Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Seven Ways to Keep Yourself Safe Online – The Buzz Paper

Social media networks and social networking platforms have changed the way people interact with each other. There are times when we put up some information on our social media profiles and it turns out to get you in potential danger. With a user base and viewership of almost all kinds of people, posts grab attention worldwide. There is a population that wants to know you for some wrong reasons. Here are a few security threats that social media networks pose to our world.

Be Aware Of Identity Thieves

Some individuals gather personal information from people with the help of social media platforms. Even if you have the highest level security setting, the threat of such an incident always remains. Apart from that, social network sites have ample information that can help an identity thief to impersonate you and get access to your information. You need to stay careful when using your social media account while accessing such platforms and manage information shared on other online accounts as well. Be very careful when giving out the names of your family members and their whereabouts to people who you know.

Dont Share Your Location or Updates When You Are Not At Home

People are really fond of posting updates and Check-ins when they are out on a vacation or hanging out at a recreational spot with friends. This gives a clear indication that you are not home and that individuals can get their malicious tasks done. Oversharing can be harmful to your kids or your property. In this regard, you can also take up service from a security services company that can provide you with the right monitoring, surveillance and smart home tools security system and help secure your home and family from any incident or a situation that includes burglary or any other activity.

Dont Add People You Dont Know

Nowadays, the only thing a criminal or a miscreant would need is information. As a security measure, dont add or interact with people you dont know or people youre not familiar with. Such people can make your social media profile a potential target by adding you as a friend. They will try to talk to you even if you dont know them, make sure that you block such profiles or any other means of reaching your profile or getting information that you have shared on your profile.

Dont Let Stalkers Find You or Information about You

Whenever you are using a social networking platform, you have to stay vigilant about who can or cannot view your updates on social media. Once online, the information you share is not your property. Be very careful about who you are disclosing your information to.

Avoid Using Public Computers

This can include using your computer from the library or an internet cafe. You have no idea who has used the same system and for what purpose. This unknown individual could be a hacker or someone who could extract information including your email address, pages that you have browsed, chats, keys that you have pressed or files that you have transferred. These individuals can also tap into your information using the available WiFi connection. So it is always a good idea if you always carry your own laptop and dont rely on public networks and computers.

Use VPN When You Are Online

Using VPNs or a Virtual Private Network does not only offers users with secrecy but also makes your internet browsing and other online operations hack-proof and spy proof as well. In case there is a hack attempt on you, the hacker wont be able to steal your data transmission. To use a VPN you can get yourself a VPN account online and make sure that it is active before you go online using your network.

Ask For Security Features from Your ISP

Internet service providers not only provide users with a high-end internet service but also strive to go the extra mile and provide them with add-ons and other features that make your internet experience better. Apart from that, users can add security suites, programs, and other useful services to their internet connections. If you are an Xfinity internet user, you must be having such features. Ask the customer services representatives if you can use any of such services with the Xfinity bundle deals and other offers by the provider.

Key Takeaways

Using the internet as a responsible individual is one of the fundamental things that you as a user should take care of. In case there is an incident, try to contact the local authorities or ask an expert for help. You can keep your family safe by following these ways. These are very helpful to ensure your safety and for the safety of your family as well.

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Seven Ways to Keep Yourself Safe Online - The Buzz Paper

Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Research Report 2020: Key Players, Applications, Drivers, Trends and Forecast to 2026 – News Distinct

The Anonymous Social Networking Software Market is analyzed in depth in the report, with the main aim of providing precise market data and useful recommendations so that players can achieve strong growth in the future. The report is compiled by experienced experts and market analysts, which makes it very authentic and reliable. Readers have an in-depth analysis of historical and future market scenarios to gain a good understanding of market competition and other important issues. The report provides in-depth research on market dynamics, key segments, key players and various regional markets. It is a complete set of in-depth analysis and research on the Anonymous Social Networking Software market.

The report authors highlighted the lucrative business prospects, catchy trends, regulatory situations and Anonymous Social Networking Software market price scenarios. It is important to note that the report contains a detailed analysis of the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors affecting the growth of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market. It is divided into several sections and chapters so that you can easily understand all aspects of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market. Market participants can use the report to take a look at the future of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market and make significant changes to their operating style and marketing tactics to achieve sustainable growth.

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Top Key Players of the Anonymous Social Networking Software Market:

Market Competition

The competitive landscape of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market is discussed in detail in the report, focusing on the latest developments, the future plans of the main players and the most important growth strategies they have adopted. The analysts who wrote the report presented almost all of the key players in the Anonymous Social Networking Software market and highlighted their critical business aspects such as production, business areas and product portfolio. All of the companies analyzed in the report are examined according to key factors such as market share, market growth, company size, production volume, sales and profits.

