Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Socialist Practice and Transition – Monthly Review

Steve Ellner is a retired professor of the Universidad de Oriente in Venezuela and currently an associate managing editor of Latin American Perspectives. He is the editor of Latin Americas Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings (2020) and Latin American Extractivism: Dependency, Resource Nationalism and Resistance in Broad Perspective (2021). He is a regular contributor to NACLA: Report on the Americas.

Victor Wallis, Socialist Practice: Histories and Theories (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), 252 pages, $59.99, paperback.

The left has long debated whether socialism will be achieved in advanced capitalist nations on one big day, la storming of the Winter Palace, or through a series of advances and small revolutionary breaks over time leading at some point to systemic change. Leftists differ along similar lines in their view of how socialism will come about at the global level. After the triumph of the Russian Revolution and in the wake of the disaster of the First World War, V. I. Lenin and the other Bolsheviks assumed that revolution would instantly spread throughout Europe, the result being world revolution. This fast-moving chain of events contrasted with Europes transformation from feudalism to capitalism over a period of centuries during which time the antifeudal cause faced numerous reverses and setbacks.

Similarly, in Socialist Practice, a collection of essays on leftist theory and experiences, Victor Wallis adheres to the view that the achievement of socialism is a drawn out, nonlinear process consisting of episodes that in many cases have a mixed impact on the revolutionary cause. Wallis analyzes several, ranging from the seven decades of Soviet rule to the New Left of the 1960s. His main thesis is that over the last century pure socialism has never existed and that on all fronts socialist movements and governments have contained elements of the oldnamely, capitalism. He notes that up until 1917, Karl Marx and his followers never contemplated this coexistence and interpenetration of capitalism and socialism on a world scale. The coexistence, according to Wallis, not only persists between nations but also within nations, consisting of different modes of thinking and variations in the relations of production. Given the complexity and extraordinary difficulty of any genuinely revolutionary transformation, one may assume that the achievement of socialism will resemble the protracted transition from feudalism to capitalism more than a war of maneuverAntonio Gramscis term to describe the Soviet revolution of 1917.1

The centerpiece of Walliss analysis of the transition from capitalism to socialism is the theory of dialectics according to Marx and Frederick Engels. Indeed, Marxist dialectics lends itself to a recognition of the richness and variety of human experience and contains elements that run counter to the linear view of history devoid of ambiguities and complexities.2 In the first place, in Marxs words, the new society will be stamped with the birth-marks of the old since the antithesis does not fall from the sky but rather emerges from the thesis. Referring to dialectics, Wallis writes: Individuals who comprise the new leadership [of the revolutionary movement] will inescapably embody, to varying degrees, perceived aspirations as well as ways of dealing with peoplethat reflect pre-revolutionary habit. Elsewhere, he states that material ambitions derived from the culture of capitalism pervades the entire society under socialism and not just the leadership. In the second place, the antithesis itself is subject to internal contradictions and is eventually transformed (the negation of the negation).3

In Walliss critique of market socialism, he points to the need to recognize that the socialist road is bumpy and that many of its features resemble the old system, which socialists are supposedly attempting to liquidate. Wallis agrees with Bertell Ollman in opposing market socialism while acknowledging that post-revolutionary society will contain de facto market elements. This view fits in with Walliss overall vision of the transition to socialism impregnated with contradictions and tensions. Wallis concludes that among Marxists who write on market socialism the real debate is over different ways of approaching and navigating a universally recognized conflict as opposed to what he considers to be the erroneous contention (the promarket socialism view) that the principles of market and socialism do not clash.4

Walliss interpretation of Marxist dialectics guides his analysis of Soviet rule. His objective is to demonstrate those ways in which the new society is both generated and conditioned by the old. Wallis points out that from the very outset, remnants of the old system were ever present, tolerated, and even promoted not only in the form of the New Economic Policy but also industry managers who Lenin insisted be allowed to run enterprises. As a result, draconian capitalist methods as well as aspects of Taylorism prevailed at the workplace. In the process, workers self-management a topic to which Wallis devotes a chapter in order to demonstrate the systems feasibility and viability throughout the twentieth century was sacrificed and even considered by Lenin as premature and counterproductive. In addition, technology in its capitalist guise created material expectations that induced Soviet leaders and those of other socialist countries to modify their priorities and increased their willingness to give private foreign capital a major role in their economies. As eco-Marxists would be the first to point out, the need to transcend the logic of infinite growth inherent in capitalism has been made urgent as a result of environmental imperatives. In the case of the USSR, according to Wallis, the contradictions continued until the last years of Soviet rule with the liberalization strategy referred to as glasnost.5

Wallis presents a mixed assessment of the Soviet experience. He rejects the notion that socialism would be better off now had 1917 never occurred. Wallis maintains that the USSR as a counterweight created the space necessary for healthier revolutionary processes in other parts of the world. Most important, he argues that the downsides of Soviet rule, including the atrocities committed during the Joseph Stalin period and the widespread institutionalized corruption after his death in 1953, were not defects of socialism but rather were attributable to capitalist beachheads and influences within the Soviet economy and society. This thesis is a far cry from that of some Maoist and Trotskyist parties, among others, that posit that the USSR at some point ceased to be socialist. Wallis concludes that the willingness to look at the negative aspects of the Soviet regime in the context of the larger process of transition at the world level and to attribute those defects to capitalism, not socialism, helps avoid the type of disillusionment brought on by the collapse of the USSR.6

