Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Facebooks integration of TheFind could boost outlook for social shopping – Video

Facebooks integration of TheFind could boost outlook for social shopping
Facebook #39;s integration of TheFind #39;s discovery shopping search engine could give social shopping the wider availability for which marketers are hoping, if the big social networking site #39;s...

By: NapeanLLC

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Facebooks integration of TheFind could boost outlook for social shopping - Video

Battlefield Hardline : Blood Money on Holywood Heights! [1080p60] – Video

Battlefield Hardline : Blood Money on Holywood Heights! [1080p60]
A simple strategy that works very well with team work. I hope you enjoy the video. After it #39;s done please either like or dislike. If you liked it then maybe I can trouble you for a sub...

By: TheTurboFD

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Facebook clarifies 'community standards' on terrorism, bullying, nudity and real names

Social networking giant Facebook has updated its "community standards" policies, explaining its position on controversial topics such as hate speech from terrorist groups, cyber bullying, nudity and use of real names.

In a move sure to please the Australian Government, which recently warned of the dangers posed by terrorist groups using social media, the new community standards prohibit accounts related to dangerous organisations.

Pages deemed to promote bullying, self-injury, criminal activity, violence and more are also disallowed.

Those profiles used to shame individuals or post digitally altered images that degrade people also do not meet Facebook's standards.

The issue of terrorist organisations using Facebook to spread their messages has been criticised by some world leaders, and last month Prime Minister Tony Abbott was scathing of terrorist groups' use of social media.

"Every single day, the Islamist death cult and its supporters churn out up to 100,000 social media messages in a variety of languages," Mr Abbott said.

"Often, they are slick and well produced.

"That's the contagion that's infecting people, grooming them for terrorism."

Facebook said the policies and standards themselves were not changing but it felt it was necessary to provide more clarity and examples.

While many community standards detail restrictions of what can be posted on Facebook, the organisation appears to have bowed to public campaigns regarding the display of women breastfeeding and further clarified that policy.

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Facebook clarifies 'community standards' on terrorism, bullying, nudity and real names

AP Survey: Millennials Are Frequent News Consumers

Young adults have a reputation for being connected to one another and disconnected from the news. But a survey has found that mobile devices and social networking are keeping them more engaged with the broader world than previously thought.

They want news, they say, though they don't always aggressively seek it out - perhaps simply happening upon it on a friend's online feed. And they want it daily.

The survey of Americans ages 18 to 34, sometimes called the millennial generation, found that two-thirds of respondents said they consume news online regularly, often on a social networking site. Of those, 40 percent do so several times a day, according to the poll, conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute.

It's been a slowly building trend in news consumption that experts say is trickling up to older generations - and that young people say helps them stay current, even if they never read an actual newspaper or watch the evening news on TV.

"I don't think people would expect us to know what we know," says Erica Quinn, a 24-year-old college student in Gainesville, Florida, who participated in the survey. The findings were to be presented Monday in Nashville at the annual convention of the Newspaper Association of America.

Among other things, the respondents said their consumption of news and information on various devices was most often sparked by an interest in civic issues, for social reasons, including discussing a topic with friends, or because they just find it enjoyable.

The survey found that young adults generally get harder news from more traditional news sites and "softer" lifestyle news from social networks, Facebook being the overwhelming favorite.

That's generally how it works for Marilu Rodriguez, a 29-year-old from suburban Chicago, who participated in a focus group that accompanied the survey.

She recalls how, as a child, the TV news would come on at her house after her family had watched the latest episode of their favorite telenovela, a Spanish-language soap opera.

"It was a family thing to watch the news," Rodriguez says.

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AP Survey: Millennials Are Frequent News Consumers

Congress worker releases photos of Rahul Gandhi camping in Uttarakhand – Video

Congress worker releases photos of Rahul Gandhi camping in Uttarakhand
Rahul Gandhi Uttarakhand: Amid Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi #39;s surprise sabbatical at a time when the Budget session of Parliament is underway, a party worker has released some photos...

By: India News

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Congress worker releases photos of Rahul Gandhi camping in Uttarakhand - Video