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Penny Kemp, campaigner and activist described as the trailblazer of Green socialism obituary –

Penny Kemp, who has died aged 71 after a long battle with Parkinsons Disease, was a pivotal figure in the rise of the Green Party of England and Wales; she was its co-chair when it first made an impact, in the 1989 Euro elections, a long-serving member of its executive, and the handler of its relations with the wider Left.

Witty, exuberant, committed and a gifted organiser in a movement not prone to being organised, she was to her collaborator Peter Tatchell a true trailblazer of Green socialism. She tried to persuade Jeremy Corbyn to enter a pact with the Greens, and once turned down a safe Labour seat.

Penny Kemp joined what was then the Ecology Party in 1979. Between then and 2017, when her health deteriorated, she was at crucial points the partys chair, co-chair or communications co-ordinator. She worked tirelessly to ensure Green speakers got their share of publicity, lining up panellists for Any Questions? or wangling an appearance on a daytime chat show and won a place for the Greens in one of the leaders debates during the 2015 general election.

By her death, the Greens could claim one MP, two peers, three London Assembly members and 477 local councillors. In Scotland, their sister party is in coalition talks with the SNP.

Penny Kemp believed that the three tenets of economic, social and ecological justice must be part of a whole. You cant just add on environmental policy [to a conventional partys manifesto]; it must be central.

Justice is the driving thing and if you have a just and more equal society, you have a happier and healthier society. Im not just here to save the planet I think the planet will save itself quite happily without us on it. I think we are here to save ourselves.

One of her achievements was a United Nations resolution on the environmental effects of the 1991 Gulf War, which stemmed from a symposium she organised.

Penny Kemp rang the Jordanian royal palace because the war had cost the country 37 per cent of its GDP, and King Hussein sent his chief scientific adviser to the symposiums first session, in London; the Iraqi ambassador and the chairman of Shell also attended.

She then took the event to New York, where influential figures including Paul Crutzen of the Max-Planck-Institut and the cosmologist and author Carl Sagan came on board. I went to the UN, and ended up writing a new resolution which was taken up by Canada, Sweden and Jordan.

Thereafter, whenever King Hussein was in London he would send a car round for her. The first time he asked what she would like to drink she started to say gin and tonic, but quick as a flash turned that into the juice of an orange.

Penny Kemp also played a part in advancing Green politics in Taiwan. In 1996 she was invited there for the islands general election, and helped the Taiwanese Greens win a seat. The Mayor of Taipei even wore a green suit when they met.

She was also prepared to take direct action. In the 1980s she was one of a group of activists tracking nuclear-waste trains through Kent with a view to disrupting the traffic. An undercover police officer infiltrated the group and the attempt was foiled.

The police searched my car and found a coat hanger, and tried to use that as evidence of conspiracy to commit criminal damage. I didnt get charged in the end, but I wanted to go to court I would have loved to ask how I was supposed to damage a nuclear train with a coat hanger!

She was also the tireless long-time organiser of Glastonburys Green Futures field, pulling together a set of visionary guests each year many of them personal friends for her Speakers Forum.

Personalities spanning the political and social divide came to speak under the distinctive pink canvas roof, and stayed on around the campfire backstage, talking well into the night: Sir David King, Tony Benn, Ruby Wax, Justin Rowlatt, Billy Bragg, Vince Cable, Ed Miliband, Jonathan Cainer and many more.

Penny Kemp was involved in more festivals than Glastonbury. She was marketing director of the Big Green Gathering, and during the 1990s staged events based on green and earth magic principles on her own field at Headcorn in Kent, culminating in the hugely popular Small World Festival. One happy memory was of her inaugurating the first compost toilet on her land, emerging from the canvas curtain to rapturous applause.

She also co-founded Headcorn Sustainability, encouraging the use of local produce. She explained: A typical Sunday dinner travels 49,000 miles to get on your plate, and emits 37kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You can see the difference that would be made if its only travelled 12 or 20 miles.

She was born Penelope Bineham in Watford on May 10 1949, one of five children of a quantity surveyor and a post mistress. The family moved to Sussex, and she attended Fosse Bank School at Tonbridge.

Penny married at 19, had two daughters, and until joining the Green Partys staff ran her own driving school (Not very green, said her daughter Tracy.)

She was introduced to the Ecology Party by a friend who was its regional treasurer. I knew there had to be something else than just socialism combining social justice, economic justice and ecological justice. Id read books about ecology and then I came across the Ecology Party it was the missing link!

In the mid-1980s she became the partys South-East regional representative, finding herself on the interview panel when it decided to employ its first press officer. The successful candidate was Caroline Lucas, now MP for Brighton Pavilion. She recalled: Penny was a brilliant boss, immensely kind and huge fun and an utterly tireless champion for climate and nature.

Penny Kemp was instrumental in opening dialogue between the relatively young Green movement and the traditional Left, organising the first national Greens and Socialists conference with Tatchell and Robin Cook. She pursued some of these themes in a book she wrote with Derek Wall in 1990, A Green Manifesto for the 1990s.

While the Green Party won 14.5 per cent of the vote if no seats in the 1989 Euro elections, she felt it had done so on a false premise. Her fellow co-chairs took references to animal rights and opposing Nato out of its manifesto yet the Telegraph still condemned the partys programme as dangerous.

After this ground was lost at the 1992 election she was elected to manage the partys election campaigns, then took charge of its media operations.

Penny Kemp did not bother with diplomacy when Germanys Greens agreed to troops being sent to Afghanistan to support Americas war on terror. She wrote: Greens who are propping up the German government have put power before principle. Their claim that they must participate in the war effort in order to make it more humane is obscene.

However, she did make concessions to the art of spin. After the Greens first took control of Brighton & Hove council in 2011 on an anti-austerity programme, then pushed through a package of cuts, she blamed Labour councillors for having joined with the Conservatives to block the Greens proposed budget increase.

Before the 2015 election, the broadcasters proposed three party leaders debates without the Greens, with David Cameron and Ed Miliband, plus Nick Clegg in two and Nigel Farage in one.

Penny Kemp got them to change their minds, firing off a letter of protest. She wrote: The Green Party received 150,000 more votes than the Liberal Democrats in the 2014 European elections and won three times as many seats. In general election opinion polls the Greens are neck-and-neck with the junior coalition partners.

Despite our comparative lack of airtime, our policies are consistently popular with the public. Political commentators have declared the decision to be unfair and even the prime minister has called for the Greens to be included in the debates on the grounds of fairness.

She succeeded in setting up a fourth debate in which the Greens Natalie Bennett took part.

Penny Kemps illness forced her to give up full-time work for the party in 2017, but she kept up her involvement at Glastonbury for two more years. The gradual onset of the disease was both debilitating and frustrating for Penny as her speech was affected, a colleague said. For a woman of many opinions it was difficult for her to be understood, but understood she was. She insisted on being there, and had the support of dedicated and wonderful friends.

Penny Kemps marriage to John Kemp was dissolved in the early 1980s. She is survived by her partner Johann Sikora, her two daughters from the marriage, and five grandchildren.

Penelope Kemp, born May 10 1949, died June 12 2021

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Penny Kemp, campaigner and activist described as the trailblazer of Green socialism obituary -

David Moore to run as the Socialist Equality Party candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election – WSWS

David Moore will be running as the Socialist Equality Party candidate in the September 14 California gubernatorial recall election. Moore will advance a socialist program to fight against the pandemic, inequality, war and dictatorship through the independent political mobilization of the working class against both the Democrats and Republicans.

Moore is a special education teacher in the Oakland Unified School District and has seen firsthand the impact of the pandemic on chronically underfunded schools. He grew up in a farming family in Ventura County and has firsthand knowledge of the harsh conditions facing workers in fields and packing houses across the state forced to work in dangerous conditions confronting mass infections and heat waves.

