Facebook addiction
With Facebook exploding into existence and evolving rapidly in just a couple of years, its not easy for users to grasp the unspoken rules of the social interactions within. Still, there is a general agreed upon courtesy or etiquette for online communication which we can apply to the phenomenal social networking site. Nevertheless, there is no such thing as hard and fast rules for spontaneous social interactions because they are ever-changing.
The following etiquettes are therefore not something which we should all strictly abide to. Rather, I must emphasize that they are purely guidelines to enhance our social interactions and experience with Facebook.
As much as you may have exhibitionistic tendencies and wants everyone to know your most intimate secrets, others may not share the same inclination. Your friends might not take it too kindly when you post what they did last night at your house party, or any other stuff which are understood to be kept between your closest friends.
The fact is that most of their Facebook friends will hear about it in such a public platform. The walls indeed have ears, especially so for the Facebook Wall. Best to keep these conversations behind closed doors in Facebook Messaging.
When you have hundreds of friends and acquaintances in Facebook, you have people from all kinds of backgrounds, all with different jobs, beliefs, personalities, etc. Updating your status with a general statement may seem harmless to you, but others may read it in a different light. For example, you make a remark about how advertisers con unsuspecting consumers into buying something they dont need.
What you may not realize is that some of your friends in the advertising industry could see your status in their newsfeed. Its a general statement, but they might think you aretargeting them. Of course, its not going to be any fun if youre going to consider all the possible misinterpretations before you post anything, but just be mindful of it.
This isnt just Facebook etiquette; its social etiquette or even common sense. If you need to inform your friends or your family about some important and personal news (e.g. death in the family), dont declare it out in the public domain. Facebook is a social networking site; its supposed to be public. This means that people can know what happened.
The other reason not to post is courtesy. Its the same reason why you shouldnt use SMS (or even the phone) to break up with someone. Its rude and insincere to break important news, be it good or bad ones, without having some form of genuine communication through voice tones and body languages.
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Essential Facebook etiquette