Bennington chamber offers Internet, video and social network marketing training
BENNINGTON >> While the Internet is the primary tool of business in the 21st century, some area businesses may have been reluctant to take their business in that direction.
That's why the Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with Jeffrey Grimshaw of American Ingenuity Media to offer an "Internet, video and social media marketing boot camp" once a month; to give organizations the tools they need to use Internet media to their advantage.
The two-day, eight-hour training course has seen limited success since its initiation in December, but the feedback from those who have enrolled, has been overwhelmingly positive.
"The people who have taken this boot camp have been very happy," said chamber Executive Director Joann Erenhouse. "It helps inform people on how to develop their markets, and yes, there is a direct impact."
The next boot camp is taking place this weekend, on both Saturday, Feb. 7 and Sunday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the chamber office, 100 Veteran's Memorial Drive. The cost of the training is $100 for chamber members and $150 for non-chamber members. Call 802-447-3311 to register by Friday. There will be another chance to register for the boot camp on the first full weekend in March, as long as interest permits.
Grimshaw says he is offering the training at very little cost, as much of the registration fee will directly support the chamber.
"We really want to be able to continue to offer this to our members," Erenhouse said. "It's good for the chamber, it's good for those that take it, and what's good for our members is good for the town."
Over 87 percent of American adults now regularly use the Internet, according to a 2014 Pew Research poll. The most popular online activities include social networking, Web search and .com use, accessing videos and online shopping, according to Statista's 2014 dossier on worldwide Internet use; which has changed drastically over the past decade.
Video publishing and a social media presence are two of the biggest components to both online and offline business. Statistical analyses of online views and other Web tools can also help business owners to further understand and cater to its markets.
Web presence is particularly important component in a tourism market, because the Internet can far surpass geographical boundaries, and information can spread naturally and organically through people's own social and professional connections, tapping into unrealized travel, leisure or commercial markets
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Bennington chamber offers Internet, video and social network marketing training