Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Soul App Hits the 30 Million MAU Milestone in Four Years, Riding a Nascent Social Network Trend – PRNewswire

Behind SOUL's meteoric rise is a demographic change unfolding in social networking communities. As the first digital native, Generation Z have grown up with increased access to the Internet, spending far greater time online than their older peers. At a time when Internet-based technologies have penetrated every nook and cranny of life and social life in particular nearly 90% of Gen Z surveyed want to expand the ways they socialize through the Internet, as shown in SOUL'sGeneration Z's Social Life Report.

However, most social networks fail to move away from the traditional model centered on pre-existing social circles putting younger users under social pressure who would otherwise express themselves freely and honestly. And yet, Soul App has stood out from the crowd by riding the technological tide of the increasingly matured big data and AI, a trend that helps transform social networking products. The app, from its early days, has aimed to serve as a social platform where people connect with each other in a simple, genuine way. Committed to this founding conception, Soul App leverages efficient machine learning algorithms and models to auto-recommend interesting people and content based on individual user's distinct characteristics such as personality and hobbies.

The app's algorithm-enabled friend recommendation system Planet and personalized content feeds allow users to spot someone after their own hearts. Specifically, Soulers can tap their Planet to make matches and interact directly with their friends through various features including Audio Call and Soul Cam. They can also find potential like-minded friends as they scroll through intriguing posts made by others, where shared interests lead to blossoming friendships.

In addition, Soul App has launched many creative designs to create a stress-free space to encourage genuine exchanges. For example, its recommendation system gives more weight to high-quality and desired content than trending topics, allowing every user a fair chance to post what they want without worries about views. To focus communication on one's soul rather than appearance, the app has also introduced Memoji, a personalized emoji to encourage users to express their own feelings.

With an efficient matching system, diversified social experiences, and a stress-free atmosphere, SOUL fully satisfies Gen Z's multi-scenario social needs that require instant feedback in a fragmented time slots, thus enlarging its user base and stickiness at a swift and sustained pace. At present, Soul App boasts an Average Daily Time of over 60 minutes and an interaction ratio among MAU of over 95%.

Going forward, Soul App has the potential to play a greater role in Gen Z's social life. Product-wise, long-form content, the pay-for-knowledge model, and games all point to meaningful growth opportunities. From the industry perspective, Soul App, home to 100 million young users, is poised to turn into an ideal place where consumer brands targeting Gen Z are able to drive traffic. In the face of the emerging Gen Z economy, SOUL stands ready to serve as an empowerment platform while unlocking the untapped commercial and social value embedded in social networking services.


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Soul App Hits the 30 Million MAU Milestone in Four Years, Riding a Nascent Social Network Trend - PRNewswire

Bebo Is Coming Back This Month, And It’s Time To Admit That There’s Been No Better Social Media – Junkee

In case you missed the glorious news: The iconic 00s social media site Bebo is coming back!

Yep, millennials its finally our time to shine. No longer do we have to try and blend in with Gen Z on TikTok because Bebo announced over the weekendthat it would return in February 2021 as a brand-new social network, according to their website.

Sadly, this does meanthat all of our old accounts, data, and cringey, overexposed selfies from many years ago are gone forever. But, on the plus side, the site has shared that theyve already banned Trump from the platform before its even launched. Praise be.

The new platform has actually been developed by the original founders of the 2005 site, so its bound to be great. However, there hasbeen no confirmation on whether the new social platform will incorporate the iconic elements of the original site.

Arguably a whole lot better than MySpace (dont tell 80s and early 90s babies that) and way more inventive than Facebook (dont tell boomers and people with kids that), Bebo had so many features that we are currently desperately missing on social media.

So here are all the things that made Bebo the best social networking website of all time:

The biggest rush you could get in high school was receiving one of someones three luvs for the day. Sure, it personally caused me to have several mental breakdowns along the way, but stalking how many luvs your friends had and watching who gave them to your crush was truly thrilling stuff.

On Facebook, the only thing close to an other half is when you update your relationship status with your partner or turn your friend into your sister. But not on Bebos watch normalise platonic other halves!

