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What US Foreign Policy Will Look Like With a Socialist in the White House – Foreign Policy

Just a few years ago, the idea of a social democratic foreign policymuch less a democratic socialist onein the United States would have seemed a quixotic proposition. No U.S. administration has even pretended to have one. Franklin D. Roosevelts foreign policy had no coherent ideological agenda. Jimmy Carters brief administration broke with postwar U.S. foreign policy, but it did so under the banner of human rights, not social democracy.

The political configurations now emerging in the West have dramatically reversed the recent status quo. The old consensus-oriented social democratic parties in France and Germany today lie in ruins, having paid dearly for the privilege of selling themselves out. In stark contrast, the United Kingdom, the heartland of market capitalism and monetary discipline, is now home to one of the most significant mass leftist political movements in the world, however grim its electoral future. Portugal, once a political backwater in the European Union, shows that alternatives to austerity are as practicable as they are popular. And across the Atlantic, the idea of a democratic socialist president winning the White House is no longer the stuff of fantasy.

Such is the leftist momentum in the United States that it is once again necessary to distinguish between social democracy and democratic socialism. The first is fundamentally reformist and aims to blunt the harder edges of capitalism and make it sustainable. The second is transformative and aims to replace the capitalist system with a socialist order. Now that both these agendas have shot to prominence in U.S. politics, each with their own protagonist (Elizabeth Warren for social democracy, Bernie Sanders for democratic socialism), its imperative to think through how the power of the United States could be usedand changedby these ideological formations. For the sake of convenience, the whole spectrum running from social democracy to democratic socialism will be referred to below as left, though it is important to avoid collapsing all of the differences between the two visions.

Considering the forces arrayed against ita diplomatic corps still rooted in Cold War visions of order, corporate interests that are largely determined to resist any leftward drift in Washington, and the lefts own talent for schismany left U.S. foreign policy would likely unfold in a piecemeal fashion. But any program worthy of the name would have to be explicit about its goals. It would have to fundamentally revise the position of U.S. power in the world, from one of presumed and desired primacy to one of concerted cooperation with allies on behalf of working people across the planet.

Since the early 1940s, U.S. foreign policy has been largely premised on saving the world for capitalismwhether that has meant setting up international monetary institutions, enforcing a property-protecting legal order, keeping capital-threatening insurgencies at bay, or protecting the economies of allies to allow them to develop. Todays left foreign-policy thinkers argue that the time has come for U.S. power to serve a different purpose: At a bare minimum, it should protect the world from the excesses of capitalism and counteract the violent implosions that U.S. policies and interventions around the world have all too often oxygenated, if not ignited. The first steps of any left foreign-policy program would be to democratize U.S. foreign policy, reduce the size of the U.S. military footprint, discipline and nationalize the defense industry, and use U.S. economic power to achieve egalitarian and environmental ends.

The tradition of social democracy in particular is haunted by its own ideals. Its triumphs have been mostly domestic: mass voter enfranchisement, the defeat of official racial discrimination, the provision of basic welfare and other rights. The movement got its start in the 19th century, together with the emergence of nation-states, when owners of corporations and factories were forced into making at least some compromises with workers. The question of how to extend social democratic principles beyond the nation has long been a vexed one. The snapshots under the heading of foreign policy are not the prettiest pages in the movements album: German Social Democrats backing the Kaiser in World War I; French Socialists insisting on holding the course in Algeria; Brazils Workers Party government sending armed forces to lead a peacekeeping mission in support of an authoritarian Haitian government in 2004 in a vain attempt to win a Brazilian seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Nevertheless, social democracys basic principlesthe idea of a large organization of working people, not a vanguard, aspiring to better social and economic conditionsretain their force. It is often forgotten, even by social democrats themselves, that the fight is not fanatically attached to the idea of social equality but rather to the idea that genuine freedom requires certain social and economic preconditions. Social democracy starts with people using the instruments of a democratically controlled state to loosen the grip of liberal capitalist dogma. The question for a left foreign policy is how to harness anti-elite sentiment around the world for the cause of environmental renewal, economic and social equality, and mutual political liberation.