As a member of the SEP and writer for the World Socialist Web Site, Moore has written on and directly fought in the strikes of teachers, BART workers, nurses, and oil refinery workers. He previously ran as the SEP candidate for Senate in California in 2018.

The recall campaign has been overwhelmingly funded and driven by far-right forces seeking to overturn all public health measures that have not yet been scrapped by the Democratic administration of Governor Gavin Newsom.

For this reason, the SEP calls on Californias voters to vote no on the recall.

At the same time, Newsom and the Democratic Party bear direct responsibility for the catastrophic impact of the pandemic in California and throughout the US. The Democrats are a party of the ruling class, military and intelligence agencies. To fight against the far right and the growth of fascism, workers must organize independently of both big-business parties on the basis of a revolutionary, internationalist and socialist program.

Central components of Moores campaign will include:

1. For an internationalist and socialist strategy to eradicate COVID-19!

The election is being held as COVID-19 infections are once again surging in California and across the globe due to the disastrous policies of local, state, and federal governments. The official global death toll is over four million, but a recent report estimates that at least four million people have died in India alone. The real global death toll is likely well over 10 million.

This is a monumental catastrophe for which the ruling classes of all the major countries are responsible, but particularly the United States, long the epicenter of the pandemic. As COVID-19 spread in the first months of 2020, Democrats and Republicans rapidly passed $2.5 trillion in bank bailouts to boost stock prices and support the rich through the CARES Act, while leaving workers and small businesses to suffer under a patchwork of haphazard, local, and utterly insufficient public health and social support measures.

Newsoms decision to end state requirements to contain the pandemic on June 15 and tie school funding to reopening in person was a reckless effort to try to appease the far-right forces seeking his recall.

COVID-19 can only be eradicated as part of a global strategy, but Californias workers can play a major role by forcing the closure of nonessential businesses and in-person schooling, with compensation to workers and small business owners until the pandemic is contained.

2. For social equality and a massive redistribution of wealth!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the stock market has reached new record highs despite the massive growth in unemployment and dire conditions facing the working class. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 16 percent from before the pandemic began and is nearly three times higher than before the 2008 economic crisis.

Californias billionaires have made out like bandits, primarily through government handouts and bleeding their workers dry. To name just a few of the states richest:

The wealth of the ruling elite must be seized and utilized to meet the urgent social needs of the working class, including a massive investment in education, health care and social services.

3. Oppose fascism and dictatorship!

The recall campaign in California is part of a broader strategy of the far right to oppose all necessary restrictions on the pandemic. This has been accompanied by the ever more open transformation of the Republican Party into a fascistic organization under the leadership of Donald Trump.

The fascistic insurrection on January 6 was part of a broader conspiracy led by Trump to overturn the results of the election and establish a dictatorship. The operation was carried out with the complicity of top Republicans, including the current House minority leader and representative from California, Kevin McCarthy.

While Trump did not succeed with his immediate aims, the threat continues. In response to the growth of social anger and opposition in the working class, a faction of the corporate and financial elite is turning toward fascism. The Democrats, a party of Wall Street and the military, have worked throughout to cover up the extreme danger and block any popular mobilization against the far right.

4. Defend the rights of immigrants!

Perhaps the cruelest aspect of the policies of the Trump administration, which aroused mass hostility in California, was its persecution and abuse of immigrants. Trump took the internment camps already built under Obamawho deported more immigrants than any previous presidentand added the wall, deliberately separated children from their parents, and encouraged brutality on the part of ICE and the Border Patrol.

Rather than reverse these policies, Biden has built on them, summarily expelling all arriving adult immigrants and many children, using the pretext of the health risk due to the coronavirus. Administration representatives, with Vice President Kamala Harris, the daughter of immigrants, at the forefront, have warned refugees against coming to America. The administrations anti-China campaign has helped fuel anti-Asian attacks.

The SEP fights to unify the working class. We oppose all efforts to divide workers along the lines of gender, ethnicity, skin color or national origin. The multinational, multiracial protests against the police murder of George Floyd showed the instinctive striving of working people to wage a common struggle, across all such lines of division. We uphold the right of working people to live and work in the country of their choice.

5. No to imperialist war!

The Biden administration seeks to outdo Trump in its militaristic threats war against Russia and China. Bidens military budget is even larger than Trumps, and he embraces the strategy of preparing for great power conflict, which threatens nuclear war.

The Biden administration has rehabilitated the racist conspiracy theory pushed by Trump that China is responsible for COVID-19. Both presidents have tried to deflect blame for their own disastrous handling of the pandemic by blaming a foreign enemy.

There is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to waging war in the Middle East, including drone missile assassinations; targeting governments in Latin America and the Caribbean for subversion and overthrow; and upholding the right of American imperialism to dictate to every country in the world.

The SEP calls for the trillions squandered on war and militarism to be redirected to addressing basic social needs.

6. For the political independence of the working class! Fight for socialism!

None of the problems confronting workers in California, across the US and throughout the world can be resolved within the framework of capitalism. Whether it is the pandemic, the spread of wildfires, climate change, poverty, homelessness, and unemploymenta rational and scientific response based on the interests of the working class requires an end to the capitalist system.

The gigantic corporations and banks must be turned into public utilities, run on the basis of social need, not private profit.

The objective basis for a socialist movement is the growth of working-class struggle. The pandemic has enormously intensified class conflict in the US and internationally. Workers are beginning to fight back, from Volvo autoworkers in Virginia, Frito-Lay workers in Kansas, mine workers in Alabama, and teachers and health care workers throughout the country. These struggles are part of a growing movement of workers throughout the world.

The SEP campaign of David Moore will fight to unify these struggles through the development of a coordinated network of rank-and-file committees, independent of the corporatist unions, which have collaborated at every point with the corporations and the state in enforcing the demands of the ruling class.

Above all, this movement must be armed with a socialist program, perspective and leadership. We call on all our supporters and readers in California to sign up to support the campaign of David Moore for governor. If you are a US citizen or permanent legal resident, you can donate to the campaign, even if you dont live in California.

Support the campaign of David Moore for Governor! Take up the fight for socialism!

Support the campaign of David Moore!

Sign up for our campaign newsletter below.

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David Moore to run as the Socialist Equality Party candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election - WSWS

The myth of the neoliberal self International Socialism – International Socialism Journal

Despite emergency appeals to social solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic and the rediscovery of society by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the idea of the individual still lies at the very heart of ruling class ideology. The ruling class need to promote the idea that capitalism is self-evident and natural rather than organised in the interests of a small group of people. Pivotal to this naturalisation of capitalism are assumptions about human nature and motivation. The idea of the atomised, self-seeking human underpins the commodification of individualised labour powerthe foundation of capitalist production. In his book Marxs Theory of Alienation, philosopher Istvn Mszros explains the double advantage of this cult of privacy and idealisation of the abstract individual for the ruling class. He explains how it protects them from being challenged by the rabble at the same time as providing the illusion of escapism to individuals who, mystified by the mechanisms of capitalist society, feel powerless and isolated. The idea of the individual as the basic unit of society, in what is heralded as a meritocracy, also serves to paint the ruling class as deserving of their wealth, power and privilege, while blaming the working class for their lack of success. Ultimately, the ruling class asserts the primacy of individuality as a bulwark against notions of community and solidarity in the working class, which not only threaten its profits but potentially the very existence of capitalism itself.

This article makes two arguments. First, I argue that there has been a shift in the rhetoric and ideology of the ruling class under neoliberal capitalism in the new millenium. This ideology now centres on successful individuals being enterprising, resilient and robust. It is incumbent on socialists to understand, analyse and challenge these ideas, which we are bombarded with on a daily basis, telling us what it is to be human, promoting individualism and claiming that there is no alternative. Ideas about individual motivation in society have been used to bolster the intensification of work, shift blame for inequality onto working-class people and give a new twist to womens oppression. Nevertheless, the grip that these ideas have on the minds of workers is overstated. Indeed, ruling-class ideas about the individual are not static or consistent, but must be continually renewed and remoulded to defend them from constant challenges in the workplace and by social movements such as Black Lives Matter.

