Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Campaign to free anti-war Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk is gaining international support – WSWS

The campaign to free Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk, an opponent of NATOs proxy war, from imprisonment by the fascistic Ukrainian regime is gaining international support.

Syrotiuk was jailed over a month ago on bogus charges of high treason based on the thought crime of expressing his opposition to the Ukraine-Russia war and contributing articles to the World Socialist Web Site.

Syrotiuk is threatened with life in prison. As a socialist internationalist and Trotskyist, Syrotiuk, who founded and leads the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists (YGBL) in Ukraine and Russia, has fought for the unification of the Russian and Ukrainian working class in opposition to the war and the capitalist governments of Zelensky in Kiev and Putin in Moscow.

In the US, journalist Katie Halper, who co-hosts the popular podcast Useful Idiots, posted the statement by the WSWS demanding freedom for Bogdan Syrotiuk. Her tweet was shared by journalist Rania Khalek from BT Newsroom.

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Journalists Kit Klarenberg and Alex Rubinstein discussed the case of Bogdan Syrotiuk on their podcast.

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US high school student and member of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE), Landon Gourov, issued a video statement, appealing to high school youth throughout the world to join the fight to free Bogdan. He said,

Bogdan is just 25 years old, only a few years older than myself. The trampling of democratic rights knows no ages, it seeks to purge opposition from the working class and the youth. Bogdans case is about the defense of democratic rights and opposition to war. Not taking up the defense of Bogdan would effectively mean to not wage a struggle against war and for democratic rights. What would this mean for the youth?

One thing must be absolutely clear, the same imperialist governments that arm and fund Israel in its genocide are the same governments which are also arming and funding Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. ...President Biden has made clear that the potential use of nuclear weapons will not deter him or the US government from attaining its goals with Russia. Moreover, a war with Russia would require an even more massive military armament from the United States than which already exists. The United States would seek to forcibly recruit soldiers from the youth through a military draft. Just as is now the case in Ukraine, students and youth would be forcibly removed from their homes in order to fight a war that is not in their interests, but in the interests of the imperialist powers, who are eager and bloodthirsty to offset their economic decline through the redivision of the world and its resources amongst themselves. If the defense of Bogdan is not taken up, it would have far-reaching implications. Not only would an innocent youth be condemned to life in prison, effectively on a death sentence. It would also set a precedent for the violent crackdown on anti-war and left-wing youth in the US and internationally. I therefore call upon high school youth in the US and internationally to take up the defense of Bogdan! Join the IYSSE in fighting for his release from prison!

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Over the past week, the campaign to free Bogdan has also been finding a growing response in Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia. The Marxist Tendency in Ukraine has called for the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk. However, for politically factional reasons, the organization chose not to properly identify Syrotiuks afiliation with the International Committee of the Fourth International.

In Russia, a group called Working Class posted a statement from the WSWS calling for the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk on its social media page. The WSWS has also received submissions from individuals in Russia and Ukraine in support of the campaign, with one stating, Free the political prisoners. Latif from Uzbekistan wrote, Freedom of speech, release him! Ksenia from Serbia wrote, Freedom for Bogdan! Support from Serbia!

Adrian from the UK said, Socialism is freedom from the shackles of imperialism for the working class. We must speak out and support all peace activists. Terry, also from the UK, commented, The false imprisonment of Bogdan is a total indictment of the lack of freedom of speech and basic democratic rights in Ukraine.

Michael in Australia wrote: The persecution of Bogdan, along with Julian Assange, David McBride, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, lay bare the plans of Capitalist classes, and their political representatives for war. Going hand in hand with preparations for war are the crackdowns on democratic rights; and suppression of any anti-war sentiment. Bogdan, and any persecuted whistleblowers must be immediately released and allowed to live freely, wherever they wish in the world.

In Sri Lanka, several prominent artists, academics and journalists have issued statements of support.

Kuruupu from Sri Lanka wrote to the WSWS, Arresting Bogdan Syrotiuk and charging him with high treason shows the hatred of the Ukranian government towards the democratic rights, and the socialist perspective. It also shows the hypocrisy of imperialist states who claim they are fighting to safeguard the democracy. The contradictions of world capitalist order are tensed to such a degree, that they are ready to risk and stepping towards a devastating nuclear war. They can no longer allow socialists and internationalists to express their opinion to a broader public and [are] determined to hunt them. This arrest is a direct challenge and a threat to international working class and the working class should take immediate steps to take class actions against it.

