Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

How Social Media Is Making People Less Social – Youth Ki Awaaz

Human survival has witnessed humongous technological advancement. Three decades ago, we communicated with our colleagues and family through postcards and letters. But then, our way of communication changed from letters to emails through the .

Since the advent of internet, our lives have become more fascinating and compelling than earlier. Internet made everything effortless, whether it be our studies or something else that is difficult to find in books. Through social networking, our ties with our next of kin have become much more intense than they used to be.

Some social networking sites were founded on the mechanism they would connect people staying far away or travelling around the globe. Through these sites,people could be in touch with each other irrespective of the time and place. However, as everything else, social networking also has a negative and positive aspect. Despiteuplifting the standard of living of people, it has started , tumultuously plundering our lives. This could also be true that social networking has had more negative effects than positive.

To make it easier to understand, let take the example of the most popular social networking websites i.e., Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat.

With the advent of the Facebook, the youth that is supposed to be the power of any nation, is now much more interested in gossip and late night conversation on Facebook rather then on physically meeting colleagues and friends. They spend hours and hours on chatting. They have lost their ability to utilise their energy in pursuing their career. A small faction of the youth actually knows the relevance of social networking websites but a large portion is unable to figure out whenthey are being arising from the virtual world.

They put their heads into the number oflikes and followers than about the issues trending on the websites and they believe their fabricated lives more and more. This mess has got students nurtured over years, addicted to it. They waste their potential while they scroll down their Facebook newsfeed and on it.

For more efficient means of enjoyment and amusement, they are interested in possessing electronic gadgets, spending thousands of rupees on iPads, laptops and smartphones.

We cannot ignore the truth, for whosoever has tasted its pseudo-pleasure, Facebook has retained the possession over their minds. Every second person in this world is addicted to it. As soon as the day begins, what every person on Facebook does is to check other peoples status messages and see if anyone new has started following them. Research says that the addiction to social media is higher than the level of addiction to cigarettes and alcohol. Meanwhile, some conspiracy theories claim it to be a Zionist plot and the conspiracy of the corporate world. Usually every person finds their bliss on Facebook. The following limits are sky-rocketing on a day to day basis. Facebook is the largest social network in the world with 1.86 billion active users in which 1.15 billion are the mobile daily active users.

Followed by Facebook, Instagram has a fine position in the social media market. Those who tired of Facebook, shifted their stands to Instagram. This site has various modifications like sharing photos i.e., posting your photos and following other people while having followers of your own. More importantly, it has one remarkable feature that Facebook doesnt provide, no one can download any photo from anywhere. With this change, one feels their private space more protected than that on Facebook. However, this doesnt affect Facebooks market because the users previously only on Facebook now have an additional account on Instagram. So from now, the hours dedicated to social media in an individuals life increase since, instead of maintaining one account, they now maintain two.

This legacy has been carried forward by SnapChat, taking up the remaining space left for the victims me time. Snapchat has secured its importance in the heart of social media victims in such a way that people have difficulty in quitting social networks because of FOMO (fear of missing out). I was appalled when I observed that snap chat is emphatically used for the sake of . This is a matter of concern as I have talked about only three prominent social media networking sites.We cannot anticipate the amount of addiction for the rest of other like Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tumblr and Telegram.

When technology didnt have deep roots, we were fascinated about it and now when it is rooted in our very minds we find ourselves in quandary with regards to our bliss and happiness. When the Internet was in afostering stage we found pleasure in it, but now that it has been nurtured completely we are trying to get away from it, finding escape somewhere in nature for peace and harmony in our lives. It has made anxiety a way of life for civilians.

No one can be left out from this drift because almost everyone has joined at least one of the social networks. It is time that we take a break from all the mess and chaos and ask ourselves, what are we trying to get from this intangible virtual world? Why we are wasting our precious life in ? Is it really worth it to continue doing whatever we have been doing since a long period of time? Shouldnt we only limit ourselves to enjoying social media rather than be a addicted to it ?

