A World Map Of The Most Popular Social Networks – We are Social Media (press release) (blog)
by Geoff Desreumaux February 7, 2017 Experts Talk Comments Off on A World Map Of The Most Popular Social Networks 1145
We think the world is dominated by Facebook, but is it really the worlds favourite social network? And what about thesecondmostpopular social networks? Lets check the world map!
I wont keep you hanging. Yes, Facebook is still the worlds most popular social network, and by far. But the following maps, designed by Vincenzo Cosenza, are still full of interesting and sometimes surprising insights on how the world usessocial media platforms.
Here we go.
Without much surprise, Facebook is the most popular social networking platform in most of the world. V Kontakte is (obviously) leading the way in Russia, the same way Qzone is overtaking China.
More surprisingly however, Instagram comes first in four African countries Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique and Tanzania and Iran!
When it comes to the second most popular social network, Twitter and Instagram lead the way. Instagram usually comes second in mostcountrieswere Facebook is first, with the notable exception of Canada and Australia, where Reddit (!) is the second most popular social network, and India which seems to use LinkedIn more than Instagram.
Which is your countrys number one? Anything that surprises you in these maps? Let me know in the comments below.
Geoff is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of We are Social Media. He is also the Head of Social Media for a London based agency, a visiting lecturer at the University of Greenwich and an international #smm speaker.
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A World Map Of The Most Popular Social Networks - We are Social Media (press release) (blog)