Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

The Meaning of "Socialism" to Americans Today

Story Highlights

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When asked to explain their understanding of the term "socialism," 17% of Americans define it as government ownership of the means of production, half the number who defined it this way in 1949 when Gallup first asked about Americans' views of the term. Americans today are most likely to define socialism as connoting equality for everyone, while others understand the term as meaning the provision of benefits and social services, a modified form of communism, or a conception of socialism as people being social and getting along with one another. About a quarter of Americans were not able to give an answer.

What Is Your Understanding of the Term "Socialism"?

Socialism has re-entered the public discourse over the past several years, in part due to the high profile candidacy of socialist Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, as well as the surprise victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America organization, in the Democratic primary in New York's 14th Congressional District. According to a news report from Axios, over 40 socialists have won in primary elections this year, and the membership of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has grown from 7,000 members to 50,000 since 2016.

This increased visibility of socialism and the prevalence of candidates who in one way or the other are associated with the socialist label makes it important to understand how this concept is understood by average Americans -- the objective of the current research.

The broad group of responses defining socialism as dealing with "equality" are quite varied -- ranging from views that socialism means controls on incomes and wealth, to a more general conception of equality of opportunity, or equal status as citizens.

In addition to the 17% of Americans who define socialism as government ownership of the means of production, other more traditional or historical views of socialism include those who say it means modified communism (6%) or restrictions on freedom (3%).

That leaves 19% of all mentions which are focused on a "gentler, lighter" view of socialism -- government provision of benefits and services, liberal government or some type of cooperative plan. In addition to 6% non-specific derogatory comments, 6% describe it as getting along with other people, 8% give miscellaneous responses, and about a quarter of Americans (23%) said they couldn't answer the question.

The biggest difference between 1949 and now in terms of Americans' understanding of the term socialism is the drop in the percentage who define socialism as government ownership of the means of production. This drop is offset by the increased number of Americans who say that socialism means equality and an increase in those who define socialism in terms that are closer to what might be considered a more standard liberalism. Americans today are also more likely to have an opinion than was the case in 1949 when over a third gave no opinion.

Previous Gallup research has shown that socialism as a concept is viewed positively by less than a majority of Americans (37% in a late July, early August survey) and that these attitudes have not changed materially since 2010. However, 57% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents view socialism positively, particularly telling in light of the 47% of Democrats who view capitalism positively. Republicans are, unsurprisingly, much less positive about socialism (16% view the term positively).

The current research shows that Republicans are significantly more likely to view socialism as government ownership of the means of production than are Democrats and are more likely to describe socialism in derogatory terms. For their part, Democrats are modestly more likely to view socialism as government provision of services and benefits. Democrats are also more likely to say they don't have a view of socialism than Republicans.

What Is Your Understanding of the Term "Socialism"? by Party

Although young Americans are in general more positive about socialism as a concept than those who are older, there are few significant differences by age group in self-reported understanding of the term.

Do we have socialism in America today? That was the question Gallup asked Americans in the 1949 survey when 43% said "yes." There has been little significant change in the affirmative response to this question over the years, with 38% of Americans saying that there is socialism in America today. However, in 1949, with almost one in five Americans not giving an opinion, the affirmative responses outnumbered the negatives. Today, negatives are more prevalent than those who say yes.

Do you think we have socialism in the United States today, or not?

There is little significant difference in these views by partisanship today, with Republicans just a bit more likely to say "yes" than Democrats, 42% to 36%.

Socialism historically has been associated with the concept of public or collective ownership of property and natural resources and has long been associated with Marxism and communism. In 1949, with the Chinese Communists just having taken control of China, and with the Communist Soviet Union creating fear of an aggressive effort to spread their ideology around the globe, Americans' view of the term embraced the classic elements bound up in these types of movements.

Now, almost 70 years later, Americans' views of socialism have broadened. While many still view socialism as government control of the economy, as modified communism and as embodying restrictions on freedoms in several ways, an increased percentage see it as representing equality and government provision of benefits.

These results make it clear that socialism is a broad concept that can -- and is -- understood in a variety of ways by Americans.

Republicans, who are overwhelmingly negative about socialism, tend to skew toward seeing socialism as government control of the economy and in derogatory terms, while Democrats, a majority of whom are positive about socialism, are more likely to view it as government provision of services.

No doubt candidates who are affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America or in other ways lay claim to a socialist approach to government will continue to define what the term means in ways that fit their personal viewpoints.

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The Meaning of "Socialism" to Americans Today

GOP Congresswoman Redefines Antisemitism: All Socialists Are ‘Anti-Jew’ – Daily Beast

With Republicans recently blaming the rise of antisemitic attacks on progressives criticism of Israel, one GOP congresswoman took it to a whole new level on Thursday night.

