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UC ANR is the Divisions primary Facebook page, for news of general interest about agriculture, natural resources and health. This account also links to other ANR-related Facebook pages, including:
Natural Resources
Nutrition & Consumer Sciences
ANR communications offices
UC Cooperative Extension (alphabetical by county)
UC Master Gardeners & other gardening (alphabetical by county)
UC Master Food Preservers
CropManage is an online database-driven tool that assists growers and farm managers in determining water and nitrogen fertilizer applications on a field-by-field basis.
IPMinfois an app for iOSdevices to identify and manage strawberry pests.
OakMapper - To report a tree with sudden oak death symptoms, contributors may enter an address, coordinates, or mark a point on the map. For iPhone
SoilWeb - Get information about the properties of soil while standing in the field. For iPhone and Android OS
Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index (SAGBI) - Determine the suitability of agricultural landfor groundwater recharge. The SAGBI is based on five major factors that are critical to successful agricultural groundwater banking: deep percolation, root zone residence time, topography, chemical limitations and soil surface condition.
Agricultural Water Quality Self-assessment - ThisiPad apphelps growersassess the potential impactof their growing practices on water quality. It also provides suggestions for Best Management Practices that can help to solve water quality problems. Available from iTunes for iPad.
Weedy Rice Reporter - This app helps growersidentify weeds and manage weedy rice in California. App now available for download on Google Playand iTunes.
Follow us on YouTube:
California 4H
UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego County
Servicio de Informacion UC ANR
UC Cooperative Extension Sonoma County
Blog Showcase - A page that highlights all UC ANR blogs, displaying photos and links to the most recent posts. The site's other features include links to the most popular posts and the top blogs.
Salinas Valley Agriculture - Highlighting agricultural developments, problems, research and issues for the Central Coast Written by UC Cooperative Extension staff in Monterey County. Coordinated by Steven Koike, plant pathology farm advisor
ANR News Blog - Summaries and commentaries on current coverage of ANR in the news media. Written by Jeannette Warnert, ANR Communication Services.
The Almond Doctor - Addresses problems found within the almond orchard and the associated processes of problem correction/prevention.Written by David Doll, Merced County farm advisor
Bug Squad Blog - Happenings in the insect world and high-quality photos of insects. Written by Kathy Keatley Garvey, UC Davis Department of Entomology.
Merced 4-H Blog - Merced County 4-H Youth Development Program updates. Written by Russell Hill, Merced County 4-H program representative.
UC Cooperative Extension Ventura County Blog - News and information related to agriculture, nutrition, family and consumer sciences and 4-H in Ventura County. Written by Chris Webb, UC Cooperative Extension in Ventura County.
UC Food Blog - Practical and interesting information on food policy, production, safety and consumption. Written by a collaborative of UC writers, editors and information officers. Coordinated by Jeannette Warnert.
Mendocino & Lake County Livestock & Range Topics Blog - Educational information for range livestock producers and managers. Written by John Harper, director of UC Cooperative Extension in Mendocino Counties.
Strawberries and Caneberries Blog - Current issues and topics of general interest in strawberries and caneberries. Written by Mark Bolda, Santa Cruz County farm advisor.
The California Practical Gardener - Practical and useful gardening advice for California Gardeners.Written by Missy Gable, academic coordinator of the UC Statewide Master Gardener Program.
Dispatches from the Orchard - News on pistachios, figs, prunes, almonds, and other tree fruit cropsWritten by Phoebe Gordon,Madera County farm advisor.
UC Green Blog - UC work in natural resources, pest management, climate change and sustainable agriculture.Written by a collaborative of UC writers, editors and information officers. Coordinated by Jeannette Warnert.Forest Research and Outreach - Highlighting information related to current issues and research in forest management, as well as announcements of special events, resources, and workshops. Written by UC Cooperative Extension forest specialists.
Oak Conservation Blog - Focusing on information related to the conservation and management of Oak Woodlands. Written by UC Cooperative Extension forest experts specializing in oak woodlands.
UC Rice Blog - Featuring pictures and comments on rice production issues that farm advisors encounter in the field.Written by UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors Luis Espino in Colusa, Glenn and Yolo counties; Chris Greer in Sutter/Yuba, Sacramento and Placer-Nevada counties; and Cass Mutters in Butte County.
Hopland Research & Extension Center - Featuring research being conducted at the facility and photos of plants, animals and other items of interest found on the grounds. Written by Robert J. Keiffer, center superintendent.
Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center - Featuring research being conducted at the facility and photos of plants and animals at the center. Written by Jeremy James, center director
Veterinary Entomology - This blog written by UC Cooperative Extension specialist Alec Gerry.
UC Agriculture & Natural Resources series - Half-hour shows about invasive species, genetic engineering, tomato and blueberry research, sudden oak death, weeds, watersheds and many other topics.
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Social networking - Agriculture and Natural Resources ...