Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Socialism: the bad idea that won’t die – msnNOW

Provided by Washington Examiner

Why have socialist ideas again developed such a strong appeal? Why, that is, when every single socialist experiment over the past 100 years has failed? British economist Kristian Niemietz provides an answer in his book Socialism. The Failed Idea That Never Dies.

He cites over two dozen socialist experiments, all of which, without exception, ended in failure.

This bears noting because whenever socialists are confronted with specific examples from history, they always counter that these examples prove nothing. They say that not one of the examples were representations of truly socialist models. But let's consider the most recent failed experiment: Venezuela.

In 1970, Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America and one of the 20 richest countries in the world. Many people hoped that the charismatic socialist Hugo Chavez, who came to power in 1999, would solve the countrys problems. Chavez also inspired the utopian yearnings of leftists in Europe and North America with his aim of creating a "Socialism of the 21st Century." After the collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc in the late 1980s, coupled with China taking its first steps along the path from socialism to capitalism, the Left was left without a utopia of which it could dream. But his experiment also failed. Today, under Chavez's successor Nicolas Maduro, the masses are left starving. Inflation is soaring, and one-in-10 people have fled the country.

The overdue adoration for Chavez isn't new in terms of socialist leaders. Even mass murderers such as Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong were initially celebrated by leading intellectuals of their time. They turned a blind eye to the concentration camps in the Soviet Union. In the 1970s, many Western intellectuals were enthusiastic about Mao Zedong and his Cultural Revolution, despite the fact that 45 million lives were lost during his "Great Leap Forward" socialist experiment in the late 1950s. After Maos death, hundreds of millions of Chinese were freed from abject poverty as a result of Deng Xiaopings reform policies. China today testifies not to the success of modern socialism but to the extraordinary benefits born of capitalism. In 1980, 88% of the Chinese population was living in extreme poverty. Today, it's less than 1%.

Niemietz shows that every socialist experiment has gone through three distinct phases. During the first phase, intellectuals around the world are enthusiastic and praise the system to the heavens. This honeymoon phase is always followed by a second phase of disillusionment: intellectuals still endorse the system and its "achievements," but their tone becomes angrier and more defensive. They grudgingly admit that the system has shortcomings but try to blame these on capitalist saboteurs, foreign forces, or boycotts by U.S. imperialists. Finally, in the third phase, intellectuals seek to deny that the system was ever truly a form of socialism at all.

The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once opined: "But what experience and history teach is this that peoples and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it." Perhaps this judgment is too severe. Nevertheless, socialists have succeeded in denouncing the system that has done more to fight hunger and poverty than any other economic system in history. But somehow, socialism, for all its endemic and repeating ills, retains positive associations around the world.

Rainer Zitelmann is a German historian and author of the book "The Power of Capitalism"

Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Blog Contributors, Socialism, Capitalism

Original Author: Rainer Zitelmann

Original Location: Socialism: the bad idea that won't die

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Socialism: the bad idea that won't die - msnNOW

Letter to the editor: Letter writer’s fears of socialism are unfounded – The Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Socialism is not a dirty word. We in America live quite well with it every day as the rest of the world looks on with envy.

Mr. Puffer (Daily Chronicle 02/06/21) perhaps needs to stay safely tucked in Ennis where apparently no socialism exists. What a dismal prospect. At least, the rest of Montana can go on enjoying the many benefits of American style socialism like snow removal, garbage pickup, fire protection, the Postal Service, libraries, COVID-19 vaccinations and the many dozens of other services and amenities along with some necessary rules and regulations we as citizens all benefit from every day.

The United States of America is not headed toward Soviet-like socialism as Mr. Puffer seems to imply. The USA will not have total State ownership and imposed production quotas on everything from potato farms to automobile production under President Joe Biden's leadership.

Fear not Mr. Puffer, please come out from where ever you are and enjoy our conscientious freedoms. It may be too soon to suggest NPR and PBS, but you might eventually give a listen or a look and find something of value somewhere out here.

To see what else is happening in Gallatin County subscribe to the online paper.

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Letter to the editor: Letter writer's fears of socialism are unfounded - The Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Fowler: This is what the faces of hatred look like –

CARL FOWLER| Amarillo Globe-News

Prior to the riot in the nations capitol, I listened to a speech from the great unifier, Joe Biden, in which he regurgitated the Democrats (Socialists) mantra of the past four years concerning Donald Trump, even, once more,accusing Trump of Russian collusion.

His speech continued on that theme as if the election were still ongoing and he had not been certified the winner. Eventually, he got around to stating that he wanted to unify the country.Such blatant hypocrisy is evident to everyone except Washington D.C. Socialists.

The Washington Socialists cannot get over their obsession with Trump.The Capitol riot played right into their playbook:destroy Donald Trump so that he can no longer pose a threat to the Socialists agenda.Thus, the second impeachment.

