Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Netropolitan: Social Networking For Rich People

Are you a 1-percenter who needs a safe social media outlet to talk about your first-world problems, without the risk of alienating your commoner friends? Now you have an alternative to the impoverished unwashed masses of Facebook. Enter, an exclusive digital country club -- essentially, Facebook for rich people.

For a cool $9,000 first-year membership fee (and $3,000 a year every year after that), high-rollers can crowdsource names for their yachts or complain about having to fly commercial to a like-minded, sympathetic audience. Netropolitan is billing itself as the worlds most exclusive online community, one that will allow affluent and accomplished individuals worldwide to socialize in a completely private and secure manner. With the hefty subscription prices, Netropolitan can afford to be ad-free. And the posts will be moderated by the company's own "professional moderators." Businesses will be able to create groups and advertise to each other, albeit under strict guidelines, according to Netropolitan's information site.

Netropolitan was created by James Touchi-Peters, a composer, performer and former conductor of the Minnesota Philharmonic Orchestra. Michelle Lawless from Media Minefield, Netropolitans PR firm, told the Los Angeles TimesNetropolitan was inspired by the discomfort Touchi-Peters and his friends felt when they talked about certain topics that could be construed as bragging on traditional social networking sites, where they were met with a little ill will. But Netropolitan, she explained, is designed to be the place to talk about your last European vacation or new car without the backlash.

Unlike the young and the rich on Instagram (as chronicled on Rich Kids of Instagram, a tumblr that aggregates their shameless bragging on the photo sharing app) the rich of will be far more discreet -- limiting their sharing to their peer group.

Perhaps the Wall Street Journals recently lampooned video explaining how you can make $400,000 a year and still feel broke" would have been better suited for

Netropolitan: Social Networking For Rich People

YG – Im 4rm Bompton (Bass Boosted) *HD* – Video

YG - Im 4rm Bompton (Bass Boosted) *HD*
Follow me on all of my social networking sites! Follow me on Twitter: Like my Facebook page: Follow...

By: ExpectBass

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YG - Im 4rm Bompton (Bass Boosted) *HD* - Video

A teens guide to social networking

Uchenna Innocent | credits: File copy

We leave in a world where everything seems to be looking forward to the Internet for interactions, networking, learning, and business, among others. The teens are not out of the trend as the Internet connectivity through smart phones, tablets and Personal Computers have become a part of their lifestyle and daily lives.

The number of young adults, who spend quality time online, continues to be on the increase, hence the need to educate our young ones on the use of the Internet. Therefore, the teaching of social networking etiquette should be a priority, as is with sex education and computer literacy.

It is an unquestionable reality that we are in the digital age, and it is no surprise that most teens operate and familiarise themselves with gadgets faster than most adults do. This, in itself, is not bad, but we all do know there are two sides to a coin. A teens activity on the Internet could be either of a positive or of a negative end, and it all depends on its usage.

Statistics from shows the age distribution of social media users in Nigeria (Sept. 2013);

There are quite a number of things the Internet could be used for which has both positive and negative sides to it, but with the right orientation the Internet cum social media could be put to a more productive use. I will be mentioning just a few which are;

There are still a number of precautions that could be taken to limit the vices, through a conscious effort by parent/ guardians and the teens alike.

Guide to using the Internet/Social Media

Parental Advice

Before your children attain teenage or young adulthood you owe them the responsibility of forming a bond with them, a relationship that makes them see you as a very important part of their lives; not just as a provider for their basic needs, but as a key part of their spiritual and social lives. In search of feeling in the void of a parental hollow, most teens turn to social networking and the Internet.

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A teens guide to social networking

Indian Air Force Says Social Media Use May Be Safety Threat To Pilots

Mon, Sep 15, 2014

India's Air Marshall P.P. Reddy has sent a communication to combat flying crews saying that he has serious concerns about the use of social media by pilots and air crews.

Specifically, Reddy says that excessive use of social media may be lead to a lack of sleep and degradation of the ability to focus, which could translate to errors in the cockpit.

The U.K. newspaper The Mail reports that Air Marshall Reddy, who is also a fighter pilot, said in the communication that there is an "unhealthy preoccupation with social networking media and the tools which enable it.

""We need to exercise discretion to maintain a healthy balance between our highly demanding profession and distractions like social networking media, mobiles and laptops to name a few. We can ill-afford to put expensive ac and lives at risk due to excessive indulgence in social networking media and other distractions," he wrote.

According to the IAF, there have been four recent incidents beginning in July, 2012, that have involved pilots who showed up to fly without adequate rest. An informal inquiry showed that they had been online until late into the night on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Reddy stops short of calling for a ban on social media, but he does point out that "Self discipline is of great importance because beyond a point no one can monitor and control your life. We can ill afford to put expensive ac (aircraft) and lives at risk due to excessive indulgence in social networking media and other distractions."

(Image from file)

See the rest here:
Indian Air Force Says Social Media Use May Be Safety Threat To Pilots

Zanui founder takes social networking to a new level with HeyLets

Dean Kelly (left) and Justin Parfitt, founders of the HeyLets app.

The idea of walking into a shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon made Dean Kelly's skin crawl.

"I couldn't bear the thought of having to fight crowds to furnish my flat," Kelly says. "I thought what better way of avoiding hordes of people than start an online furniture store."

So the former management consultant came up with the idea of Zanui, an online furniture and homewares store. While building the website, Kelly lived in his flat with his basic furniture bed, fridge, Xbox and beanbag.

"I was determined to see the idea through and I didn't want to go against my beliefs of buying furniture the traditional way. That was back in November 2011 and the business has grown substantially from there."


While in US raising money for Zanui, Kelly came up with his latest project.

"Having built an online furniture business propelled my desire to develop a global internet business," he says. "I didn't want to leave Zanui until it was solid and performing well but creating a social networking app really appealed to me.

"That's where the idea from HeyLets evolved from it is a social networking app that allows people to share their experiences based on their interests and positive experiences."

Kelly met online entrepreneur Justin Parfitt in America in early 2013 and they decided to roll out the app in Australia first to test the market. As far back as 2002 Parfitt had created Fast Impressions, a speed-dating company that had expanded around the world.

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Zanui founder takes social networking to a new level with HeyLets