Second, I argue, that Karl Marx, contrary to critics who claim that he had no theory of human nature, developed such a theory in The German Ideology, with his co-author Friedrich Engels. Marx stated that the first premise of human history was the existence of living human individuals. Nevertheless, he proposed a materialist analysis of these human beings, arguing that individuals can only be understood in the context of their environment, which is constantly transformed through human action. The individual must therefore be understood through an analysis of material conditions of production, and, more specifically, in the relationship between capital and labour that Marx describes in his theory of alienation. Moreover, the conditions for resistance are always present because exploitation in the labour process is intrinsic to capitalism. This opens the possibility of collective action, enabling workers to break through the dominant individualistic ideas of the ruling class.

By the beginning of the 21st century, the term neoliberalism had become well established in the vocabulary of the left. Nonetheless, there are continuing debates about its meaning and scope, including its relationship to other forms of capitalism. Alex Callinicos defines neoliberalism as an economic policy regime whose objective is to secure monetary and fiscal stability and that is legitimised by an ideology that claims that markets are best treated as self-regulating. In line with this understanding, I argue that neoliberalism is a series of policies (privatisation, flexible labour markets, monetary policy) bolstered by rhetorical focuses (market forces, the retreat of the state and entrepreneurship) that aim to deal with the deep contradictions within capitalism, particularly the falling rate of profit of the global capitalist economy.

Based on the edifice of his 1978-9 lectures, published as The Birth of Biopolitics, Michel Foucault claimed to have exposed the emergence of a new type of individual under neoliberal capitalismthe neoliberal self. Foucault argued that a progression had taken place from the self-interested economic man, primarily concerned with market exchange, associated with Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations, towards the competitive individual of neoliberal capitalism. People have become entrepreneurs of themselves, destined to constantly improve their human capital. This idea has since gathered pace in academic circles, among some activists and even within the ruling class itself, spawning a plethora of articles and books that analyse how neoliberal thinking has seeped into popular culture, education and ideas about womens oppression. Foucault argued that the extension of the logic of the market into non-economic spheres of everyday life has made this reworked version of the individual all-encompassing and ubiquitous.

Some Marxists have also emphasised the deep penetration of neoliberal ideas about the individual. For example, the opening pages of David Harveys A Brief History of Neoliberalism declare that neoliberalismhas pervasive effects on ways of thought to the point where it has become incorporated into the commonsense way many of us interpret, live in and understand the world. Similarly, Wendy Browns Undoing the Demos argues that these ideas drill into every aspect of our existence:

Neoliberalisation is generally more termite-like than lion-like Its mode of reason bores in capillary fashion into the trunks and branches of workplaces, schools, public agencies, social and political discourse, and above all, the human subject.

These ideas have a powerful resonance with peoples lived experience of capitalism. Competition seems to invade every nook and cranny of daily life, from league tables in schools and universities to television shows in which cooking, dating and painting become tournaments with only one winner. In the workplace, managerial devices such as performance-related pay place workers in competition with one another. However, claims about the totalising nature of these neoliberal ideas from Foucauldians and some Marxists have a pessimistic logic. In The Happiness Industry, William Davies comes to the gloomy conclusion that obligatory competitiveness exerts a depressive psychological effect whereby people search inside themselves for the source of their own unhappiness and imperfect lives. The figure of the fragmented and atomistic individual that is at the heart of ruling class ideology also has echoes on the left, where it feeds into doubts about the potential for working-class solidarity and its ability to change society. Moreover, this type of pessimism often overemphasises the differences between neoliberalism and earlier eras of capitalism. After all, although Foucaults arguments take the notion of the individual under neoliberal capitalism in a new direction, ideas about the atomised, self-seeking individual can be traced back to the inception of capitalism.

In The German Ideology Marx argues that understandings of the individual change in different social formations, which are characterised by distinctive forms of property ownership: tribal societies, ancient slaveholding societies, feudalism and capitalism. The work of Adam Smith is perhaps one confirmation of this theory. Written on the eve of the industrial revolution, Smiths The Wealth of Nations puts forward a picture of the human being as homo economicus (economic man)an individual motivated by self-interest. Smith was an important figure in the Enlightenment movement of the 18th century. Ideas about the nature of human beings had previously been the monopoly of the church, which explained human action through concepts such as original sin. Now these were being challenged by emerging studies of social and economic arrangements. Smith marvelled at how markets worked; thousands of people made individual decisions to buy and sell, and yet all these many individual choices would result in one market clearing price. This was the basis for his intrepetation of the market as a neutral mechanism that coordinates the selfish decisions of individuals for the greater good. Given the natural disposition to truck, barter and exchange and the power of the market mechanism, Smith saw no need for altruism or community. Writing in the 1920s, Isaak Illich Rubin, a Marxist historian of economic thought, described how this optimistic liberalism played an important ideological role in freeing the productive forces of capitalism from the fetters of feudalism and mercantilism. Although Smith never set out to defend the narrow interests of capitalists, he proposed a theory of an unchanging human nature that was entirely compatible with the commodity-producing society emerging around him. This was a society composed of separate and independent individuals, held together by their personal interests.

If we fast forward to the birth of modern economics in the second half of the 19th century, William Stanley Jevons refined the idea of homo economicus by imbuing it with mathematical rigour. He conceived of humans as calculating individuals who make decisions by determining how much pleasure or pain they will get from an extra unit of consumption or hour of work: A unit of pleasure or of painis the amount of these feelings that continually prompts us to buying and selling, labouring and resting, producing and consuming The will is our pendulum, and its oscillations are minutely registered in all the price lists of the market. Davies describes this view of the individual as a somewhat miserable vision of a human being who is constantly calculating, putting a price on thingspursuing his own personal interests at every turn. Homo economicus doesnt have friends, doesnt relax. He is too busy looking out for number one.

Jevons assumptions, alongside those of other marginalist economists such as Carl Menger, became the basis of the modern economics that is taught in schools, colleges and universities today. Even as the mathematical models employed in fields such as micro-economics have become more sophisticated, crude assumptions about the self-seeking individualism of humans have remained a fundamental tenet of economics. Humans are understood as mere calculating individuals who make every decision based on the utility or satisfaction derived from the goods and services available for consumption. This theory was taken to new levels by the US economist and Nobel Prize winner Gary Becker, who applied economic approaches to wider social behaviour. Becker suggested that even decisions about marriage and how many children to have are explicable via the model of individuals as maximisers of utility. The pages of algebra that supposedly support his arguments barely disguise how his calculating analysis robs people of their humanity. In his own words:

According to the economic approach, a person decides to marry when the utility expected from marriage exceeds that expected from remaining single or from the additional search for a more suitable mate Since many persons are looking for mates, a market in marriages is said to exist.

The term neoliberalism first appeared in Trends of Economic Ideas, a 1925 book by the Swiss economist Hans Honegger. The early pioneers of neoliberal theory built on the ideas of Adam Smith and the marginal economists. They sought to use dogmas of competition and entrepreneurship as a counterweight to the increasing support for socialist ideas in Europe in the wake of the 1917 Russian Revolution and the uprisings in Germany that followed it. The first attempt to formally cohere the diffuse strands of neoliberal thinking took place in April 1947, when Friedrich von Hayek organised a meeting of economists in the small village of Mont Plerin in Switzerland. The draft statement generated by this event follows Adam Smith in advocating:

The freedom of the consumer in choosing what they shall buy, the freedom of the producer in choosing what they shall make, and the freedom of the worker in choosing their occupation and their place of employment Such a system of freedom is absolutely essential if we are to maximise output in terms of individual satisfaction.