I have seldom in my lifetime (which is now a considerable number of years) seen such absolute hatred as in the faces of the Washington Socialists, especially in the face of Nancy Pelosi when Donald Trump is mentioned.Hatred literally drips from her face when she mentions Trump as evident in the distortion of her facial features when she speaks of him.Her unprecedented action during the last State of the Union speech by Trump, that of ripping a copy of his speech into shreds before a national audience, graphically reveals her hatred.In my view, Pelosi is the deranged one and should herself be subject to impeachment.

During the arguments in the House of Representatives leading up to the second impeachment (kangaroo trial), the House Socialists repeatedly stated that Donald Trump is a now and continuing threat to democracy and to the Constitution.Thus, the impeachment was necessary in order to preserve democracy and the Constitution. What rich irony and hypocrisy!The Socialists are the ones attempting to rip the Constitution into shreds, the ones who are attempting to squelch free speech by getting rid of the First Amendment.Their war is against religion, as evidenced by Socialists governors and mayors banning attendance to churches but allowing dens of iniquity to thrive. (Im being sarcastic here, but you get my meaning.)

Concerning freedom of speech, the Socialists have no problem with Facebook, Twitter, etc., barring conservative viewpoints from their websites.After all,such actions benefit the Socialists.The Socialists constantly attack conservative media and conservative personalities, such as Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, in an attempt to silence their seditious comments.I subscribed to Facebook when it first began, but I use it only to respond when my e-mail tells me that I have a Facebook message from a friend or relative. My view is that my business is my business.Besides, Im not interested in what someone ate for dinner.As for Twitter, so far as I know, thats bird talk.

I do not defend the rioting in the Capitol.The folks who breached the doors and windows of that symbol of democracy demonstrated everything that conservatism is not. I regret that a relative few, in light of a crowd of forty-five thousand, took it upon themselves to invade, deface, and give ammunition to our enemies who gloat upon the resulting chaos.

At the same time, a point that has been made over and over by conservatives and Republicans, the chaos caused by the rioting and destruction by the anarchists during the past several months and ignored by the Socialists, has contributed to the frustration of law- abiding citizens who see their cities and communities wrecked by those who proclaim themselves to be peaceful protestors.What did the Washington Socialists do about the destruction in our cities? Nancy Pelosi said she was not interested in statues.

Jerry Nadler said that the burning of buildings, the looting, the rioting taking place in cities were all a myth even as videos showed the opposite.The principal message from the Socialists is that the half of Americans who oppose Washington socialism are too stupid to see the truth.The truth is that truth is not a part of the Socialists agenda.

Donald Trump, through frustration and anger at the constant attacks by the Socialists during his term in office and who is convinced that the Socialists skewed the election in their favor, has gone beyond the pale with his rhetoric.But, who among you reading this could have withstood the constant barrage of hatred demonstrated toward him by the Socialists during the last four years? So far as fraud is concerned, if I were a judge, I would not want to be the one who contributed to reversing an election.The best way to avoid this is to refuse to hear the evidence.

The Socialists are deathly afraid of Donald Trump.He is the one who thwarted their plans to transform America by defeating Hillary.They do not want the same result in 2024.

Their answer: Hate Trump! Destroy Trump!DestroyAmerica!

Carl Fowler is a retired professor of English at Amarillo College and lives in Amarillo.

Read this article:
Fowler: This is what the faces of hatred look like -

What is socialism? And what do socialists really want in …

Watch the CBSN Originals documentary, "Speaking Frankly | Socialism," in the video player above.

Socialism: It's a buzzword in the 2020 election season, having sprung up dozens of times during campaign, particularly during the Republication National Convention. Conservative leaders depict the idea as a democracy-killing bogeyman. Some Democrats including Senator Bernie Sanders and Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib have embraced the label with gusto.

The political philosophy has history going back centuries. Directly or otherwise, it has influenced government policies around the world, including in America.

But what exactly does socialism mean? What do socialists want right now? And is the Republican warning that socialism is threatening to destroy the American way of life a real concern? There are some facts about socialism that are beyond dispute.

At its simplest, socialism calls for a nation's citizens to control at least some of its means of production the major ingredients needed for a healthy economy. Think infrastructure, energy, natural resources. Under socialism, any surplus or profit from those sectors must benefit those same citizens. Capitalism, meanwhile, calls for private owners to control the means of production and to keep any profit they make for themselves.

Many Americans see these two systems as opposites and Republicans, in particular, tend to view it as an either-or situation. In a recent Pew Research Centersurvey, the majority of Republicans (68%) expressed a positive view of capitalism and a negative view of socialism.

But a substantial minority of voters hold a positive view of both systems 25% of the overall group of Americans surveyed by Pew felt favorably about socialism as well as capitalism.

The fact is, the two systems can, and do, coexist in many countries. Some governments blend socialist policies with capitalism and democratically elected leadership, a system usually called social democracy.

No socialists are running for president on a major-party ticket in 2020. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party's nominees for president and vice president, are not socialists. They are not members of the current socialist party, called Socialist Party USA, or of the nation's biggest socialist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which has about 70,000 members nationwide.

