Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Remote Networking as a Person of Color – Harvard Business Review

Executive Summary

In remote work situations, where people cannot rely on impromptu elevator conversations or water cooler chats with coworkers, the answer isnt to turn inward. In fact, the need for networking is even more important. In particular, our interactions with people whose backgrounds and perspectives differ from our own helps us to become smarter, more creative, and better equipped to solve difficult problems. But networking may be more challenging for people of color, who may not only experience general discomfort, but also face unique challenges from not being perceived as powerful, credible, or resourceful. They also at higher risk of becoming isolated, struggling to navigate the racial boundaries at social events. The good news is that the types of networking activities people of color report preferring may be more common during the pandemic, includingless expensive virtual events, community volunteering, and social media interactions.

In this new era of remote work and physical distancing, large group, in-person professional networking events have been put on hold. The same is true for in-person, internal, in-company interactions that foster the development of meaningful connections and relationships. While some people are desperately pining away for the return of happy hours, coffee breaks, and professional conferences, many others are relieved that they are no longer pressured to network. In fact, its fair to say that many hate instrumental networking they are uncomfortable with its seemingly self-promoting, transactional nature, and research finds that some people quite literally find it icky.

In remote work situations, where people cannot rely on impromptu elevator conversations or water cooler chats with coworkers, the answer isnt to turn inward. In fact, the need for networking is even more important. During challenging economic times, both external and internal networking can provide energizing social connections, firm and industry insight, personal affirmation, social support, and access to career opportunities. In particular, our interactions with people whose backgrounds and perspectives differ from our own helps us to become smarter, more creative, and better equipped to solve difficult problems.

Building relationships across difference does not come naturally or automatically, however. According to our research, networking can be especially challenging for professionals of color, who may not only experience general discomfort, but also face unique challenges from not being perceived as powerful, credible, or resourceful this deficit-based assessment often results in less outreach and relationship-building. Professionals of color are also at higher risk of becoming isolated, struggling to navigate the racial boundaries at social events in particular, they hesitate to share information about themselves, which limits their ability to be authentic at work and to build deep relationships.

The common mantra about working twice as hard to get half as much unfortunately rings true in economic data, which suggests that Black men and women must outwork and outperform their white counterparts to be seen as comparably skilled. Our research shows that this extends to activities like networking, where workers who differ from their counterparts report feeling excluded and marginalized, which makes it harder for them to believe that their social capital is valued.

At the same time, the pandemic may offer new opportunities for professionals of color to network in ways that are more comfortable and authentic. By identifying these strategies, professionals of color can build new relationships that can elevate their careers over the short- and long-term. One big hurdle, however, to capitalizing on these possibilities is confronting the ways in which internal and external networking is perceived by professionals of color.

Before the start of Covid-19, and in collaboration with The Partnership, Inc., we surveyed 300 mid-to-senior level professionals of color in the U.S. about their perceptions of networking and how frequently they engaged in it. More than half reported they were too busy to participate in networking events, 30% cited work-related conflicts, 17% reported they preferred to focus on work, and 17% associate networking with playing politics.

One professional stated, My personal cost/benefit analysis suggests that networking events do not reap as much benefit as other professional and personal activities. A Black executive in the financial services sector noted, I definitely am not a natural networker per se. My relationship building has primarily been through the lens of my work and using that as the basis to build relationships. Im not comfortable with inorganic interaction. Im not the Lets go to a cocktail reception and strike up a conversation type person.

Broadly, networking was not a top priority for the majority of professionals in our study; fewer than half felt it was essential for their careers, and senior executives were even less likely to consider networking essential compared to early career professionals. (Compare this to a 2017 global LinkedIn survey where 80% of professionals said networking was important for career success though, interestingly, half of respondents said they were too busy to network, which is similar to our findings.) This head-down approach results in a startling statistic: 82% participated in networking activities less than once per month.

