Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

How big is the Internet, and how are we using it now? – ICEF Monitor

Short on time? Here are the highlights:

The annual report on global digital trends from marketing agency We Are Social is always a must-read around here. This years edition, produced in collaboration with tech tool provider Meltwater and sector intelligence specialists DataReportal, is no exception.

Digital 2023: Global Overview Report provides an insightful, high-level view of many of the important trends that inform how we find and share information, communicate, entertain ourselves, and otherwise connect online.

The report points out that the worlds population passed the 8 billion-person mark as of November 2022 and was roughly 8.01 billion at the start of this year. Nearly two in three of that total (or about 5.16 billion people in total) are now using the Internet. That represents about 3% year-over-year growth in the global user base between 2022 and 2023.

While that total number of users continues to grow, the data also shows that average time online per user actually declined year-over-year (down about -5% from 2022). It is important to stress that this decline doesnt indicate that the Internet is becoming less important in our lives, however, writes DataReportal Chief Analyst Simon Kemp. Rather, it suggests that people are becoming more purposeful in their use of digital technologies, and are prioritising the quality of their connected experiences over the quantity.

The gradual winding up of pandemic restrictions throughout 2022 has also played a part in that decline. Tellingly, this latest figure is very close to the daily average for Q3 2019 shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic delivered its profound impact on the worlds digital behaviours, adds Mr Kemp.

The report reminds us that a relatively small share of the worlds Internet users are found in North America or Europe, with much larger user populations found throughout Asia. Asian users therefore have a correspondingly greater impact on global trends.

Internet use is increasingly fluid across desktop and mobile devices. Just over nine in ten (91%) users now access the Internet via their smartphones (roughly equivalent to those that access via desktop machines at home or at work).

As we see in the summary below, however, mobile use accounts for just over five hours of the global daily average time of six hours, 37 minutes that users spent online each day as of January 2023.

Most users (58%) say that finding information is their main reason for using the Internet, following by staying in touch with friends and family (54%), and keeping up to date with news and events (51%). Research products and brands is the main reason cited by 43% of users whereas education and study-related purposes comes in 10th overall at 38%.

Those priorities are reflected in the following breakdown of the main types of websites that users visit as of January 2023.

As that summary might suggest, this years analysis also finds that even with the global decline in average time online users are spending more time than ever on social media. The global social media user total has increased by close to 30% since the start of the pandemic, equating to more than 1 billion new users over the past three years, says Mr Kemp.

We can also distinguish, however, between user counts on those various social channels and actual usage, as measured by average time per user. TikTok, for example, is the sixth-largest platform by user population but leads all social channels in terms of average time used per month at 23 hours and 28 minutes (this compares to 19 hours, 43 minutes for Facebook and 12 hours for Instagram).

If, as noted above, finding information remains the number one reason that people use the Internet, what are the most important channels for doing so?

The data says that about 31% of users (aged 16 to 64) still say that they rely on search to find new products and services. Social channels clearly play an important role as well, especially for users between 16 and 24 years old.

As a related report notes, Finding information doesnt quite mean the same thing it used to. Social media algorithms can surface it before we even know what were looking for.

We can see this reflected as well in how digital advertising spend is distributed across search and social channels, as illustrated in the following summary for 2022.

Mr Kemp adds that, [As of 2022], only internet users aged 16 to 24 were more likely to turn to social networks than search engines when researching products and services.

But [the latest data] confirms that this is now also true of younger Millennials, with 25 to 34 year-olds also more likely to prefer social networks when researching brands online.

The overall picture provided by those data points is that the balance is shifting over time, with a greater and greater emphasis on discovery-via-social media as opposed to discovery-via-search.

Mr Kemp expands: This suggests that younger internet users are looking for more serendipitous discovery, in addition to looking for more conventional answers to predefined questions.

One way for marketers to approach these shifting expectations is to rethink the somewhat didactic paradigm of conventional online search.

Rather than trying to deliver a single, all-encompassing answer, brands may have greater success if they help people to learn and discover answers for themselves.

For example, in contrast to the hierarchical ranking of search engine results pages (SERPs), search results on social media tend to be a lot more messy, offering searchers a variety of different kinds of answers and perspectives.

