Justin Haskins: Nationwide chaos Radical left took over this and we’re all paying the price – Fox News
On Tuesday, Boston city officials voted to remove its Emancipation Memorial from public land. The statue, which depicts Abraham Lincoln and a kneeling freed slave,has been situated in a popular park near Boston Common since 1879.
Since the tragic death of George Floyd, far-left activists across the country have been demanding cities, states, universities and private property owners strip their land and institutions of all statues and other honors that allegedly depict racism or celebrate people who held views considered to be racist, even the Great Emancipator himself, Lincoln.
Although some of these protesters say their motivation is racial justice and equality under the lawgoals everyone should embracethe reality is that many of the leaders calling for the destruction of statues like the Emancipation Memorial are motivated by Marxist and socialist ideology, not by a well-meaning pursuit of racial harmony.
Thisisnta theory.Itsa well-established fact.
For example,in June, a video surfaced showing Black Lives Matter co-founderPatrisse Cullorsadmitting she and other members of the organization aretrained Marxists.Additionally, the Movement for Black Lives, a well-funded Black Lives Matter organization,bluntlystates on itswebsite, We are anti-capitalist.We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.
Its Marxists desire to overthrow capitalism and paint Americaalong withall ofits founding principles and beliefsas hateful and racist that is really motivating so many of the most radical rioters across the country. Racial justice is merely the faade behind which Marxists are hiding.
The destruction of the Emancipation Memorialillustrates just how unimportant racial equality really is tothe Marxist leaders of thesegroups.
TheBostonstatueis a copy of the famed Emancipation Memorial in Washington, D.C., which protesters are also attempting to tear down.It celebrates the end of slavery and Lincolns role in helping that momentous achievement occur.
Incredibly, freed slaves paid for the Washingtonstatue, and Frederick Douglass, one of the most important black civil rights leaders in American history, delivered aspeechat the memorials dedication in 1876, during which he said the memorial was a good work for our race because, in part, building the statue was doing honor to the memory of our friend and liberator. He also said the statue would provide the highest honors to ourselves and those who come after us.
How can a statue celebrating the emancipation of slavery, paid for by former slaves and dedicated by one of the most important black leaders in historyhimself a former slaveever be considered racist against blacks?
Vandalizing and beheading statues of George Washington,burning down police stations, looting department storesand removing memorials built by former slaves serve no purposeforthose whotruly careabout racism and seek racial equality. They are, however, quite useful actions for those who wishto foment a socialist revolution.
The most obvious explanation for the growing socialist movement in the United Statesis that, for decades, socialists and progressives havebeen in charge ofAmericas public schools and colleges.
The real cause for concern hereisntthat there are radical leftists whowant to destroy the American way of life. Theyhave had a presence in the United States for more than a century.The most disturbing aspect of these events is that so many well-meaning people have been duped intojoining them andhave beenconvinced thatour countryhas never been anything other than a bastion of hate, racism and greed, and that the only way to right those wrongs is to eliminate capitalism.
The most obvious explanation for the growing socialist movement in the United Statesis that, for decades, socialists and progressives havebeen in charge ofAmericas public schools and colleges. They have taught historical revisionism, rejected the value of free-market capitalism and done everything in their power to indoctrinate a whole generation of young people into believing our nations founding principles are rotten to the core.
In study after study, researchers have shown there is a strong slant to the left in education, and the further one pursues education, the worse the bias gets. Neil Gross, a self-confessed left-wing academic who has argued extensively (and unconvincingly) that professors are not indoctrinating kids,reportsthat professors are about three times more liberal on average than other U.S. adults.
Gross also says that just 4 percent of higher-ed faculty are economic conservatives, while 50 percent can be classified as being on the left. (Gross says 23 percent could be classified as social or pro-military conservatives.)
Education attheK12 levelisntmuch better. A 2017studyby the Education Week Research Centerfoundjustone-quarter of teachers, principals and superintendents identifyas Republican.
And these figures only scratch the surface. Left-wing teachers unionswhich hold significant political power that they use to impact local, state and national public policy, including curriculum standardsare closely aligned with Democrats and liberal organizations.
In the201920 election cycle,more than 99 percent ofthe American Federation of Teachers political contributions went to Democrats or liberal groups.
With these biases in mind,itsno wonder that America has been slowly transformed into a nation that would tolerate the desecration of its greatest heroes, most of whom would be classified as conservative by todays standards.
Nor should it be surprising that about half of all young peoplenowsay they have a favorable view of socialism, despite its long and tragic history of failure, starvation,oppressionand bloodshed.
What is truly mystifying, though, is that Republicans have known about this problem for a half-century andhavedone virtually nothing to fix it.
Curriculum standards and college faculty are still controlled by leftists, even in the most conservative states.
Right-leaningorganizations have beendeveloping andcalling for school choice programs formany years, yet few substantial programs exist in most of the United States, including in areas long controlled by Republicans.
Republicans failurescantbe blamed on voters, either. The overwhelming majority of parentssay they support school choice programs,whether theyidentify asRepublican, Democratorindependent, and across all racial groups.
The Republican Party has failed conservatives, libertarians and, most importantly, Americas children. And the worst part is,werejust starting to see the greatest effects of that failure.Unless our education system is completely overhauled, the problem is only going to get worse, a truly terrifying thought, indeed.
How much more chaosdoRepublican politicians need to see before they finally take action?
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Justin Haskins: Nationwide chaos Radical left took over this and we're all paying the price - Fox News