Wallis applies his broad focus influenced by dialectics, with its emphasis on directionality and long-term impacts, to his chapter The US Left of the 1960s and its Legacy. In doing so, he sets out to refute the thesis that the radicalism of the 1960s had an impact which on balance constituted a setback for the Left and that it was a movement of the privileged. Wallis notes that the political environment of the previous decade marked by McCarthyism set the parameters for subsequent Left activity. In countering those who belittle the New Lefts accomplishments, Wallis argues that as a result of the chilling setting within which to contemplate any form of progressive activity, members of the new generation of activists were starting largely from scratch. Indeed, the Students for a Democratic Society must be given credit for breaking with the anticommunist fervor of the previous decade by flatly rejecting the insistence of its parent organization, the League for Industrial Democracy, to explicitly disassociate itself from the Communist Party.7

A look at the facts substantiates Walliss statement that although the New Left originated in elite universities, it grew far broader over time. In the first place, in the latter part of the decade, Students for a Democratic Society expanded to a large number of working-class colleges. Second, the debate within the antiwar movement pitted the old left, and specifically the Socialist Workers Party, which played a major role in organizing protests and which favored a single-issue approach, against the New Left, which generally defended a multi-issue approach including issues of gender and race. Finally, Wallis points to the impact of the New Left on social movements, such as the Teamsters for a Democratic Union, which he calls an authentic outgrowth of the 1960s Left. Similarly, the New Left and the civil rights movement were intricately connected: It was precisely the experience of working closely with black civil rights activists that energized and inspired some of the most creative leaders of[the] white-led Left and antiwar movements.8

Wallis broaches, but fails to fully explore, the issue of agency with regard to peoples power and the achievement of authentic change. In arguing for the more radical, bottom-up policies that the left in power should have pursued in the Soviet Union of Lenin and Salvador Allendes Chile, Wallis acknowledges that it is unclear whether such a strategy was even feasible. Thus, in his discussion of Lenins capitulations to the logic of capitalism and other concessions (such as the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk), Wallis recognizes the Soviet leaders success in meeting the number one priority of defeating the counterrevolution, but adds that whether his approach was the only one possible is something that we may never know. He reaches a similar conclusion regarding the uncertainty of agency in his discussion of Allendes presidency. Wallis expresses sympathy for the workplace occupations and rank-and-file politicization within the Armed Forces promoted by the Movement of the Revolutionary Left and the left-wing of the Socialist Party, but adds that the available alternatives to the Allende governments more cautious approach will never be fully known. Elsewhere, Wallis states that not so much theory but practice will show revolutionary governments the way for developing a synthesis between plant takeovers based on rank-and-file resistance to the bourgeoisie and a political strategy exercised from above.9

Of course, the availability of realistic options for radicalization depends on circumstances. Elsewhere, I have pointed to missed opportunities in situations in which the left in power has had the upper hand (to deepen the process of change, promote bottom-up input in decision-making, wage an all-out war on corruption, deliver blows to an opposition engaged in illegal activity, and implement unpopular but necessary economic measures). Conversely, in moments when the left in power is on the defensive due, in the case of Venezuela, to U.S.-imposed sanctions and military threats options are limited.10 While it may be easy to determine those situations in which the left is on the defensive, identifying propitious situations conducive to a leftist offensive is more problematic. There is a second issue regarding how leftist governments act on the basis of their reading of favorable and unfavorable factors. At what point have contextual factors (such as military threats or economic warfare), which Wallis correctly places at the center of his analysis, served as justifications for excesses by leftists in power, errors they committed, or antidemocratic behavior?

Wallis is correct in pointing out that no scientific method can determine with precision when the moment is right to act decisively. In my opinion, Wallis is on the right track in pointing to factors that favor a bolder approach at the same time that he eschews sectarianism, not to say arrogance, by acknowledging that there are no definitive blueprints nor guarantees for success (some Bolshevik leaders in 1917 thought that Lenins plan to seize power was premature and irresponsible). The left needs to guard against utopianism in the form of a wish list of changes that the revolution will allegedly bring. Some suggest that dialectics in its idealistic form encourages this tendency when the focus is on extrapolating into the future rather than analyzing the present.11 Wallis avoids such wishful thinking in this fascinating study of leftist theory and practice from Marx to the present.

Socialist Practice and Transition - Monthly Review

The Dangers of Factionalism in DSA – In These Times

The remarkable growth of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) over the past four years, from agroup with afew thousand members to one with fifteen times that number, has made it the most significant U.S. socialist organization in nearly acentury. Successful campaigns to elect open democratic socialists to public office have given the DSA real, if still embryonic, political influence. Four membersJamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaibnow sit in the House of Representatives. Together with Bernie Sanders in the Senate, this is the largest number of self-avowed democratic socialists ever to hold Congressional office simultaneously, to say nothing of the scores of DSA members who have been elected to state legislatures, county boards and city councils in recentyears.

As DSA has grown in size and political influence, so too has the interest it has attracted from small political groups to its left. These sects, short for sectarian organizations, see opportunities for themselves in the large numbers of young people new to politics who have joined DSA, viewing them as potential recruits for their emaciatedranks.