Moreover, on platforms like TikTok, users can quickly and easily identify whether a search result reflects or is at least relevant to people like me.

Thats in quite stark contrast to the relatively anonymous nature of the results we see in SERPs, where searchers need to open various different links before they can identify whether the results are really what theyre looking for.

For additional background, please see:

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How big is the Internet, and how are we using it now? - ICEF Monitor

Market Grappling the Emergence of Social Media Based Financial Products and Services – Finance Magnates

One of the mostsignificant innovations in the financial industry in recent years has been thegrowth of social media-based financial products and services. Social mediaplatforms have become an essential part of our everyday lives, and manybusinesses are now using them to offer innovative financial products andservices.

This articlewill look at the rise of social media-based financial goods and services, thebenefits and drawbacks of this trend, and the future of this quickly evolvingindustry.

Financialproducts and services delivered through social media platforms are referred toas social media-based financial products and services. Investment platforms,peer-to-peer lending services, and digital wallets are examples of theseproducts and services.

Many of theseproducts and services are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, allowingusers to manage their finances more easily through their preferred socialnetworking channels.

Keep Reading

The rise ofsocial media-based financial goods and services can be linked to a variety ofcauses, including the growing popularity of social media platforms,technological improvements, and changes in consumer behavior.

The growingpopularity of social media platforms is one of the primary drivers of thistrend. Social media platforms have become a vital part of our daily lives, withbillions of users worldwide. Many businesses are increasingly utilizing theseplatforms to reach a larger audience and provide innovative financial goods andservices.

Technologicaladvancements have also played an important influence in the growth of socialmedia-based financial goods and services. People may now access financialservices and products from anywhere, at any time, thanks to the widespreadusage of smartphones and other mobile devices.

This has madeit easier for businesses to offer financial products and services via socialmedia platforms, as well as for customers to manage their accounts on the go.

Changes inconsumer behavior have contributed to the emergence of financial productsand services based on social media. Many people are becoming more familiar withutilizing digital tools and platforms to handle their finances, and they aresearching for more convenient and user-friendly solutions.

People maymanage their finances utilizing the channels they currently use on a dailybasis with social media-based financial goods and services.

There arenumerous advantages to using financial goods and services based on socialmedia. One of the primary advantages is the convenience and accessibility theyprovide.

Companies mayreach a larger audience and make it easier for customers to manage theirfinances by selling financial products and services through social mediaplatforms. This is especially advantageous for persons who do not have accessto standard financial products and services, such as the unbanked orunderbanked.

Anotheradvantage of social media-based financial products and services is that many ofthese platforms are user-friendly and intuitive. Many financial products andservices based on social media are designed to be simple to use and comprehend,making it easier for people to manage their finances without substantialfinancial understanding.

While there arenumerous advantages to using social media-based financial products andservices, there are certain problems and hazards to be aware of. One of themost significant challenges is the possibility of data privacy and securityvulnerabilities. Cybercriminals frequently target social media platforms, andthere is a risk that financial data will be exposed if sufficient securitymeasures are not in place.

Another issueis the possibility of bias in the algorithms used to evaluate creditworthinessand risk. Many social media-based financial products and services rely on algorithmsto assess creditworthiness and risk, and there is a concern that thesealgorithms may contain biases that harm particular groups of individuals.

Finally, thereis the potential of fraud and fraud associated with financial goods andservices based on social media. Because these platforms are frequently lessregulated than traditional financial institutions, there is a risk of fraud.

There is apossibility of fraudulent activity. There have been reports of peer-to-peerlending platforms that turned out to be Ponzi scams, causing investors to loselarge sums of money.

Despite thehurdles and hazards, the future of financial products and services based onsocial media appears bright. We should expect to see even more innovativefinancial goods and services offered through social media platforms as moreindividuals become comfortable managing their finances online and as socialmedia platforms continue to expand in popularity.

Digitalpayments are one area where we may expect to see tremendous increase. Socialmedia networks like Facebook and Instagram are already experimenting withdigital payment options, and more of this is anticipated in the future.

