for inspiration when it comes to what content types and information get the most social media engagement. Also, use social media listening to see how you could distinguish yourself from competitors and appeal to consumers they might be missing.

Consumers can also offer social media inspiration, not only through the content that they share but in the way that they phrase their messages. See how your target audience writes Tweets, and strive to mimic that style. Also learn their habits, when they share and why, and use that as a basis for your social media marketing plan.

A final source of social media inspiration is industry leaders. There are giants who simply do an incredible job of social media marketing, from Red Bull and Taco Bell to KLM Airlines and Tangerine Bank. Companies in every industry imaginable have managed to distinguish themselves through advanced social media strategies. Follow them and learn everything you can. Dont be afraid to do research and see if theyve shared any social media advice or insight elsewhere on the web.

Here are a few suggested sources of inspiration:

Great content will be essential to succeeding at social media. Your social media marketing plan should include a content marketing plan, comprised of strategies for content creation and content curation, as well as an editorial calendar.

Your content marketing plan should answer the following questions:

Your editorial calendar lists the dates and times you intend to post blogs, Facebook posts, Twitter messages and other content you may plan to use during your social media campaigns. Create the calendar and then schedule your messaging in advance rather than updating constantly throughout the day. You want to work hard on the language and format of these messages anyways. Be spontaneous with your engagement and customer service rather than your content.

Make sure your calendar reflects the mission statement youve assigned to each social profile. If the purpose of your LinkedIn account is to generate leads, make sure you are sharing enough lead generation content. Hootsuites Senior Director of Social Media Jaime Stein recommends establishing a content matrix that defines what share of your profile is allocated to different types of posts. For example:

If youre unsure of how to allocate your resources, a safe bet is to follow the Social Media Rule of Thirds.

To find out what adjustments need to be made to your social media marketing strategy, you should constantly be testing. Build testing capabilities into every action you take on social networks. Track your links using url shorteners and utm codes. Use Hootsuites social media analytics to track the success and reach of social campaigns. Track page visits driven by social media with Google analytics. Record and analyze your success and failures, and then adjust your social media marketing plan in response.

Surveys are also a great way you can gauge success. According to Jaime Stein, these work both online and offline. Ask your social media followers, email list and website visitors how youre doing on social media. This direct approach is often very effective. Then ask your offline customers if social media had a role in their purchasing. This insight might prove invaluable when you look for where to improve.

The most important thing to understand about your social media plan is that it should be constantly changing. As new networks emerge, you may want to add them to your plan. As you attain goals, you may need to adjust them or find new goals for each network. New challenges might present themselves that you need to address. As you scale your business, you might need to add new roles or grow your social presence for different branches or countries. This is a plan that is meant to change, so be flexible and open to these changes. Rewrite your strategy to reflect your latest insight, and make sure your team is aware of what has been updated.

Learn more about how to measure social media ROI for your business.

Watchthis webinar for practical tactics and examples:

Setting the foundation for success on social media means creating a solid strategy to work from. The hard part is knowing where to start. In this 60-minute webinar, well cover simple steps for getting your social media marketing plan together from setting objectives and goals, to creating a realistic content calendar.

Youll hear from social media professionals at Vega and the Canadian Medical Association, and learn how to:

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How To Create A Social Media Marketing Plan In 6 Steps