Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Social networking for the proteome, upgraded: New study maps … – Science Daily

Social networking for the proteome, upgraded: New study maps ...
Science Daily
Researchers have mapped the interaction partners for proteins encoded by more than 5800 genes, representing over a quarter of the human genome, ...

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Social networking for the proteome, upgraded: New study maps ... - Science Daily

Ukraine bans Russian social networks in sweeping expansion of sanctions –

Ukraine will block access to the country's most popular social networking sites and other Russian-based web businessesundernew sanctions against Russia for itsannexation of Crimea and war in east Ukraine.

Access to Yandex, a Russian equivalent of google that provides search engines, maps, and other popular tools,and social media sites Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, will be banned under a decree signed by Petro Poroshenko, the president of Ukraine, on Tuesday.

The decree bans Ukrainian web hosts from linking to the Russian websites from May 15.

The decision was described in a decree posted on the presidential website as part of economic sanctions against Russia, which annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and has sent weapons, equipment, and troops to support a fuel the separatist side in a war in eastern Ukraine.

However, some Ukrainian officials have also described it as a national security measure.

"The servers of these Russian social networks ... store the personal data of Ukrainian users and information on their movements, contacts, communications," Volodymyr Ariev, an MP from President Petro Poroshenko's political faction, said on Facebook.

Other websites blocked under the order include those of the cyber security firms Kaspersky Lab and DrWeb.

The decrees also imposes asset freezes and broadcast bans on Russian television channels TV Tsentr, RBK, VGTRK, NTV-Plus, Zvezda, TNT, REN and ORT.

It is not clear how Ukraine will enforce the ban.

About 60 percent of Ukrainian internet users are active on Vkontakte, a survey by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology found last year.

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Ukraine bans Russian social networks in sweeping expansion of sanctions -

Breaking down social networking behavior – Science Daily

Breaking down social networking behavior
Science Daily
New big-data analytics by a City College of New York-led team suggests that both an individual's economic status and how they are likely to react to issues and policies can be inferred by their position in social networks. The study could be useful in ...

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Breaking down social networking behavior - Science Daily

Team breaks down social networking behavior – – Phys.Org

May 16, 2017 Social network diagram. Credit: Daniel Tenerife/Wikipedia

New big-data analytics by a City College of New York-led team suggests that both an individual's economic status and how they are likely to react to issues and policies can be inferred by their position in social networks. The study could be useful in maximizing the effects of large-scale economic stimulus policies.

A team led by City College physicist Hernan A. Makse was legally granted access to two massive big datasets: all the phone calls of the entire population of Mexico for three months and the banking information of a subset of people. All the data, approximately 110 million phone calls and 500,000 bank clients, was anonymous with no names.

"It is commonly believed that patterns of social ties affect individuals' economic status, said Makse, whose research interest includes the theoretical understanding of complexity. "We analyzed these two large-scale sources - the telecommunications and financial data of a whole country's population. Our results showed that an individual's location, measured as the optimal collective influence to the structural integrity of the social network, is highly correlated with personal economic status."

The social network patterns of influence observed mimicked the patterns of economic inequality. For pragmatic use and validation, Makse and his colleagues carried out a marketing campaign that showed a three-fold increase in response rate by targeting individuals identified by their social network metrics as compared to random targeting.

Makse's collaborators included Shaojun Luo and Flaviano Morone from CCNY's Levich Institute, and Matias Travizano and Carlos Sarraute from Grandata Labs in San Francisco.

Explore further: 'Smaller is smarter' in superspreading of influence in social network

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A team of researchers led by Dr. Hernan Makse, professor of physics at The City College of New York (CCNY), has shed new light on the way that information and infectious diseases proliferate across complex networks. Writing ...

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Team breaks down social networking behavior - - Phys.Org

Company is adding more social-networking features to its Apple Stores – The Mercury News

Angela Ahrendts, Apples high priestess for all things retail, wants to harness her inventory of company stores around the world to be much more than simply places to buy iPhones and iPads.

Talking to a LinkedIn blog this week to share her vision, Apples senior vice president for retail described about how so-called influencers will be able to share their art and ideas in a communal setting within Apple stores. These thinkers, leaders, and culture-makers who feed our curiosity and reinforce our ideas will turn Apple stores into repositories of creative sparks and incubators of world-changing ideas, if, that is, things go according to Ahrendts plan.

An influencer to me is someone who shares their journeythe ups and downsand their approach to their craft or the spark that ignites a new interest allowing people to do more and go further, she writes. At their core, an influencer creates an empowering human connection. This is the essence of our new in-store experience, Today at Apple, bringing a community of people together to influence one another, to learn, share, and experience their Apple passions like music, photography, videography, art and coding. Free and open to everyone, everydaykids, parents, educators, entrepreneurs, and more.

Ahrendts goes on to say what every fanboy and girl out there already knows as Steve Jobs gospel: At Apple, we believe that people with passion can change the world. In an era of social everything, we want to spark possibility and opportunity in the creative arts, in real life, person to person. Across our almost 500 stores through our 60,000 incredible employees impacting their local communities. The goal, says Ahrendts, is to turn every Apple Store into a town square where people with similar interests can gather and share ideas and experiences.

The message then sends readers to the Today at Apple site where you can plug in your local store and pull up a list of activities at each venue.

Besides offering things like workshops like editing classes for the Mac and adding voice-over to your iPhone video, the initiative offers new sessions to learn and share ideas about using iPads for hearing loss and finding creative ways to store those billions of old photos youve got on your iPhone 7. The stores will also offer special classes for kids and for businesses. Every single store will offer a Kids Hour every Saturday morning. Atthe Apple Store in Walnut Creek this afternoon, for example, you can join others on a Photo Walk: Framing Architecture and Details.

In fact, this weekend every Apple Store on the planet will be offering photo walks, too. And stores will also offer Studio Hours, which are open work sessions where users can come in and get help from trained staff and other Apple customers with their personal projects.

Discover a new angle on photographing buildings, monuments, architectural details, and structures, says the pitch. Bring your iPhone or iPad and well share techniques for composing your shot, and show you how to consider light and shadow to emphasize details and lines. Wear comfortable shoes and bring only what you needincluding a fully charged device.

The program is not completely new by any means for years, Apple has offered classes and speakers inside many of its stores, with some of the larger locations equipped with spacious classrooms. But with Today at Apple, the Cupertino tech giant is jumping even higher onto a social-networking bandwagon that everyone from Google (Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.) to Facebook (Whether its a road trip, a bachelor party, or your concert bucket list, groups make it easy to coordinate with friends near and far. Share documents, project updates, poll your team for feedback. A group lets you communicate in one searchable space.)

Even Airbnb has joined the fray with its Experiences which allow guests to join others and do communal activities in different cities around the world.


Cupertino, California Apple today announced plans to launch dozens of new educational sessions next month in all 495 Apple stores ranging in topics from photo and video to music, coding, art and design and more. The hands-on sessions, collectively called Today at Apple, will be led by highly-trained team members, and in select cities world-class artists, photographers and musicians, teaching sessions from basics and how-to lessons to professional-level programs.

At the heart of every Apple Store is the desire to educate and inspire the communities we serve, said Angela Ahrendts, Apples senior vice president, Retail. Today at Apple is one of the ways were evolving our experience to better serve local customers and entrepreneurs. Were creating a modern-day town square, where everyone is welcome in a space where the best of Apple comes together to connect with one another, discover a new passion, or take their skill to the next level. We think it will be a fun and enlightening experience for everyone who joins.


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Company is adding more social-networking features to its Apple Stores - The Mercury News