The only real problem the other half feature brings is in friendship groups with odd numbers, where someone is bound to be other half-less. Or, of course, when your friend dumps you as their other half so they can slot in their girlfriend or boyfriend or in 2021, it would probably now most likely be their husband or wife,or even their own kid.

The best part about Bebo was the ability to customise your page with the most outrageous skins imaginable.

Just like MySpace, Bebo taught a lot of us how to incorporate elements of graphic design (terribly, admittedly) and coding to create the perfect ~look~ for our profiles. And by perfect look, I mean text that probably read: B3b0s H0TT3st ChiiCK in hot pink with an arrow pointing to the profile photo.

Honestly, the way we all used to type on Bebo took some skill. Knowing exactly which letters to replace so that words didnt look too planned out or unreadable was an art in itself. It was also always a fun time using :L instead of lmao or hahaha.

Much simpler times, and it seems like its definitely time to BriinG iiT [emailprotected]

What a lot of social media platforms are missing is the ability to actually express personality. No one really uses the bio function on Facebook, plus Twitter and Instagram only give you a certain amount of characters to say who you are. Bebo cant relate.

Bebo gave you space to talk about yourself, in something thats more reminiscent of a dating site like Hinge. You could share what music you liked, the movies that best summed up your taste, and the exact sports you were interested in within their own little sections. Hell, the site even had a spot for you to share what you were scared of and what made you happiest. Can Facebook do that? I dont think so.

Sure, MySpace might have created the Top 8, but Bebo gave us the iconic Top 16.

And while I probably dont even have 16 friends to put in my top slots these days, Id like to have the option. Plus, how can anyone forget the tactic of just adding a bunch of fake arrow profiles that had text describing your best friends like < BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE > in spot number two or SEXY BITCH > in the bottom corner?

Bebo also gave us the most petty way to fight with friends through the Top 16, too. I mean, is there really anything more petty thanquietly re-ranking your Top 16, and then updating your bio with a random lyric about fake friends? Long gone is the need for dramatic Instagram and Snapchat story posts with cryptic captions! Just switch your friend from spot three to spot nine!

Before we had Instagram influencers, Bebo Stunnahs were ruling the internet.

These Bebo Stunnah pages were essentially just profiles that would collate the ~stunning girls~ using the website, and honestly? The Stunnahs were the elite on Bebo. Everyone dreamed of being one, andbecause everyone desperately wanted to be featured as a Bebo Stunnah, we took as many pics of ourselves as possible.

The unmatched confidence I possessed as a teen when submitting my pics to these pages is something I wish I had now. We all had so much self-love. I mean, having entire albums dedicated to selfies, which were all basically the same photo, was the norm. Sure they were over-exposed and had far too much contrast, but we still took those pics and posted them anyway like the bad bitches we are.

Bebos Flashbox was the perfect way to show people how cool you were by unearthing music before anyone else. Or, if you were a moody teen like me, Flashbox was the way you expressed how you were feeling about life.

Of course, most of the time, we all seemed to just settle on DJ Sammys Heaven for some reason. But Im not mad at it, and if Flashbox returned, it would probably still be my page anthem.

Being able to draw a set of dick and balls on your friends whiteboard? Iconic. Bebo, you better be bringing it back RIGHT NOW.

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Bebo Is Coming Back This Month, And It's Time To Admit That There's Been No Better Social Media - Junkee

LIZI Stock Price Increases Over 70%: Why It Happened – Pulse 2.0

The stock price of Lizhi Inc (NASDAQ: LIZI) a leading online user-generated audio community and interactive audio entertainment platform in China is trading at over 70% today as it went from a previous close of $5.16 to over $8.80 (as of 1:48 PM ET). Investors are responding to the company issuing a letter to shareholders. The letter was issued by the companys Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jinnan (Marco) Lai.

It is my pleasure to issue the first letter to shareholders on behalf of LIZHI INC. after the company went public. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our shareholders for your support and trust over the past year. 2020 was indeed an extraordinary year for all of us, said Lai. The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused many disruptive changes and uncertainties to our daily lives. Even so, 2020 was a landmark year for LIZHI as we successfully listed our shares on the Nasdaq Global Market in the U.S. Embarking on our new journey as a public company is a milestone and a new beginning for us. Despite the challenging macro environment, we have stood our ground and are proud to have achieved certain impressive results.