Before raising our voices against atomic bombs, we should understand what really is a weapon of mass destruction.


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How Social Media Is Making People Less Social - Youth Ki Awaaz

Mac owners more likely to use social networks for dating – Digital News Asia

Digital News Asia
Mac owners more likely to use social networks for dating
Digital News Asia
IN THE run-up to Valentine's Day, Kaspersky Lab had identified the peculiarities of romantic behaviour on social networks. It turns out those users who mostly access the Internet on a Mac desktop stand out for their greater displays of amorousness on ...

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Mac owners more likely to use social networks for dating - Digital News Asia

Considerations for youth and social networking Part 3: Privacy settings – Michigan State University Extension

Considerations for youth and social networking Part 3: Privacy settings Help youth set up, maintain and update the privacy settings on social networking sites.

Posted on February 16, 2017 by Christine Heverly, Michigan State University Extension

According to a 2015 Pew Research, 71 percent of teenagers 13-17 years old are using at least one social network site. With this high usage of social networking, there are many factors adults must consider when helping youth navigate their usage of social networking sites. Helping youth understand the importance of setting, maintaining and updating privacy settings on social networking sites is an significant aspect that needs to be considered when helping youth understand their digital footprint.

Youth need to understand they shouldnt be sharing their personal information in their online profiles, including their full real name, address, phone number, financial information, school name, current location, passwords or other private information. Set some guidelines to help youth know what to consider when setting their privacy settings. Michigan State University Extension has some questions parents or other adults can ask youth to help them think about privacy:

Youth are sharing more and information online, so it is crucial to help them understand what they share online can be seen by others. Adults should help youth understand that every piece of information that is included in an online profile can be seen by others and paints a picture of that youth. Others can use this information to make assumptions about the youth or even locate a youth.

As a parent, volunteer or other adult working with youth, talk to youth about how they are using social networking and have them think about their privacy settings. Technology changes, apps come and go, and the next wave in social media platforms will come about, but that doesnt change the guidelines youth consider around privacy. Adults should continually be reminding youth that they need to be checking and updating their privacy settings to ensure only information youth want to be seen is being seen.

Check out the previous articles in this series below, and watch for future articles that will explore topics of boundaries and sharing photos more in depth.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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Considerations for youth and social networking Part 3: Privacy settings - Michigan State University Extension

Facebook Users Mixed on New Job Postings – Fortune

Facebook's decision to add job postings to its popular social network jarred some of its users, who view it as a hub for personal networking, party pictures, and finding old high school friends.

The consensus opinion (but by no means scientific finding) gleaned from a dozen or so colleagues, industry sources, and friends was that they prefer to keep their business and personal lives separate when it comes to online networks.

These Facebook users say they keep their most-recent work affiliations updated on LinkedIn, the business-focused social network now owned by Microsoft ( msft ) , and most said they are careful to maintain that separation of their personal and work personas.

A few also cited the increasingly polarized political situation in the United States as one reason they do so. (If you rant about one candidate or another on Facebook, now you could end up alienating a prospective employer.)

Paula Hunter, executor director of NFC Forum , an industry group, called the Facebook Business push into job posting a mistake. Hunter thinks both Facebook ( fb ) and LinkedIn should stay in their respective lanes.

"I think it's a bad step. Facebook has already lost a lot of younger users and a lot of engineers. I have hated the increased social chatter on LinkedIn, which is strictly business for me," she notes.

And yet, a vocal slice of respondents said they will give Facebook a shot. Wendy White, chief marketing officer of Iovation , a Portland, Ore.-based tech company, says she will check it out.

"I don't think this is about Facebook exposing your posts or personal data," White says (via Facebook Messenger). "It's simply using their platform and insights about you to serve relevant ads. Say I check into a PHP conference, post about dev-ops, and I'm in the network of a software company. Boom! Facebook will serve me a targeted job."

(For reference, PHP is a software language, and dev-ops is an industry term for a modern way of building and deploying software.)