The recent announcement of the Trotskyist organization Socialist Alternative (SAlt) that its members were coming aboard, followed by asimilar declaration from its leading member, Kshama Sawant, has simply made public aprocess that has been underway for some timethat various marginal Trotskyist organizations have infiltrated the DSA in apractice known as entryism.

What is entryism and what kind of impact could it have onDSA?

Lets start with this disingenuous passage in the SAltannouncement:

We realize that DSA has anational ban on members of democratic centralist organizations joining. However, many DSA members weve talked to oppose this Cold War holdover and are excited about Socialist Alternative members joining. While this rule was originally created to prevent Marxists from joining DSA, in recent years, anew generation of DSA activists have changed the organizations politics for the better, many of them identifying as Marxist. We think DSA should remove this exclusionary rule as another useful step towards transforming the socialist left into an important component for the emerging classstruggles.

We, the undersigned, were involved in the crafting and adoption of the DSA Constitution that the SAlt communiqu alluded to. We have been apart of DSAs first generation of national leadership, and we have served in its two predecessor organizations, the New American Movement and the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee. SAlts claim that Marxists have been banned from joining DSA is aself-serving fiction, and they knowit.

Many in the original leadership of DSA identified as Marxists. Michael Harrington, one of our two national co-chairs and our most prominent leader at the time of DSAs founding, wrote anumber of widely read books in which he made acase for Marxs vision of socialism as democratic. Others of us who did not call ourselves Marxists never considered that they should be excluded fromDSA.

Even if DSAs founders had not included many self-avowed Marxists, simple logic dictates that if we did not want them in our ranks, our Constitution would have explicitly prohibited them from joining. It did not. Contrary to the fables of SAlt, there are no political or ideological tests for joining DSA, no bans on who can join, and no approval process for new members. Dont take our word for it: Read the document as its written. Ask yourself how any member of SAlt, past and present, could have joinedDSA.

DSAs founders believed that we should assume the good faith of those who wanted to join our ranks, but we were not nave. We were experienced and battle-hardened democratic socialists who had come from every part of the U.S. Left: women and men who had been leaders of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and various Trotskyist organizations, who were part of the Old Left of the 1930s and the New Left of the 1960s, and who came out of trade unions and civil rights, feminist and LGBTQgroups.

Assumptions notwithstanding, our rich collective memory told us that there would be small numbers of people who joined DSA in bad faith, that these people would behave in ways that were injurious to the mission and work of DSA, and that this behavior would need to be addressed. We knew from our history that the more successful DSA became, the more people would enter it for reasons other than advancing its mission. In the most extreme of these cases, DSA could well find that it needed to use the most serious penalty ademocratic organization can levy against amemberexpulsion. And given the gravity of such astep, we wanted to make sure that the Constitution specified its conditions so it would not be employed capriciously. Moreover, we wanted to ensure that there was due process for the member beingexpelled.

With this in mind, we wrote thefollowing:

Members can be expelled if they are found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of the organization or if they consistently engage in undemocratic, disruptive behavior or if they are under the discipline of any self-defined democratic-centralist organization. Members facing expulsion must receive written notice of charges against them and must be given the opportunity to be heard before the NPC or asubcommittee thereof, appointed for the purpose of consideringexpulsion.

The first two grounds for expulsion are self-explanatory. The last groundthat aperson was under the discipline of any self-defined democratic centralist organizationrequires some historicalbackground.

Entryism in the1930s

In 1928, the U.S. Communist Party banished asmall group of individuals from its ranks on the grounds that they were associates of Leon Trotsky, the Bolshevik leader who had been purged from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during afactional struggle that had broken out after Lenins death. For years, these renegades were spurned by the rest of the U.S. Left while they sought readmission to the CP in vain. By the mid-1930s and the start of the Moscow Trials in the Soviet Union, it was clear that their expulsion would not be reversed, and the Trotskyists began to look for ways out of the political wilderness in which they foundthemselves.

In the American Workers Party (AWP), organized by labor educator A. J. Muste, they saw apath back to relevance. The AWP was an attempt to form auniquely American revolutionary Marxist party that broke with aU.S. Left whose politics were beholden to different strains of European socialism and communism. In its very brief existence, the AWP had done impressive labor organizing, highlighted by its leadership of the Toledo Auto-Lite strikeone of the epic work stoppages of the1930s.

Muste was initially skeptical of Trotskyist appeals to combine forces. The AWP was amore substantial organization with deeper roots in the labor movement, and he found the Trotskyist leaders to be dogmatic and uncreative in their politics. Nonetheless, New York intellectuals Sidney Hook and James Burnham convinced him that amerger was agood idea. But Muste did place one condition on agreeing to the merger: that the Workers Party (WP) would not enter the SocialistParty.

This was akey point for Muste because the French Trotskyists, acting under the direction of Trotsky himself, had just allied with the French Socialists in amaneuver that came to be known as the French turn. After ashort stay in the French Socialists, during which they garnered recruits and promoted their politics, the Trotskyists split its ranks, denounced the Socialists, and reorganized as apurely Trotskyist party. Muste was promised that this would not happen in the UnitedStates.

Almost immediately, the Trotskyists went back on their word, forcing the question of entry into the U.S. Socialist Party. Weakened by the loss of long-term political associates who were unwilling to join forces with the Trotskyists, Muste lost the vote and the Workers Party, now firmly under Trotskyist control, entered the SocialistParty.