Lai said that the company has a goal of becoming one of the largest audio platforms globally. And based on the companys vision of globalization, it put forward a strategy to expand our global footprint through audio innovation in 2020. Shortly after launching in the U.S., the companys audio-based social product Tiya became ranked in the top 4 social networking apps in the U.S. And within a few months of Tiyas launch worldwide, it was ranked among the top 10 social networking apps in about 50 countries worldwide.

We believe that online social networking through audio will become a dominant method of social networking in the future, Lai added. People enjoy meeting and chatting in cafes, bars, and restaurants which is probably one of the most genuine and engaging ways to socialize. Encouragingly, we are now able to mimic such forms of social networking through real-time online audio networking platforms, where people get together virtually, chat online and share their daily lives. We envision a future where real-time audio-based social networking can be realized anytime anywhere either through the mirrors in restrooms, in self-driving smart cars, or through smart headsets that people carry around.

The company also launched an Innovation Training Camp internally to equip employees with innovative thinking in tandem with scientific methods. And the company also continued to invest in our management team with a lot of resources and systematic training to enhance management skills.

We firmly believe that the upcoming 5G and IoT era will widen prospects and potential for audio products, and we will spare no effort to provide users with high-quality services. In addition to the continuous optimization of our existing product offerings, we launched a new mobile app, LIZHI Podcast (also named LIZHI BOKE in Chinese), in January 2021, to provide our users with a more compelling podcast experience, explained Lai. We also are striving to broaden our product offerings for a variety of use cases, such as in-car audio and smart home. We are committed to providing users with a better audio experience and meeting their audio needs under different use scenarios.

This year, the companys core strategy is to create more connections between people and provide them companionship through our online audio platforms, aiming to increase brand recognition and attract a broader user base all over the world.

Disclaimer: This content is intended for informational purposes. Before making any investment, you should do your own analysis.

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LIZI Stock Price Increases Over 70%: Why It Happened - Pulse 2.0

This audio-only social app has Twitter on alert – CNN

On any given night, according to a blog post this week from founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, there are thousands of different rooms that people can join for live conversations. "Hosts" act as moderators of conversations and those in the room can raise their hands, virtually, to have their mic turned on to lend their voice. Participants include a who's-who list of venture capitalists, tech leaders and celebrities.

Davison and Seth, who are both well connected in the tech industry from previous roles at top companies, said their goal with Clubhouse "was to build a social experience that felt more human where instead of posting, you could gather with other people and talk."

"There are all these kinds of nuances of language that exist in text, but in real-time audio are even more fleeting and difficult to wrap one's hands around," said Sarah Roberts, an assistant professor at UCLA and content moderation expert. "By the time any moderation might be applied, the damage could essentially already have been done."

With the new funding, the company said it plans to scale its Trust & Safety team, listing two new job postings devoted to the topic.

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This audio-only social app has Twitter on alert - CNN

Should there be censorship on digital platform? Major OTT players respond – National Herald

Pritish Nandy: Not at all. It will be counter-productive. Anything censored goes underground as we have all seen over the years: alcohol, drugs, gutka, pornography. The only thing that works is clearly outlined reasonable regulations. The only thing that can be reasonably censored is that which compromises national security. Nothing else. OTT is not free to air television. It is a paid service. People make a conscious decision while paying their subscriptions. If they dont like what they get, they should cancel their subscription and get off the platform. They cannot force the platform to change their content. Would you ask Hindustan Unilever to change the ingredients of their toothpaste if it offended you? Or would you simply change your toothpaste brand? Content is an FMCG product today. Respect it and treat it as one.

Pratik Gandhi: I don't think it's needed. We need censors in cars to avoid accidents. Not in the field of arts.

Apurva Asrani: I am against government controlled censorship. In a democracy one has every right to express oneself. Having said that, we live in a society where people of diverse cultural & economic backgrounds exist. It would be prudent to exercise some sort of self censorship in order to be sensitive to this diversity.

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Should there be censorship on digital platform? Major OTT players respond - National Herald