An Indian supporter of the WSWS and victimized auto parts worker, Balakrishnan, has also denounced the arrest of Syrotiuk. He told the WSWS, I strongly condemn the arrest of comrade Bogdan by the pro-imperialist and fascistic Zelensky regime and demand his immediate release.

Balakrishnan was formerly employed at a Motherson Automotive Technologies and Engineering (MATE) plant in the Sriperumbudur and Oragadam industrial belt, which is located on the outskirts of Chennai, the capital of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

Balakrishnan and 38 other Motherson workers who had been in the forefront of organizing a 140-day strike for wage hikes and better working conditions were arbitrarily dismissed from their jobs in 2020. He is now working hard at a building site for a living, earning just 850 rupees ($10.2) per day, on which he has to feed four children. He said,

Workers and youth in India are increasingly aware that the US-NATO imperialist powers are carrying out a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

He continued, I am really inspired by the principled and courageous stand taken by comrade Bogdan. In calling for class solidarity of Russian and Ukrainian workers he and his comrades oppose reactionary national chauvinistic wars being waged by the ruling elites in both Russia and Ukraine.

Pointing to the connection between the US backed Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza and the increasing attacks on anti war protesters specifically targeting US students, Balakrishnan said, The only progressive solution to the growing threat of a catastrophic nuclear World War III is the fight for world socialist revolution. The Hindu chauvinistic Modi government has rallied behind the US imperialism in its war drive against China and in Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza.

The fate of workers in India, he concluded, is closely linked with the workers in imperialist countries as well as in other countries in the struggle for world socialism.

To get involved in the fight to free Bogdan Syrotiuk, sign and spread the petition, post a statement and make a financial contribution here.

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Campaign to free anti-war Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk is gaining international support - WSWS

Interested in socialism? Read our book – Socialist Worker


Why You Should Be A Socialist is the book for generation Palestine. Authors Sophia Beach and Lewis Nielsen, leading members of the Socialist Workers Party, spoke to Thomas Foster about Palestine, revolution and socialism

Tuesday 28 May 2024

New book is for those who want to learn about socialism and revolutionary politics

Why is the book coming out now?

Sophia Beach (SB): We chose to write Why You Should Be A Socialist because of the global movement for Palestine. It follows other explosive movements, such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), the climate rebellion and the strike wave.

Lewis Nielsen (LN): Something big is happening to a whole generation of people who have been involved in these mass movements that have shaken up politics in a big way.

None of the mainstream political parties provide any genuine answers to climate change, racism, Gaza, or the many crises society is facing. So many feel like mainstream politics doesnt represent them anymore.

SB: Arguments for revolution are more relevant than ever as people seek an alternative. This book is aimed at them.

Why should people read this book?

SB: People should read the book because it introduces some of the most important arguments in society. It answers questions about how capitalism works and how racism, sexism and imperialism are built into the system.

LN: And the book outlines what our revolutionary politics has to offer. It goes through big questions like, Is revolution possible?, Is human nature a barrier to socialism?, and What went wrong in Stalinist Russia?

We want it to be used by those involved in struggles and to make them feel confident about convincing others of revolutionary ideas. If the book goes a small way towards that, then that would be a very good thing.

SB: Crucially, the book maps out a pathway of how we can win. Whether you are angry about the capitalist system or starting to think you might be a socialist, you should read it.

If youre already a socialist, the book answers some big questions about socialism, such as how we organise society in a more democratic way. It is something everyone should read, and encourage others to read in their workplaces and in the movement.

Why is the book arguing for revolution?

LN: Because parliamentary politics has failed. Over the last few years weve seen the demise of left wing projects that think reform is the way forward. The 2010s was a decade when left reformisma strategy that tries to achieve socialism through parliamentcame to the forefront.

You had Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party in Britain, Syriza in office in Greece, Podemos in Spain, the Left Bloc in Portugal and Bernie Sanders in the United States. They were positive developments that, but all these projects failed. There is an opening now for people who recognise that even making reforms within a capitalist system wont solve the many crises we face.

Capitalism is promising us a future of economic crisis, climate crisis, political crisis and relentless warthe instability in the political system means the far right is on the rise. We argue that revolution is necessary to avoid capitalism taking us down this dangerous road.

SB: And theres a general election in six weeks time. Nobody has any illusions in what Labour is bringing to the table.

As Lewis said, this is not just because of how awful Keir Starmer is but also because there are deeper systemic issues about reformisms failure to deliver change.