The first goal of a left foreign policy would focus on changing how foreign policy is forged in the first place. The priority would be to give democratic control over the basic direction of foreign policy back to the electorate. It is imperative that state power not be delegated to a cloistered elite, whether a Leninist vanguard or, as in the U.S. case, a liberal technocratic elite that has long conflated the interests of the nation with those of global capital. The U.S. foreign-policy elite has barely questioned its commitment to free trade pacts and permanent military missions abroad. Thats why a left foreign policy would need to begin by returning war-making powers to Congress (even if that involves cajoling Congress to reassume them) and rescinding the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which, since 2001, has functioned as the legal writ for wars across three administrations.

This restoration of public accountability would have the additional advantage of furthering substantive democratic goals. The U.S. electorate overwhelmingly opposes aggressive foreign wars and interventions, unmoved by the appeals to credibility that foreign-policy elites have used to guide the United States into one quagmire after another. Donald Trump won the presidency in part by acknowledging this fact. No one doubts that the United States current global posture is the contingent result of its extremely free hand in world affairs in the 1940s and 1950s. The maintenance of U.S. troops in Germany, Japan, and South Korea today baffles a generation that did not live through the Cold War. Recent polls suggest that 42 percent of Germans want U.S. forces to leave the country and 37 percent want them to stay, while in Japan protests and referendums have repeatedly confirmed the publics desire for a reduction of the U.S. presence.

The problem with the existing foreign-policy cultures prioritizing of military solutions is that it cuts off more effective policy options and stunts the diplomatic corps ability to pursue them. Long-term consequences on the ground have been all afterthought in recent callsfrom liberals and conservatives aliketo intervene in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela. No matter that Washingtons postwar use of force has an extremely poor record on this score. In the case of Syria, the constant airing of a military solution precluded political bargaining that could have reduced violence at a much earlier stage. A left foreign policy would mean ending the way the foreign-policy establishment and the media routinely conflate the United States doing something with military intervention.

There is no ironclad rule that says a left foreign policy must reduce the size of the U.S. military footprint. One could imagine a scenario in which U.S. forces went to war to protect the global environment from climate chauvinists, slave states, or other enemies of a social democratic global order. But a genuinely left foreign policy would be a failure if it did not focus on the vast extent of U.S. economic power, which is constantly at work in the background of international politics. Social democrats would properly seek to place economic power at the center of foreign policy.

Thats why a priority of a left foreign policy would be to revolutionize military industrial policy. Comprising well over half of the $420 billion global arms industry, the U.S. armament sector considerably outstrips more visible industries such as car manufacturing and is four times the national education budget. The problem is not simply that this industry looks for customers around the world like any other. Nor is it the revolving doors between the military and weapons and security companies. The issue is that the arms industry has become a way for the ultrawealthy to siphon taxpayer dollars under the cover of the national interest. Its leading firms donate directly to avowedly pro-war candidates, especially those who sit on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with the aim of not only blocking attempts to stop U.S.-backed wars, such as support of the Saudi war on Yemen, but to create the illusion that without U.S. armed forces global capitalism itself would collapse.

There is no reason why a left administration should not demand the best possible military technology in the world, but it should impose stringent requirements on the industrial sector to integrate American defense into American society. The government should more closely regulate the management of the arms companies to which it awards public contracts, including the extent to which workers have a financial and managerial stake in their companies. The government should stop military materiel from being used in domestic policing. (Its not uncommon for surplus tanks to end up on the streets of places like Ferguson, Missouri.) Trying to completely nationalize a company like Lockheed Martin would be a very costly engagement for a social democratic administration in the short term. In the longer term, however, it would be worth pursuing demands for partial worker ownership of such corporations.

But a left international economic agenda wouldnt end at industrial policy. It would recognize that, at least since the Dawes Plan of 1924, which managed the debt payments of Weimar Germany, the main weapon in Americas arsenal has been the U.S. Treasury. The United States most commonly expresses its power by allowing and barring access to the U.S. economy. This is an area where a left administration could make a major difference. Loans (and the denial of loans), debt forgiveness, offshore tax havens, currency inflationthese affect the lives of far more people than Americas missiles and bombs.