According to Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), if you happen to be a socialist or communist, then you are, by default, anti-Jewish.

Amid an alarming rise in antisemitic attacks, especially in the wake of the 11-day Hamas-Israel war, Vox writer Zack Beauchamp wrote an in-depth piece looking into the causes behind the increase in violence against American Jews. Though the articlewritten by a Jewwas incredibly nuanced and balanced, it was relentlessly mocked by conservatives over its sub-headline: Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we dont know why.

During Thursdays broadcast of Fox News Primetime, guest host Ben Domenech continued the networks mockery over the piece and brought on Salazar to discuss it at length. At the same time, it appears neither party got past the articles secondary title.

In the past month, we have seen a surge in antisemitism across America. Some might conclude that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is the root cause, Domenech declared. If you check Twitter, the folks at Vox cant seem to figure it out. They posted this headline: Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we dont know why.

Turning to Salazar, who he noted was a former journalist, the Federalist co-founder asked her what can be done to combat the rise of antisemitism. And the conservative lawmaker let loose.

Right now, at the Holocaust Memorial, were having an event with thousands of people that are denouncing specifically what you just said, the antisemitism that is rising in this country, she stated. And Vox may not know what it is but I have the answerthe answer is socialism.

Salazar added: We have an immense problem in this country with this democratic socialism that some people within the Democratic Party are peddling to our youth. When you say socialism, you are talking about antisemitism in the same phrase, even though it might not be mentioned!

The Florida lawmaker went on to reach even further and label which political ideologies were supposedly antisemitic.

You see it in Cuba, in Iran, in Venezuela, you see North Koreaeverybody that is a socialist or a communist is anti-Jew, she exclaimed. And at least, in my area, we are not going to tolerate that.

Domenech, who like Salazar is not Jewish, said he had heard from Jewish friends across the country that they were concerned that support for Israel would soon become a mono-partisan affair, essentially equating criticism of Israels policies with antisemitism.

Notably, Pew Research recently found that 71 percent of American Jews identify as Democrats and more than half describe themselves as liberal. In the last presidential election, 76 percent of the Jewish vote went to Joe Biden compared to only 22 percent for Donald Trump.

Furthermore, according to Pew, over half of American Jews feel the Democratic Party is friendly towards Jewish Americans while only 29 percent feel the same way about the Republican Party.

The rest is here:
GOP Congresswoman Redefines Antisemitism: All Socialists Are 'Anti-Jew' - Daily Beast

We need your help to build the movement for socialism – Liberation

Contribute to the PSLs National Fund Drive today!

We started the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) with a small handful of members, determined to build a multi-national, multi-generational and large-scale socialist party in a country that seemed to have mostly rejected socialism. The task seemed daunting. We were few in numbers with virtually no resources during a time when socialism was treated as an absolute taboo within the United States. Today, 17 years later the PSL has branches, collectives and members throughout the country. We have an organized presence in over 100 cities and towns, and have expanded our presences substantially throughout the South in recent years. We are growing dynamically and appeal to you to provide support for our continued growth.

Every year all members of the PSL participate in a National Fund Drive. Like a union or many other types of working-class organizations, we know the only way to be politically independent from the capitalist class is to be financially independent from it. We appeal to our friends and supporters to contribute to this fund. Watch the video below to hear from our members why the funds from the drive and your support is critical to so many activities. From the launch of national initiatives, to putting organizers and speakers on the road, to supporting and coordinating local organizing, to producing PSL publications and other media, and to deepening the Partys international solidarity work, the National Fund Drive is essential.

Through our members dedication of their time, finances, collective work and sacrifice, the PSL has helped build and sustain movements against oppression and for liberation. From cancel the rent caravans and actions, to being out in the streets for Black lives and against anti-Asian violence, to consistently being able to share a working-class analysis of current events across all our digital platforms, our comrades remain steadfast and resilient propelling the struggle for socialism forward.

Make an urgently-needed donation here

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We need your help to build the movement for socialism - Liberation

State Department socialists: The sinister operations of Jacobin and the DSA in Brazil – WSWS

The World Socialist Web Site issued an open letter to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) responding to neo-Stalinist attacks by DSA leaders against Leon Trotsky and the current representatives of his revolutionary legacy, the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) and its affiliated Socialist Equality Parties.

The WSWS revealed that this campaignwith memes and statements celebrating the murder of Trotsky and the assassin himself, Ramon Mercader, and resurrecting the anti-Trotskyist slanders that served as justification for mass murder of revolutionaries under Stalins Terrorwas carefully coordinated by major figures in the DSA leadership with extensive connections to the Democratic Party.

