Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Google+ Now Lets You Define Your Gender

The social networking outlet of the tech giant is the latest to let users define their gender identity however feels right to them.

Following on the heels of social networking sites like Facebook and OKCupid, users of Google+ will soon be able to set their own gender, reports TechCrunch.

Among a cascade of updates rolled out on Tuesday, the tech giant announced it will let users list their gender as more than just Male or Female. In fact, according to Google software engineer Rachael Bennetts post, Google+ users will now have access to an infinite number of ways to express your gender identity.

Prior to Tuesdays update which began its rollout on December 9 and should now be available to all users Google allowed users to list their gender as Male, Female, or Other to account for those whose identities didnt fit within a rigid gender binary.

Now, the gender field on your profile will contain four entries, Male, Female, Decline to state, and Custom, explains Bennett. When Custom is selected, a freeform text field and a pronoun field will appear. You can still limit who can see your gender, just like you can now.

These latest updates reflect similar changes recently embraced at Facebook which in February expanded its available list of gender identities available for users to select to more than 70 different options, depending on where users live and online dating site OKCupid, which in November announced it would allow users to choose from a wide range of gender identities and sexual orientations.

The updates to Google+, however, seem to be the most user-driven implementation of the trend to expand gender and sexuality listings on social networking sites. By allowing users to write their own identities under the Custom gender listing, Google has given users total freedom to self-identify however feels accurate to them. Users can also decide what pronouns theyd like the service to refer to them using, selecting male (he/him/his), female (she/her/hers), or other, using the gender-neutral singular they/their/theirs.

Most users with a Gmail, Google Hangouts, or YouTube account were required to set up a Google+ account if they signed up after September 2012. Although that requirement has now been lifted, according to BusinessInsider, users wanting to get the full functionality of Google products will need to sign up for a Google+ account, which can be done via a drop-down menu under the account settings.

Once users have set up and logged into their Google+ profile, they will be able to update their gender by clicking edit on the basic information section of their profile. In the pop-up window that appears to edit that basic informations, users will see a drop-down menu available to select their gender, and can select the appropriate option from there. Users can also set the privacy level who can see the users gender identity via a drop-down menu to the right of the gender listing.

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Google+ Now Lets You Define Your Gender

Christmas Pack – Video

Christmas Pack
Open Me For The Link? . . . . . Another Christmas Pack! (Yey!) Pls #39;like #39; the video if you want the pack c: Enjoy~ Social Networking Facebook; #39;sARLR...

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See the original post here:
Christmas Pack - Video

Social Networking and Enterprise Assignment 2 #6BUS1062 – Video

Social Networking and Enterprise Assignment 2 #6BUS1062
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By: dreamscastskye

Read the original post:
Social Networking and Enterprise Assignment 2 #6BUS1062 - Video

Sonakshi Sinha: I will always look up to my dad-review – Video

Sonakshi Sinha: I will always look up to my dad-review
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Sonakshi Sinha: I will always look up to my dad-review - Video

Channel Update – Dec 10 2014 – Video

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By: Windguaerd

Read more:
Channel Update - Dec 10 2014 - Video