This lack of networking clearly has a cost, one that is often larger for marginalized individuals in the organization. Ultimately, this low frequency is not nearly enough for people who are serious about investing in high quality connections that are essential for well-being and career success.

As a Black venture capitalist stated, Were just too heads down on our work, and were not doing the networking, which is hurting us. Were not spending the time to build rapport with the people that are making the decisions about who gets the next job, who gets the next big opportunity. They dont know us. They dont have a rapport with us. They havent heard us talk about what weve accomplished. Then were not going to come up in the conversation when they decide whos going to get the next high-level job.

Despite these findings, our research also revealed several networking activities that professionals of color are likely to engage in:

In fact, the Covid-19 crisis may create new, more attractive opportunities for building relationships with people who can share valuable information about opportunities, provide honest assessments of strengths and weaknesses, and advocate for promotions.

First, many of the obstacles that our study participants identified can be removed in this time of physical distancing. For example, several reported that the event locations were often too inconvenient for travel, or designated networking opportunities conflicted with other work obligations. Other barriers included the cost of events. And while in-person professional conferences may be on hold, less expensive virtual events, community volunteering, and social media interactions are likely to increase in the near future.

Here are some other ways in which professionals of color can leverage networking strategies to stay connected and visible while working remotely, though these actions would likely benefit anyone in the current work arrangement.

1. Re-activate dormant connections. Reach out through social media or direct message to individuals youve known for a while but havent connected with in some time. When everyone is busy coming and going, these relationships can fall off the radar. But they are especially valuable in helping you to feel more connected and authentic during crises, reminding you of your core values, goals and dreams. They may also be aware of new job opportunities, which can be valuable information as companies shift to meet new economic pressures.

2. Participate in learning communities. The top response in our networking survey to people of color was participating in professional conferences, most of which have been canceled or postponed until large gatherings are safe. But a host of virtual learning opportunities have launched in their place, providing opportunities to meet new people through workshops and discussion groups. Most colleges and universities are offering a variety of virtual seminars and other learning opportunities that support education and community building. Social media channels also offer interest-based groups where people can share resources and suggestions for dealing with work-related challenges.

3. Maintain periodic outreach to champions and sponsors. A common thread in the success stories of professionals of color is the support of a champion or sponsor someone in the organization that not only provides advice but helps to create the conditions for new opportunities and increased visibility. It is critical to sustain these connections, especially in light of greater uncertainty in the economic landscape.

4. Network through community service. Our survey showed that people are more enthusiastic about networking opportunities that are coupled with organized outreach events. Through these activities, they are more likely to meet people with common intellectual, business, and/or values-based interests. For professionals of color in our studies, these community service activities often include targeted outreach toward underserved and marginalized communities, such as mentoring youth of color and serving on not-for-profit boards. Community-based networking events are attractive because they tap into a sense of collective identity and higher purpose. They also help to counteract the belief that networking is purely motivated by self-interest.

5. Focus on shared networks and organize group networking. We also discovered, through follow-up interviews and case studies of Black executives, that those most likely to invest in networking were able to reframe their perceptions of these activities from self-focused to other-focused. Conversations about networking became livelier when professionals talked about networks to which they belonged, rather than networks that they possessed. A discussion of my network can be off-putting, casting one as an instrumentally-focused power broker who may put personal advancement ahead of relationship strength. On the contrary, practices that build shared networks, e.g., our [alumni/community group/professional association] networks, were evident in examples of people who were willing to make time in their busy schedule to field phone calls from strangers, answer informational questions from acquaintances, and help position other people for personal and professional success. As one professional of color stated, Networking is essential to the soul. It is not about me.

Black alumni associations are useful exemplars of shared networks, which meet regularly in regional groups, facilitate formal service and fundraising events, while also functioning as an insider channel for looping people typically in the margins into promising developmental opportunities. These unique forms of shared networks also provide rich contexts of cultural familiarity, which helps workers and their families to create a sense of community in companies and cities where they may be demographically underrepresented. For instance, one Black executive said, We can speak in shorthand to one another and say, how are you going to deal with this issue, were all trying to accomplish similar things. Theres an inspirational level to it.

