Insight from Worldwide Partners Inc. B2B Social Media Experts around the globe.
Denver, CO (PRWEB) November 28, 2012
Go With Goals.
Ingrid Wchter-Lauppe, Wchter & Wchter Worldwide Partners, stresses the importance of defining the goals of a B2B social media campaign. Define your goals. Define your target group, then find them and listen to them. And be sure to define the measurements youll be using.
Wchter-Lauppe goes on to explain the choice of B2B social media differs from B2C because of the need to create trust with the right content. The B2B buying cycle is long and complex in comparison with most B2C cycles, she says. To gain and retain trust is key and the social media recommendations are different. Facebook is less important. LinkedIN, Xing, Blogs and Forums as well as Youtube are better for reaching goals like thought leadership, improving SEO rankings, creating web traffic, getting feedback and lead generation.
As part of your goal setting, remember to integrate social media in your business plan and strategy, Wchter-Lauppe concludes.
Branding Is Better.
Invest in the future and help position your organization in your audience's mind, states Jeff Lucas, of Traction Creative. If you are not actively doing it, your audience may still have perceptionsbut they may not be favourable.
Start by determining where your audience is spending their time online and where they are engaging in conversations, urges Andy DeBrunner, of Godfrey. Listen to what they have to say by monitoring those conversations, then begin participating as a valued member of their community.
Sell To The Individual.
Read the original:
How To Use Consumer Knowledge To Drive B2B Social Marketing