Another areawhere we might anticipate growth is the application of blockchain technology.Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the financial system byenabling secure and transparent transactions.

Financialproducts and services based on social media could use this technology toprovide even more innovative and safe financial products and services.

Web3, alsoknown as the decentralized web, is an emerging paradigm that aims torevolutionize the internet by enabling users to have greater control over theirdata and online interactions. With the rise of web3 technologies, traditionalsocial media platforms, which have long relied on centralized control andownership of user data, may face significant challenges. One area that could beparticularly impacted is financial products and services offered through socialmedia platforms.

Social mediaplatforms have increasingly ventured into the realm of financial services withfeatures, such as peer-to-peer payments, crowdfunding, and e-commerce, becomingcommon offerings. However, these financial products and services are stilllargely reliant on the centralized infrastructure of social mediaplatforms, which may pose risks to users' data privacy, security, and control.

Web3technologies, on the other hand, are built on decentralized networks that useblockchain, a distributed ledger technology, to enable transparency, security,and ownership of digital assets. This decentralized approach could potentiallydisrupt social media-based financial products and services in several ways:

One of the keyprinciples of web3 is user ownership and control of data. In a web3 ecosystem,users have the ability to own and control their data, including financial data,through cryptographic keys. This stands in contrast to social media platformswhere user data is typically owned and controlled by the platform itself. Withweb3, users can securely store their financial data and selectively share itwith service providers of their choosing, without relying on a centralizedplatform. This shift in data ownership and control could disrupt the currentbusiness model of social media-based financial products and services, as usersmay demand more control over their financial data and be hesitant to share itwith centralized platforms.

Web3technologies are designed to be transparent and trustless, as transactions andinteractions are recorded on a blockchain, which is immutable and verifiable.This can potentially provide greater trust and transparency in financialtransactions compared to social media-based financial products and services where trust is primarily placed on the platform's centralized infrastructure.With web3, users can have greater confidence in the security and integrity oftheir financial transactions, as they do not have to rely solely on the platform'ssecurity measures. This could raise concerns about the security andtrustworthiness of social media-based financial products and services,especially in light of recent data breaches and privacy scandals involvingsocial media platforms.

Web3technologies often involve decentralized governance models, where decisionsabout the development and governance of the network are made through consensusamong network participants. This stands in contrast to social media platforms wheredecisions about the platform's features, policies, and governance are typicallymade by a centralized entity. The decentralized governance model of web3 couldpotentially offer users more influence and control over the development anddirection of financial products and services, compared to social media-basedfinancial products and services where decisions are made by the platform. Thiscould disrupt the traditional top-down approach of social media-based financialproducts and services and give users a greater say in shaping the products andservices they use.

Web3technologies aim to promote the interoperability and portability of digital assetsacross different platforms and services. This means that users can easilytransfer their digital assets including financial assets, from one platform toanother without being locked into a particular platform. This could potentiallydisrupt social media-based financial products and services as users may demandgreater flexibility and portability of their financial assets. Users could alsobenefit from access to a wider range of financial products and services fromdifferent providers, which could foster competition and innovation in theindustry.

Web3technologies emphasize community-driven finance where communities of userscollectively participate in the development and governance of financialproducts and services. This could disrupt social media-based financial productsand services that rely on centralized decision-making and control. In a web3ecosystem, users can participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocolswhere they can lend, borrow, invest, and participate in other financialactivities without the need for intermediaries. This community-driven approachcould challenge the traditional financial services offered by social mediaplatforms as users may seek more decentralized and community-drivenalternatives that align with their values and interests.

The rise offinancial products and services based on social media is an exciting phenomenonthat has the potential to alter the way we manage our finances. Companies mayoffer efficient and user-friendly financial products and services to a largeraudience by utilizing the power of social media platforms.

While there areobviously obstacles and hazards associated with this trend, the future of thisfast-evolving business appears to be bright. As technology advances and socialmedia sites gain popularity, we should expect to see even more innovative andsafe financial products and services offered through these channels.

