561Media.com to Build Several New Custom Social Network Websites
Boca Raton, Feb. 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BOCA RATON, Fla. , Feb. 11, 2012 -- 561Media, Inc., an established leader in the custom social networking and custom website design industry, announced today that it will use its proprietary in-house social software to develop and design unique social network properties for three new clients. 561Media.com has already begun the custom design phase for each of the new properties.
"Social Media is only getting stronger and the growing number of consumers seeking entertainment, information, social interaction and perhaps soon, even commerce through social media platforms, is igniting our industry," said Cary Bartlett, President of 561 Media, Inc.
Joe Raio, Cary's co-owner in 561Media Inc., added "The key is to be both relevant and unique. You have to serve an unmet need and create a social network that differentiates itself from its competitors."
561Media.com has developed from the ground up several very successful and popular custom social network websites including Audiostreet.net, Gamestreet.net, GameLand.com, and IRLife.com. Most recently, they built and launched MyBrightMountain.com, a leading financial bulletin giant.
"We are confident our past successes in social networking, an expanded development team, the implementation of national `branding' techniques, and the same commitment to creative excellence we've had from day one, will result in opening up additional venues in social networking with these three new social media sites," Bartlett said.
January was a busy month for 561Media.com. In addition to the new social media clients, they launched eight new custom designed client websites that included a luxury private jet charter company Luxairus.com, South Florida's first certified free-standing midwife birthing center http://palmsbirthhouse.561media.com, legal online documents provider EZBizdocs.com, Construction & Engineering Group's Almarse.com, Portable Stakeout Alarm Systems' StakeoutSolutions.com, MyVerifiedPro.com, a unique site to verify and promote professionals in numerous industries, Fashion-Forward Swimwear designs by VeredGlaser.com and Crystal Tennis fashions by 10-us.net.
561Media, Inc. is a custom web design, development and Internet marketing company located in Boca Raton, Florida. With industry-leading business strategies, 561 Media is a premier provider of custom Internet marketing products and services. With a unique blend of creativity and technical acumen, 561 Media has experienced monumental growth since inception.
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561Media.com to Build Several New Custom Social Network Websites