Instead of tying aid to indicators such as the protection of property rights and other rubrics designed by conservative and liberal think tanks, a left administration could instead make aid more contingent on the pursuit of a redistributive domestic agenda or the environmental record of the government in question. Carbon taxes on imports alone could encourage foreign trading partners to put in place more environmentally sustainable domestic policies. Any U.S. left agenda worth the name would need to consider the social welfare of foreign populations in conjunction with taking care of its own.

There are uncomfortable political areas that no left administration should shy away from. The history of social democracys relationship with the environment has been a rocky one. Much of the movements success in the past has been linked to enormous amounts of resource extraction, from the Ruhr in Germany, where the coal furnaces formed one of the backbones of early social democracy, to the great success of Workers Party social programs in Brazil, which were in part insulated from right-wing attack because they relied on a vast energy boom that did not require redistributing their wealth.

Earlier generations of socialists and social democrats generally did not understand the effect they were having on the climate, but the American working classs relationship to economic growth must be rethought if its citizens are to flourish in the next century. Left foreign-policy practitioners should still prioritize the equitable distribution of resources across society, but they may need to accept that such resources wont be an ever-increasing bounty. This shift in popular values, away from the ideology of growth to the necessity of sustainability, may prove to be the lefts most defining challenge.

The second dilemma for any left foreign policy is what to do with fellow movements that are affirmatively socialist in character but under threat from an internal or external power. Should the United States intervene on behalf of the single social democratic entity in the Middle East, the Kurdish statelet of Rojava? What should a social democratic administration do about reactionary coups against social democratic regimes, such as in Brazil, or freedom movements such as Hong Kongs? Would the United States not have the responsibility to help its friends?

The problem is that, in most cases, any form of explicitly militarist intervention would spell disaster. The age-old question of whether socialism means pacificism or noninterference is unlikely to ever be resolved. But domestic clarity can provide orientation: By working toward a social transformation at home, building up the legitimacy of the American state and the moral legitimacy of its economy, the United States increases its ability to marshal diplomatic pressure on behalf of allies around the world.

There is also the inverse dilemma: What should a left administration do when nominally socialist governments such as Cuba or Venezuela repress their own people? There will always be pressure in Washington to do something in such cases, which at the bare minimum tends to mean backing the opposition, with the possibility of military intervention dangling in the background. Yet left foreign-policy practitioners must have the forbearance to recognize that such solutions generally have little practical promise. Often the opposition groups hailed in Washington have impressive storage space for liberal values but small local followings. Meanwhile, the track record of U.S. military interference in South America has mostly given rise to autocracies. A new foreign policy should instead focus on diplomatic openings, including the possibility that a figure like Venezuelas Nicols Maduro might have opponents with large public followings to his left.

Which brings us to China. One worrying aspect of the 2020 presidential race is that every serious contender across the spectrumfrom Sanders and Warren to Trump himselfhave staked out a hostile stance on China. (Michael Bloomberg and Deval Patrick, the candidates most directly involved in international capitalism, may turn out to be the exceptions.) This hostility is not merely about intellectual property or American wages or the hollowing out of the U.S. industrial core or cyberwarfare. There is also a growing sense among many left-of-center Americans that Chinas repressions on its borderlands must be met head on. Among human rights advocates, a clear agenda is coming into view, which involves activating Uighurs and Hong Kongers and the people of Guangdong to fight Beijing and to help them balance the scales of dignity.

But pursuing such a course would be counterproductive. Chinese President Xi Jinping is in the middle of transforming an industrial-agrarian economy into a massive consumer economymuch as U.S. economists have long advised Beijing to do. The overheating of the Chinese economy has not only resulted in the Belt and Road Initiative as a way of sending excess capital out of the country but also the directed spillover of Mandarin-speaking populations into Hong Kong (where their presence only aggravates competition over higher education and housing) and the ongoing colonization of Xinjiang. With such an economic transformation underway, it makes good sense for Xi to deflect from this hard reality with speeches about cleansing China of foreign ideologies and undergoing a new round of ideological hygiene. The idea that this world-historical development can be decently improved by any military swagger or hard-line approach seems deluded at best.