The aim of von Hayeks circle was to promote market-based thinking, influencing state policy in the post-war period and preventing it from falling under the dangerous ambit of socialist thought. In the foundational texts of neoliberalism, socialism was reinterpreted as any set of political arrangements in which the state played an active role. Von Hayeks Road to Serfdom and Milton Friedmans Capitalism and Freedom are both repetitious diatribes against socialism that venerated the freedom of the individual as sacrosanct.

Nevertheless, the ideology of neoliberalism promoted by these high-profile figures failed to make inroads into mainstream bourgeois economics and state economic management for some time. Post-war economics and government policy were dominated by Keynesianism. In this period, the neoliberal glorification of unbridled market forces were incompatible with the interests of a muscular working class and the desire of the state to rebuild war-ravaged economies. Both demanded forms of state intervention. Although the neoliberals carved out pockets of influence in various universities, their impact on how global ruling classes organised capitalism was weak.

However, this was soon to change, and the mid-1970s was a watershed. A weak and uncompetitive British capitalism was battered by the global crisis of the early 1970s. Perhaps surprisingly, it was a Labour prime minister, James Callaghan, who heralded the end of Keynesianism and the beginning of the neoliberal phase of British history. Callaghan signalled this in his keynote speech to the 1976 Labour Party conference, during which he lectured delegates on reducing labour costs and warned of the dangers of printing confetti money. These arguments sought to justify slashing public spending and freezing wages after the government had borrowed eye-watering sums from the International Monetary Fund in order to defend the value of the pound sterling. This led to the first major decline in British living standards after the Second World War and was made possible by the support of the trade unions leaderships, which was formalised in the so-called Social Contract.

Labours foisting of the crisis onto working-class living standards opened the door for the election of Margaret Thatchers Conservative government in 1979. Thatchers economic aim was to restore the profitability of capital and decisively shift the balance of class forces in favour of capitalists. Her primary political project was to break the collective organisation of workers. Systematically and viciously, and using the full force of the state, Thatcher smashed key sections of the British working class such as the National Union of Mineworkers.

The work of Thatcherite think tanks such as the Institute for Economic Affairs and the Margaret Thatcher Foundation testify to the strong influence of von Hayek and Friedman on her thinking and that of her followers. According to Jamie Peck, Thatcher once interrupted a policy discussion by flamboyantly slamming Hayeks Constitution of Liberty on the table and declaring, This is what we believe. The language of competition and personal responsibility was mobilised in an attempt to redefine common sense and bolster a programme of privatisation, cuts to the welfare state and tax giveaways for the rich. Nevertheless, there was a gap between the rhetoric of elevating the individual as a homeowner, shareholder and consumer, and the reality of increasing government spending under Thatcher.

Though it is important to acknowledge the new rhetoric associated with neoliberal policies, we must also be critical of some interpretations of Thatcherism. For instance, the influential Marxist Stuart Hall and his fellow travellers elevated the notion of Thatcherism into an overarching explanatory concept. Hall claimed that the electoral success of Thatcher derived from her ability to unify people, including the working class, behind an authoritarian populist project. Drawing on an interpretation of Antonio Gramscis concept of hegemony, Halls approach identified ideology as the most important political driver. However, this view of Thatcherism as a monolithic monstrosity overstated the universal acceptance of neoliberal ideas and understated continuities with the preceeding eras. Halls concept of Thatcherism privileges short-term variables in the ideological and political superstructure of society at a particular point in time rather than the underlying class structure. Workers failure to organise, struggle and strike does not derive from a particular set of ideas that gets a hold on their minds. Rather it is the reverse. When there is a low level of struggle and workers are less confident and more isolated, they are more susceptible to ruling-class ideas. The Great Miners Strike of 1984-5 and other subsequent defeats had much more to do with a timid trade union bureaucracy than with reactionary political ideology or even the power of the state.

The theoretical background to the emergence of the notion of the neoliberal self was the rise of post-modernist and post-Marxist theories in academia. This was a retreat from grand narratives, which analysed society as a whole, to arguments that reality had a fragmented character. Foucault has had one of the most lasting influences on debates about the individual subject. For Foucault, power is distributed and everywhere. The dispersed nature of power also produces a multiplicity of points of resistance. The strategic, practical conclusion of this theory is a shift away from focusing on confronting the centralised power of the state and capital. Instead, Foucault argued that what matters is resistance to everyday forms of power, which is manifested in feminism, the students movement and campaigns among undocumented workers and prisoners. For Foucault, this shift means moving beyond struggles targeting the concentrated political and economic power of the state and the system as a whole. Instead, Foucault advocated in favour of fragmented fights against all forms of power that aim to standardise behaviours and the identities of individuals. He saw such movements as superseding the struggle against capitalism.

Foucault uncritically borrowed terms from bourgeois economics that recast workers as entrepreneurs possessing human capital, cutting against the Marxist understanding of the working class as possessing only its ability to labour. Such an understanding collapses the central conflict between workers and capital in the process of production. As Wendy Brown explains:

When everything is capital, labour disappears as a category, as does its collective form, class, taking with it the analytic basis for alienation exploitation and association among labourers. Dismantled at the same time is the very rationale for unions, consumer groups and other forms of social solidarity.

Sociologist and historian Daniel Zamora argues that Foucault had a thinly veiled sympathy for neoliberalism, which led him to offer minimal criticism of it. Neoliberalism becomes synonymous with autonomy and personal freedom and, in the end, with identity politics. Revolts of conduct for respect and integration become more important than the struggles for redistributing wealth and against the capitalist economic system.

There is no clear correspondence between ruling-class ideologies and different epochs of capitalism. They resist such neat codificationinstead, there are continuities, overlaps and contradictions. It is doubtful that Tony Blair was familiar with the work of Foucault, and yet the new political rhetoric about the individual that emerged in Britain with the election of his New Labour government in 1997 fits with these ideas. Blair tried to rebrand British capitalism as knowledge based and creative. Entrepreneurialism and creativity were lauded as cool capitalism, epitomised by the photos from the famous celebrity party in Downing Street that showed Blair laughing with rock star Noel Gallagher. Blairs attack on the Labour Partys commitment to nationalisation replaced Clause 4 of the party constitution, in which it was embedded, with references to the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition, reflecting his continuation of Thatchers neoliberal policies. This language was used repeatedly and underpinned New Labours friendship with and championing of big business. Within three years of taking power, Blairs chancellor, Gordon Brown, could boast that Britains businesses faced the lowest ever corporation tax, while its investors faced the lowest ever capital gains tax. References to ambition and aspiration justified the amassing of great fortunes by private individuals. Under New Labour the rich got richer. The increased inequality that Thatcher produced, greater than that of any other Western country, was exacerbated even further under Blair. In 1997, the richest 1 percent of the Britain owned 17 per cent of the countrys wealth; by 2006, after nine years of New Labour, that figure had increased to 22 per cent.

Using the rhetoric of individual choice, Blair laid the foundations for more incursions by private capital into the welfare state. The creeping privatisation of education started with the introduction of academy schools. The principle of free higher education was jettisoned with the introduction of student fees, opening the door to later huge hikes in the cost of tuition. Under the mantra of choice, competition was introduced into the NHS through the establishment of Primary Care Trusts and private providers were welcomed into the sector made ripe for transnational companies to cherry pick lucrative contracts for routine operations and procedures. Cuts to adult care were carried out under the banner of the personalisation of budgets. New Labour greatly expanded the use of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), deepening the tentacles of privatisation and shackling schools and hospitals to costly deals that stretched for decades. Blair himself also practised the entrepreneurialism that he preached, as Branko Marcetic explains:

Few have cashed out like Blair since leaving 10 Downing Street, operating dizzying, and often overlapping, webs of charities, firms and foundations, which have catapulted him to the status of one of Britains wealthiest people.

