(P)interest-ed in social media marketing?
Are you already promoting your products and services on social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+, etc. You have one more platform called Pinterest. Take your SME to the next level with the help of Pinterest
Businesses that went social with their products and services tasted success. In fact, popular social sites such as Google+ and Facebook are offering exclusive schemes for businesses in general and SMEs in particular to cash in on the opportunity. And that's when social media marketing gathered momentum.
Well, social media marketing has now become the order of the day. It has created a buzz across the globe, though many in India still don't know how to use this effectively for their growth and expansion.
However, the story in the West and other developed markets are different. They are already grappling on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, etc and their success stories are awe-inspiring.
They have now started experimenting with new social sites like Pinterest.
Recently launched, Pinterest has now become the fastest social site to cross the 10 million unique visitor-mark in history. A comScore survey says this innovative social site had registered an average growth of 52 per cent from January to February, 2012, and garnered a mind-blowing 17.8 million users.
This success has evoked a keen interest among businesses around the globe, as they sensed a huge opportunity. As a matter of fact, a few industries in the US have already begun to use it.
The registration process is simple. To join Pinterest, one needs to apply or be invited by somebody. Users can create online virtual pin boards, to which they can pin images. Multiple boards can be created and sorted by their content, and comments can be added. Users can browse through the various boards and follow their creators, and can like images or re-pin them to their own boards.
According to a top executive with a social media consultancy in the US, Pinterest provides a channel to interested consumers and can drive traffic back to a businesss website. It is visual-based and it makes it distinctive from other social sites.
In the country, Pinterest hit the bull's-eye, as its visual nature made it particularly appealing to visual-based businesses, such as weddings websites. The same feature has proved to be popular with the graphic design community, too, for it provides a simple way of visually communicating with clients.
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(P)interest-ed in social media marketing?