Asked what he'd say to people who were worried about socialism, Biden told Wisconsin stationWLUK-TV: "I beat the socialists. That's how I got elected. That's how I got the nomination. Do I look like a socialist? Look at my career, my whole career. I am not a socialist."

Overall, socialism accounts for a small percentage of America's political makeup. Socialist Party USA had no members in any national or state office in 2020. Only about half a dozen DSA members have held federal office over the years, all in the U.S. House of Representatives, including the current Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib. Senator Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist and has been supported by the DSA, but he is not a known member and does not run under the Socialist Party.

Republicans have frequently used the terms "socialism" and "socialist" as a threat or insult when referring to progressive candidates who are not actually socialists.

There have always been different types of socialists not to mention wildly varying ideas of what the "means of production" are, what role government should have, and where free enterprise might still fit in. Some socialists see "means of production" as all major industries, such as finance or energy.

For Jabari Brisport, a New York teacher and state senate candidate, "What [socialism] means is that energy, housing, health care, education, finance, and transportation ... shall be controlled publicly and not run by, for profit motive."

Other socialists have pushed for a total ban on private enterprise. Karl Marx, the Prussian intellectual who championed socialism in the 19th century, predicted that capitalism was doomed to fail, and a government-controlled economy would rise. Vladimir Lenin, whose Bolshevik revolution gave rise to the Soviet Union's communist regime, preferred armed struggle to help push capitalism into history's trash bin.

Today, the most prominent of America's socialists are very different from the Marxists of the past. They largely push for progressive reforms within capitalism a philosophy generally defined as social democracy.

The Democratic Socialists of America aims to blend socialism-inspired reforms with America's current free-enterprise system. The DSA does not believe private enterprise should be immediately overthrown in favor of a government-run economy. Instead, Ocasio-Cortez, for example, has pushed for a "revolution of working people at the ballot box" new laws and stronger unions to make private businesses more accountable to what DSA members see as public interests.

Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, has advocated for universal free health care, canceling all student debt, and expanding Social Security benefits within America's free-market economy.

The Republican Party has made socialism or more specifically, warnings about socialism a part of its 2020 campaign messaging. During the Republican National Convention in August, one of the speakers, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, cast socialism as antithetical to the American Dream.

"If we let them, [Democrats] will turn our country into a socialist utopia, and history has taught us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise," Scott said.

During his nomination acceptance speech, Mr. Trump echoed that warning, calling Joe Biden a "Trojan horse for socialism."

Some of Biden's policy proposals do call for big spending; he has proposed a$2 trillion clean energy plan. But Biden has also rejected ideas that are darlings of the DSA, such as the Green New Deal. (President Trump, for his part, has also pushed for mega-spending on areas that could be seen as means of production including a $12 billionaid package for farmers.)

Opponents of socialism often point to Venezuela as a cautionary tale. Once ranked as the richest South American country thanks to its oil reserves, in 1998 Venezuela elected a socialist leader, Hugo Chvez. Chvez centralized power in his increasingly authoritarian grip and spent billions on social programs from profits on oil. Under Chvez's successor, Nicols Maduro, global oil prices plummeted and Venezuela's petroleum-dependent economy collapsed.

"It's just empty, empty shelves, all over," says Venezuela-born Maria Fernanda Bello, a coalition director for Young Americans Against Socialism. "Socialists are always going to promise you free tuition, free health care, free everything, but they will never promise you freedom."

But American socialists like Bernie Sanders reject the comparison.

"Let me be very clear: Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant," Sanders said at a 2019 Democratic primary debate. "To equate what goes on in Venezuela to what I believe is extremely unfair."

Some of America's most popular policies have been linked with socialism since their inception, whether the label was earned or not. When Social Security was first proposed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the midst of the Great Depression, a suspicious senator asked the secretary of labor whether it counted as socialism. When told it did not, the senator responded, "Isn't this a teeny-weeny bit of socialism?"

American entrepreneurs have also taken advantage of programs that could be interpreted as socialism-lite.

Donald Trump's father, Fred, got his start building Depression-era homes for New York families with the help of the Federal Housing Administration. The FHA insures home mortgages made by private lenders essentially bringing some control over America's finances under the power of its people, via the federal government. Later, Fred Trump turned to the FHA again, building agency-backed housing for military families. Donald Trump later inherited his father's fortune, built in part by these projects.

What is socialism? And what do socialists really want in ...

What Americans Must Know About Socialism | The Heritage …

Is a specter of socialism haunting America, especially among our millennials? There is disquieting evidence of many young Americans sympathy for socialism. Exhibit A: 2.052 million people under the age of 30 voted for democratic socialist Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primaries and caucuses. Exhibit B: Polls find that, not only do a large majority of millennials have a favorable opinion of socialism, a near majority would prefer to live under socialism rather than capitalism. Exhibit C: The no-longer sleeping Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) now boasts 30,000 members, most of them in their twenties and eager to follow the socialist banner.

Weve come a long way since the 1988 presidential race when George H. W. Bush buried his Democratic challenger Michael Dukakis by labeling him a liberal. Socialism is no longer a parlor game for academics but a political alternative taken seriously by millennials who are not put off by the radical DSA platform.