If you want real transformative change in societywhich the recent mass movements show that many ordinary people also wantwe need system change, not just a changing of hands at the top of society.

Why arent movements enough?

LN: Movements, such as the Palestine movement, the climate protests or the BLM movement, can create huge political earthquakes and pull in big numbers of people. But the ruling class can often find ways to tame them, channelling them towards a place that is respectable and safe.

In the book, we argue that if we want systemic change, we need these movements to enter the workplace much more widely. Weve been saying for a while that we need to shut down the system to stop Israels assault on Gaza. Workers walking out and striking would be impossible for our leaders to ignore and could force our government to stop its support for Israel.

When we talk about deepening the movement for Palestine, this is what we mean.

SB: Also movements can go up like a rocket and down like a stick. We need something more sustained where we struggle every day for revolution. This means a revolutionary organisation that is genuinely part of movementsnot on the sidelinesfighting to bring workers into the struggle.

LN: The first task of revolutionaries is to get stuck in and be a part of a movementthe debates and actions and be a part of deepening itwhile building a revolutionary pole of attraction within them.

How are the problems we face today linked?

SB: The roots of all of todays problems are located in the same thing capitalism. But we also need to be more analytical than that. For instance, large swathes of people involved in the Palestine movement are asking, How did we get to the situation that we are in?

To answer that we have to understand Israel as a product of imperialism and part of a system where war, violence and racism are endemic to it. As revolutionary socialists, we argue that the problems we face are linked. The fight against Tories and their racism is the same fight against Israels genocide, the same fight against transphobia and the same fight against climate chaos.

LN: Following up from that, its a mistake to talk about the crises we face today as a series of crises happening at the same time. Instead they should be seen as part of the totality of capitalism. Since the economic crisis of 2008, we are seeing more and more economic instability.

This instability hasnt happened in a vacuum but because capitalism is a chaotic, volatile system. If you look at Palestine, a profound crisis of imperialism has flowed into an economic crisis. Houthi rebels attacking ships for Palestine in the Red Sea has disrupted the supply chains of global capitalism. Capitalism creates a total crisis that requires a total response.

SB: Its a system that has exploitation and oppression written into its fabric. You have to fight on all genuine issues that ordinary people face. Only a fight that links up all of the struggles against our broken system will get rid of it.

What would you say to someone who thinks political parties are the problem?

SB: Its no surprise that many working people dont trust political parties. The Tories have presided over 14 years of austerity, and the Labour Party is headed by a man who has betrayed the Palestinians and promised he will stand with the bosses when he gets into office.

And again, its not like most left wing parties are much of an appealing alternative. Stalinist communist parties have repeatedly let workers down and been a barrier to them making real revolutionary change.

A revolutionary socialist party like the SWP hopes to be different. Our aim in the SWP is to gather the most radical sections of the working class to lead struggle in every workplace and campus.

We see that the only way to have revolutionary change and to sustain it is to have a leadership that is coordinated and organised. Our rulers are organised and so we must be as well. A revolutionary party that is organised in a democratic and centralised way is the best way to pull together leaders in any fightback.

LN: To echo that, the SWP is made up of people who are won to the idea that we have to break from the logic of capitalismthat we have to build a new socialist society from the bottom up.

We can play a role in building struggleand in that struggle, pull it towards a confrontation with the state and capitalism. We dont pretend to have all the answers. We dont pretend that the SWP is the finished article.

But we do think that the whole history of revolutionary struggle shows us that we cant wait for a revolution to build an organisation. You have to build the embryo in the here and now. And thats what we are trying to do with the SWP.

Read the rest here:
Interested in socialism? Read our book - Socialist Worker

Sri Lanka: Statements demanding the immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk – WSWS

We publish below statements from an academic, a senior journalist and several prominent artists in Sri Lanka calling for the release of comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk, leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL) in Ukraine, who has been arrested and detained by the Security Services of Ukraine. The statements are in response to the global campaign initiated by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) and the World Socialist Web Site (WSWS).

Bogdan was arrested and imprisoned by the fascistic Zelensky regimes secret police on April 25, on bogus allegations that he was an agent of the Putin regime in Russia. The real reason for his arrest is that he is fighting to unite Ukrainian and Russian workers on a socialist program against the US-NATO war against Russia and all the governments involved. We urge all readers to sign the ICFIs online petitionhere.

Ameen Izzadeen, Colombo-based Daily Mirrors international affairs analyst and advocate for global justice and media freedom:

As a senior journalist and an advocate for global justice and media freedom, I am calling for a worldwide outcry against the arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk, the leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL), currently detained in a high-security prison in Nikolaev, southern Ukraine.