Once inside, the Trotskyists acted as a party within aparty, maintaining their own leadership structure (which regularly plotted factional moves within the Socialists) and publishing their own newspaper (which criticized the policies of the Socialist Party and promoted such Trotskyist projects as the founding of aFourth International). Most important, all of the Trotskyists in the Socialist Party acted as one, under asingle organizational discipline: they followed apre-established political line Trotskyist leadership had laid down in all debates and votes inside the SocialistParty.

In short order, the Trotskyists forced asplit in the Socialists and left with athousand new members for their Socialist Workers Party (SWP), including much of the Socialists youth section. After this stratagem was complete, Trotskyist leader James Patrick Cannon boasted not only of the Trotskyists success in growing their numbers, but also of the fact that they had left the Socialist Party inshambles.

Cannon took pride in having engineered amajor setback for the U.S. Left: By the 1930s, the ranks of the Socialist Party had grown dramatically, making it into apotentially significant force in U.S. politics. But after aseries of misjudgments and internal crises, cresting with its disastrous co-habitation with the Trotskyists, the Socialist Party ended the decade as ashadow of its former self. For U.S. socialists of the 1930s, anumber of whom would co-found the DSA decades later, this was asearing political ordeal they would not forget. Muste himself was deeply shaken by these events, which he would describe as aviolation of working class ethics, and he left theTrotskyists.

The Trotskyists entry into the Socialist Party, organized as adisciplined party within aparty to garner recruits and split its ranks, established the template for what we now call entryism on the U.S.Left.

Entryism in the1960s

Entryism is not apractice limited to Trotskyist sects, as the experience of Students for aDemocratic Society (SDS) in the 1960s shows. The 1960s were aperiod of mass upsurge, much like the 1930s and our current time. The civil rights movement and the opposition to the war in Vietnam generated unprecedented levels of political activism among young people, and SDS grew mightily among white students, approaching an estimated 100,000 members at its peak. Much like DSA and the earlier Socialist Party youth section, the vast bulk of the SDS recruits were new to politics, making it arich hunting grounds for small, disciplined ultra-leftgroups.

One of these was the Progressive Labor Party (PLP). Founded in 1962 after splitting from the Communist Party, PLP was initially supportive of Maoist China but would soon decide that even Mao was insufficiently communist for their tastes. It would then position itself as the most dogmatically Stalinist sect on the U.S.Left.

By 1966, PLP was recruiting inside the SDS, where it urged members to adopt its ultra-Stalinist politics and seize control of the SDS organizational infrastructure. PLPs efforts at taking over SDS set off adestructive cycle, producing counter-factions that included agroup that later became the Weathermen. Within adecade, the SDS would bedestroyed.

Herein lie the dual dangers of entryism. On the one hand, it poses athreat to the organizational integrity of an open and democratic organization. Entryism is the sectarian equivalent to ahostile corporate takeover designed to split or seize control of its target organization. At aminimum, it seeks to poach members new to politics who may not be aware of the stratagem being employed. On the other hand, it disrupts the internal democratic processes of that organization, which depend on members engaging in honest debate and deliberation over policies and politicalstrategies.

Entryists enter all debates and votes not with an open mind and awillingness to be persuaded, but with the express intent of advancing apolitical line that has already been decided in advance. Such tactics can quickly poison democratic political cultures, especially when opponents resort to the kinds of tactics they did inSDS.

To be politically effective, democratic socialist organizations need to develop methods of unity in action. These include open and full discussions of issues, democratic decision-making processes, and acommitment by all not to impede or undercut decisions once they have been democratically made. When entryist sects function as adisciplined party within aparty, they undermine that unity inaction.

Just as DSAs founders remembered what the Trotskyists did to the Socialist Party in the 1930s, its first generation of members saw what Progressive Labor did to SDS in the 1960s. Two organizations that gave the Left its best chance to exercise real political power in the U.S. had ended disastrously, in large measure because of sectarian entryism. (These techniques similarly sabotaged apromising national movement of socialist-feminists in the1970s.)

DSAs Constitution singles out members under the discipline of any self-defined democratic-centralist organizations for possible expulsion to prevent these very outcomes. The drafters chose their words carefully: they do not specify apolitical belief or even membership in an organization, instead targeting those who aim to form a party within aparty like the Trotskyists and the Stalinist PLP before them. This language has everything to do with ensuring the survival of an open, democratic institutions and absolutely nothing to do with Cold Warpolitics.

The Socialist Alternative understands this, despite its claims to the contrary. After all, SAlt is the progeny of one of the best-known entryist projects in international socialist history, the Militant Tendency of the British Labour Party. From their founding in 1964 to their expulsion in the 1980s, these Trotskyists operated as adisciplined party within aparty inside of Labour, using the entryist tactics describedabove.

SAlt was founded as Labor Militant in 1986 by members of the British Militant Tendency who had moved to the United States as part of an organized effort to create aTrotskyist international. (It adopted its current name in the late 1990s.) Perhaps unsurprisingly, the organization has splintered into several smaller factions since its founding amid personality conflicts, and there now exist competing internationals, although SAlt remains the largest group in the UnitedStates.

Why, then, is it trying to join DSA? SAlts own statement indicates that it opposes the very strategy that has allowed DSA to grow over the last four yearscampaigns to elect democratic socialists to office, using the Democratic Party ballot lineso it would be hard to make acase for apolitical convergence. In this light, SAlts call to eliminate any barriers to entryism in DSA constitution istelling.