DSA believes in ending the private ownership of industries whose products are viewed as necessities. The production of such products, it argues, should not be left to profiteers. It also believes that government should democratize private businesses that is, give workers control over them to the greatest extent possible. Socialism, explains a member of DSAs national steering committee, is the democratization of all areas of life, including but not limited to the economy.

What is happening in America, once the apotheosis of capitalism?

The first part of that answer lies in two words, not Karl Marx, but Bernie Sanders. The senator from Vermont captured the hearts and the votes of many millennials with his call for single payer health care, free public college, campaign finance reform, and racial, economic, and climate justice. The prime target of his animus was the top 1 percent in America who own, it is true, some 40 percent of the nations total wealth as much as the bottom 90 percent. What Bernie rarely pointed out was that the same top 1 percent paid 39.5 percent of the individual income taxes. Sanders had a ready explanation for how to pay for all of the freebies: increase the taxes on the rich and their corporations. In Bernies world, there is such a thing as a free lunch because the bill will be paid by those at the top.

According to one CNN analyst, millennials rallied in the many thousands behind Sanders because they are socially liberal especially on LGBT rights saddled with mountains of student debt, disillusioned with the status quo, and eager to break with traditional [political] models. Bernie provided solutions to all their problems without detailing the price or conceding the lessening in individual liberty. Such details were swept aside by the revolutionary spirit of the millennials who felt the Bern. As one Bernista said, You can build a powerful political movement with a base of 2 million true believers.

The second reason for the shift toward socialism was the Great Recession of 2008. It tore a huge hole in the American peoples belief in capitalism as the way to a better life and sent them looking for alternatives. Many of them, especially younger Americans, found it in a soft socialism that was part welfare state, part administrative state, part socialist democracy.

The most startling poll was the YouGov survey that reported that given a choice, 44 percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. Another seven percent would choose communism. However, the same poll revealed that only 33 percent of the respondents could correctly define socialism as based on the common ownership of economic and social systems as well as the state control of the means of production. What most millennials mean by socialism seems to be a mix of our welfare state and what they perceive to be Swedish democratic socialism. But Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries including Denmark favor the free market and are content with private rather than government ownership of their major industries. However, Danish domestic spending including comprehensive health care has a high price a top personal income tax of 57 percent.

The millennial trend toward an acceptance of socialism is not new. A 2014 poll by Reason-Rupe, a libertarian group, reported that 58 percent of those aged 18 to 24 had a favorable view of socialism. A 2016 Gallup survey found that 55 percent of those 18-29 had a positive image of socialism. But 90 percent were favorable to entrepreneurs while 78 percent favored free enterprise. How can a group be 55 percent socialist and 78 per cent entrepreneurial? Either through cognitive dissonance or plain ignorance. In any case, it is critical for advocates of free enterprise to make the case against socialism because acceptance of socialism by any name places millennials on a slippery slope. Another recession and/or a well-run presidential campaign by a charismatic demagogue could move America farther down the road to serfdom.

A 2016 Harvard poll determined that 33 percent of Americans under 30 wanted socialism. In January 2016, YouGov asked millennials whether they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of socialism. Eight percent replied very favorable, 35 percent somewhat favorable, for a total of 43 percent, almost the same percentage as in their 2017 survey.

But would these same millennials choose socialism, if in exchange for free education and free health care, they would have to give up their personal property, such as their iPhone? Would seven percent of millennials declare their willingness to live under communism if they knew the real costs of communism as practiced in some 40 nations over the past century the denial of free speech, a free press, and free assembly, the imprisonment and execution of dissidents, no free and open elections, no independent judiciary or rule of law, the dictatorship of the Communist Party in all matters and on all occasions?

For the first time in decades, socialists are taking advantage of the Bernie Sanders phenomenon to organize, raise funds, and field candidates from New York City to Oakland, California. A major instrument is DSA the Democratic Socialists of America about which the liberalNew Republicasked, Are the Democratic Socialists for America for Real?

The most dramatic proof of socialisms new-found political clout was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs upset victory over veteran Rep. Joseph Crowley of New York, the number four Democrat in the House of Representatives, in the June Democratic primary. Ocasio-Cortez received 57 percent of the vote to Crowleys 42 percent while pledging to back Medicare for all, free college tuition, legalization of marijuana and the elimination of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Attractive and articulate, the 28-year-old socialist announced she would support progressive candidates who challenged Democratic incumbents in primaries. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi cautioned Ocasio-Cortez not to oppose liberal Democrats who had a proven record of results. Former Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic Partys vice presidential nominee in 2000, warned that the policies Ms. Ocasio-Cortez advocates are so far from the mainstream, her election in November would make it harder for Congress to stop fighting and start fixing problems. He noted that Republicans were already referring to Ocasio-Cortez as the new face of the Democratic Party. But an ideologue like Ocasio-Cortez is unlikely to be ruled by conventional politics.