His arrest on trumped-up charges raises serious concerns over the fast-shrinking political space for freedom of expression and socialist political views in Ukraine. Together with the indefinite postponement of democratic elections, the arrest of Syrotiuk on high-treason charges also signals Ukraines headlong plunge into right-wing extremism.

The arrest of Syrotiuk is an attempt to silence democratic dissent in society. I also note with serious concern the Ukrainian governments effort to slap terrorism labels on those who publish views critical of the regime and call them information terrorists.

To support the charges against Syrotiuk, the Ukrainian authorities have cited his contributions to the WSWS. Despite the Ukrainian regimes unfounded claims that label the WSWS as a Russian propaganda outlet, it is important to note that WSWS operates from the United States. Its wide readership and commitment to pro-peace activism and independent journalism cannot justifiably be categorised as pro-Russian propaganda.

As a media freedom activist, I add my voice to the growing global condemnation against the arrest of the young political leader and demand his immediate release.

Sumudu Walakuluge, a senior lecturer in the Political Science department at Peradeniya University:

Bogdan Syrotiuk, a nemesis of the fascistic Zelensky regime and the NATO-worldwide capitalist imperialist-led Ukraine-Russia war, has been arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Bogdan was arrested on fraudulent charges of sabotaging the territorial integrity of Ukraine and serving the interests of Russia. It has been common throughout history for fascistic and racist regimes to hurl these sorts of shameless accusations against all true opponents of bloody imperialist war. From the outset, Bogdan has fought against the US-led NATO, the Zelensky administration and the chaotic Moscow regime.

The frame-up charges concocted against Bogdan by the SBU, which could have been organised as part of the NATO-Zelensky alliance, falsely claim that he, and the WSWS, are propagators of Russian propaganda.

The Zelensky regime has manipulated this sort of scenario to call for their cowardly war against socialist opposition, including the ICFI and its public organ, the WSWS. This incident has taken place amid rising Ukrainian working-class solidarity against the war provoked by Western capitalism and Zelenskys puppet regime. It demonstrates that the Zelensky regime is brutally suppressing all left-wing movements.

Darshana Medis, poet and Marxist art critic:

I strongly denounce the foul arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Bogdan Syrotiuk, leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL) in Ukraine, by the fascistic forces of the Zelensky regime. His detainment one month ago due to his so-called high treason is based on false and absurd allegations. Reports confirm that he is being held under atrocious conditions in a high security prison in southern Ukraine, with no sign of release.

It is clear that Comrade Bogdan is not just an individual target but the victim of a state frame-up against the YGBL and its political allies. The YGBL, active not only in Ukraine but also in Russia and Eastern Europe, is affiliated with the ICFI, the world Trotskyist movement. It is a well-known fact that the ICFI is the only truly Marxist force in the world today, and fights against both imperialism and its puppets, on the one hand, and pseudo-leftists on the other. It fundamentally opposes the invasion of Ukraine by Russias Putin regime and US-NATO backed Zelensky regime as well. Both regimes do not wish to see the unity of Russian and Ukrainian workers and here lies the real concern in targeting Bogdan.

The recent activities by Comrade Bogdan and his YGBL, a socialist and internationalist opponent of wars waged by the ruling class along the above Marxist lines, are becoming popular among war-torn masses. This reveals a profound truth: Whatever political pressures, including the fatal physical blows experienced since Lenins demise, Trotskyism is not dead, and it cannot simply be destroyed in former USSR states. It will continue to hold its head high and will fulfill its obligations for the elimination of world capitalism from the planet once and for all.

Malaka Devapriya, an award-winning filmmaker and radio playwright:

The Zelensky regime in Ukraine has made an absurd charge that anti-war activists opposing the Ukraine war are pro-Kremlin. Throwing out these vicious charges, Bogdan Syrotiuk, who opposes the war on the basis of a socialist program, has been arrested and labelled pro-Russian. I think that this is serious evidence of the fate facing anti-war activists in Ukraine. As an artist, I express my full support to the international campaign by the ICFI for the release of this young socialist fighter and demand he be immediately released.