Openings for socialists dont come along often in United States: only three times in the last 100years has the Left had achange to make amajor political breakthrough. DSA, with its rapid growth and electoral victories, could be central to such abreakthrough. Which is why we must acknowledge the deleterious role entryism played in the radical movements of the 1930s and 1960s. If we are to succeed where past generations have failed, it is vital that we not repeat theirmistakes.

Read more:
The Dangers of Factionalism in DSA - In These Times



FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: IS SOMERVILLE READY FOR A SOCIALIST TAKEOVER? A group of Democratic socialists is betting that the Somerville City Council is ready for a socialist takeover this fall.

The Boston chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America is rolling out a slate of endorsements today, first reported in Playbook, for city council races in Somerville and Boston. If all of the endorsed candidates win, Somerville would have perhaps the only majority-socialist city council in the country.

The group is endorsing Somerville City Councilor JT Scott, along with new candidates Tessa Bridge, Willie Burnley, Jr., Charlotte Kelly, Becca Miller and Eve Seitchik. (WickedLocal has a rundown of all candidates running in Somerville so far). And in Boston, endorsed candidates are Kendra Hicks and Joel Richards.

"Our goal is to take over Somerville and to start implementing a Green New Deal for Somerville, free transit, defunding the police, creating affordable housing, bringing back rent control," said Seth Gordon, spokesperson for the Boston DSA. "But we also want the Somerville election to be a lesson to those who don't pay attention to constituents."

The endorsements are a signal that the Boston Democratic Socialists of America is flexing some new political power, and eyeing a move toward the mainstream. The group has more than 3,000 members, hundreds of whom live in Somerville, and plans to make phone calls, knock on doors and donate to endorsed candidates. And in Boston, organizers are well aware that landing a socialist or two on the council in a major U.S. city could have a ripple effect.

"We are not afraid of the socialist label. We're not running away from it. Our candidates certainly aren't," Gordon said. "We hope that this also just sends a message that we are a real political force to be reckoned with."

The rise of Democratic socialism is easy to spot on the national stage. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to mind. And socialists are getting elected in other cities. Chicago has six socialists on its 50-member council. Seattle has one.

In Massachusetts, the political left has seen some recent setbacks. Progressive Democratic challengers came up short in state legislative primary races last fall. In Winthrop and Revere, an anti-abortion Democrat who supported Donald Trump in 2016 won a special House primary just a few weeks ago. And the DSA endorsed the Democratic socialist running to fill former Rep. Joe Kennedy IIIs seat last year, though the endorsement was called off after allegations of staff mistreatment surfaced. Rep. Jake Auchincloss, a self-proclaimed Obama-Baker voter won the seat.

But if any citys going to elect a socialist city council, it would probably be Somerville. Voters there gave President Joe Biden his second-largest margin against former President Donald Trump in November of any Massachusetts city. And Somerville just sent a Democratic socialist to the State House last fall first-term Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven.

Have a tip, story, suggestion, birthday, anniversary, new job, or any other nugget for the Playbook? Get in touch: [emailprotected]

TODAY Boston Acting Mayor Kim Janey joins the Transit is Essential Coalition for a press conference. Sen. Ed Markey holds a virtual press conference for the Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy (THRIVE) Agenda," visits a vaccine site in Brockton with Mayor Bob Sullivan and tours the Shawmut Corporation facility in West Bridgewater with Rep. Stephen Lynch. Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins is a guest on WBUR.

A message from Uber Driver Stories:

Meet Fallon. Delivering with Uber Eats helps her pay for college while allowing her the flexibility to fit her schedule around studies. Fallon chooses Uber because, unlike most other gigs, she can control her hours and spend more time focusing on her future. Watch her story in her own words below.

Massachusetts reports 1,817 new COVID cases, 29 more deaths Sunday; active case total rises again, by Benjamin Kail, Massachusetts public health officials reported 1,817 new cases of COVID-19 and 29 more deaths on Sunday. There are 30,772 active coronavirus cases, as of Sunday, another figure thats increased slightly over the last few days, according to the state Department of Public Health. For several days last week, the number of active cases was around 25,000. On Saturday, the state reported 29,806 active cases.

Statehouse remains closed as Mass. reopens, by Christian M. Wade, The Salem News: City and town halls, schools and businesses are reopening as public health metrics improve, but the halls of state government remain shuttered. The Massachusetts Statehouse, shut down a year ago to prevent spread of the coronavirus, remains closed to the public with no plans to reopen anytime soon.

What You Need To Know About The New Mass. Climate Law, by Miriam Wasser, WBUR: Gov. Charlie Baker signed a sweeping climate bill into law on Friday, signaling a new era in Massachusetts plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, build a greener economy and prioritize equity and environmental justice.

Massachusetts is spending $130 million to identify people exposed to COVID-19, but some question if money is well spent, by Kay Lazar, Boston Globe: Few states invested more effort tracking down people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 than Massachusetts. More than 4,500 workers have been hired to do the labor-intensive job, costing the state $130.4 million by the end of this June."

Parents rally outside State House to denounce lack of input in school reopening plan, by Caroline Enos and Nick Stoico, Boston Globe: About 30 educators, union representatives, and families from communities of color rallied outside the State House on Saturday to protest the states full return to in-person learning at many schools this spring a decision they say was made without their input.