One of the mostsignificant innovations in the financial industry in recent years has been thegrowth of social media-based financial products and services. Social mediaplatforms have become an essential part of our everyday lives, and manybusinesses are now using them to offer innovative financial products andservices.

This articlewill look at the rise of social media-based financial goods and services, thebenefits and drawbacks of this trend, and the future of this quickly evolvingindustry.

Financialproducts and services delivered through social media platforms are referred toas social media-based financial products and services. Investment platforms,peer-to-peer lending services, and digital wallets are examples of theseproducts and services.

Many of theseproducts and services are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, allowingusers to manage their finances more easily through their preferred socialnetworking channels.

Keep Reading

The rise ofsocial media-based financial goods and services can be linked to a variety ofcauses, including the growing popularity of social media platforms,technological improvements, and changes in consumer behavior.

The growingpopularity of social media platforms is one of the primary drivers of thistrend. Social media platforms have become a vital part of our daily lives, withbillions of users worldwide. Many businesses are increasingly utilizing theseplatforms to reach a larger audience and provide innovative financial goods andservices.

Technologicaladvancements have also played an important influence in the growth of socialmedia-based financial goods and services. People may now access financialservices and products from anywhere, at any time, thanks to the widespreadusage of smartphones and other mobile devices.

This has madeit easier for businesses to offer financial products and services via socialmedia platforms, as well as for customers to manage their accounts on the go.

Changes inconsumer behavior have contributed to the emergence of financial productsand services based on social media. Many people are becoming more familiar withutilizing digital tools and platforms to handle their finances, and they aresearching for more convenient and user-friendly solutions.

People maymanage their finances utilizing the channels they currently use on a dailybasis with social media-based financial goods and services.

There arenumerous advantages to using financial goods and services based on socialmedia. One of the primary advantages is the convenience and accessibility theyprovide.

Companies mayreach a larger audience and make it easier for customers to manage theirfinances by selling financial products and services through social mediaplatforms. This is especially advantageous for persons who do not have accessto standard financial products and services, such as the unbanked orunderbanked.

Anotheradvantage of social media-based financial products and services is that many ofthese platforms are user-friendly and intuitive. Many financial products andservices based on social media are designed to be simple to use and comprehend,making it easier for people to manage their finances without substantialfinancial understanding.

While there arenumerous advantages to using social media-based financial products andservices, there are certain problems and hazards to be aware of. One of themost significant challenges is the possibility of data privacy and securityvulnerabilities. Cybercriminals frequently target social media platforms, andthere is a risk that financial data will be exposed if sufficient securitymeasures are not in place.

Another issueis the possibility of bias in the algorithms used to evaluate creditworthinessand risk. Many social media-based financial products and services rely on algorithmsto assess creditworthiness and risk, and there is a concern that thesealgorithms may contain biases that harm particular groups of individuals.

Finally, thereis the potential of fraud and fraud associated with financial goods andservices based on social media. Because these platforms are frequently lessregulated than traditional financial institutions, there is a risk of fraud.

There is apossibility of fraudulent activity. There have been reports of peer-to-peerlending platforms that turned out to be Ponzi scams, causing investors to loselarge sums of money.

Despite thehurdles and hazards, the future of financial products and services based onsocial media appears bright. We should expect to see even more innovativefinancial goods and services offered through social media platforms as moreindividuals become comfortable managing their finances online and as socialmedia platforms continue to expand in popularity.

Digitalpayments are one area where we may expect to see tremendous increase. Socialmedia networks like Facebook and Instagram are already experimenting withdigital payment options, and more of this is anticipated in the future.

Another areawhere we might anticipate growth is the application of blockchain technology.Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the financial system byenabling secure and transparent transactions.

Financialproducts and services based on social media could use this technology toprovide even more innovative and safe financial products and services.

Web3, alsoknown as the decentralized web, is an emerging paradigm that aims torevolutionize the internet by enabling users to have greater control over theirdata and online interactions. With the rise of web3 technologies, traditionalsocial media platforms, which have long relied on centralized control andownership of user data, may face significant challenges. One area that could beparticularly impacted is financial products and services offered through socialmedia platforms.