More valuable would be to recognize the United States own role in this unfolding China of the present. The American and Chinese economies are locked in an embrace that can only be dealt with as a totality, rather than piecemeal. Only through diplomacy with China would, for instance, any attempt at forging a serious environmental pact be achievable. No human rights cause in China can be furthered by the United States if it does not use the real economic power at its disposal: fining U.S. companies for doing business in Xin-jiang, forcing Apple to comply with U.S. labor regulations abroad, shifting the emphasis of World Bank loans from Chinese corporations to individual Chinese migrants leaving the countryside en masse. Meanwhile, the demonization of China will likely continue to be a profitable hypocrisy for American politicians to engage in.

Whether predominantly social democratic or democratic socialist in character, no left U.S. foreign policy can expect full implementation or success in the short term. It would be naive to believe otherwise. It is not only that the diplomatic corps itself remains embroiled in the Cold War consensus but that foreign policy is merely one domain among others that Americans would need to change and co-opt in concert, such as the judiciary, the intelligence services, and the Federal Reserve. It would be a decent enough start if a Sanders or Warren administration succeeded simply in making left diplomats an inhabitable identity at the State Department, where they are currently an extinct species. It may be that some of the most effective arms of a left U.S. foreign policy are the most mundane. Imagine if the IRS were empowered to pursue wealth taxes globally, giving the 1 percent nowhere to hide. That desk-bound agency may contain more revolutionary tinder than the U.S. Marine Corps.

This article appears in the Winter 2020 print issue.

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What US Foreign Policy Will Look Like With a Socialist in the White House - Foreign Policy

Good analysis: Why socialism is on the rise. – ChicagoNow

By Dennis Byrne, today at 2:11 pm

From the Wall Street Journal:

Fifty percent of adults under 38 told the Harris Poll last year that they would prefer living in a socialist country.

That's stunning, but here's an interesting explanation why young people are thinking that something their parents abhor is preferable to capitalism.

One theory is that liberal college professors have corrupted the youngsters.Or, according to the article, "Critics often blame todays socialist surge on millennials laziness." I'mtempted to add a third, not included inthe article: They don't know what they're talking about.

But this article has a different take: The economic and social system constructed by Boomers and other oldsters aredesignedto protect their interests, making it more difficult for the youngsters to realize their potential. In other words, us oldsters have frozen out the youngsters.

A fascinating theory with a lot of credibility in my opinion. Great for discussion.

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Good analysis: Why socialism is on the rise. - ChicagoNow

Cornel West to foes of Sanders’ democratic socialism: ‘Get off the crack pipe!’ – Washington Times

AMES, Iowa Cornel West has a message for those who want to cast Sen. Bernard Sanders brand of democratic socialism in a negative light: Get off the crack pipe!

Mr. West is headlining events in Iowa on behalf of Mr. Sanders and visited the campus of Iowa State University Wednesday to rally voters behind the Vermont socialist ahead of the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses.

Dont let anybody tell you, Oh my God, he is a democratic socialist, America is going to look like the Soviet Union in four years. No you tell them: Get off the crack pipe! Mr. West said, drawing a mixture of laughter and applause from the dozens that turned out to hear him and Sanders co-chair Nina Turner speak.

Mr. West said democratic socialists have helped shape the nation, rattling off the names of John Dewey, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do those folks scare you? he said. No! Not at all because they are measured by the same thing we are measured by, which is integrity, honesty, decency, courage, and empathy with the week and solidarity with those who are suffering.

That is what we are talking about in this campaign, he said.

See the rest here:
Cornel West to foes of Sanders' democratic socialism: 'Get off the crack pipe!' - Washington Times

Mark Levin: ‘Republican Party Is Committed to Lite SocialismThey Want a Lot of Gov’t Intervention’ –

Mark Levin (Getty Images/Saul Loeb)

Just because you're a Republican doesn't mean you're not a socialist, nationally-syndicated conservative talk show host Mark Levin said in an interview on The Dan Bongino Show Saturday.