By attacking Trotskyism through its DSA agents, the Democratic Party, a ruthless defender of Wall Street and US imperialism, is reacting to the growing movement of the working class in the US. Part of a global resurgence of the class struggle, this movement is clashing with the reactionary trade union apparatus and the bourgeois political system as a whole. The ruling class recognizes that this movement finds conscious expression in the WSWS, which has a growing audience among militant workers and socialist-minded youth, including within the DSAs own ranks.

The development of a genuine socialist movement, not only in the United States but internationally, requires that the working class learn to recognize the nefarious political role played by organizations like the DSA, the politics of which reflect the interests of the affluent middle class. In each country, organizations that share this same class character and pseudo-left politics are acting to divide the working class along national, ethnic, racial and gender lines and subordinate it to capitalism and its state.

This struggle is especially significant in Brazil and Latin America, where in recent decades workers have gone through the experience of the bourgeois Pink Tide governments, which, despite their populist rhetoric, failed to resolve the deep social, economic and political contradictions that have historically affected the region.

The DSA is also the political force behind Jacobin magazine, founded and edited by its member Bhaskar Sunkara. Jacobin has consistently acted to sow illusions in the supposedly progressiveand even socialistcharacter of the corrupt Pink Tide governments. In recent years, Jacobin has sought to mount an incursion into Brazil and Latin America. It inaugurated in 2019 both a Brazilian edition, in Portuguese, and a Latin American one, in Spanish.

These international operations have a sinister character. The DSA is a faction of the Democratic Party, which has historically oppressed Latin America, launching dozens of invasions, coups and interventions in the region over the past century.

The DSAs own pedigree is bound up with these crimes. It traces its origins to the Democratic Socialists Organizing Committee (DSOC), founded by Michael Harrington in the early 1970s. Harrington was an acolyte of Max Shachtman, who drifted far to the right after renouncing the defense of the Soviet Union against imperialism and breaking with the Trotskyist movement in 1940. Shachtman embraced Cold War anti-communism and became a political adviser to the AFL-CIO bureaucracy.

Among the leading Shachtmanite cadre was Tom Kahn, who in the 1980s would become director of the AFLCIOs Department of International Affairs (later the Solidarity Center) as it defended the operations of US imperialism, particularly in the bloody counter-insurgency wars in El Salvador and Guatemala and the CIA Contra war against Nicaragua.

The anti-communist AFL-CIO bureaucracys role in Central America was in continuity with its previous intervention in Brazil through its American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD), a front for the CIA. The AIFLD trained and funded right-wing union leaders, including in the telephone and telegraph union, who backed the 1964 military coup that overthrew President Joao Goulart and ushered in two decades of dictatorship.

Also coming out of this tendency was Carl Gershman, who became president of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in 1984, a position he holds to this day. The NED was created to carry out overtly the kind of financing of pro-US parties and unions that the CIA previously funded covertly. It has played a key role in Washingtons regime change operations in the region, from Nicaragua in the 1980s to Venezuela, funding leaders of the 2002 coup against Hugo Chvez and backing US puppet Juan Guaid to this day.

The current turn of the DSAa servile defender of the corporatist AFL-CIO apparatusand Jacobin to Latin America must be understood within this historical context. While presenting a left face, they are part of US imperialisms response to the emergence of an unprecedented political crisis in the region.

The past five years, since the shipwreck of the brief commodities boom, have been marked by accelerated growth in poverty, unemployment and an intensification of already grotesque levels of social inequality. The Pink Tide parties, which have gone on to implement capitalist readjustment programs, have been widely discredited, together with bourgeois establishment as a whole.

The opposition of workers and youth to the existing capitalist setup emerged in mass protests and strikes in different countries of the region, particularly since 2019. Both the social catastrophe and the radicalization of the masses have been sharply exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is leaving a trail of death and destruction across Latin America.

Latin American workers can only achieve their social demands by definitively breaking the political grip of all the parties representing the interests of the national bourgeoisies, regardless of the left rhetoric with which they seek to cover themselves. Only by this means can they unify their struggles across national borders, directing their appeals to their class brothers in the region and also in the imperialist countries, and adopt a revolutionary socialist leadership and political program. Jacobins efforts are aimed precisely at heading off such a revolutionary development.

Since its founding in 2019, Jacobins Brazilian edition has sought to introduce itself in Brazil as an authoritative voice of socialism. With this aim, it brought together the Brazilian representatives of Pabloite revisionism and its Morenoite variantswhich falsely present themselves as Trotskyistswith Stalinism and academic identity politics.