Social mediaplatforms have increasingly ventured into the realm of financial services withfeatures, such as peer-to-peer payments, crowdfunding, and e-commerce, becomingcommon offerings. However, these financial products and services are stilllargely reliant on the centralized infrastructure of social mediaplatforms, which may pose risks to users' data privacy, security, and control.

Web3technologies, on the other hand, are built on decentralized networks that useblockchain, a distributed ledger technology, to enable transparency, security,and ownership of digital assets. This decentralized approach could potentiallydisrupt social media-based financial products and services in several ways:

One of the keyprinciples of web3 is user ownership and control of data. In a web3 ecosystem,users have the ability to own and control their data, including financial data,through cryptographic keys. This stands in contrast to social media platformswhere user data is typically owned and controlled by the platform itself. Withweb3, users can securely store their financial data and selectively share itwith service providers of their choosing, without relying on a centralizedplatform. This shift in data ownership and control could disrupt the currentbusiness model of social media-based financial products and services, as usersmay demand more control over their financial data and be hesitant to share itwith centralized platforms.

Web3technologies are designed to be transparent and trustless, as transactions andinteractions are recorded on a blockchain, which is immutable and verifiable.This can potentially provide greater trust and transparency in financialtransactions compared to social media-based financial products and services where trust is primarily placed on the platform's centralized infrastructure.With web3, users can have greater confidence in the security and integrity oftheir financial transactions, as they do not have to rely solely on the platform'ssecurity measures. This could raise concerns about the security andtrustworthiness of social media-based financial products and services,especially in light of recent data breaches and privacy scandals involvingsocial media platforms.

Web3technologies often involve decentralized governance models, where decisionsabout the development and governance of the network are made through consensusamong network participants. This stands in contrast to social media platforms wheredecisions about the platform's features, policies, and governance are typicallymade by a centralized entity. The decentralized governance model of web3 couldpotentially offer users more influence and control over the development anddirection of financial products and services, compared to social media-basedfinancial products and services where decisions are made by the platform. Thiscould disrupt the traditional top-down approach of social media-based financialproducts and services and give users a greater say in shaping the products andservices they use.

Web3technologies aim to promote the interoperability and portability of digital assetsacross different platforms and services. This means that users can easilytransfer their digital assets including financial assets, from one platform toanother without being locked into a particular platform. This could potentiallydisrupt social media-based financial products and services as users may demandgreater flexibility and portability of their financial assets. Users could alsobenefit from access to a wider range of financial products and services fromdifferent providers, which could foster competition and innovation in theindustry.

Web3technologies emphasize community-driven finance where communities of userscollectively participate in the development and governance of financialproducts and services. This could disrupt social media-based financial productsand services that rely on centralized decision-making and control. In a web3ecosystem, users can participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocolswhere they can lend, borrow, invest, and participate in other financialactivities without the need for intermediaries. This community-driven approachcould challenge the traditional financial services offered by social mediaplatforms as users may seek more decentralized and community-drivenalternatives that align with their values and interests.

The rise offinancial products and services based on social media is an exciting phenomenonthat has the potential to alter the way we manage our finances. Companies mayoffer efficient and user-friendly financial products and services to a largeraudience by utilizing the power of social media platforms.

While there areobviously obstacles and hazards associated with this trend, the future of thisfast-evolving business appears to be bright. As technology advances and socialmedia sites gain popularity, we should expect to see even more innovative andsafe financial products and services offered through these channels.

The rest is here:
Market Grappling the Emergence of Social Media Based Financial Products and Services - Finance Magnates

Labroots Announces Educational Agenda for 4/20 Virtual Event – PR Web

Cannabis Sciences, April 20, 2023

YORBA LINDA, Calif. (PRWEB) April 13, 2023

Labroots, the leading scientific social networking website offering premier, interactive virtual events and webinars, today announced Cannabis Sciences 2023, hosted on April 20th. Now in its 6th year, the agenda addresses the overall theme 2023 State of Cannabis: Updates on Research, Legislation, Science, and Medicinal Applications.