The language of entrepreneurialism, creativity and choice was continually deployed to bolster a reworked image of the individual and to hold that individual responsible for their successes and failures in the labour market and life in general. Within this rhetoric, self-development became the lynchpin of the individuals life and well-being, with lifelong learning promoted as a route to the self-improvement necessary to fit the demands of advanced capitalist society. People were expected to become more robust and resilient and confident in order to survive and succeed. Precarious work was turned from a liability into a benefit, allowing individuals to be more flexible. This ideologically underpinned arguments for reducing welfare services and social security as well as privatising and outsourcing public services. All of this was cast as the natural outcome of competition, entrepreneurship and initiative. The next section looks at the specific ways in which these ideas have been used in the workplace and more widely to intensify exploitation and justify insecurity.

The message of neoliberal capitalism is that we are all independent, autonomous actors meeting in the marketplace and making our own destinies. Competition is goodit forces you to up your game. Instead of seeing capitalism as the source of mental ill health, we are exhorted to turn our gaze inward and reconfigure ourselves, becoming more adaptable to the systems stresses and vagaries. These ideas, along with new developments in technology, have been used to intensify work and increase exploitation in what Marx described as filling the pores of the working day. Of course, the surveillance of workers and the measurement of what they produce has always taken place under capitalism. However, digitalised communication technology takes this into new realms; output and speed can be monitored remotely and extended to all types of work. Supermarket workers are measured by the number of barcodes they scan, the number of calls taken by call centre workers are recorded and every movement of delivery drivers can be trackedeven toilet breaks are logged. New levels of digital monitoring, which underpin the neoliberal workplace agenda and its emphasis on targets and competition, has been extended to public sector employees such as teachers and social workers. Adult care providers, under pressure from slashed budgets, have introduced electronic monitoring, surveilling the work of carers (mostly women) down to the minute in order to strip out unproductive labour. Workers in community mental health are audited and monitored by electronic data dashboards. This technology is not the cause of neoliberalism, but it has been harnessed in the workplace to deepen its metrics-driven approach. The use of email has ratcheted up stress by blurring the lines between work and personal life; the expectation of a speedy reply keeps workers glued to their phones and computers, allowing work to enter every crevice of their lives.

Stress, however, is for wimps. In 2021, the chairman of the British branch of the multinational consultancy firm KPMG went too far and had to resign after telling staff to stop moaning during a virtual meeting about the impact of Covid-19. This is far from the isolated outburst of a single boss; references to resilience have recently proliferated among managers and their institutions. This is particularly pronounced in the National Health Service, where long and intense working hours, heavy workloads and being on the frontline puts doctors, nurses and ancillary workers under extreme stress. However, rather than address the chronic underfunding and unacceptable working conditions that produce this stress, healthcare staff are encouraged to be stoical. One 2018 article in the British Journal of Hospital Medicine is entitled, How to Be a Resilient Doctor: Skills to Maximise Your Anti-fragility. This dovetails with the wellness agenda, with workers encouraged to manage the stress and ill health that they face through self-care.

Wellness has become big business. It fits like a glove with the ideological agenda of neoliberalism, making individuals responsible for their own happiness and diverting attention away from vast inequalities in physical and mental health. Wellness and resilience have been harnessed by governments in attempts to raise the rate of exploitation. Davies notes that wellness was a hot topic at the 2014 World Economic Forum, a meeting held at the luxury ski resort in Davos, Switzerland, where global CEOs and politicians, the rich and the powerful, arrive on personal jets and helicopters. There were 25 sessions on mental and physical wellness, more than double the number in 2008, including events that promised to prove that health is wealth by exploring ways that greater wellbeing could be converted into capital and profit.

Ronald Purser has described how mindfulness is sold as enhancing the mental and emotional resilience of individuals, feeding off neoliberal assumptions that everyone is free to choose their responses, manage negative emotions and flourish through various modes of self-care. As he explains, Mindfulness is sold and marketed as a vehicle for personal gain and gratification. Self-optimisation is the name of the game. The British government has identified the potential of mindfulness to become a therapeutic solventfor dissolving the mental and emotional obstacles to better performance and efficiency. A 2015 report published on behalf of the Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group was transparent about how this agenda could be harnessed to decrease the amount of time workers take off due to stress. It argued for the importance of developing mental capital, that is, cognitive and emotional resources that ensure resilience in the face of stress and ability of the mind to adapt to a rapidly changing employment market and longer working lives. Such mental capital should be of real interest to policy makers given the importance of improving productivity. Unsurprisingly, it is bosses who have shown the most intense interest in and widespread experimentation with mindfulness. The report notes that the need to tackle issues around the rising costs of workplace absence because of stress and depression is the key factor driving the interest inmindfulness in the workplace. It goes on to argue that the promotion of mindfulness by managers is motivated by the desire to boost productivity in a workplace that is being radically changed by new information technology.

Mindfulness and other therapeutic practices have been powerful in helping those with post-traumatic stress disorder and offering temporary respite from the stress and alienation of everyday capitalism. However, they have also been hijacked and distorted into tools for turning the blame for mental distress onto individuals. Managers have eagerly added them to their arsenals as weapons for getting employees to work harder. Meanwhile, the reality of contemporary capitalist work culture is an explosion of anxiety. A report by the British Journal of Psychiatry notes that generalised anxiety disorders and symptoms began steeply increasing at the time of the 2008 economic crash and the austerity policies that followed. Although, perhaps surprisingly, total employment grew between 2008 and 2019, the wages of workers, even by 2020, had not recovered to their 2008 levels; those on benefits have faced a series of draconian cuts, and welfare services were slashed. Iain Fergusons article in a previous issue of this journal documents the widespread mental health impacts of the Covid-19 crisis as the livelihoods of many workers collapse or become more uncertain, while others are forced to work in dangerous and stressful environments.

The idea that working-class people have the time or the money to invest in their wellness is risible. For example, having psychoanalysis, a personal trainer or a life coach once week would eat up at least 20 percent of the wage of a carer working a 35-hour week on the minimum wage. Even joining a cheap gym or going to a yoga class is outside the budget of many. Although some may have sufficient funds to spend on the kind of organic foods and superfoods advocated by health magazines, rising numbers of working people are unable to put food on the table for their families and are resorting to food banks.

Using a health app or FitBit to monitor your number of steps or your intake of calories is a choice for some. However, those working as pickers in Amazon and Tesco warehouses are compelled to wear a bracelet that monitors the time it takes to carry out tasks or visit the toilet. Amazon has just patented designs for a wristband that can precisely track where warehouse employees are and uses vibrations to nudge them in a different direction. Technology might be a useful tool for some people, but for others it is tyranny that increases surveillance of their working lives.

Neoliberal ideas give a new spin to the work and personal lives of women, deepening their oppression in novel ways. There is a grammar of individual empowerment and the promotion of an image of women as autonomous agents who are no longer constrained by inequalities and power imbalances. Entrepreneurialism, bolstered by magazine articles, awards, how-to books and self-branding in the blogosphere, has produced the phenomenon of the mumpreneura mother who establishes her own business from the kitchen table while her children crawl beneath it. This is useful propaganda in the face of the exorbitant cost of childcare, persistent gender inequality, and inflexibility of paid work in Britain. In fact, there has been significant growth in self-employment for women, which increased spectacularly from 1.05 million in 2008 to 1.45 million by the end of 2014. However, far from the emancipatory language of entrepreneurialism and being your own boss, this condemns many women to poor wages. Two in five women with self-employed income earn less than 10,000 a year and on average women earned 30 percent less than men from self-employment. Importantly, self-employed women miss out on benefits such as statutory sick pay and maternity pay, denying them basic entitlements from the welfare state.