6. Participate in remote Employee Resource Groups. The value of Employee Resource Groups has been called into question recently, under the rationale that they fail to promote inclusion. However, our findings suggest that ERGs provide an important vehicle for building and sustaining relationships an especially challenging task for professionals of color, which should be systematically supported for the benefit of the workers and their companies. Now, more than ever, firms should invest in initiatives that support the strategic aims of ERGs to build community and strengthen business leadership.

The networking activities that we highlight provide the sustenance needed to withstand this period of dislocation and disorientation. However, the burden of contact should not be borne solely by professionals of color alone. A lack of physical presence can exacerbate the invisibility conundrum that many professionals of color experience as being one of very few people like them in their organizations or fields that is, their anomaly status often makes it more difficult to be part of key decisions and their otherness can make them invisible. Moving to a virtual environment can make matters worse, as it becomes far easier for connections to fracture, even inadvertently. That is why it is so important for professionals of color to ensure regular contact and interaction with their manager and their peers and why managers and other industry leaders must proactively stay in contact with their colleagues of color as well.

For professionals of color who struggle to be seen and heard even during so-called normal times, it is critical to sustain and cultivate connections inside and outside of work. The strategies that we have outlined in this article are especially important now, but they are also actions that can apply to anyone who seeks a more proactive role in managing their career.

See original here:
Remote Networking as a Person of Color - Harvard Business Review

Findit To Launch Several New Updates to the Findit App Available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store – Yahoo Finance

ATLANTA, GA / ACCESSWIRE / September 8, 2020 / Findit, Inc. (OTC PINK:FDIT) owner of, a full-service social networking platform which provides online marketing campaigns and tools for members to increase brand awareness through content creation and sharing, resulting in indexing in search engines announces updates coming to the Findit App available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Findit will be submitting their updates to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The updates will include: a new look and feel along with a new feature to post Before and After Pictures. The Before and After feature will empower members to post as many pictures in a before and after post that they would like. Each image can be placed either in the before or after upload section. Images can be uploaded from a member's device, can be taken live, or selected from their Findit picture gallery. Once the images are uploaded, the member will be able to write a title under each picture. This feature is critical, enabling images to be indexed in Findit search along with Google images. In addition to the Before and After feature, other features include unlimited text in a post.

Clark St. Amant stated, "This is something that is limited in Twitter, so we wanted to provide our members with the option of writing a post as long as they think it needs to be rather than being limited 300 characters or less."

Other features that will remain in the new version of the Findit App will be the ability to include a video from Youtube or upload your own shot from your device in real-time. Currently, the limit for videos shot in real-time is 10 seconds. With the recent launch of Reels on Facebook and Tik Tok, we will be increasing the length of time to give our users a lengthier amount of time to share their video messages. We will also be leaving in the option to include an outbound link from each post a member does. This feature is often critical to drive traffic to what the post may be about. Some social networking platforms, i.e., Instagram, limit this feature to certain members based on the popularity of the member. At Findit, we believe that each of our members should have the same features regardless of how popular they are. A local business on Instagram may never meet the threshold of 10,000 followers to include a link, yet the followers they do have would love to easily click over from the post to visit the page the business wants them to go. On Findit, each and every post a business or person does, the ability to include a link is available to them.

While the new updates and the new look and feel are getting close to being submitted, Findit will likely submit the updates in stages, with several current features that are available in the current app not being live on day one but will be added over several weeks. These features include scheduling posts and the location feature.

Story continues

The app can still be downloaded for users to view posts without having to create an account or sign in. The app will still allow members and non-members to share posts from the App to approximately 50 plus other social networking sites and bookmarking sites without having to login to Findit.