The same can be said of Democratic Socialists. Over 700 elected delegates from around the country attended DSAs 2017 national convention in Chicago, the historic site of many political beginnings from the 1860 presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln to the riotous 1968 Democratic National Convention. Veterans of the organization were blown away by the enthusiasm of the younger DSA members whose priority is to win elections that advance socialism. Chicago City Councilman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, aged 28, is one of DSAs elected officials. He advised an ecumenical approach for socialist candidates to run on the Democratic ballot line because it offers access to people who want single-payer healthcare and a $15 minimum wage. As part of its demographic outreach, Bianca Cunningham, the African-American chair of New York Citys DSA labor branch, helped to form a national Afro-socialist caucus.

Until Ocasio-Cortezs startling win, DSA and its leftist allies concentrated on elections at the state and local levels; they have had success such as the victory of Councilman Khalid Kamau in South Fulton, Georgia. Kshama Sawant of the Socialist Alternative Party won a seat on Seattles city council and pushed through an increase in the citys minimum wage to $15 an hour. Running as a socialist, thirty-four-year old Franklin Bynum was elected a criminal court judge in Houston. In Pittsburgh, eight Democrats sought the endorsement of the local DSA chapter in this years primary. Even in Tulsa, Oklahoma, one of the reddest of states, four Democrats ran as democratic socialists. Its not a liability to say that anymore, commented DSA activist Jorge Roman-Romero.

As proof of their expanding influence, socialists point to the radical magazineJacobin,which has about 1 million page views a month, and the leftist podcast Chapo Trap House, which delights in ridiculing politicians and journalists on the center left. Following the 2016 election, for example, a Chapo co-host compared Hillary Clinton to race car driver Dale Earnhardt, joking that both had crashed because they couldnt turn left. (Earnhardt was killed in a 2001 racing accident.) It was unvarnished commentary but no rougher than the frequent media comments about (or by) Donald Trump. Socialist publications like n+1 and the New Inquiry have attracted younger readers with their unremitting attacks on capitalism.

After Trumps victory, commentators such as Michael Kazin, editor of the leftist magazineDissent,thought that the Left would be on the defensive as when Reagan and George W. Bush were in power. Instead, there is a renewed interest in the radical left and the possibility that DSA might be able and will certainly try to take advantage of it.

What does all this the Sanders candidacy, the national polls, the political organizations like DSA, the intense media focus add up to? Are they the makings of a national movement or merely a passing fancy temporarily fueled by young people who will soon get caught up in the next political fad? Lets judge them by the five essential elements of a successful political movement: charismatic leadership, a national constituency, adequate financing, media proficiency, and a relevant philosophy.

In some ways, the new DSA is reminiscent of Young Americans for Freedom in the early 1960s. Then YAF claimed a membership of 20,000, backed Sen. Barry Goldwater and his promise to offer a conservative choice and not a liberal echo, raised money with the help of OAFs (Older Americans for Freedom), convinced the media (led by theNew York Times) that YAF was the wave of the future, and hoisted the anti-communist flag high at every rally and meeting. It was the height of the Cold War and America was engaged in a deadly struggle with the forces of evil.

Like DSA, YAF leaders were mostly white, male, well-educated, and from middle-class families. They were young men in a hurry, certain they could change history, and so they did first, with the presidential nomination of conservative Goldwater in 1964, and later the election of conservative Ronald Reagan as president in 1980. Bill Buckley was YAFs luminous hero, the St. Paul of the conservative movement who went where no conservative had gone before into the belly of the liberal beast, Harvard.

As for DSA, it has a national constituency, principled if aging leaders like Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, fund-raising potential, strong media interest, and a philosophy attractive to Americans tired of sliding down the economic ladder and wondering what happened to the American Dream. Before dismissing the Democratic Socialists of America and its compatriots as idealistic and nave, it should be remembered that the Tea Party had only 60,000 members in 2010 but won 47 seats in the House of Representatives that fall.

On the road to socialism, DSA and its fellow socialists will seek to convert industries like health care into public utilities; regulate coal mines out of existence; subsidize sectors of the economy like solar energy; and operate corporations like Amtrak and Freddie Mac. They will present socialism as the reasonable alternative to the unchecked greed of the captains of capitalism.

However, as it grows in numbers and influence, DSA will encounter a critical discrepancy the telling difference between its pure socialism and the soft socialism of popular opinion. DSA purists seek public ownership of the means of production as well as centralized control of goods and services. Soft socialists see a limited role for the private sector laSweden. Will DSA be able to fuse the two kinds of socialism as conservatives like Frank Meyer and William F. Buckley Jr. blended traditional conservatism and libertarianism in the 1960s and 1970s?

Which brings us to the urgent need to depict the realities of socialism to Americans who have never heard of the Berlin Wall, the Gulag, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Tiananmen Square massacre, or the daily bread lines in Moscow.

According to the YouGov survey, one-third of all Americans would prefer to live under socialism rather than capitalism. Why? Is it idealism the desire for a classless society in which everyone is equal and envy does not exist because everything is owned in common? Is it a lack of knowledge? When asked how many people have died under communism, only 31 percent of Americans could provide the correct answer Over 100 million. About seven in ten Americans could not define communism.