The latest advancements to help cannabis professionals discover new solutions will be unveiled under topics such as psychedelics, THC isomers and minor cannabinoids, medicinal cannabis and therapeutic updates, regulatory updates in cannabis, challenges in analytical testing, and whats new in cultivation and extraction. Bringing together thousands of research scholars, leading academia and industry professionals, scientists, instrument manufacturers, physicians, laboratory experts under a virtual roof, offers valuable networking opportunities, and insights from leading trailblazers navigating the cannabis industry today.

Three stellar keynote deliveries kick off the day starting with Robert T. Hoban, Corporate and M&A Attorney, Co-Chair Cannabis Industry Group, Clark Hill explaining the legal and practical differences between intoxicating hemp derived products and intoxicating marijuana derived products, and next Susan J. Hewlings, PhD, Vice President of Research Affairs, Radicle Science on the safety and relative effectiveness of non-psychoactive cannabinoid formulations for the improvement of sleep with live Q&A, and Dr. Jordan Tishler, President, CEO inhaleMD, President, Association of Cannabinoid Specialists, and Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, discussing why we need a more medical medical-cannabis system with live Q&A.

"I am thrilled to be participating in this years Cannabis Sciences virtual event, hosted by Labroots," said Robert T. Hoban, Corporate and M&A Attorney, Co-Chair, Cannabis Industry Group, Clark Hill. As legal cannabis businesses face increasing hostility from capital markets and regulators, it is more important than ever that true research is being conducted into the medical benefits, and potential health risks, of cannabis products. The cannabis products landscape is one marked by constant change, and Im looking forward to exploring the current regulatory and policy schemes that control intoxicating hemp derived compounds with my keynote audience. Labroots provides a unique platform in ensuring the dissemination of important cannabis information, and I am proud to be participating in this event," added Hoban.

At Radicle Science we've pioneered the concept of affordable virtual trials by offering non-pharmaceutical health products history's first easy path to clinically support their effects at unprecedented affordability, speed and scale," said Dr. Susan Hewlings, VP of Research Affairs at Radicle Science. "We combine gold-standard double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled design, with a unique AI-driven, crowdsourced, virtual, direct-to-consumer model, to create standardized and automated clinical trials. Via the Labroots virtual platform, I'm excited to share more on our transformative approach and the results from one of our virtual clinical trials on sleep involving thousands of diverse Americans across the US."

Research on cannabis and cannabinoid therapeutics is making significant headway for the treatment of diverse medical problems such as pain, insomnia, mood disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases like MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and ALS, said Dr. Jordan Tishler, President, CEO inhaleMD. The Labroots platform and upcoming event provide an excellent venue to learn about the science: what we know and avenues for future exploration.

Throughout the day, attendees will explore presentations related to applying validated employee selection methods to improve talent acquisition and retention outcomes in cannabis laboratories, cannabis laws, science and politics, dangers of lab shopping the reality undermining a legitimate industry, how to ethically achieve very fast turnaround times in cannabis testing, leveraging LIMS automation for productivity, profitability and regulatory compliance, THC inflation and lab shopping plague the cannabis industry, and applying validated employee selection methods to improve talent acquisition and retention outcomes in cannabis laboratories, and more.

Produced on Labroots interactive platform while connecting across all desktop and mobile devices, the online environment provides a complete educational experience. The event includes the lobby equipped with a leaderboard and gamification, an auditorium featuring live-streaming video webcasts and live chats during scheduled presentations, a poster hall to explore data while engaging in live chat conversations coupled with a poster competition giving your research a competitive edge, and a networking lounge to connect with colleagues. Participants can earn one Continuing Education credit (per presentation) for a maximum of 40 credits.

To register for this free event, click here. Use the hashtag #LRcannabis to follow the conversation and connect with other members of the global Cannabis Sciences community! Follow @CannabisSci_LR on Twitter and @CannabisSciencesLR on Facebook to connect with our specialist Cannabis Sciences Writers and stay up to date with the latest Trending News in Cannabis Sciences.

