Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Personalized Social Media: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents One of the Latest and Greatest Marketing Trends

Austin, TX (PRWEB) January 15, 2014

Social media adds value to businesses by supplying them with a real-time gage of influence. Generally, social media marketers have worked on a two-point plan:

1. Grow one's social pages as much as possible 2. Promote links and discounts to increase online hits/sales

A new marketing trend, however, is arising within the social media world. Businesses (both large and small) are shifting their focus towards communication with the individual consumer, invariably shrinking social media back to a personalized form.

Although local businesses are more adapt to engaging the traffic that this type of strategy calls for, giant corporations are using their "celebrity" status to wow customers into an increased brand loyalty. Here Shweiki Media Printing Company presents important information on the latest marketing trend, shrinking social media.

Dell's Twitter Feed

Dell is a great example of an industry giant taking the concept of social media personalization seriously. The company has multiple Twitter accounts, including Dell Cares and Dell Cares PRO , that are used exclusively as an ally to combat technical difficulties.

Dell's Dell Outlet account has reportedly generated over $2 million in revenue, exclusively because of their Twitter activity. The companys value lies in its level of service, and its customers are engaged because they are constantly getting the feedback they want, and in many cases, need.

Small Business Use

What small businesses lack in size, they can make up for in flexibility.

Personalized Social Media: Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents One of the Latest and Greatest Marketing Trends

Social Marketing in a Shoe Store (Facebook, RFID) – Video

Social Marketing in a Shoe Store (Facebook, RFID)
Tag #39;by is connecting Waardijk shoe store (NL) with Facebook via OV-Chipkaart (NFC). The solution allows the store to increase their visibility on social netw...

By: Tag #39;by

See original here:
Social Marketing in a Shoe Store (Facebook, RFID) - Video

Somewhere2turn youth produce video voiceovers on how to prevent kids from smoking – Video

Somewhere2turn youth produce video voiceovers on how to prevent kids from smoking
CNN #39;s Catherine Kim looks at the role doctors can play in preventing young people from smoking. For more CNN videos on YouTube, check out .. Lames Reasons to...

By: news

Somewhere2turn youth produce video voiceovers on how to prevent kids from smoking - Video

Prism Motion Pictures (India) TV Commercials Showreel 2014 – Video

Prism Motion Pictures (India) TV Commercials Showreel 2014
Prism Motion Pictures is a production house, with a mission to entertain, create, promote provide all kinds of media solutions and cater to various section...

By: PrismMotionPictures

See original here:
Prism Motion Pictures (India) TV Commercials Showreel 2014 - Video

Tech companies recruit social scientists

Matt Wallaert is not a software engineer. Nor is he a programmer or developer.

Still, it's not unusual for him to get calls regularly from tech companies looking to recruit him.

Wallaert is a social scientist - a behavioural scientist who has done undergraduate and graduate work in psychology.

Wallaert, who also has experience at tech startups, now works at Microsoft Corp with the Bing team, figuring out ways to make it easier for Bing users to make decisions and take actions, as well as ways to wean people off the habit of automatically going to Google for their web searches.

While the idea of social scientists working at tech companies is not new, "There's been a shift in the industry," Wallaert said. "They used to shuffle these people into marketing: 'How do we get them to help sell us more things?' Now, they've shifted us into product: 'How do we actually make the thing better?'"

Tech companies are showing increased interest in the skills social scientists offer, especially with the rising importance of social networking and big data to businesses.

Their roles have become more integrated with specific product groups within companies, rather than segregated to marketing or research.

In the past few years, with the rise of social computing and social media, tech companies have come to understand that "it's not enough to understand the individual user," said Donald Farmer, a Seattle-based vice president of product management at QlikTech, a software company. "You have to understand them in a social context."

"There really is no business anymore that sells directly to one consumer.

"Every enterprise is now a social enterprise."

Tech companies recruit social scientists