I assume that artists around the world do not express a pro-war standpoint. With various conflicts taking place in Sri Lanka and internationally we see a divided social environment where human lives and properties have been destroyed. We can see in the regimes formed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the restoration of capitalism how the Russian people have been subjected to poverty, the looting of state property, war and other disasters. The eruption of the Russia-Ukraine war is intimately bound up with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

People must have a correct understanding of the material factors leading to war, such as the contradictions of capitalism and that there is the real threat that the Ukraine war and anti-Palestine genocide by Israel are developing into a Third World War. At the same time, we have the historical experiences of human lives claimed in wars. Millions of lives were lost during World War II, and we also experienced the racialist war in Sri Lanka, which spanned three decades and claimed more than one hundred thousand lives.

Sujith Ratnayake, a painter:

The Ukraine regime has arbitrarily taken Bogdan Syrotiuk into custody because he fights against war on behalf of the workers and youth that are being killed. He bases himself on socialism. It is true that when a war mindset is created, there is no place for opposition. As a painter I condemn the arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk and as a painter I use art as Bertolt Brecht did art against Hitler and the war.

It is the oppressed people who lose their lives in Ukraine and Russia, without any reason. As Brecht stated, when a war begins there will be no brakes and there are no good wars and bad wars. War is war.

Wasantha Wijesiri, a cartoonist and government schoolteacher

It is clear Bogdan Syrotiuk has been arrested by the Zelensky government in Ukraine on bogus charges. I think that this is an attack on the world Marxist-Trotskyist movement, the ICFI, which publishes theWSWS.

The aim of this arrest was to block the important struggle of Syrotiuk and his comrades to mobilise the Ukrainian and Russian working class on the program of the ICFI and a malicious attempt to cover up the true situation of this barbaric war.

A mass movement must be built against this repressive and arbitrary arrest and capitalist war. We should oppose Americas world order and its attempt to seize power in the region through NATO. It should be exposed. In this way we must support the anti-capitalist and anti-war struggle of Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk and wish this struggle to be successful.

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Sri Lanka: Statements demanding the immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk - WSWS

Understanding what Democratic Socialists of America are and how they differ from social Democrats – Fullerton Observer

Organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) continue to gain prominence, growing from 24,000 members in 2017 to 92,000 members today. So, what is Democratic Socialism? Democratic socialism is fairly easy to define based on the two components of its name: democratic, meaning rule by the people, and socialism, meaning that the workers own the means of production.

The first principle seeks to mend the source of many criticisms of forms of socialism, putting the direct will of the people above all else andfullysubjecting any structures of power to the desires of the people not those holding office. This focus on democracyis enshrinedin the national DSA Constitution and the constitutions of every local DSA chapter.

The second workers owning the means of production is the central end goal of the labor movement, which democratic socialists wholeheartedly support.Whether fromin-depth economic analyses like Capital or through observing historical and modern material conditions, socialists agree on one central principle: theliberation of the masses at large the working masses can only come from those masses owning the means of production. These two principles are agreed upon by all members of DSA, even those who do not consider themselves democratic socialists.

As an organization, DSA does not form an ideological hegemony; a wide variety of political views are represented throughout chapters around the country. Instead, members are committed to one shared goal: to progress society however they can. Thanks to their popularity as members of Congress, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezare commonly cited as examples of democratic socialists. Most socialists would not consider them such. Instead, they are considered social democrats a capitalist designation developing out of a regression from the principles of prior socialist organizations like the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Likewise, countries often regarded as socialist, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, are also social democracies; they arestill capitalist states but have a greater focus on providing services to the people than more laissez-faire capitalist nations like the United States.

Due to its organizations diversity and the desire to recruit all who want to change the world, regardless of age, DSA involves high school and college students through the Young Democratic Socialists of America or YDSA. Here in Fullerton, a YDSA chapter is currently being organized at CSUF toorganize the citys youth and work to improve Fullerton and CSUF. So far, this has included advocacy against crippling tuition hikes, calls for the demilitarization of Fullerton PD, and efforts to protect free speech on campus.

If you have any questions about democratic socialism or want to makechange happen, contact Titan YDSA at If you want to join DSA but are not a current student, contact Orange County DSA at to learn more.

(Note for transparency/clarification: while this post generally conveys the original ideas as submitted, it has been edited to some degree)

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Understanding what Democratic Socialists of America are and how they differ from social Democrats - Fullerton Observer

Australia: Gold Coast Gaza rally hears socialist anti-war perspective – WSWS

More than 100 people rallied and marched through Surfers Paradise at Australias Gold Coast on Saturday to denounce the intensifying Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Albanese Labor governments ongoing diplomatic and military support for the mass murder of Palestinians.