Commented one millennial about his peers, They dont recognize that much of what they enjoy in life is a result of capitalism and would disappear if socialism were to be implemented. They havent seen socialisms failures firsthand.

Here are the realities of socialism and its grandmaster, Karl Marx.

Socialism in all its forms Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet Union, Maoism in China, state socialism in India, democratic socialism in Sweden, National Socialism in Nazi Germany has never come close to realizing the classless ideal of its founding father, Karl Marx. Instead, socialists have been forced to adopt a wide range of capitalist measures, including private ownership of railroads and airlines (United Kingdom), special economic zones (China), and open markets and foreign investment (Sweden).

Mikhail Gorbachev took over a bankrupt Soviet Union in 1985 and desperately tried to resuscitate socialism (i.e., communism) throughperestroika(restructuring) andglasnost(openness). He failed abjectly and was forced to preside over the dissolution of the once mighty Soviet empire on Christmas Day, 1991, seven decades after Lenin mounted a truck in St. Petersburg to announce the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution.

In the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping abandoned the rigid excesses of Maoist thought and adopted a form of communism with Chinese characteristics that was more capitalist than socialist in several ways. Deng, however, also ensured the Communist Partys control of any new homeland enterprise or foreign investment.

After decades of sluggish growth and bureaucratic inefficiency, India rejected state socialism in the 1990s and shifted to a capitalist approach that spawned the worlds largest middle class of more than three hundred million (nearly equal to the entire U.S. population). Sweden is often described as a socialist country, but is not and never has been socialist. It is a social democracy in which the means of production are owned primarily by private individuals. Among the proofs of its commitment to a market economy is that Sweden ranked number 19 worldwide in the Heritage Foundations2017 Index of Economic Freedom.

Socialisms failure to deliver on its promises of bread, peace, and land to the people is confirmed by the repeated, open resistance of dissidents: in Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, Poland in 1980 with the formation of Solidarity, Chinas Tiananmen Square in 1989, and in present-day Cuba with the resolute Ladies in White who parade every Sunday after mass to call attention to the many jailed dissidents including their husbands and sons.

Socialism failed in America in the early 19thcentury when the English philanthropist Robert Owen launched New Harmony, a village of cooperation on the banks of the Wabash River in Indiana. Volunteers flocked to the socialist experiment, but most were better at sitting in a chair than making one. Within a few years, New Harmony collapsed, and Owen went home.

Marx was an atheist socialist who insisted that his was the only scientific socialism based not on wishful thinking but the inexorable laws of history. The whole of history, declared Marx and his close collaborator and friend Friedrich Engels, is the history of the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The inevitable collapse of capitalism and the victory of the proletariat would end the conflict and usher in a classless society and pure socialism or communism (Marx used both terms interchangeably). He listed 10 necessary measures as steps along the way to his utopia, including a progressive income tax, the abolition of private property, free education for all, and centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

Much of the appeal of Marxism was its scathing critique of capitalism and its 19thcentury excesses, which included 16-hour work days and Dickensian working conditions. It was the early days of the Industrial Revolution when exploitation of workers, young and old, was widespread and horrific. By the end of the century, much had changed. Capitalism was not breaking down under the pressure of industrial concentration as Marx had predicted. To the contrary, economies were expanding and the lives of workers were slowly but demonstrably improving. Rather than developing into revolutionaries (as predicted by Marx), the workers were becoming reformers and even bourgeoisie.

The core philosophical weakness of Marxism was the founders insistence that his version of Hegelian dialectic thesis, antithesis, synthesis was scientific and without flaw. He asserted that feudalism had been replaced by capitalism which would be replaced by socialism in an irreversible process. But it is now close to 200 years since the publication ofThe Communist Manifesto, and capitalism rather than socialism dominates much of the global economy. In the Heritage Foundations2018 Index of Economic Freedom, 102 countries, many of them less developed or emerging economies, showed advances in economic growth and individual prosperity. Economic freedom improved globally for the sixth year in a row.

Marx was not the first utopian. Plato had hisRepublic,and Thomas More hisUtopia.They were centrally ruled and devoid of individual choice. Mores Utopia was a highly regimented paradise in which all citizens dressed alike and lived in identical houses and where private discussion of public affairs incurred the death penalty. Marx insisted that his socialist Utopia would be different because it would be classless and free of all nationalist sentiment because the nation state would have withered away. Ever melodramatic, he called on the workingmen of all countries to unite against the ruling classes they had nothing to lose but their chains.

It was powerful rhetoric, but was Marxs socialist world any more possible than the utopias proposed by Plato and More and other central planners? How good a historian and how accurate a prophet was Karl Marx?

Contrary to Marx, feudalism broke down, not because of economic contradictions, but because of the new trade routes which helped England and other countries move from a land-based to a money-based economy. Capitalism did not emerge naturally as the antithesis of feudalism but through a series of events including the emergence of the Puritan ethic, inventions like the cotton gin, the individualism of the Enlightenment, and the emergence of classical liberalism in the writings of thinkers like Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill.