About Labroots Labroots is the leading scientific social networking website, and primary source for scientific trending news and premier educational virtual events and webinars and more. Contributing to the advancement of science through content sharing capabilities, Labroots is a powerful advocate in amplifying global networks and communities. Founded in 2008, Labroots emphasizes digital innovation in scientific collaboration and learning. Offering more than articles and webcasts that go beyond the mundane and explore the latest discoveries in the world of science, Labroots users can stay atop their field by gaining continuing education credits from a wide range of topics through their participation in the webinars and virtual events. Labroots offers more than ever with Chati, a flexible, highly scalable event platform that allows for the creation of unique, effective, and memorable virtual events.

See the article here:
Labroots Announces Educational Agenda for 4/20 Virtual Event - PR Web

How to Improve Your Networking Through Art – Entrepreneur

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Do you think the world of art is separate from work at the office? You might be surprised at just how many benefits will result from the mixture of the two.

Art is a creative, dynamic expression, and through the combination of art and networking, you and your clients can create your own masterpieces of powerful collaboration. How can you bring art closer to your corporate practice?

Your relationship with your clients is more than just a business transaction. These aren't just customers; they are people with interests, hobbies and talents. As a corporate professional, you can build your relationship with your clients by connecting over more than just a single project or product. Why not hire a private gallery space for drinks with clients, or take a new client out to a vernissage as you discuss your ideas?

The best art provides a springboard for talk, debate or comment. The flow of conversation will be natural no need to worry about awkward silences or pauses. Use the art around you as an easy inroad to discussions, a way to start up the exchanges which will lead to further collaboration.

Use networking and art in tandem, and you will be amazed at the results. Demonstrating your experience with culture, or even your wonder and curiosity at seeing something new, also makes each party more approachable. You and your client will learn more about each other than you would otherwise in a stale business meeting around a wooden table. Experiencing an event together, such as walking through an art expo, can inspire trust and even inspire new ideas.

Related: From Dog Pictures to Art Memes, Here's What to Learn From the Social Media Tactics of Major Museums

The creative spirit of art can inspire parallel dynamism in the business world. Think of a time when you were exhilarated at the pace of a project, at the flow of collaborative ideas. Remember the thrill of that drive, that channeled energy? Sometimes, sources of inspiration grow dull, and projects lose their momentum. The spark dies. By exposing yourself and your team to other sources of inspiration, you can broaden your creative sources.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that art and corporate business are incompatible worlds. Ideas can spring from anywhere. You can even organize a brainstorming session with your team at a museum or gallery space! Changes in scenery, place and exposure to new colors and media can all help you reinvigorate a project. Instead of meeting with a client to rehash old problems in the four blank walls of an office meeting room, why not bring them to a new space to make new headway?

Let's say you work with new technologies or in the crypto space, for example, and you struggle to create that stakeholder group or supporting community you envisage, clientele, fan base or similar. It is important to stay at the forefront of all the developments linked to your sector, even the less obvious ones.

Everyone knows that digital art, blockchain and cryptocurrencies gave birth to NFTs. NFT collectors, apart from looking after sought-out digital artworks to invest in, are buying, selling and exchanging cryptocurrencies as well. Eventually, these people can become part of your trusted network! It's easier to ease in a discussion about your work by taking inspiration from NFT artwork or using it as a base, that's for sure!

That's why you shouldn't put on the side that NFT exhibition opening invite your received. Same for that digital art festival! You never know who you might be meeting there. Don't you have such an invite? No problem! You can easily get invited to such happenings by registering for the museum or gallery newsletters. In the end, all these gatherings with a social character were created for exactly that reason to bring you closer to your future gang.

Related: The Latest on Art World Scam Artist Anna 'Delvey' Sorokin

Your company's success is founded on teamwork. Think of a brilliant, luminous painting, full of details, wrought in acrylic or oil, whatever makes you catch your breath. Would the painting exist in all its beauty if the artist had made a single brushstroke of paint? No, of course not! It took a multitude of colors, of brushstrokes to create that cohesive picture. The same can be said of your company. Each member of your team brings their own skills, interests, educational background and abilities. It is the creative combination of your efforts that brings you all success.

That's part of why ensuring your team works well together is so important. Team-bonding activities and excursions help people to get to know each other in new settings outside of the office and promote friendly relationships. For your company's next team-building activity, what about organizing an outing to a museum? The small talk, banter, and stunning exhibits around you will provide a natural, stress-free environment for people to build relations, relax and have fun.