Led by young workers and Middle Eastern families, it was the latest in weekly protest activities in the city. Gold Coast, although mostly known as a tourism destination, is Australias sixth largest city, with a population exceeding 650,000, including many working-class people.

There were spirited chants, such as free, free Palestine and Albanese you cant hide, youre supporting genocide during the rally and march. Many onlookers were supportive, another sign of the widespread disgust and opposition to the crimes being committed by the Israeli regime with the backing of the US and its allies, including Australia.

Mike Head, a Socialist Equality Party national committee member and WSWS correspondent, addressed the rally at the invitation of the organisers. He began by posing the burning questions we all confront: How can the genocide in Gaza be ended? And how can we stop the wider plunge to war by the US and its allies?

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Head said the harsh reality was that the Israeli regime and its backers in Washington and Canberra had doubled down on the mass killings, despite millions of people around the globe, including in Australia, joining the largest worldwide anti-war movement in decades.

Over the past week, the protest movement has grown in the US, especially on the university campuses, he said. Following the arrests of more than 100 students at Columbia University in New York, encampments have been set up at least 40 universities across the US, and spread to other countries, including here.

In response, the Biden administration, in alliance with the fascist-led Republican Party, has backed a massive police mobilisation against the students. The ruling class is effectively moving to criminalise political opposition to the Gaza genocide, slandering it as antisemitic, even though many Jewish students are involved.

Head warned that the Albanese government and the police-intelligence agencies were trying to create the political conditions for similar repression in Australia by orchestrating sweeping police raids to arrest Islamic teenagers on flimsy terrorism charges without any evidence of terrorist plots or plans.

This is as the final stage of the genocide is now looming, with intensifying bombings in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where over 1.5 million Palestinians are crammed in shocking conditions, and plans to forcibly remove them all into tents.

The US Congress had just given bipartisan support to another $US95 billion for war fundingfor the US-NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, for arming Israel for its genocide in Gaza and military confrontation with Iran, and for building up Taiwan as a war base against China.

Also attached to the bill was another $3 billion for the AUKUS submarine program, which was aimed directly at China.

These developments make clear the connection between the Gaza genocide and the wider plunge to potential nuclear wars by US imperialism against Iran, Russia and China, Head stated.

Many protest leaders had presented Gaza as a single issue, unconnected to any other developments and the history of US wars, including from Vietnam to Iraq. And they had kept urging people to write to MPs and send petitions to the very same capitalist politicians responsible for the slaughter in Gaza.

The task is not to issue requests to these governments, but to build a mass political movement aimed at overthrowing them and the capitalist system they defend, Head said to applause.

Via the AUKUS military pact with the US and the UK, the Albanese Labor government was completing Australias transformation into a frontline state for war against China, including via US basing arrangements.

It is a political dead end to try to convince politicians and governments to adopt a more humane policy in Gaza, while they carry out policies that could blow up the world.

The same goes for appeals to the trade union apparatuses. They are completely aligned with the Labor government. They have not called a single strike against the genocide.

We urge workers to mobilise independently of the union bureaucracies and all the parties of the ruling class, including the Greens, to immediately stop weapons deliveries and arms production for the genocide in Gaza and other US-instigated wars.

We explain that to really fight the genocide and war, we have to turn to the revolutionary force in society, the global working class. But that poses the need for a genuine socialist party in Australia and on a world scale.

Head urged everyone at the rally to register for this years International May Day Online Rally, organised by the International Committee of the Fourth International. This global rally will be centred on the development of a working class and socialist movement against imperialist war.

He also urged people to sign up as electoral members of the Socialist Equality Party so that we can have the basic democratic right to have our partys name on the ballot for the next federal election to broadcast the existence of a genuine socialist, anti-war party.

After the rally, Jasmine, a young worker from New Zealand, signed up for the partys mailing list, and wrote thank you on the form. She said she wanted to express her appreciation that Head had explained the link between the horror in Gaza and the US war moves against Russia and China.

A doctor who participated in the rally said she had first been motivated to join the anti-genocide protests by the fact that the Israeli forces were killing 100 children a day. At that rate, my sons school would be eliminated in a fortnight.

But this was the first time she had heard a real analysis presented at any Gaza protest rally. That speech explained the connection to the wider war drive by the US and its allies. It was very informative and resonated with the audience. It contextualised many of the facts about the genocide and clarified the broader significance of the genocide to international geo-politics and why Israel is being backed by the US and Australia.

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Australia: Gold Coast Gaza rally hears socialist anti-war perspective - WSWS