Nor did Marx anticipate that workers would become increasingly affluent, independent, and even bourgeois. He did not foresee that capitalists would address problems such as unemployment and inflation, monopolies, Social Security and health care, and the proper balance of private and public control over the means of production.

Furthermore, the working class has not fallen into greater and greater misery. The industrial nations have seen a dramatic rise in the standard of living of the average worker. The middle class has not disappeared but expanded. As the esteemed economist Paul Samuelson wrote: As a prophet Marx was colossally unlucky and his system colossally useless.

InThe Communist ManifestoMarx says, The theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. He knew that depriving individuals of this basic freedom would not be easy and that dictatorship by the proletariat and violence would be required. However, the abolition of private property is necessary, Marx argued, because it is the central cause of the perennial clash between the classes.

But private property is not just any right; it is integral to civilization. There never was a time or place when all possessions were collectively owned. There is no convincing evidence, writes the Harvard historian Richard Pipes, that there were societies that knew no boundary posts and fences or ignored mine and thine.

It is often argued that socialism is a secular version of Christianity, referring to Acts 2-5, which describes the early Christians as having all things in common. It is true that following Pentecost, Christians sold their possessions and property and shared the results with any [that] might have need. But there is a critical distinction between Christians and socialists: Jesus urged his followers to give uptheirpossessions while socialists want to give away the possessions ofothers.St. Paul is sometimes quoted as saying that money is the root of all evil. What he actually wrote in a letter to Timothy was that loveof money is the root of all kinds of evil. His indictment, as the former AEI president Arthur Brooks has pointed out, was of an inordinateattachmentto money.

More secular sources about the consequential role of private property can be cited. InThe Constitution of Liberty, Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek writes that the recognition of private property is an essential condition for the prevention of coercion. He quotes Lord Acton as saying that a people averse to the institution of private property is without the first element of freedom and Henry Maine as asserting: Nobody is at liberty to attack [private] property and to say at the same time that he values civilization. The history of the two cannot be disentangled. In view of the alleged lack of individual liberty in classical Greece, writes Hayek, it deserves mention that in 5thcentury Greece the sanctity of the private home was so recognized that even under the rule of the Thirty Tyrants, a man could save his life by staying at home. The power of private property indeed.

Karl Marxs attitude toward human nature flows from Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who challenged the traditional idea of a fixed human nature bestowed by God. Rousseau wrote, We do not know what our nature permits us to be. Locke saw human nature as atabula rasa a blank page. Hobbes famously described mans natural state as solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Marx borrowed from the Enlightenment to say that human nature is intrinsically malleable. The Communist state established by Lenin in Russia in November 1917, wrote Richard Pipes, was a grandiose experiment in public education to create an entirely new type of human being Soviet Man.

Christian theology with its idea of a fixed human nature infuriated Marx, who was not just an atheist but a God-hater who denounced religion as the opium of the people. His disciples, led by Lenin, always targeted the churches when they came to power. They initiated without apology a campaign of terror, shutting down churches, executing priests and bishops and violating nuns. The horrors were justified as part of the class-cleansing Marx envisioned.

The Founders of the American Revolution rejected those who believed that man was born without any imprint and sided with those who accepted that man was born in the image of God. As the Declaration of Independence states, all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. The Founders disagreed with those who thought man was perfectible and instead took the Christian position that mans nature was fallen.

As Madison famously observed, If men were angels there would be no need for government and ambition must be made to counteract ambition. It is a reflection of human nature, Madison said, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. George Washington summed up the Founders realism: We must take human nature as we find it, perfection falls not to the share of mortals.

The essential difference between the visions of Karl Marx and George Washington, aside from the question of human nature, is that in Marxs socialist world there is a dictatorship of the Communist Party, while in a liberal democracy like the United States We the People tell the government what to do, the government does not tell the people what to do.

Without exception, every socialist leader from Vladimir Lenin to Fidel Castro promised to initiate basic political freedoms such as free elections, a free press, and free assembly. None fulfilled those promises.

Personal experience with this common falsehood has been eloquently provided by six famous intellectuals inThe God That Failed. They describe their journey into Communism and their exit when they encountered the gigantic gap between their vision of a socialist Utopia and the totalitarian reality of the socialist state. All of them, points out editor Richard Crossman, chose Marxist socialism because they had lost faith in democracy and were willing to sacrifice bourgeois liberties in order to defeat Nazi Germany. Their socialist conversion was rooted in despair with Western values that produced the Great Depression and permitted Fascism.

Their conversion was greatly strengthened by what Crossman calls the Christian conscience even among those who were not orthodox Christians. The emotional appeal of Marxist socialism lay in the sacrifices, material and spiritual, which it demanded as well as the unswerving obedience to the socialist line no matter how radically or quickly it changed. A case in point: Communists condemned Adolf Hitler throughout the 1930s until the summer of 1939, when Joseph Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact. Immediately, all true socialists were obliged to reverse course and hail the agreement as a major step toward peace. It was, in fact, a cynical deal that allowed the Nazis and the Soviets to invade and divide up Poland, thereby precipitating World War II.