Women are a particular target for those pushing the rhetoric of wellness. Multinational toy producer Mattel partnered with the popular meditation company Headspace in February 2020 to launch a new line called the Barbie Wellness Collection, which contains six new dolls that introduce girls to the benefits of self-care through play. These dolls include a Spa Day Barbie, Fitness Barbie and a Breathe with Me Barbie. The dolls come with fun accessories such as yoga mats and eye masks. Each doll also has a cute little pet to accompany them on their wellness activity.

Wellness, beauty and success have merged and become synonymous with a sleek, controlled figure. Women have always been subject to an onslaught of images about how they should look, but this has intensified, subjecting them to increasingly narrow images of the perfect body and face. This has resulted in an explosion of surgical procedures. In her book Bodies, Susie Orbach writes that jawbone shaving is such a common cosmetic procedure in South Korea that one practice displayed a glass tower filled with sawn-off bone fragments. She explains that the pressure to conform to a particular image has extended to men too:

Anyone can look like Barbie or Ken. Indeed Justin, a YouTuber, has undergone 125 procedures and spent $158,000 to make himself resemble Ken by transforming his torso, face, biceps, triceps and hairline. Over 16 million people have watched his video.

Non-surgical cosmetic surgerysuch as botox and fillersare a growth industry: young women are often made to think of them as an integral part of health and wellbeing. Botox, a facial injection used to get rid of wrinkles, is sold as a panacea for ageing but only lasts for three months and locks women into expensive procedures. Such procedures have been normalised by, among others, journalist and feminist Caitlin Moran, who claims that they simply make women look happy and well slept on Zoomin other words, not old.

Womens role in the family means that they are at the sharp end of individualistic self-help discourses that demand they become better mothers, daughters, friends and lovers. Rosalind Gill describes the preoccupation with and surveillance of womens bodies, posture and wardrobes, and the hostile scrutiny they face:

Television shows focusing on toxic shame about the inadequacies of womens wardrobes, cleanliness, dating and childrearing involved them being bullied, advised, cajoled or re-educated into ending their wicked ways and aiming to become better versions of themselves.

The hard fought for gains of womens liberation are turned against women. Female CEOs are paraded as evidence that we live in a world where women can rework themselves and get to the top.

Those who dismiss Marx for myopically focusing on economics and having no theory of human nature can have only cursorily glanced at his work. Certainly, they cannot have read the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, The German Ideology or the Grundrisse, where he develops his foundational ideas about the individual and society. Constraints on the length of this article mean it is impossible to do justice to the richness of Marxs ideas; however, omitting them would leave a theoretical vacuum and concede ground to those who focus only on superficial, cultural characteristics of human nature and motivation.

Marx argued that we have to go beneath social phenomena as they appear on the surface in order to reveal the essential nature of the world that lies underneath. Rather than seeing conceptions, ideas and thoughts as merely products of consciousness, Marx proposed a materialist analysis of the world in which consciousness is understood in relationship to its environmentand the transformation of this environment over time through human activity. He claimed that notions of individuality fundamentally changed based on the dominant socio-economic relationships in society. Societies founded on slavery, feudal fealty and waged labour produce very different forms of individuality and consciousness. Thus, Marx placed the idea that human nature is not fixed at the heart of his thinking. This is in stark contradiction to neoliberal thought, which regards self-seeking calculation and radical individualism as the natural and inevitable mindset of human beings. However, although Marx sees human nature as malleable, he dismisses the idea that humans develop through their own mental efforts in a spirit of contemplation. Criticising the idealists of his time, he declares, In direct contrast to German philosophy, which descends from heaven to Earth, we ascend from Earth to heaven. Marx was standing the ideas of his philosophical contemporaries on their head. Marx thus presents a dialectical relationship between the determination of individuals by their conditions of life and their own practical transformation of those conditions. The next few sections provide a short sketch of key ideas in Marxs materialism, including his theories of alienation and exploitation.

The collaborative nature of humans

The ruling classes and bosses try to make certain features of human behaviour and motivationnamely the primacy of individualism and self-interestappear natural and taken for granted. Since some on the left have absorbed ideas about the atomisation and fragmentation of the working class, it is important to reassert Marxs argument that there is no such thing as an individual outside of society. In the Grundrisse Marx writes:

The human being, in the most literal sense, is a political animal: not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal that individuates itself only in the midst of society. Production by an isolated individual outside societyexcept in the rare case of a civilised person in whom social forces are already dynamically present being cast by accident into the wildernessis as much of an absurdity as is the development of language without individuals living together and talking to one another.

Feral children, born and growing up outside society, will probably develop the ability to make noises and engage in rudimentary communication, but they will not develop language. Language is deeply embedded in human culture. It enables us to refer to abstract concepts and imagined and hypothetical events; it allows us to tell stories about the past and speculate about the future. In Capital, Marx reminds us of what sets humans apart from animals:

A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he raises it in reality.

Marx emphasised the collective nature of production. Work is a collective endeavour, whether it takes the form of prehistoric people hunting together or the vast structures of collaboration that support modern scientific inquiry and technological innovation. The large sums of money that bosses invest in teambuilding exercises show that they understand the cooperative nature of work and the creativity that it produces.

Competitiveness and self-interest are not the self-evident and natural human traits that the neoliberals would have us believe. In his 1944 book The Great Transformation, the Hungarian political economist Karl Polanyi drew on the vast body of anthropology that had emerged in the 1920s in order to debunk Smiths idea of homo economicus. He noted that, far from having an innate propensity to truck, barter and exchange, some communities had an aversion to both exchange and acquisition, leading him to claim that the legend of the individualistic psychology of primitive man had been exploded. The cold rationality of the market lacks the grip on the psychology of ordinary people that ruling-class ideology suggests. In fact, even the biggest corporations recognise basic human traits such as friendliness and warmth, if only to hijack and distort them in order to sell us commodities. For example, the language of gratitude has been incorporated into a number of high-profile advertising campaigns as corporations attempt to project feelings associated with friendship; Airbnb and Uber have been repackaged as the sharing economy, masking the precarious forms of work and huge profits that they produce. Davies looks at how such rebranding often involves attempts to airbrush money out of the picture: Payment is one of the unfortunate pain pointsthat requires anaesthetising with some form of social experience. Thus shopping must be represented as something else entirely. For instance, Tescos Food Love Stories adverts tell emotive stories of generous people such as Birdie, a Caribbean woman who has fostered 800 children and loves making jerk chicken for her family. Never letting a good crisis go to waste, another advert encouraged Tesco shoppers to cook Jons aromatic isolation lamb during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The trumpeting of individual freedom has much more to do with rhetoric than the real operation of neoliberalism. Polanyi referred to the double movement: the forces of unbridled capitalism were so devastating and unsustainable that legislation had to be introduced to curb its worst excesses in the 19th century. The logic of unfettered capitalism would be child labour and the sale of uranium on the open market. Georg Lukcs, another Hungarian theorist, pointed out that when capitalism was still expanding it rejected every sort of social organisation as an incursion into property rights and the freedom of the individual capitalist. The HBO series Deadwood illustrates how capitalism was forced to develop regulatory institutions and structures. In 1876, the discovery of gold in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory attracted thousands of people to the area to prospect. The camp of Deadwood was established and rapidly expanded into a large town. Initially, this lawless town was the epitome of the Wild Wests every man for himself ethos. However, an outbreak of cholera meant that even the most corrupt and venal proto-capitalists had to cooperate to develop institutions, founding a hospital and establishing norms for the disposal of bodies in order to preserve their embryonic capitalist economy.

