Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Draw My Thing With Dan, Jack and Aaron – Video

Draw My Thing With Dan, Jack and Aaron
Today, Jack, Dan and Aaron play Draw my Thing on Mineplex while we update you on what #39;s been happening 🙂 ================================================== SUBSCRIBE!

By: TheDefyingGamers

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Draw My Thing With Dan, Jack and Aaron - Video

Doodat – Social Game – Video

Doodat - Social Game
Download: This is a social-networking, multiplayer game. Best played being with friends on party or some social place. After...

By: Caqtus

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Doodat - Social Game - Video

Social Networking Safety Speaker Elementary School Testimonial – Video

Social Networking Safety Speaker Elementary School Testimonial
Looking for a Social Networking Safety Speaker for Elementary Schools? Here is a testimonial from our speaker at Dynamic Influence.

By: DynamicInfluence

Continued here:
Social Networking Safety Speaker Elementary School Testimonial - Video

Social networking password policy questioned

Policy under scrutiny reviews and outlines the procedures in matters of search and seizure of student's personal effects on school property - such as lockers, desks, purses, lunch boxes and parking lots - when there is reasonable grounds for suspecting that such a search "will produce evidence the particular student has violated or is violating either the law or the district's student conduct rules," according to board documents.

Board Vice President Alison Swanson and board member Brent Lightfoot expressed concern over a section of the policy re-titled "Student Accounts or Profiles on Social Networking Websites." The section of the policy reads:

"Although it is a rarely invoked and authorities may request or require a student to provide a password or other related account information in order to gain access to the student's account or profile on a social networking website when there is a reasonable ground for suspecting that the student's account on a social networking website contains evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the district's student conduct rules."

"I still have a problem with us requiring students to give passwords to social networking sites," Swanson said.

Lightfoot agreed, but said he believed the district is "required by statute to have such a policy."

Maureen Lemon, district attorney, said that Lightfoot was correct.

"I disagree with it, too," Lightfoot said of the statute, "but we have to have it."

Swanson asked if the policy had to state it was "by law" or "by the district's student conduct rules."

"It's both," Lemon said. "It's a verbatim recitation of what the law requires you to have as notice to your parents and students."

"In the working world this is not legal," Swanson said.

The rest is here:
Social networking password policy questioned

Avoid sharing photos on social networking sites

Avoid sharing photos on social networking websites, L. Balaji Saravanan, Additional Superintendent of Police, advised college students, especially girls during a workshop on Cyber Crime at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on Saturday.

The ASP dwelt on negative dimensions of social networking sites, phishing, cyber tracking and spoofing, ATM scams, online scam, and email threats, and the ways to counter them while inaugurating a workshop on Cyber Crimes: Prevention Methodologies organised by the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Erode Sengunthar Engineering College.

The programme, according to the organisers, was conducted to accelerate awareness in the backdrop of cyber crimes resulting in various kinds of economic loss and information loss.

V. Rajendran, president, Cyber Society of India; Ramesh Bhashyam, Secretary; and S.N. Ravichandran, Coordinator, handled technical sessions on the available mechanisms to counter cyber crimes, and cautioned the youth against becoming victims.

College Secretary N. Sivananthan presided over. R. Mohanraj, Correspondent, also spoke.

The workshop attracted 16 police officials and over 200 students from various engineering colleges, A.T. Ravichandran, ESEC Principal, said.


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Avoid sharing photos on social networking sites