Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

7 Popular Goal-Setting Strategies That Will Help You Achieve Great Things on Social Media by @kevanlee

How cool would it be to have 1 million Facebook fans?

This is how I tend to go about setting social media marketing goals. I pull an aspirational number out of the air and go for it.

Would it be cool to have 1 million Facebook fans? Absolutely!

Is this the right way to set goals?

Coming up with goals for our Facebook page and other social media channelshas often been a bit haphazard for me. Imagine having a system of goal-setting to help create rational, achievable goals. This set me out on the research path to look into other popular goal-setting strategies and frameworks that exist and seeing how these might work for social media marketing.

Keep reading below to see five amazing strategies that I found. And feel free to share any thoughts on the way that youve gone about setting strategies for your social media marketing.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

Henry David Thoreau

I love this quote from Thoreau because it emphasizes the process over the end result.

I often find myself wondering what exactly is the best way to set goals or if having no goals at all might be a possibility!

See the original post:
7 Popular Goal-Setting Strategies That Will Help You Achieve Great Things on Social Media by @kevanlee

Social media ROI smackdown: What your business can't afford to ignore

Summary:Harvard Business School professor, Frank V. Cespedes, debates the value of social media and offers important and practical advice to companies and marketers.

Billions of people experience social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as an integral part of their daily life. Social media is where we socialize with friends and cultivate professional relationships. Image by iStockphoto

For brands and corporations, social media is a core part of efforts to engage customers, whether through digital marketing, service and support or other initiatives that touch buyers. The high value of social media is evident to virtually every marketing executive and practitioner.

Despite obvious value, there are some who claim that social media offers little ROI. Among these are Frank V. Cespedes, a faculty member at the Harvard Business School. Frank published a post on the Harvard Business Review site arguing that most businesses do not gain sufficient ROI for their social media investments.

Disagreeing with this perspective, I followed with a blog post explaining why I believe Frank is wrong. Several top marketing practitioners commented in support.

Also read: Is social media really a waste of time? Harvard professor gets it wrong

Well, social media being what it is, Frank has written a rebuttal, which is published below. Although pained at Frank's comment that my post "betrays a lack of economic logic," I take some comfort in the irony of this playing out on social media rather than in private. I'm sure even Frank would agree that social media does bring its own rewards.

In the digital world, ROI is a function of both hard dollars and the currency of attention that can translate into sales. In this case, sales of Frank's book can only benefit from our public discussion. Irony or reality? You decide.

Thank you to Frank V.Cespedesfor writing this guest post. Engaging and interesting debate is truly one of the best parts of our connected, digital, and social world.

The following guest post was written by Frank V. Cespedes. It is unedited except for the addition of links:

Read more from the original source:
Social media ROI smackdown: What your business can't afford to ignore

Facebook for social marketing an organization – Video

Facebook for social marketing an organization

By: Natalie Newman

More here:
Facebook for social marketing an organization - Video

Mobile Marketing for Beginners_mobile web analysis and local strategy_P13 – Video

Mobile Marketing for Beginners_mobile web analysis and local strategy_P13
Mobile Marketing for Beginners advertising mobile analytics and marketing analytics for mobile analytics in marketing analytics mobile web and mobile analytics web marketing analytics web marketing.

By: Digital Consulting For Your Business (Facebook, Google)

Mobile Marketing for Beginners_mobile web analysis and local strategy_P13 - Video

MRM/McCann to digital marketers: Start thinking in moments

Emerging global trends will be amplified by social media. Brands and companies should be able to engage the market and forge a strong, long-term overall brand sentiment. This changes how we market through social media. Its more than getting likes now.

Jason Cruz, social products director at MRM/McCann, recommends having a concrete social media marketing plan. All social assets must have only one general content theme, he says. He also advises digital marketers and social media managers to watch out for the moment.

Sometimes, theres a need to stopthinking about content calendar, to stop thinking in weeks and months, and start thinking in moments, says Cruz.

When the moment happens, your social media team should be poised to produce content thats relevant to your brand and to that particular moment. Then you have a shot at breaking the Internet.

Like what happened on June 19, 2014: When users in several countries got a Facebook down notice, Jasons social media team tweeted a screen capture of the notification against the red background and a tagline: Look whos having a break right now, reminiscent of the popular chocolate wafer brand. It was a real-time response to an infamous social media catastrophe enough to get thousands of worldwide shares and own the moment.

Jason says they were able to post the tweet right away without the companys approval because of their prior agreement with the company to do whats best for the brand as long as it follows the brand book.

Even though the famous tweet that broke the Internet that day seemed spontaneous, Jason reveals they were able to prepare for the moment because of thorough planning.

Learn how to boost your social media marketing strategies from the best. Jason Cruz and other industry thought leaders explain it all in the Certified Digital Marketer Program.

Classes start on March 28, 2015. Register for the Certified Digital Marketer Program today!

See the original post here:
MRM/McCann to digital marketers: Start thinking in moments