Warning against the far-left policies being pushed by politicians on both sides of the aisle, Levin told Host Dan Bongino that, while Democrats seek true socialism, some Republicans are beholden to a less severe form of it.

The Republican Party is committed to a lite socialism, lets just be honest about it. Even these so-called populist nationalists: they want a lot of government intervention, Levine said in response to a question about fiscal responsibility.

"They [Republicans] want government intervention for things that they support and they want government intervention to stop things they oppose," Levin said.

If you let the government in constantly to be referee, the government will devour you and the government will devour our liberty, Levin warned.

Levine said that the government cannot be trusted to run the personal lives of Americans, because Republicans and Democrats alike are simply knuckleheads who arent smart enough to do so:

We know that most of the people in Congress maybe, not all, but most - are truly knuckleheads, and yet we want to confer all this authority and power on them to make decisions about our health care, immigration, and on and on and on, he said.

And, its not just Congress that Americans should be wary of, Levin said, warning that many judges are also manipulating the Constitution to advance their personal ideologies.

You look at these judges: many of them are playing a game. Theyre using The Constitution to advance their ideology," so Americans should be free to take responsibility for their own lives, Levin said.

Original post:
Mark Levin: 'Republican Party Is Committed to Lite SocialismThey Want a Lot of Gov't Intervention' -

Trump and Republicans are courting Florida’s Latinos. Democrats in the state are worried. – NBC News

MIAMI The Trump campaign events keep coming.

President Donald Trump has made Florida central to his re-election, holding nine campaign rallies in the state since he was elected and zeroing in on Hispanics.

Vice President Mike Pence has also been spending an ample amount of time in Florida. He just wrapped up a rally in Kissimmee as part of the Latinos for Trump coalition, pledging to the largely Puerto Rican crowd the administration will support the island after the earthquakes and touting the strong U.S. economy.

In addition to the rallies, Trump has held numerous events in the state addressing its diverse groups, such as Venezuelans and Cuban Americans.

At one of the events, on Jan. 3, Trump launched the Evangelicals for Trump coalition from a South Florida megachurch attended by thousands of Latinos.

Mauricio Tamayo, 52, a member of the congregation, said he didn't like Trump at first.

I wasnt used to his style. I thought he was arrogant, but he grows on you, he said, as audience members raised their hands in prayer.

"He speaks what's on his mind," according to the government employee and Colombia native, who said his 401K has grown "exponentially."

Trump won Florida in 2016 by less than one percentage point and most likely needs to carry the state to win re-election. Its the state where Trump has the greatest amount of support among Latinos, at around 34 percent.

Florida is critical, Mercedes Schlapp, a Trump campaign senior adviser, said.

"Were investing resources early, were building our ground game, and we have a tremendous focus on building up our Latinos for Trump coalition, the Cuban American native of Miami said.

The efforts by Trump and Republicans to focus on Latino voters who make up over a quarter of Florida's population and over 16 percent of its electorate worry several key Democrats in the state who are concerned that their party isn't being aggressive enough.

I feel we have taken the eye off the ball of the Hispanics that are necessary to win, said former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who lost a tight gubernatorial race in 2018.

Pushing back on Pence's visit, the Florida Democratic Party unveiled a bilingual billboard this week in the largely Puerto Rican area of Kissimmee, in Central Florida, showing a large image of Trump throwing paper towels at Puerto Ricans after the destruction of Hurricane Maria. The billboards say "Never forget" and in Spanish, "Prohibido olvidar" the lyrics of an old salsa song some voters may recognize.

Last week, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Prez held a roundtable discussion with local leaders in Miami on the administrations efforts against Obamacare and its impact on Latinos. Florida has the nation's highest number of Affordable Care Act enrollments and nationally, Latinos made the highest gains in coverage under Obamacare.

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In contrast to Trumps and Pence's massive rallies, the event was small and held in a conference room at the Borinquen Medical Center, which serves the community.

When asked if he was worried about the Republicans Latino outreach in Florida, Prez said, Talk is cheap his silence in the aftermath of the earthquakes (in Puerto Rico) has been deafening. This is a president who said, 'Im going to help you Venezuelans.' If he cared about the Venezuelan people, he could enact Temporary Protected Status tomorrow."