In the same vein, ruling classes across the world intervened (albeit to varying degrees) with massive programmes of testing and vaccination to ensure the survival of capitalism during the Covid-19 pandemic, cynically mobilising phoney appeals to community. In order to enforce lockdowns and the plethora of confusing restrictions that followed in their wake, the Tory government in Britain appealed to national unity, national togetherness and community. These fake celebrations of collectivity constrast markedly with the genuine mutual aid that sprung up at grassroots level as people organised to support others in their communities. Meanwhile, tensions in the ruling class erupted. Right-wing libertarians were outraged by restrictions on their individual freedoms (to infect others) and their right to continue making profits. More farsighted sections of the ruling class understood the damage that allowing the virus to freely circulate could cause for the system.

Marx on alienation

Marx develops his theory of alienation in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, in which he argues that the estrangement felt by individuals is rooted in the relationship between labour and capital. Marx claims that bourgeois political economy conceals the estrangement inherent in the nature of labour by failing to consider the direct relationship between the worker and production. Marx develops an analysis of four overlapping dimensions of alienation. First, workers are estranged from the objects that they produce, which become something alien that has a power and existence independent of the producer. Marx describes the irony of workers lacking access to the very products they create:

It is true that labour produces for the rich wonderful thingsbut for the worker it produces privation. It produces palacesbut for the worker, hovels. It produces beautybut for the worker, deformity. It replaces labour by machinesbut some of the workers it throws back to barbarous types of labour, and the other workers it turns into machines.

Second, there is alienation from the act of production itself. Workers lack control over how work is organised, and labour itself is coerced. Marx graphically described the toll that this takes on the physical health of industrial workers who suffered stunted growth, bone curvature and gnarled fingers from dangerous and repetitious work. Although the conditions of work in 19th century seem brutal, each era of capitalism inflicts its own violence on the mind and body. Stress, anxiety and musculoskeletal illnesses are endemic to 21st century capitalism. In History and Class Consciousness, Lukcs explains that a worker is treated as an extension of a machine:

He is a mechanical part incorporated into a mechanical system. He finds it already pre-existing and self-sufficient. It functions independently of him, and he has to conform to its laws whether he likes it or not.

Workers are integrated into production as a pure, naked object. The division of labour and micro-management of work rob them of their creativity, with no regard for their abilities as individuals. For Marx, the workers feels at home when they are not working and not at home when they are.

The third dimension of alienation explored by Marx is the estrangement of humans from his fellow humans. Under capitalism, we are connected to others through the anonymity of the market. Every day, our lives are touched by thousands of people, whose labour has made our clothes, food and homes, but we only know them through the objects we buy and consume.

Fourth, Marx argues that we are alienated from our species being. As Bertell Ollman explains:

In tearing man away from the object of his production, estranged labour tears him away from his species life, his real species objectivity, and transforms his advantage over animals into the disadvantage that his organic body, nature, is taken from him.

Capitalism privatises and fragments human relations. The detrimental effects of loneliness on mental and physical health were highlighted and exacerbated during the Covid-19 pandemic as lockdowns, social distancing and shielding measures were introduced. Those most at risk of being lonely were the young, those living alone, the low paid, the unemployed and those experiencing mental distress. Class has been a central factor shaping the impact of loneliness, which has been compounded by job losses and health anxieties.

The persistence of exploitation, resistance and solidarity

Marx argued that exploitation at work is intrinsic to capitalism. Because of this, the conditions for resistance are always present. It is, of course, inevitable that managers will parrot neoliberal ideas, but this is not the case for ordinary workers. There are many signs that employees reject the dominant ideologies of the neoliberal workplace, including more passive manifestations of cynicism and anger such as sabotage and humour. Whether or not grievances are collectivised, gather momentum and develop into strikes depends on a complex set of the factors that have been the subject of lively and extensive debate in this journal.

By 2019, the level of strikes in Britain was the lowest in recorded history, and this is taken by some as evidence for an end of solidarity thesis. However, although strikes are the high point of collective solidarity, and the biggest challenge to bosses and even capitalism itself, strike figures alone provide an incomplete picture of workplace struggle. Taking into account other expressions of working-class organisation reveals another story. For example, strike statistics omit stories of workers winning ballots, despite restrictive legislation, and forcing employers into making concessions. Reducing our estimation of the level of struggle to strike statistics can also mask the significance of specific disputes. The two-day strike of mostly female council workers in Glasgow in October 2018 resulted in a momentous victory over the issue of equal pay, with management promising to rectify longstanding inequities. The annual national statistics tell us nothing about the duration and resilience of particular strikes, such as the action by 200 female care workers in Birmingham who fought a protracted battle over 18 months. In May 2019, after 83 days of strike action, the local council finally withdrew proposals to slash these workers hours and wages. The all-out 12-week strike by a handful of cleaners at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy would have appeared as a drop in the ocean in the 2019 national strike statistics, but their win led to better terms and conditions for a wider group of workers. Moreover, their victory had a hugely important demonstrative effect for other groups of workers.

In a dangerous turn, some proponents of the end of solidarity argument asserts that a generational tension has emerged, with the young becoming more individualistic than older people. In 2013, Guardian journalists James Ball and Tom Clark asked, Has Britain raised a new heartless generation of children of Thatcherand, arguably, of Tony Blair? Does this mark the slow death of solidarity? Academic James McGuigan argues that the young are rejecting dinosaur ideas such as the universalising and collectivist principles embodied in the post-war welfare state. The solidarity-orientated values of institutions such as the NHS are called incessantly into question by neoliberal politics in a manner that makes sense to peculiarly individualised young people.

These sorts of arguments are both divisive and false. Neoliberalism has spectacularly failed young people through massive student debt, astronomical housing costs and the growth of insecure work (all of which were exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic). The huge influx of new members into the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader in 2015 often comprised young people attracted by his attacks on privilege, promotion of equality, defence of the NHS and promises to renationalise industries. Young people have been central to fighting climate change through school strikes and direct action, as well battling racism as part of Black Lives Matter and organising solidarity with Palestine. In the workplace, young people have been at the centre of organising in hospitality, schools and universities. Young lecturers were at the forefront of the University and College Unions pensions dispute in 2018-9. In May 2020, as teachers fought against the unsafe reopening of schools during the Covid-19, the National Education Union recruited hundreds of new workplace reps, and the majority of them were young women. The Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU), the broad-based Better than Zero campaign in Scotland and Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise have won some remarkable victories for young workers in restaurants and clubs on zero-hours contracts. Pseudo-psychological notions, rooted in the theory of the neoliberal self, that claim that workers, and particularly young workers, have become individualistic and reject the collectivism of unions is simply inaccurate.

The argument that neoliberal ideological conceptions of the individual represent a clear break with those in previous eras of capitalism rests on an artificial distinction. Moreover, it draws attention away from capitalism itself by focusing on its superficial manifestations. By taking a materialist approach to human nature and the development of consciousness and individuality, Marx tried to reveal the exploitative social relations hidden beneath outward appearances, debunking capitalisms semblance of naturalness. Understanding how individuals are robbed of their freedom and humanity lies in the alienation of workers under capitalism itself and not a particular form of capitalism.

This article has dismantled the naturalisation of the self-interested, self-seeking individual as the basic unit of society, which is central to the ideology of capitalism. It has focused on a shift in ideas that has emerged in the 21st century that holds individuals responsible for their health and work problems, blaming their lack of motivation and failure to be resilient. Assuming that neoliberal ideology is monolithic and ubiquitous, as some radical left-wing writers suggest, leads to a pessimistic vision of a world dominated by atomisation and fragmentation, with community and working-class solidarity eviscerated. Marx looked beyond an analysis of superficial cultural phenomenon. His theory of alienation enables us to understand how the potential of individual humans is crushed. By locating the source of alienation in the relationship between capital and labour, he demonstrated the liberatory potential of workers collectively challenging capitalist power in the workplace. In overstating the traits of the neoliberal self and how far it has colonised the minds of workers, there is a danger of underestimating the challenge that the working class can make to capitalist ideologyparticularly when they are engaged in struggle.