Market Segmentation

The report provides an excellent overview of the main Anonymous Social Networking Software market segments, focusing on their CAGR, market size, market share and potential for future growth. The Anonymous Social Networking Software market is mainly divided by product type, application and region. Each segment of these categories is thoroughly researched to familiarize you with its growth prospects and key trends. Segment analysis is very important to identify the most significant pockets of growth in a global market. The report provides specific information on market growth and demand for various products and applications so that players can focus on profitable sectors of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market.

By Product:

By Applications:

Key Questions Answered

The report answers important questions that companies may have when operating in the Anonymous Social Networking Software market. Some of the questions are given below:

Answering such types of questions can be very helpful for players to clear their doubts when implementing their strategies to gain growth in the Anonymous Social Networking Software market. The report offers a transparent picture of the real situation of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market so that companies can operate more effectively. It can be customized according to the needs of readers for better understanding of the Anonymous Social Networking Software market.

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Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, market value for regions and countries and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Market Research Intellect

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Tags: Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Size, Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Trends, Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Growth, Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Forecast, Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Analysis Sarkari result, Government Jobs, Sarkari naukri, NMK, Majhi Naukri,

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Anonymous Social Networking Software Market Research Report 2020: Key Players, Applications, Drivers, Trends and Forecast to 2026 - News Distinct

Ripple Boss Garlinghouse Takes Another Sharp Dig at Social Network Biggies for Inaction on the Issue of Impostors – CoinNewsSpan

Ripple chief Brad Garlinghouse has been quite vocal against social networking giants off late, for not doing enough to prevent imposter scams. He recently decided to file alawsuit against YouTube, stating that Googles video content sharing platform consistently failed to tackle fake giveaway scams and impersonators. On Tuesday, Garlinghouse took another sharp dig at the tech biggies for their prolonged inaction on the issue of imposter scams.

Garlinghouse retweeted a Twitter thread posted by Cameron Winklevoss, Co-founder of Gemini Exchange, where one-half of the billion-dollar twins pointed out his impostors on Instagram.

Winklevoss suggested a number of steps that social networking platforms can implement to identify and act against the scammers. Garlinghouse seemed to be in total agreement with him and added that these were smart ideas that can be easily implemented. Some of the suggestions given by Winklesvoss include programmatic text analysis, programmatic image analysis, age of unverified accounts, and programmatic behavior pattern analysis.

The issue of impostors on social networks is a major concern threatening the crypto industry, but not exclusive as the entire financial sector is facing a similar issue. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. have continually failed to take concrete steps to prevent fraudulent accounts and, secondly, to take action against the scams.

Ripple Boss Garlinghouse Takes Another Sharp Dig at Social Network Biggies for Inaction on the Issue of Impostors - CoinNewsSpan

COVID-19 reminds us of the importance of networking | Opinion – Florida Today

JarinEisenberg, Your turn Published 1:48 a.m. ET May 27, 2020

As we all navigate this new normal, we are also looking for new ways to connect and reconnect with colleagues, friends, and family members. Our traditional means of networking has been disrupted, and the shift has left many of us feeling disconnected from the social groups we rely on to do business, to share information, to put a smile on our face after a hard day.

We are usedto thinking of networking as forming close-knit relationships, when we are in need of a resource or support, our natural inclination is to go to those closest to us, but many studies suggest that it is our weakest ties that hold the most value, and now is the time to strengthen them.

For decades, sociologists have studied the association between social groups, interpersonal relationships, and the value of social networks in regards to positive economic mobility and outcomes. The age-old saying, "It is not what you know, but who you know," speaks to the way we tug on these networks to gain access to resources, capital, and employment opportunities. It is often how we get our foot in the door.

In light of recent events, more and more researchers are stressing the importance of weak ties. Weak ties are acquaintances, they are low stakes relationships, they are not people who are in your immediate circle, but you likely have some shared history between you. Evidence suggests we are more likely to get a job through our weak ties than from those closest to us. It is often the relationships that we have invested in the leastthat have the biggest returns.

Weak ties expand our social circle. Too often the people closest to us all know each other, and the network becomes a redundant one. As we expand our social circle, we also expand our view of the world, are more likely to develop a greater sense of empathy for peoples lived experiences that are not like our own, and in doing so, we expand the reach we have. Expanding our social circles provides for more diverse ways we can gain access to a resource, an opportunity, and may itself provide us with a deeper sense of connection and community.