Peter Tosto stated, "Findit will continue to allow members to post opinions without censorship with the exception of pornography and terrorist posts. We believe that everyone has the right to share their opinion regardless of whether or not we agree with the opinion. People have the option to leave a comment, share the post, or move onto another post. Findit will allow people to share their views from their Findit account as long as it does not contain pornography or terrorist-related content, which we will censor. With the political race in full swing between President Trump and Joe Biden, many people have things they want to say and share, we will allow them the rights to do exactly that."

Findit is currently reviewing ad platforms to provide Findit with ads to run within the app. This will provide the app with a way to monetize the content as we grow. The ads will serve up inside the App provided we are approved to run them every six or seven posts. This is very similar to ads that run on Facebook, Instagram, and other sites that include Pinterest and LinkedIn. By adding the ad feature, Findit is hopeful it will increase our revenues and possibly earnings.

The Before and After feature that is soon to be added to the App can only be done from the App, but the posts created on the app do publish to the website. As a result, any Before and After posts that are shared to other social sites will be able to be viewed and shared from the website as well. Because these posts publish to the website, Google, Yahoo, and Bing will have complete access to them to index them in search results. This is critical to those members who are posting to share amazing pictures of their work that include titles for the images so they can then be indexed in Findit Search along with Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This indexing will increase the visibility of the person who posted to others that may not be following them on Findit but will reach them either through search or social sharing to other sites they are on.

Clark St. Amant stated, "We see the Before and After being an amazing online tool for hairdressers, nail salons, cleaning services, contractors, auto body shops, trainers, weight loss programs the list goes on and on and making it a seamless part of the App is really going to benefit those who use it regularly to reach more people with their amazing work."

People can download the current Findit App today and receive the new updates once they are published to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store by updating their app to get the newest version.

Please visit and share to others that you know will benefit from posting in the Findit App with the links below, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Download the Findit App from the Apple App Store for IOS Devices

Download the Findit App from the Google Play Store for Android Devices

About Findit, Inc., which is a Social Media Content Management Platform that provides an interactive search engine for all content posted in Findit to appear in Findit search. The site is an open platform that provides access to Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines access to its content posted to Findit so it can be indexed in these search engines as well. Findit provides Members the ability to post, share, and manage their content. Once they have posted in Findit, we ensure the content gets indexed in Findit Search results. Findit provides an option for anyone to submit URLs that they want indexed in Findit search result, along with posting status updates through Findit Right Now. Status Updates posted in Findit can be crawled by outside search engines, which can result in additional organic indexing. All posts on Findit can be shared to other social and bookmarking sites by members and non-members. Findit provides Real Estate Agents the ability to create their own Findit Site where they can pull in their listing and others through their IDX account. Findit, Inc., is focused on the development of monetized Internet-based web products that can provide an increase in brand awareness of our members. Findit, Inc. trades under the stock symbol FDIT on the OTC Pinksheets.

Safe Harbor:

This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company's business, as well as statements that include the word believe or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Findit, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed.

CONTACT:Clark St. Amant404-443-3224

SOURCE: Findit, Inc.

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Findit To Launch Several New Updates to the Findit App Available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store - Yahoo Finance

SaTT, the Advertising Solution on Blockchain Reaches Its Softcap in Record Time! $3,360,000 – Daily Research Correspondent

The continuous token sales of SaTT marketing environment is a growing success and will shoot the marketing business into brand-new heights. The core group revealed today that they reached their softcap of $3,360,000 in simply a couple of days. SaTT job prides itself as a connection in between mainstream social media networks and existing modern-day combination of the world of blockchain.

SaTT service looks for to connect marketing business with influencers who will assist with the amplification of business items and services to a larger variety of audience and customers. The SaTT service has actually currently seen active engagements throughout all levels of influencers from leading to mid-tier variety.

In the last 2 years, the marketing market has actually experienced a tremendous technological development trajectory with what appears like the brand-new media platforms slowly being displaced by its blockchain contemporaries. Nevertheless, there appears to be a working synergy that enables the connection of this brand-new media to its blockchain neighbours in a win-win like circumstance.