The person chosen to head the magazines political project, in close coordination with DSAs Sunkara, was Sabrina Fernandes, who had already contributed to the American Jacobin. Besides being a prominent YouTuber in Brazil and an academic, Fernandes is a leading member of the Socialism and Freedom Partys (PSOL) tendency Subverta, which is affiliated to the Pabloite international and defines itself as an ecosocialist and libertarian collective.

Fernandes international connections are worth noting. She began her academic career in Canada, where she affiliated herself to the reactionary New Democratic Party (NDP). She is currently a postdoctoral fellow of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, an institution linked to the German state and the pseudo-left Die Link (The Left), which is also funding Jacobin Brasil.

The mainstream Brazilian magazine poca (usually uninterested in left politics) published an extensive and flattering profile of Fernandes. Speaking to the magazine about her political foundations, she declared: It is common for the radical left to say Oh, because Lenin wrote this, because Trotsky did that and try to give these answers to the different problems we have today. I claim that legacy, but we cant be anachronistic.

This emblematic statement is fully aligned with Jacobin's reactionary purposes. The magazine wants to claim the legacy of Lenin and Trotsky only to repudiate and combat it in every essential aspect, particularly their struggle to establish an independent political party of the working class, hostile to the influences of the petty bourgeoisie, and the struggle for the overthrow of the bourgeois state. Jacobins aims emerged in its first Brazilian issue, titled Marx & Co. The cover of the magazine was a comic-style illustration with cut-outs of historical figures, putting in Marxs company notorious anti-Marxists: bourgeois nationalists like Salvador Allende, leaders of Brazils Stalinist Communist Party, and Stalin himself. Some of the authors have publicly expressed discomfort particularly with the publication of an article by Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) member Jones Manoel, an open defender of Stalin and his historical contributions.

This episode shed light on the operations that preceded Jacobins publication in Brazil. Answering the issues raised by professors Sean Purdy of the PSOL and Ruy Braga, a former member of the Morenoite PSTU, who wrote on Facebook that they should have warned before about Jones Manoels participation, Sabrina Fernandes stated: But there was a warning before when Bhaskar came I explained that the magazine has a wide range that extends to the PCB on certain topics. The article is not about Stalin, you havent even read it yet. Anti-communism criminalizes all of us, that is the lesson of our political situation.

The message is clear: First, the inclusion of a representative of Stalinism in the magazine was not accidental, but a deliberate guideline laid down with the DSA. And second, any attempt to educate the new generation becoming radicalized on the historical divide between Stalinism and Marxisma division that, in Trotsky's words, is a river of bloodwill be furiously attacked by Jacobin as anti-communism.

Jacobin has its focused efforts in recent months on a campaign to present former Workers Party (PT) President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva (commonly known as Lula) and the possibility of a new PT administration as the solution to Brazils profound social and political crisis.

For 14 years the PT ruled Brazil in the interests of the capitalist class and in alliance with the most reactionary forces within its political establishment, including the countrys current fascistic President Jair Bolsonaro. The immense discrediting of the PT among workers and the partys promotion of the military and right-wing forces paved the way for Bolsonaros rise to the presidency.

After being convicted on corruption charges involving Brazils major construction companies, Lula was barred from running in the last presidential election in 2018. In March of this year, however, the proceedings against Lula were ruled legally flawed and the convictions annulled by the Supreme Court, restoring his political rights in the run-up to the 2022 presidential election.

This news was intensely celebrated by Jacobin, and it has continued publishing a series of articles with titles such as Lula is back and he can save Brazil from Bolsonaro. Once Lula assumes the leadership of social movements and left forces, he will confront the social crisis, restore democracy in Brazil, and even take the lead globally in the fight for universal access to vaccinesso claims Jacobin Brasils editor Hugo Albuquerque. In his opinion, all of these wonders are possible without any break with capitalism, quite the opposite.

Albuquerque makes clear that his hopes are based on signs that Lula is being rehabilitated by the Brazilian financial oligarchy. He states that the rapid advance of the Brazilian crisis could very well augur a new outlook among the countrys oligarchy. [T]he ruling class may begin to revise the wisdom of its longstanding anything-but-the-Workers-Party stance.

No doubt, within the Democratic Party administration of President Joe Biden and the US State Department there are also those who believe the interests of US imperialism would be in safer hands under Lula than Bolsonaro. As a faction of the Democratic Party, the DSA provides a left face for these tactical considerations in Washington.