JarinEisenberg is chief operating officer of Groundswell Startups.(Photo: Provided)

Weak ties are not just for business relationships, but they are the casual relationships we have with baristas, bartenders, people who cut our hair, the people we know through the good work they do, but dont have an intimate relationship with. They make us feel more connected to our communities, provide a sense of place and attachment, and though we might be less comfortable asking them for something in a time of need, we shouldnt. Now is the time to reconnect and reinvest in those that feel the furthest from our networks.

During a time of rising unemployment, we have likely all seen examples of individuals in our networks posting on LinkedIn or other social platforms about losing a job. It can take a lot of guts to do so, but we shouldnt be afraid to do it. That person who is a friend of a friend who sees that post can make a valuable introduction, or provide a suggestion, or just connect you with others to see where it goes.

During my first week at Groundswell Startups, a business incubator in Melbourne,someone said something to me that really hit home. I was mentioning how I was new to the tech space and they saidstartups are all about social capital, it is all about facilitating connections to different resources, people, and funding to help companies gain access to the critical pieces they need to make the puzzle come together. I thought, yes, that I know how to do, that I understand.

We do this all the time at Groundswell Startups. We meet with companies and founders and just learn about their business, the resources they have and the resources they need, and then make many introductions. It doesnt matter if that company has a marketing person already on staff, we are still going to introduce you to the marketing expert we know that might be able to provide a little bit of guidance.

I think what makes our network so diverseis that everyone is willing to take the meeting, they are curious about what others do and how they do it, and each time they do so, they connect on LinkedIn, they grow their social network, their weak ties, and they have another rope to tug on when they are in need of something. So dont be afraid to reach out, reconnectand take that call or meeting. You never know where it may lead.

JarinEisenberg is chief operating officer of Groundswell Startups.

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COVID-19 reminds us of the importance of networking | Opinion - Florida Today

How to Use LinkedIn to Build a Stronger Professional Network – JD Supra

It has never been more important to build relationships online...

LinkedIn enables you to quickly build and grow relationships, strengthen your brand, and stay top of mind with key individuals in your professional network regardless of where they live.

Most people take the time to create a LinkedIn profile but they miss the mark when it comes to how they interact with their connections and actively cultivate their network. Your success on LinkedIn hinges upon your ability to be top of mind, relevant and helpful with a robust network.

LinkedIn provides a treasure trove of valuable competitive intelligence, which can help you gain an advantage over your competitors and better understand your clients needs.

Here are some quick and easy examples of actions you can take on the platform to strengthen relationships:

None of the activities that I suggested above are very time consuming but can yield great results in generating new business leads and enhancing your professional brand. LinkedIn easily enables you to keep your network warm and stay top of mind with key connections right from your desk or mobile device.

Today, networking online is just as important as making in-person connections. And LinkedIn continues to be the most important social media channel for business development. Dont forget that your LinkedIn profile is often the first or second Google search result when someone searches for you online.

While in-person interactions will always be vital to maintaining relationships, in the current environment we cant meet up in person. LinkedIn makes it easier and more efficient than ever to nurture relationships.

That being said, when you engage online, you must do two things make your professional network feel good and offer valuable content that showcases your expertise on a consistent basis.

These light touches will help to keep you top of mind with your contacts. They often lead to new business, or at the very least, can help you elevate your brand to be seen as a subject-matter expert.

Heres how to use LinkedIn to your business development and branding advantage.

1. Get the Basics Down First

You cant effectively use LinkedIns advanced features if you dont have a strong profile. Spend the time to develop a profile that highlights your professional attributes, successes and background, while letting your uniqueness shine through. This should not be a regurgitation of your web site bio or resume. In fact, LinkedIn is sneaky and has character limits, so it wont even allow you to do that. Here are some profile basics to ensure yours is optimized:

2. Use Information to Your Advantage

LinkedIn provides great excuses to reach out to those in your network through its notifications section.

Log in during down time and check out what people in your network are posting, who has switched jobs, who is celebrating a work anniversary, who is speaking at an event, or has written a blog post or article.

Then use these professional milestones to reach out to those individuals who youve been meaning to contact this is powerful information, dont let it go to waste. I have seen these notifications serve as the catalyst to reigniting a relationship and leading to a new client engagement multiple times. They can serve as the hook you need to get your foot back in the door with someone important.

3. Add Value to Your Network

Make a note to regularly follow up with important contacts by sending them value-added content with a personal note. Perhaps its an article, blog post or industry study that you saw or better yet wrote yourself.