SaTT demonstrates this interconnection of networks, reaching a record high of over $1m in token sales in 48 hours as we explained in our last article, and now smashing the softcap target a few days later. The SaTT solution demonstrates once again what appears to be the increasing faith of the growing mass of interests in the blockchain as adoption reaches brand-new heights.

Is this the major bull run awaited this far?

It has been argued over again about the need for new retailers in the ecosystem, a lot of people have realized that there is a need for practicable businesses such as SaTT which services a known niche in the traditional world to be integrated with the blockchain for massive adoption to take place, gradually, this is happening as events shape the future.

Business needs PR, marketing and promotions

Both in the traditional business world, no business survives without the needed propagation in the form of massive PR, marketing and promotions. This is why startups like SaTT are very much needed and could gain massive traction in a short time, and this is already happening while their ICO is still in progress.

The typical traditional advertising system needs blockchain, a total overhaul and turnaround from the system that is plagued by corruption, inconsistency, mismanagement bedeviling the system coupled with a total lack of transparency. All of which can be fixed by the blockchain in a better transparent manner.

High Fee: The cost of running platform engagement and promotions with mainstream social networks, for example, comes at a huge cost and oftentimes they are likely not to convert into the desired result, this is the typical cost of running an ad on Twitter, one of top social network firm. With SaTT solutions this cost could go low such that one needs only about $1,500 on an average to run their ads using influencers in all the top social network platforms at a given instance.

Centralization: Due to the centralized nature of these traditional platforms, results may not tell the truth as anyone in the backend system is able to manipulate data, this is a clear difference from blockchain-enabled platforms such as SaTT that prides itself on the fact that data entered in the public ledger can never be tampered as its mostly trustless and tamper-proof which makes the results gotten more trusting than most centralized solutions. In the blockchain infrastructure, freedom from manipulation exists giving room for real data to be shown.

Transparency: The issue of transparency borders around the poor quality of delivery in traditional advertising solutions, because its easy to falsify records and no one is accountable, incentives are not accrued to low-end users of the platform which invariably leads them to skip ads, this affects the organic engagement targeted by advertisers. In the SaTT service, everyone engaging with the platform is an influencer in various social networks e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Telegram, etc no matter the following. They get paid for engaging within the SaTT solution, this causes strong organic growth for ads campaigns.

Rewards: Since there are no forms of incentives for most users of these social networking platforms except for some selected individuals who are distinguished as influencers due to their massive followings and engagements in these social networks, organic growth struggles. E.g to engage the service of say Lionel Messi who is one of the highest followed users on Instagram could go as high as above $1m, influencer campaigns on these platforms are highly paid gigs for these selected individuals. In the SaTT ecosystem, this is corrected as the playing ground is leveled for all strata of influencers to work and earn.

Influencers get rewarded instantly without delays in the platform wallet for their engagement, due to these unique solutions, SaTT has witnessed some incredible growth of brand-new users in the over 2 years of operation, adding brand-new layers of improvements and reaching the success of its token sales campaign. A feat thankful to the fueling enthusiasm of the current blockchain atmosphere. Are we at the dawn of a revolution in the marketing market?

Read more:
SaTT, the Advertising Solution on Blockchain Reaches Its Softcap in Record Time! $3,360,000 - Daily Research Correspondent

Networking in the COVID-19 pandemic – KGET 17

(NBC) If youre working from home these days, you may be missing the camaraderie and the connections that come with the office environment. But, working remotely doesnt mean you have to miss out on networking.

When the coronavirus pandemic forced employees across the nation to work from home, millions were left without an essential component of professional life: networking.

Theres this new era of work from home and professionals are more disconnected than ever before. And they are seeking ways to converse with others and and professionals, said Loren Appin, Co-Founder and COO of Fishbowl.

Forced to get creative, theyre turning to virtual networking platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Fishbowl, a social networking app that connects professionals. The app is used to chat, ask questions and network for jobs. Loren Appin is Co-Founder.