Maybe a conversation will spark a new friendship between coworkers or reveal a skill you never knew a colleague had, which could prove a valuable asset to your work. The benefits of team-building activities are numerous: greater productivity, morale and motivation, to begin with, as well as better communication. With a team-bonding activity focused on art, you will also send an important message to your team: creativity is encouraged. You may find yourself amazed at the innovative responses inspired.

Art is human. To make, to create these are essential impulses that drive artists before a canvas just as much as they do businesspeople seeking entrepreneurial success. By connecting art to your networking and business practices, you will be able to progress in your work with renewed vigor, vision, and collaboration. Art helps you connect with clients across conversations, art inspires new ideas, and art spaces are great destinations for team-bonding outings. Bring art into your daily professional life, and paint a new vision of the dynamic possibilities ahead.

Originally posted here:
How to Improve Your Networking Through Art - Entrepreneur

Gambling Debt & Offering Sexual Videos with Actresses as … – msnNOW

Zhang Jike, 35, who won the gold medal in mens singles table tennis at the London 2012 Olympics, is under fire in China.

Zhang, who has won more than 10 gold medals at major international table tennis tournaments, including the World Championships and the World Cup, is a national hero in China, and his nearly 180 cm height and sweet face have made him a popular figure on TV since his retirement. The number of followers on the social networking site Weibo is an astounding 12,480,000.

But how on earth did such a major star of China come to be under fire? A Chinese entertainment writer familiar with the situation reveals the following.

It all started with an accusation by Chinese freelance journalist Li Weisswang. Li is a former major media reporter turned freelance journalist who has done a lot of investigative reporting. In April of this year, Li suddenly revealed on his social networking site that Zhang was in debt to the tune of 5 million yuan ($100 million) due to gambling.

Moreover, the accusations by Li were not limited to the national heros gambling addiction.

In 2006, Zhang was found to be romantically involved with actress Jing Tian (Jing Tian, 34). Jing Tian is a top actress who has appeared in popular domestic dramas and Hollywood blockbusters, so the couple attracted a lot of attention as a big couple. The two have already broken up, but to his surprise, Li accused Zhang of pledging sexual videos with Jing Tian, his former girlfriend, as collateral and borrowing money for gambling.

According to Lis accusation, Zhang provided the video with Jing Tian to an acquaintance named S. S was arrested for using the video to threaten Jing Tian and force him to repay the debt on Zhangs behalf.

S was reportedly arrested and charged with the threats and subsequently tried and convicted to seven years in prison. According to Li, Zhang also appeared as a witness at Ss trial. He testified that he had taken sexual videos during the period of his relationship with Jing Bean and that he had shown the videos to S.

In response to these accusations by Li, a massive bashing of Zhang has erupted on Chinese social networking sites. Zhang had been featured in several advertisements for well-known companies in China, but the companies have withdrawn their advertisements across the board.

Zhangs office said, All of these accusations are untrue. We will take legal action. However, Li said, We have checked all the judicial documents, and these are all true, and he even posted a RMB 5 million IOU with Zhangs handwritten signature on it. In China, Zhang is strongly viewed as black, and his image has been shattered. Currently, the video of Jing Tian has not been leaked on the Internet, but there is no telling what will happen in the future if the furor does not subside. Many people are concerned about her mental state.

An unprecedented scandal has fallen on a Chinese hero. If Zhang takes legal action as he says he will, it is likely that the truth will be challenged in court.

Jing Tian, a top actress with more than 26 million followers on Weibo, has been flooded with comments on social networking sites expressing concern.

Jing Tian (PHOTO: Kyodo News)

Actress Jing Tian. From her Weibo

Actress Jing Tian. From her Weibo

Actress Jing Tian. From her Weibo

Table tennis player Zhang Jieke. From her Weibo

Table tennis player Zhang Jike. From his Weibo

Table tennis player Zhang Jike. From his Weibo


Read more from the original source:
Gambling Debt & Offering Sexual Videos with Actresses as ... - msnNOW