Film tax credit backers say they have the votes, by Bruce Mohl, CommonWealth Magazine: Supporters of the states film tax credit, which came under fire this week from a commission examining Massachusetts tax breaks, say they have the votes to pass legislation that would make the tax credit permanent."

Mass. residents work around the clock to score vaccination slots for people theyve never met, by Beth Teitell, Boston Globe: The states vaccine rollout has been so frustrating that it infamously left people trying to book appointments in tears, dented Governor Charlie Bakers popularity, and birthed an army of vaccine angels people so upset by what they are witnessing that they are working around the clock to score slots for people theyve never met.

56,228 people received COVID vaccines at Fenway Park; video celebrates last person vaccinated at home of Boston Red Sox, by Scott J. Croteau, As Fenway Parks role as a Massachusetts COVID vaccination site came to a close, the vendor running the location posted a video celebrating the last person to receive a shot at the Boston stadium.

'199 years is long enough': Kim Janey becomes Boston's first Black and first female mayor, by Sarah Betancourt, The Guardian: Earlier this week, Kim Janey, the first woman and Black person to lead the city of Boston, became acting mayor. She was sworn in by the first Black woman to lead Massachusetts highest court, Kimberly Budd, and the first Black Massachusetts congresswoman, Ayanna Pressley.

What number Boston mayor is Kim Janey, actually? by Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald: Which number mayor is she, anyway? Newly minted acting Mayor Kim Janeys administration blasted out multiple emails this week celebrating her ascension to becoming Bostons 55th mayor. Press releases celebrating her ceremonial swearing-in did as much, along with a Dear Boston letter the mayors office shot out via email.

After-school programs suffer school reopening whiplash, by Stephanie Ebbert, Boston Globe: Six months after scrambling to rent gyms and church basements to care for children whose schools didnt open, community groups are again dashing to accommodate the whiplash changes to school schedules as districts shift back to in-person learning.

At Mass General Brigham, a sweeping effort to unify hospitals and shed old rivalries, by Priyanka Dayal McCluskey and Larry Edelman, Boston Globe: They promised to become partners but never truly did. Now, more than 25 years after Massachusetts General and Brigham and Womens hospitals joined forces to boost their clout with penny-pinching HMOs, trustees and executives are making their most sweeping attempt yet to set aside old rivalries and work as a unified health care system.

Boston coronavirus cases rising among people under 30, Kim Janey says, by Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald: The coronavirus is again spreading rapidly among young people, acting Mayor Kim Janey said as the city prepares a campaign aimed at cutting transmission rates among the youths.

Boston hotels, among hardest hit in the country, could take years to recover, by Katie Johnston, Boston Globe: Normally at this time of year at the Omni Parker House, anticipation is in the air. Wedding banquets are being planned, graduation dinners are being booked, and tourists are snapping up rooms at the elegant property, a fixture in downtown Boston since 1855. This year, however, is anything but normal.

New chairman of Mass. Competitive Partnership aims to use its power to reshape local economy, by Jon Chesto, Boston Globe: Jeff Leiden knows this state still has a long way to go to recapture the jobs that have been lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the new chairman of the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership, Leiden is in an unusual position to help restore the local economy to glory.

State officials are investigating senator, wife for potential campaign finance violations, by Matt Stout, Boston Globe: A politically powerful Massachusetts couple is asking a judge to temporarily stop the states top campaign finance regulator from referring an investigation into them to state prosecutors, marking an extraordinary turn in what had been a private state probe.

DA Ryan Asks State's Highest Court To Review Cases Tied To Hinton Drug Lab, by Deborah Becker, WBUR: Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan filed a petition with the state's Supreme Judicial Court on Friday asking it to review all criminal drug convictions based on evidence tested at the now-closed Hinton Drug Laboratory during the years in which two disgraced state chemists worked there.

After several state cases were dropped against 2020 Black Lives Matters protesters in Worcester, the one man federally charged intends to plead guilty, records show, by Scott J. Croteau, While the state charges against several people arrested in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in Worcester were dropped, it appears the one person charged in federal court plans to plead guilty, records show.

Not Prosecuting Low Level Crimes Leads To Less Crime In Suffolk County, Research Finds, by Ally Jarmanning, WBUR: New research looking at Suffolk County criminal cases finds that declining to prosecute some low-level offenses can actually lead to less crime.

Amazon started a Twitter war because Jeff Bezos was pissed, by Jason Del Rey, Vox: Amazon has long been at odds with Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren over their criticisms of the companys labor and business practices. But the discord reached a new height last week when Amazon aggressively went after both on Twitter in an unusual attack for a large corporation.

Sens. Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren join push for permanent $3,000-plus Child Tax Credit as White House preps massive infrastructure, recovery plans, by Benjamin Kail, The temporary $3,000-plus Child Tax Credit approved in President Joe Bidens $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill should remain permanent, Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren and more than three dozen Democratic senators recently argued.

Can landlords really ban marijuana edibles? Usually not, but that hasnt stopped them from trying, by Dan Adams, Boston Globe: Five years after Massachusetts voters legalized marijuana, the states apartment renters are increasingly being pressured to give up their ability to use or even possess the drug in their own homes. A Globe sampling of leases from around the state found that a growing number of landlords are revising the annual contracts to replace generic anti-drug provisions with new restrictions on cannabis and not just on smoking it.