Take this one step further and keep a content feed for me, this is a spreadsheet of articles, studies and infographics from publications and other sources that I follow. I regularly post this content to LinkedIn (and Twitter) to stay top of mind.

Sharing information of worth to your network will position you as a thought leader and can lead to business and referrals.

4. Make it Personal

Send quick messages to people who have recently connected with you. Easily build your network through LinkedIns helpful People You May Know feature (the more you use it, the better the people suggestions will be).

Also, send a personalized note with every connection request it doesnt have to be long, but something short that references how and when you met and why you wanted to connect with them works well.

Tip: it is not easy to personalize connection requests when sending them from your mobile device its more of a quick click and send from there, so send VIP connection requests from your desktop if you want to craft a personal note.

5. Sharing Is Caring

You can easily share an update from your LinkedIn home page. All you need to do is copy the link to an article and hit Share. What types of content should you share? Articles that are helpful to your practice; articles written by other attorneys in your firm; general business or economics articles that you like or that made you think. If you find it interesting, most likely your contacts will, too. But keep in mind to not overshare, especially about yourself.

I make an effort to post content about others in my network (and tag them in the posts). You can build stronger relationships by giving these LinkedIn shout outs and endorsements. It doesnt take a lot of time to share an article written by someone in your network or to congratulate a VIP contact on an honor. Make an effort and stick to it. If you have trouble remembering to do this, create a social media editorial calendar, which has greatly helped me curate posts.

Taking the time to like, comment or share on important connections posts helps to build relationships and keeps you top of mind within your network.

6. Compliment Someone

Always remember that compliments are a great way to build stronger relationships with people in your professional network. Be genuine with your praise perhaps you enjoyed their article, blog post, webinar, podcast, etc. reference something specific from that touchpoint when you reach out to them. This is also a great way to introduce yourself and connect with someone you dont know. No one dislikes a compliment ever.

7. Information is Power

Everyone Googles everyone, period. With so much information on the internet, why not use LinkedIn to help with your competitive intelligence efforts?

For example, follow the LinkedIn accounts of your top competitor firms. Link in with your competitors as well so that you can gain access to seeing not only what they are up to and how they brand themselves, but most importantly, the individuals in their professional networks. This will give you a treasure trove of valuable information on who may be their clients and referral sources.

Also, LinkedIn has some cool tools, such as People Also Viewed, which can tell you a lot about the LinkedIn profiles that the viewers of your profile also looked at. It can be interesting to see who is your competition. Note you can turn this feature off if you dont want to be included in it.

8. Channel Your Inner Bob Ross

Visual content greatly outperforms posts with just text on every social media platform. So take photos at events, use to create free custom graphics, use Picstitch and repurpose headshots.

Take a look at this article I published on 17 Low Cost (or Free!) Social Media MarTech Tools to Try For Your Law Firm Today that may help to inspire you and the best part? Theyre all either free or cheap.

9. Actively Cultivate Your Network

While quality is always better than quantity, most people could greatly increase the number of connections they have on LinkedIn. Here are some ideas on how to create a strategic connections plan to find contacts and maximize your network:

Putting it All Together

In-house counsel regularly hire outside counsel whom they know and trust, and so nurturing relationships is vital to your business development success. This is why social networks like LinkedIn are so powerful they can help you reinforce relationships and build on them.

LinkedIn is primarily a free tool (the free version will usually meet most of the average business persons needs unless you are job searching or doing a lot of prospecting), so use it smartly by sharing content that your firm produces, or better yet, content that you wrote and use it often (especially when your target audiences are using it). Connect and engage with former colleagues and classmates. Download the LinkedIn app if you havent yet.

I have never seen LinkedIn directly lead to new business more than I have in the last couple of years.

While I cant promise you that LinkedIn will bring you scores of new clients, I can promise you that spending the time and effort in building a strong profile, learning all you can about its features and regularly using it to network and share information is a wise investment in your brand and your future.


Stefanie Marrone helps law firms effectively tell their stories and find their unique voices. Over the last 18 years, she has worked with some of the most prominent and innovative law firms in the world, developing and executing global revenue generating business development and communications strategies, including media relations, branding, and multichannel content marketing and social media campaigns. She is very passionate about using social media for lead generation and brand building. She has a diverse range of experience in both Big Law and mid-size/small-law firms. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow her latest writing on JD Supra as well as her blog The Social Media Butterfly.

See the rest here:
How to Use LinkedIn to Build a Stronger Professional Network - JD Supra