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Dee Dee Walsh, vice president of marketing for , Bellevue, Wash., is an avid LinkedIn user, but says she will definitely try Facebook Jobs.

"It may be easier to reach developers on Facebook than on LinkedIn," she says, explaining that while LinkedIn is great for filling non-technical positions, it is not always effective in finding software developers and engineers.

For more on Facebook, watch:

Paul Santinelli, a partner at venture capital firm North Bridge Venture Partners, is also open to the new jobs posting. "The number one priority of recruiting is prospect reach. Number two is relationships with prospects within that reach so Facebook seems like a logical place to recruit," Santinelli says, via email. "Now, what types of jobs? I wouldn't use it for executive recruiting, but for skilled workers? Sure."

When it comes to reach, as of December, Facebook claimed about 1.86 billion monthly active users. LinkedIn, on the other hand, has approximately 467 million registered members.

But just how many of those active Facebook users actually list their professional affiliation or use it for business purposes is unclear.

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Facebook Users Mixed on New Job Postings - Fortune

Zuckerberg’s Vision for Facebook: A Global Community Backed by AI – PCMag India

For the past decade, Facebook has focused on connecting friends and family members; going forward, it wants to develop the social infrastructure for a connected, global community, CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in the nearly 6,000-word letter today.

"Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global community," Zuckerberg wrote. "When we began, this idea was not controversial. Every year, the world got more connected and this was seen as a positive trend.

"Yet now, across the world there are people left behind by globalization, and movements for withdrawing from global connection," Zuckerberg said. "There are questions about whether we can make a global community that works for everyone, and whether the path ahead is to connect more or reverse course."

Zuckerberg wants to foster a supportive, safe, informed, civically engaged, and inclusive community, he wrote. But with almost 2 billion Facebook users, that last bitinclusivitycan be tough.

"In the last year, the complexity of the issues we've seen has outstripped our existing processes for governing the community," Zuckerberg wrote, pointing to incidents like the removal of a famous Vietnam War photograph and the live police shooting video of Philando Castile (both of which were later returned to the site).

"This has been painful for me because I often agree with those criticizing us that we're making mistakes," Zuckerberg wrote, before pledging to allow Facebook "to permit more newsworthy and historical content, even if some is objectionable."

Still, "sitting here in California, we're not best positioned to identify the cultural norms around the world," he wrote. "Instead, we need a system where we can all contribute to setting the standards." Details are still being worked out, but Zuckerberg pointed to a "large-scale democratic process to determine standards with AI to help enforce them."

Artificial intelligence will also come into play on safety issues, Zuckerberg said, from blocking terrorist propaganda to identifying those who need mental health assistance and help from bullying.

"We are researching systems that can look at photos and videos to flag content our team should review," Zuckerberg wrote. "This is still very early in development, but we have started to have it look at some content, and it already generates about one-third of all reports to the team that reviews content for our community."

That community, meanwhile, is increasingly polarized. "Our goal must be to help people see a more complete picture, not just alternate perspectives," according to Zuckerberg, who argued that sensationalism, like articles with clickbait headlines, "moves people away from balanced nuanced opinions towards polarized extremes."

After taking heat for the proliferation of fake news during the 2016 campaign, Facebook has introduced some tools to reduce the amount of incorrect stories that float through news feeds. Going forward, "our approach will focus less on banning misinformation, and more on surfacing additional perspectives and information, including that fact checkers dispute an item's accuracy," Zuckerberg said today.

Armed with accurate information, Zuckerberg said he hopes people will then get involved, from registering to vote to following local elections.

"Today, most of us do not even know who our local representatives are, but many policies impacting our lives are local, and this is where our participation has the greatest influence. Research suggests reading local news is directly correlated with local civic engagement. This shows how building an informed community, supportive local communities, and a civically-engaged community are all related."

See the original post here:
Zuckerberg's Vision for Facebook: A Global Community Backed by AI - PCMag India