Herald: CLIMBING CONCERN," "DESPERATE DEMS, Globe: Building a bridge toward a Green New Deal," "COVID cases tick back up across US.

Gov. Charlie Baker on potentially facing a Republican primary if he seeks a third term, on WBZ's "Keller @ Large," which aired Sunday: "I'm not really spending a lot of time thinking about this stuff. Once the lieutenant governor and I get around to figuring out exactly what we want to do, we'll plan accordingly. But I've been incredibly blessed to have this chance to serve, and the people in Massachusetts have been overwhelmingly kind and gracious to both me and the lieutenant governor over the past five years. These are extraordinary times and they create tremendous opportunity, along with tremendous challenges. I think anybody who is interested in serving in public life needs to recognize and understand that the challenges that we face are significant, but the challenges that our citizens face, our residents face, go way beyond the challenges that we face. And, you know, again, bringing a little bit of that humility to these roles, I think, would make everybody a lot better off." Link.

State Rep. Tram Nguyen on the rise in anti-Asian violence, and hate crime legislation, on WCVB's "On the Record," which aired Sunday: "The goal of this, the hate crime bill, is to make sure that it serves its intended purpose of holding perpetrators accountable, especially those who target people based on a protected class. Right now, Massachusetts has one of the weakest laws because our laws, we have two statutes, are vague and partially overlapping. What this bill seeks to do is to combine these two statutes into one, and to further clarify that certain behaviors, such as violent, threatening, destructive behavior, is not protected under the First Amendment." Link

Springfield officials ask Massachusetts State Police to add patrols to help quell violence that has left 2 dead, 6 injured, by Jeanette DeForge, Springfield Republican: City officials are asking the Massachusetts State Police to help turn up the heat after an uptick in gun violence has left two dead in less than two weeks and six others wounded over six days. Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Police Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood have asked Maj. Michael Habel, commander of Troop B located in Western Massachusetts, to provide extra patrols in areas determined to be hot spots.

What if you called 911 and someone other than the police showed up? Northampton explores creating new unarmed response department, by Jackson Cote, The Northampton Policing Review Commission released its final report this week, a 58-page document with the potential to change the face of emergency responders in the Pioneer Valley city.

Finegold speaks with Duxbury High football players about Jewish faith after anti-Semitic incident, by Abigail Feldman, Boston Globe: State Senator Barry Finegold spoke about the Jewish faith with members of the Duxbury High School football team Saturday, nearly a week after school officials fired the teams longtime head coach during an investigation into the teams use of anti-Semitic language during games.

Duxbury controversy shines light on South Shore's history with anti-Semitism, lack of education, by Wheeler Cowperthwaite, The Patriot Ledger: The use of anti-Semitic terms by Duxbury's high school football team is reverberating nationally, but local Jewish leaders and civil rights advocates are quick to point out that, on the South Shore, anti-Semitism is not a new problem.

State data shows vaccine rate disparities, by Madeline Hughes, Eagle Tribune: While about 30% of people in Essex County have had their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, according to state data, in Lawrence only 18% of residents have had their first jab. The city is lagging in vaccination rates, and this week's state numbers show only a 2.5% increase over the past week, while the rest of the county has seen about a 5% increase.

Worcester dealing with bus driver shortage day before start of hybrid learning, by Scott O'Connell, Telegram & Gazette: Ahead of the return of thousands of students to schools, the administration said Friday there is a shortage of bus drivers at the districts transportation provider. According to a memo sent by Superintendent Maureen Binienda, a combination of vacancies, medical leaves and other absences has left only 58 drivers at Durham School Services available to bus kids when hybrid in-person learning starts Monday.

Could a ship get stuck sideways in the Cape Cod Canal? It's unlikely, but yes. by Jeannette Hinkle, Cape Cod Times: The Ever Given, one of the worlds largest cargo vessels at roughly 1,300-feet long and 200-feet wide, has been blocking the Suez since Tuesday, delaying global shipping. Egyptian officials said Friday the massive boat could be dislodged within the next few days, but others involved in the operation estimate the effort could take weeks. Could a ship passing through the Cape Cod Canal ever find itself in the same predicament, bow on one bank, stern on the other?

TRANSITIONS FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Alex Gray, an at-large candidate for Boston City Council, hired Francy Wade as communications director, Sam Miller as campaign manager, Dakota Fenn as deputy campaign manager and Annie Schreiber as finance director.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Data Protocol CEO Peter Cherukuri, Harvard Kennedy Schools David King, Ned Gandevani, Sanjay Misra, and Richard Lewontin.

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A message from Uber Driver Stories:

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WSWS publishes Chinese translation of 800000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe: capitalism, social murder and the case for socialism – WSWS

The World Socialist Web Site is publishing today in Chinese 800,000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe: capitalism, social murder and the case for socialism.

Written by Alex Lantier and originally published on February 25 in English, the article reviews how the political representatives of the financial elite have condemned hundreds of thousands to death from COVID-19. Lantier powerfully explains why the fight against the pandemic requires the political mobilization of the working class against capitalism, based on a socialist and international program.

One year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A disaster caused by capitalism

The COVID-19 pandemic is a turning point in world history, an event comparable in scale and impact to the Great Depression and the two world wars.

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We invite feedback from Chinese readers.