Depending on our material circumstances and a range of complex psychological factors we may be able to ameliorate the worst excesses of capitalism, at least on a personal level. There are ways in which individuals can find some respite from the mental and physical toll taken by the system. However, as Marx explained in The German Ideology:

The liberation of man is not advanced a single step by reducing philosophy, theology, substance and all the trash to self-consciousness People cannot be liberated as long as they are unable to obtain food and drink, housing and clothing in adequate quality and quantity. Liberation is an historical and not a mental act, and it is brought about by historical conditions.

Marx showed not only that human action in the past created the modern world, but that human action could shape a future world free from the contradictions of capitalism. The skills and creativity of workers, and how they are used collectively, give a glimpse of a society with genuine fulfilment in the workplace, where workers are no longer alienated from what they produce. The potential for solidarity among workers in factories, schools, hospitals, call centres and warehouses frightens the capitalist class to its core because we have the power to end the system in which alienation is embedded. Whatever the ebbs and flows of class forces in any historical period, that power remains.

Jane Hardy was Professor of Political Economy at the University of Hertfordshire. She is the author of Polands New Capitalism (Pluto, 2019) and Nothing to Lose But Our Chains (Pluto, 2021).

Read the original here:
The myth of the neoliberal self International Socialism - International Socialism Journal

Young Americans Increasingly Prefer Socialism. Heres How to Change Their Minds – National Review

Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders react as he speaks during a rally in Detroit, Mich., March 6, 2020.(Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

Opponents of socialism must make a case that is moral, not merely material.

Young Americans like socialism. Thats one finding of a new Axios/Momentive poll surveying American attitudes toward topics such as economic inequality, capitalism and socialism, and governments role in the economy.

Among Americans aged 18-24, the poll reports that only 42 percent of those surveyed regardless of political affiliation have a positive view of capitalism, while 54 percent have a negative view. Only two years ago, the same polling survey had 58 percent of the same demographic favoring capitalism, while 38 percent had a negative view.

These changes arent just confined to shifts among younger progressive-leaning Americans. In 2019, 81 percent of those who leaned Republican, aged 18-34, had a positive opinion of capitalism. Now, however, only 66 percent of this demographic maintain this view.

Precisely what these younger Americans have in mind by words such as socialism or capitalism isnt discussed in this poll. Few, I imagine, are thinking of a Stalinist command economy when they think of socialism. Their opinions more likely reflect concerns about inequality, a desire to see America become something like a European social democracy, or a sense that theres something wrong with 21st-century American capitalism.

I suspect, however, that sympathies for socialism also reflect a lack of understanding of what free markets are and, importantly, what they are not. In my experience, young Americans will often say that they think the economy is rigged in favor of the privileged and well-connected. Indeed, they are right to believe so.

What they dont grasp is that this problem has little to do with markets and everything to do with the cronyism which permeates Americas economy. Nor do they recognize that cronyism is enabled by widespread government intervention in the economy. The bigger the government, the more likely cronyism will prevail.

Nor is it enough to explain to younger Americans the ways in which capitalisms economic performance is infinitely superior to socialisms record or that of European social democracies, for that matter. Many young people also want to live in an economy which they regard as just. I can only agree.

This makes it ever more urgent for those who support free markets to double down on educating young Americans in the economic and moral case for capitalism. It means taking them through the writings of the very best free-market thinkers people such as Adam Smith, Wilhelm Rpke, F. A. Hayek, and Michael Novak who didnt hesitate to defend markets on economic and moral grounds.

But it also means answering their questions about the issues preoccupying them, whether it is concerns about what they see as unjust wealth and income inequalities, or fears that free trade weakens America vis-a-vis our enemies.

In early June, I had an opportunity to take precisely such a group of young Americans from different backgrounds and political viewpoints through a crash course in the morality and economics of markets under the auspices of The Heritage Foundation. All the participants had some knowledge of economics, but only limited exposure to classic free-market texts and thinkers.

In many cases, they accepted that markets were more efficient and effective in generating wealth than the alternatives. For the most part, however, they had never heard the philosophical arguments for markets laid out by people such as Smith, Rpke, Hayek, and Novak.

Among other things, understanding these arguments involves explaining that self-interest, as understood by Adam Smith, is not the same as greed, and showing that socialism could only work if governments were capable of knowing everything going on in the economy at any moment in time all the time. But perhaps the most decisive argument for markets that resonated with the students was what Ill call a morally realist understanding of human nature.

Say, for example, you view humans as beings with reason and free will, who alone among all the Earths species possess the gift of creativity, who are simultaneously individual and social, who are driven to a considerable degree by self-interest, who are capable of moral greatness but also prone to error, and who cant know everything. If you believe these things, you will surely arrive at very different economic conclusions than someone who doesnt, deep down, believe that humans are free, creative, capable of knowing and choosing the truth, but also self-interested and fallible.

Therein lies the recipe for explaining to younger Americans why markets work and socialism fails. Socialism is grounded upon a conception of human beings which is, in a word, false. It denies human individuality, liberty, and fallibility, and thus ends up oppressing people. By contrast, capitalism pays attention to realities about human nature which never change.

That is the message which I have discovered resonates with young Americans and inoculates them against socialisms lies. Its also a message that is as much moral as it is economic.

Socialists learned a long time ago that if you can win the moral argument, you tend to win hearts and minds, especially among idealistic young people. Free-marketers need to recognize that winning the economic argument against socialism simply isnt enough. They must also confront socialisms lies about human nature with the full truth about who human beings are. Because in the end, it really is the fullness of the truth that sets us free.

Young Americans Increasingly Prefer Socialism. Heres How to Change Their Minds - National Review

Blackburn: ‘Taylor Swift would be the first victim’ of socialism, Marxism | TheHill – The Hill

Sen. Marsha BlackburnMarsha BlackburnBlackburn: 'Taylor Swift would be the first victim' of socialism, Marxism The Hill's Morning Report: Afghanistan's future now up to Afghans, Biden says Senate Republicans urge CDC to lift public transportation mask mandate MORE (R-Tenn.) said during an interview published this week that Taylor SwiftTaylor Alison SwiftBlackburn: 'Taylor Swift would be the first victim' of socialism, Marxism California police officer plays Taylor Swift to prevent protesters' video from being posted to YouTube The Hill's 12:30 Report - Presented by Facebook - Social media flooded with 'ring of fire' eclipse photos MORE, who came out against her ahead of the 2018 midterms, and other performers would be the first victim of a socialist or Marxist government.

When Im talking to my friends who are musicians and entertainers, I say, If if we have a socialistic government, if we have Marxism, you are going to be the first ones who will be caught off because the state would have to approve your music, Blackburn told Breitbart News.

And, you know, Taylor Swift, came after me and my 2018 campaign, but Taylor Swift would be the first victim of that because when you look at Marxist, socialist societies, they do not allow women to dress, or sing, or be on stage, or to entertain, she continued, adding that such governments don't allow protection of private intellectual property rights.

It was unclear to which societies the Tennessee Republican was referring.

I know the left is all out now and trying to change country music and make it woke, she added.

In 2018, Swift, a Tennessee native who noted at the time that she had "been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions," came out against Blackburn and other Republicans ahead of that year's elections.

As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me, Swift wrote on Instagram.

In her "Miss Americana" Netflix documentary in 2020, Swift was again critical of the senator's policies,calling her"Trump in a wig."

The Hill has reached out to Universal Music Group, which owns the record label Swift is currently signed with, Republic Records, for comment.

See the article here:
Blackburn: 'Taylor Swift would be the first victim' of socialism, Marxism | TheHill - The Hill