With the Hitler-Stalin pact, scales fell from the eyes of the six intellectuals, starting with the Hungarian novelist Arthur Koestler, who now condemned the infamous show trials ordered by Stalin: At no time and in no country have more revolutionaries been killed and reduced to slavery than in Soviet Russia. The American black writer Richard Wright wrote, At that [socialist] meeting I learned that when a man was informed of the wish of the Party he submitted, even though he knew with all the strength of his brain that the wish was not a wise one, was one that would ultimately harm the Partys interests.

After visiting the Soviet Union, the French Nobel Laureate Andr Gide said bluntly, I doubt whether in any country in the world not even in Hitlers Germany have the mind and spirit ever been less free, more bent, more terrorized and indeed vassalized than in the Soviet Union. Gide said that the Soviet Union has deceived our fondest hopes and shown us tragically in what treacherous quicksand an honest revolution can founder.

The American journalist Louis Fisher, once an enthusiastic chronicler of Soviet economic advances, recounted how much the Soviet Union had changed: Ubiquitous fear, amply justified by terror, had killed revolt, silenced protest, and destroyed civil courage. In place of idealism, cynical safety-first. In place of dedication, pursuit of personal aggrandizement. In place of living spirit, dead conformism, bureaucratic formalism, and the parrotism of false clichs.

So it was in the Soviet Union under Stalin; so it has been in every socialist experiment since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The Soviet-Nazi agreement was the cracking point for many intellectuals in the West, including the American Louis Fisher, who accused Stalin of building an imperialistic militaristic system in which he is, and his successor will be, the Supreme Slave Master. How then, Fisher asked, can anyone interested in the welfare of people and the peace and progress of humanity support such a system? Because there is rottenness in the democratic world? he asked and answered, We can fight the rottenness. What can Soviet citizens do about Stalinism?

It took decades, but the citizens of all the nations behind the Iron Curtain finally threw off their chains in 1989, and wrotefinisto Soviet communism. Tragically, there are still more than 1 billion people living today under the Marxist socialist regimes of China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos.

If you were asked how many Jews died in the Holocaust, you would probably respond, Six million. We learned the correct answer in our schools and universities, through the books and articles we have read, the movies and television programs we have watched, our conversations with families, friends, and colleagues. There is a continuing campaign to remind us of the Holocaust and to declare, Never again. And rightly so. The holocaust carried out by the Nazis their deliberate campaign of genocide was the greatest evil of the 20thcentury.

But if you were asked, How many victims of communism have there been? You would probably hesitate and respond Five million? Twenty million? Fifty million? Few of us would know the right answer: at least 100 million men, women, and children, more than all the deaths of all the major wars of the 20thcentury. Communism committed the great crime of the last century.

It is a number difficult to comprehend, let alone accept. Surely, you might say, there could not have been that many. But we can be certain of saying that there have been at least 100 million victims of communism because of the painstaking research of the editors ofThe Black Book of Communism,published by the Harvard University Press. They document that each and every Marxist socialist regime has prevailed by way of a pistol to the back of the head and a death sentence in a forced labor camp.

There is no exception whether in China under Mao Zedong, North Korea under Kim Il Sung, Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, Cuba under Fidel Castro, Cambodia under Pol Pot, or Ethiopia under Mengistu Haile Mariam.

According to Stephane Courtois, the editor in chief ofThe Black Book of Communism, the leading mass murderer is Pol Pot, whose attempt to communize Cambodia resulted in the deaths of one fourth of the countrys population. His closest rival is Mao, under whom as many as 40 million Chinese died in just one socialist campaign the grossly misnamed Great Leap Forward. Of the Soviet Unions first two dictators, Lenin and Stalin, Courtois says, The blood turns cold at its venture into planned, logical and politically collect mass slaughter.

What price socialism? We must not limit ourselves to numbers.

The Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang listed the little terrors that prevailed in China making children of 12 subject to capital punishment, sending women to work in underground coal mines, harassing workers during their lunchtime with threats of prison if they were late returning to work.

There were the costs in terror. One Soviet defector wrote about Soviet life: We lived in a world swarming with invisible eyes and ears.

There were the costs in thought control. The content of everything in print and broadcast was limited to authorized truths. The Soviet press dismissed the 1932-33 forced famine in Ukraine that took the lives of seven million innocents as an anti-communist myth. One Western apologist for the regime, Edouard Herriot, wrote: I have crossed the whole of Ukraine, and I can assure you that the entire country is like a garden in full bloom.

There were the costs to the world. There was no crisis anywhere in the world from Southeast Asia to the Caribbean, from sub-Saharan Africa to the Middle East, in which the ideological ambitions of Moscow and its imitators, driven by Marxist-Leninist thought, were not involved throughout the 20thand into the 21stcentury.

This is the reality of socialism a pseudo-religion grounded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny. This is the case against socialism a god that failed, a science that never was, a political system headed for the ash heap of history.

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