Zoom is the new meeting room, and fishbowl is the new office hallway, said Appin.

I posted on fishbowl, and I went specifically into the women in advertising bowl, said Kara Gonchar, Copywriter and Community Leader at Fishbowl.

Users interact directly with peers and company leadership in groups called bowls. Kara Gonchar, an early user, landed a job there.

I said would someone be willing to pass along my creative portfolio to the recruiter there? And some really kind stranger volunteered and later that week, I got an interview and then later on, the job, which is incredible, said Gonchar.

With an estimated 85% of jobs filled by some form of networking, experts say its a critical tool.

I tell everybody networking, whether in person, or virtually it is a necessity, said Dominick Miserandino, CEO of The Inquistr.

Real people come to fishbowl to connect with others in their industry or company to have real conversations and its a professional community that you can connect with and converse, said Fishbowl Co-Founder Loren Appin.

Making connections at a much needed time.

The rest is here:
Networking in the COVID-19 pandemic - KGET 17

Why It Is Essential For Students to Learn Networking – The Hack Post

While getting into college, the main objectives include studying, securing good grades, graduating, supercharging your career quest, meeting new people, and having fun. Thats the right path; unfortunately, it might not all materialize. One of the most overlooked yet essential concept is meeting new people, significantly beyond your room/classmates. Learning networking shouldnt wait until youve graduated and looking to scale the career ladder.

Students need to learn networking; after all, you probably are familiar with the saying, It is not what you know. It is who you know. Earning a degree gets you into a room as you hit the interviews, but how do you get to the table? It is by knowing the right people, a concept that can only be addressed through networking. But, as a student, how does networking help? Here is why it is crucial to network while studying.

Professional networking goes a long way in enhancing your career growth, but only if you do it right. While socializing with your mates, for instance, the interaction mode isnt necessarily suitable while communicating with prospects, leaders, among other social circles. Practicing your social skills lets you know the best way to associate with various groups, allowing you to foster healthier relationships and exponentially grow your network comfortably.

Learning is a continuous journey, and it doesnt stop when you graduate. This is, mostly, noting that employers arent merely looking for an individual with a degree but well-versed in their field. For instance, while in school, you can learn how your classmates handle challenging work, who they go-to such as professional assignment helpers, among other considerations. With a healthy network, you can find and visit website offering practical assignment help, allowing you to secure good grades. This extends to after the studying period, as you can comfortably keep up with the industry changes by interacting with like-minded individuals in your network.

Finding a reliable mentor isnt always that easy, yet their essence cant be stressed enough. By learning how to network while still in school, you stand a chance to find such mentors who not only makes school life more comfortable but also come in handy as you hit the working stage. As you still have the time to develop relationships with people matching your needs, creating a support system with enough mentors to hold your hand during various stages is possible, allowing you to get more than a degree during your schooling period.

Showing up, working hard, and impressing during your internship are some of the ingredients you need to scale your career ladder. However, it would help if you stood out and get noticed since you arent the only one striving to capture that dream opportunity. Knowing where and how to network lets you stand out since you can meet and target the right people. With such connections, youll easily be noticed and enjoy an edge as you work to land your dream job, such as securing referrals from reputable individuals in your target field.

After graduating, how do you know who is hiring? Finding that dream job isnt a walk in the park, but with an extensive network, youll secure not only referrals but also insights to help you know when openings are available. Such information gives you a head start, as you can apply and get hired even before an introduction is announced to the public. This means that you can secure better opportunities without worrying about the fierce competition, a contribution that eases your quest to fast-track your career objectives.

Waiting until you graduate to start building your social network can be entirely counter-productive. Attending those social events, building your social media presence, and maintain a good reputation while still in school gives you a head start as you can stress-free learn, avoid costly mistakes, and develop an extensive and healthy professional network.

Originally posted here:
Why It Is Essential For Students to Learn Networking - The Hack Post