To cover this pro-capitalist policy with pseudo-revolutionary language, Jacobin enlisted the services of a specialist, the veteran of the Morenoite movement Valrio Arcary. Arcary had held positions in the PT leadership before his organization, Convergncia Socialista, was expelled from the party in the early 1990s and formed the PSTU. Today he leads PSOLs Morenoite tendency Resistance.

In his article For a United Front with an anti-capitalist program, he makes grotesque distortions of the politics of Lenin and Trotsky and shamelessly falsifies the history of the Russian Revolution. He attempts to justify PSOLs support for a Lula candidacy by equating it with the demand All power to the soviets raised by the Bolsheviks after the February Revolution of 1917. Who ran the soviets?, Arcary asks, and answers, The moderate Menshevik and SR leaderships. He consciously omits the very existence of the bourgeois Provisional Government which was supported by the treacherous leadership of the soviets, against which the slogan drawn up by Lenin was turned. The aim is to portray the Bolsheviks as their opposite: spineless left supporters of the bourgeoisie, seeking to pressure its leadership to the left! In other words, equating them with the PSOL.

The significance of Jacobins operations to disrupt the development of a genuine socialist movement in Brazil was recognized by Lula himself. Around two weeks ago, Lula tweeted pictures of himself holding up copies of Jacobin Brasil and asking his followers, Have you read it yet?!

But these efforts are doomed to fail. Each new step in the development of the crisis of world capitalism is throwing the working class in Brazil and internationally on the road to socialist revolution and at the same time exposing ever more deeply the visceral hostility of these petty-bourgeois impostors to genuine socialism.

The struggle of the International Committee of the Fourth International to clarify the anti-Marxist nature of these tendencies and the historical roots of their treachery and to promote a real internationalist socialist program is laying the groundwork for creating a new revolutionary leadership in the Brazilian working class that will lead it to political power.

WSWS Review

What is the pseudo-left?

This review examines the response of pseudo-left political tendencies internationally to the major world political events of the past decade.

View original post here:
State Department socialists: The sinister operations of Jacobin and the DSA in Brazil - WSWS

Biden, the Oil Companies, and the Environment – International Viewpoint

Joseph Biden ran for president as an environmental candidate, pledging to address global warming. On day one as president, he blocked all new gas and oil leases on federal lands and water, stopped the Keystone XL pipeline, and took the United States back into the Paris Climate Agreement. Now he is proposing a 2022 budget with $36 billion ($14 billion more than last year) for clean energy, improved water infrastructure, and more research. He also proposes to spend $174 million to develop electric vehicle infrastructurethough the Republican Party wants only a small fraction of that.

Environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, and Sunrise, spent some $1.5 million in the 2020 elections mostly for Biden and other Democrats. Yet, in the last few months the Biden administration has given the go-ahead to various projects either on federal land or necessitating federal approval: the Willow project, a large oil drilling project on Alaskas North Slope, oil and leases in Wyoming, and the continued use of the Dakota Access pipeline. All of these projects were approved by Donald Trumps administration and fiercely opposed by environmental organizations. As Gregory Stewart, a leader of the Alaska chapter of the Sierra Club, said of the Alaska project, They are opening up a lane for the oil and gas industry to cause irreparable harm to Arctic communities public health and wildlife habitats.

Since the COVID pandemic, the environmental movementunlike the racial justice movements spectacular demonstrationshas not been very visible. While local environmental protests continue, there is no large, active national movement. Environmental activists have focused on support for the Green New Deal legislation sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey.

Were going to transition to a 100 percent carbon free-economy, that is more unionized, more just, more dignified and guarantees more health care and housing than we ever have before, Ocasio-Cortez says. Do we intend on sending a message to the Biden administration that we need to go bigger and bolder? The answer is absolutely yes. The Democratic Socialists of America says of the Green New Deal proposals, they are conversation startersnot complete and adequate blueprints. While the GND calls for a transition to a more sustainable economy and a more just society, it does not take on the oil and gas companies directly.

The more radical wing of the U.S. environmental movement challenges the culture of growth and argues that carbon emissions can only be reduced by virtually stopping oil drilling and coal mining and closing down and drastically retrenching the industries that drive them: steel, auto, and plastics, among others. To do that, one would have to nationalize the energy industries and bring them under the control of a genuinely democratic government. That is, one needs to fight for socialism as the solution to the climate crisis. As the group System Change not Climate changes states, The current ecological crisis results from the capitalist system, which values profits for a global ruling elite over people and the planet. It must therefore be confronted through an international mass movement of working people around the world.

2 June 2021

Source: New Politics.

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Biden, the Oil Companies, and the Environment - International Viewpoint