Juan Pealosa, executive director of the Florida Democratic Party, said the party has learned lessons from Trumps Florida win in 2016 and the state's midterm losses.

I dont think we did our job taking the election seriously. I think that has changed drastically, he said.

Pealosa recently told NBC News the party had hired the largest staff of any Democratic state party in the country, with more than 91 employees. They have completed 37,096 volunteer shifts in 2019 compared to 3,023 in 2015.

In the past, he said, Democrats have lacked well-trained surrogates across the state to help carry their message in the Spanish-language media something the Republicans have been doing for years. The party now has a Hispanic communications director who is training and booking Latino Democratic surrogates to be on Florida television and radio shows. They have also put more money in Spanish-language media buys and launched a weekly Spanish-language radio show in South Florida.

The Democrats lost five of six statewide races in Florida, including the gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races.

Republican Rick Scott, the states former governor, beat Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, after nearly two decades in office. Ron DeSantis won the governors mansion after embracing Trumps message during the campaign, even releasing an ad with his daughter building a wall out of blocks. Democrats did flip two House seats, however, in heavily Latino South Florida.

But there's been frustration and anger after the losses. Part of the reason for the Republican wins was their active courtship of Latino voters.

Annette Taddeo, a Democrat and a Colombian American state senator from the Miami area, is worried Trump could be making inroads with the growing number of Latinos who register with no party affiliation. And what are we doing? Nothing, she said.

Taddeo cited Scotts extensive Latino engagement when he was running for the Senate, saying he was everywhere." Scott attended the swearing-in of Colombia's president in 2018, visited Puerto Rico numerous times after Maria and set up help for families coming to Florida. Post-election data showed Puerto Ricans in Central Florida helped Scott win office.

Eduardo Gamarra, a Florida International University political science professor, said Republicans "understand diverse groups more than anyone else Democrats are behind and they have to do a better job of identifying and targeting those groups and they have to have a message."

In Florida, that means speaking to the state's growing Puerto Rican community about the administration's sluggish response following Maria, mobilizing Cuban Americans opposed to Trump's increasingly hard-line policies against Cuba including more travel restrictions and reminding Venezuelans that Trump still has not given them TPS.

Days before Thanksgiving, Trump held a homecoming rally in South Florida after changing his residence to the Sunshine State.

Before the rally, Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuez, a Cuban American from Miami who is the national co-chair for Latinos for Trump, sat with Schlapp and John Pence, the vice presidents nephew, for a conversation about socialism that was televised on a giant screen and streamed live on social media.

Trump and Republicans constantly equate Democrats with socialism, but nowhere does that message get amplified more than in Florida, where a large concentration of Latinos have fled socialist countries.

Socialism is a strong, powerful message, Nuez told NBC News. She said that every time Trump says at a rally that America will never be a socialist country, thats the line that gets the most applause, its the one that gets the most reaction.

Democratic lawmakers, especially in Florida, have been very vocal about their opposition to Venezuela's government.

But Taddeo said there are candidates that are not doing us any favors with some of their comments, tweets and inexperience when it comes to Latin America, and Bolivia is a perfect example.

Recently, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., drew criticism from some for tweeting that he was concerned that Bolivias former socialist president Evo Morales, who was pressured to resign in the wake of massive protests over a disputed election, may have been the victim of a coup.

Gillum, who was branded a socialist by Republicans during his campaign, warned that on issues like Venezuela, Democrats have to speak out forcefully against these types of authoritarian regimes or I fear it does a disservice to give Republicans something to hit us over the head about.

Democrats also have to boost their voter turnout, says Gillum, who has been focusing on this through "Forward Florida Action," his political action committee.

Prez said that when it comes to Trump, "people are smart, and you can't gloss it over with a few rallies here and there."

But Gamarra notes that Trump has the advantage of incumbency in resources and money, and the Republicans know the election outcome "is going to be less than 2 percent."

"The Democrats should be doing a lot more in Florida," Gamarra said.

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Trump and Republicans are courting Florida's Latinos. Democrats in the state are worried. - NBC News