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WSWS publishes Chinese translation of 800000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe: capitalism, social murder and the case for socialism - WSWS

Woke culture thrives among the weeds of socialism – The Spectator Australia

With Hitler defeated and Western values and institutions seemingly secure, it wasnt long before, left-wing intellectuals in search of big structural change began attacking them. They exploited the hedonism of the swinging Sixties to push a big government, equal outcomes, ideology.

Socialists infiltrated campuses and workplaces pushing their anti-capitalist critiques. Throughout the Vietnam War they ramped up their offensive, preaching that capitalism and injustice were synonymous. They heralded the Soviet Union as the future until it wasnt. Without liberalisation the moribund federation broke apart. Even a desperate coup attempt by hardliners couldnt save it. On Christmas Day 1991, the Soviet flag flew over the Kremlin for the last time.

And so the Peoples Republic of China became the undisputed global power base for Marxist ideology. Unlike the erstwhile Soviet Union, China was enjoying a sudden great leap forward thanks to the reforms of Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping who incorporated capitalism into central planning. However, with the PRCs 70th anniversary in sight, Communist party leaders worried that Dengs liberating reforms were exposing the party to an existential threat. Restoring absolute control became the first priority.

So, in 2012, a princeling, Xi Jinping, was elected president. Xi had never accepted Dengs liberalisations were behind Chinas economic prosperity. To him, empowerment of individuals was a bourgeoise fallacy and free speech, equality under the law and other human rights, had to be controlled or delayed.

Once in office, Xis grip on power tightened. He took control of the party, the government, the military and the armed police. Citing Mao Zedong, he ordered the systematic dismantling of law and order institutions and ended civil service independence. As Core Leader, he secured an unlimited presidential term and had his thoughts incorporated into the preamble of Chinas constitution. Xi conducted a vast and ruthless anti-corruption drive in which more than a million officials were dealt with, some brutally. He also introduced a social credit system where a persons general behaviour determines their eligibility for everyday amenities.

Come July, the Chinese Communist Party will celebrate its centenary. It will coincide with the 14th Five-Year Plan which will be strongly nationalistic and feature the CCP and Xi Jinping, front and centre. Ideals of liberalisation will be officially cancelled so that President Xi can boast he eradicated absolute poverty four months ahead of schedule. Xi will also take credit for another great miracle namely the control of Covid-19. Beijing has only reported 4,636 deaths, ranking China, with a population of 1.4 billion, between tiny Serbia and Ireland.

Notwithstanding these triumphs, Xi warns, The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is at a critical stage. He knows China is no longer the low-cost manufacturing hub it was and that there is dissatisfaction with low pay, underpayment of social security insurance and abusive management. He also knows that plant closures have left growing numbers of jobless workers unhappy and unpaid.

This is the legacy of decades of profligacy and corruption. Previously concealed bad debts now threaten the viability of financial institutions. Some 70,000 heavily subsidised zombie companies sap productivity. Unsurprisingly, Chinas stock market has plunged. Most worrying for Xi is the decline in the birth rate when life expectancy is increasing. It will mean fewer workers supporting a rapidly ageing population. With total debt to GDP at 340 per cent and falling productivity and weak profitability, Chinas options are limited and its future is not what it tells the world.

Politically, attempts to make the bureaucracy more responsive and efficient, are failing. Officials remain steeped in a risk-averse, tick-a-box, please Beijing culture. With a wealth gap wider than Americas and with personally intrusive initiatives like the empty plates food-wastage campaign, its no wonder the 2020 World Happiness Report ranks China 94th in the world. America is 18th.

In this centenary year, President Xi is understandably projecting China as a united, financially strong, militarily powerful and morally superior nation. His mission is to restore China to its rightful place in the world thereby vindicating Chairman Maos adage that The weeds of socialism are better than the crops of capitalism.

Having reclaimed Hong Kong, Xi is pressing territorial claims over more than 80 per cent of the South China Sea. Of these, Taiwan reunification is a strategic priority, especially given the worlds dependence on Taiwanese semiconductors. Chinas military buildup across the Strait may signal intent. With a deteriorating economic and social outlook at home and the risk of Donald Trump or a similar nationalistically inclined president in 2024, an early military strike on Taiwan could boost Xis standing at home and enhance Chinas superpower credentials abroad. With the 20th National Party Congress in 2022 in mind, it has appeal.

President Xi will be encouraged in this by President Joe Bidens meek response to Chinas genocide of its Uyghur Muslim minority. Biden dispassionately observes that Culturally, there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow. Perhaps a Taiwan invasion will be seen as a cultural norm?

Xi must also derive confidence from the fifth columnists active inside Hollywood, the mainstream media, Big Tech, government agencies and even the Wests military. These activists are weakening his enemy from within. Indeed, Beijing exploited their woke-washing at the recent Alaska summit. Demonstrating breathtaking chutzpah, laced with contempt, the Chinese delegates lectured America on its many deep seated problems on human rights, pointing to Black Lives Matter.

Whatever Chinas medium-term prospects, Xi Jinping is no fool. As he smugly watches vacuous, Western leaders tearing themselves apart in a puerile, divisive competition for wokeness, he purposefully feeds the socialist weeds rapidly strangling freedoms Western crops. Xi knows well that by the time enough people realise how lethal they are, it will be too late to get rid of them. Xis dream of China as the worlds dominant power can then be realised.

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Woke culture thrives among the weeds of socialism - The Spectator Australia