Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Here’s Something: Now more than ever, socialism’s evils need to be unveiled – Press Herald

Though Halloween has passed, with ghosts, goblins and scary scarecrows all about, an upcoming event based on real-world history and current events will really scare you to death.

The Gray Republican Committee is teaming with the Windham Republican Committee and 46 other sponsors to host an event examining the true nature of socialism. The night kicks off at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the Windham Veterans Center.

WGAN NewsRadio has been advertising the event, and it sounds like organizers have an information-packed night planned, complete with three speakers, one of whom owned a business in socialism-wracked Venezuela.

The event is a response to Democrat presidential hopefuls espousing the virtues of socialism. The two Republican committees want to remind attendees of past atrocities committed under authoritarian socialist regimes around the world and also warn voters to beware anyone espousing similar views here.

The need for such an event would have been unimaginable just a decade ago. Americans have always loved and coveted their freedoms. That propensity is shifting, however, with polls saying many would be willing to forego freedom for government-provided, cradle-to-grave security.

With the rise of socialist stars such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren calling for universal health care, free college tuition and burdensome taxation required to pay for it all, the need to remind voters how socialist policies choke the life out of the economy and sap personal freedom is sadly required.

One of the events speakers will be former Rep. Bruce Poliquin, who was interviewed recently on WGAN. Poliquin gave an apt summary for how socialism destroys freedom by first asking the radio audience to imagine paying 80-90% of their wages in taxes to afford all the freebies Sanders and Warren are promising.

That level of taxation, he said, would mean very little left over to pay for the needs of daily life such as food, rent and utilities. With all of ones wages going to daily needs, there would be little left for wants such as hobbies, sports or even Sunday afternoon drives in the countryside.

And for those entrepreneurial capitalists who dream of one day opening their own business, of course thered be no money left over for such pursuits, he added.

As a result, the deadly combination of high taxation and little extra spending money would strangle the economy.

Right now, America thrives because most citizens have the buying power to provide for their needs and wants. Trumps tax cuts have further fueled citizens and companies cash reserves. If taxes rise to 80% and accumulated wealth dries up, those dreams disappear and life becomes one of survival.

Sure, wed have free health care (as long as doctors and nurses still enter that demanding field for little reward), but wed lead miserable lives making sure we always pleased the government, from which all things would derive.

History tells us that socialism results from societies choosing equality of outcome and security over equality of opportunity and freedom. Americas founders were the first to trust the common people with true liberty and a vote. For 245 years, weve enjoyed abundant life brought on by this inheritance of freedom, so much so that many take it for granted.

Democrat Presidential hopefuls promising personal and economic security through socialism are threatening that freedom. I dont think theyll win over the majority of Americans with their foolish ideology in 2020, but at least they are sparking spirited discussions of the issue, one of which will take place Nov. 20 in Windham.

Excerpt from:
Here's Something: Now more than ever, socialism's evils need to be unveiled - Press Herald

Evo overthrown but Bolivian Socialism will be victorious! – Dissident Voice

EVO YES, battered with graffitti .

They pledged to do it, and they did Bolivian feudal lords, mass media magnates and other treasonous elites they overthrew the government, broke hope and interrupted an extremely successful socialist process in what was once one of the poorest countries in South America.

One day they will be cursed by their own nation. One day they will stand trial for sedition. One day they will have to reveal who trained them, who employed them, who turned them into spineless beasts. One day! Hopefully soon.

But now, Evo Morales, legitimate President of Bolivia, elected again and again by his people, is leaving his beloved country. He is crossing the Andes, flying far, to fraternal Mexico, which extended her beautiful hand, and offered him political asylum.

This is now. The striking streets of La Paz are covered by smoke, full of soldiers, stained with blood. People are disappearing. They are being detained, beaten, and tortured. Photos of indigenous men and women, kneeling, facing walls, hands tied behind their backs, are beginning to circulate on social media.

Before a slum, now good town of El Alto

El Alto, until recently a place of hope, with its playgrounds for children and elegant cable cars connecting the once dirt-poor communities, is now beginning to lose its native sons and daughters. Battles are raging. People are charging against the oppressors, carrying flags, dying.

A civil war, or more precisely, a war for the survival of socialism, a war against imperialism, for social justice, for indigenous people. A war against racism. A war for Bolivia, for its tremendous pre-colonial culture, for life; life as it is being perceived in the Andes, or deep in the South American rainforest, not as it is seen in Paris, Washington or Madrid.


The legacy of Evo Morales is tangible, and simple to understand.

During almost 14 years in power, all the social indicators of Bolivia went sky-high. Millions were pulled out of poverty. Millions have been benefiting from free medical care, free education, subsidized housing, improved infrastructure, a relatively high minimum wage, but also from pride that was given back to the indigenous population, which forms the majority in this historically feudal country governed by corrupt, ruthless elites descendants of Spanish conquistadors and European gold-diggers.

Indigenous people waiting for free medical care in La Paz

Evo Morales made the Aymara and Quechua languages official, on par with Spanish. He made people who communicate in these languages equal to those who use the tongue of the conquerors. He elevated the great indigenous culture high, to where it belongs making it the symbol of Bolivia, and of the entire region.

Gone was the Christian cross-kissing (look at the crosses reappearing again, all around the oh so European-looking Jeanine Aez who has grabbed power, temporarily but still thoroughly illegally). Instead, Evo used to travel, at least once a year, to Tiwanaku, the capital of the powerful pre-Hispanic empire that dominated a large area of the southern Andes and beyond, reached its apogee between 500 and 900 AD, according to UNESCO. That is where he used to search for spiritual peace. That is where his identity came from.

Gone was the veneration of the Western colonialist and imperialist culture, of savage capitalism.

This was a new world with ancient, deep roots. This is where South America has been regrouping. Here, and in Correas Ecuador, before Correa and his beliefs were purged and ousted by the treacherous Moreno.

And what is more: before the coup, Bolivia was not suffering from economic downfall; it was doing well, extremely well. It was growing, stable, reliable, confident.

Even the owners of big Bolivian companies, if they were to care one bit for Bolivia and its people, had countless reasons to rejoice.


But the Bolivian business community, as in so many other Latin American countries, is obsessed with the one and only indicator: how much higher, how much above the average citizens it can get. This is the old mentality of the colonialists; a feudal, fascist mentality.

Years ago, I was invited, in La Paz, for dinner by an old family of senators and mass media owners. With no shame, no fear, openly, they spoke, despite knowing who I was:

We will get rid of this Indigenous bastard. Who does he think he is? If we lose millions of dollars in the process, as we did in 1973 Chile and now in Venezuela, we will still do it. Restoring our order is the priority.

There is absolutely no way to reason with these people. They cannot be appeased, only crushed; defeated. In Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador or in Bolivia. They are like rats, like disease, proverbial symbols of fascism as in the novel The Plague, written by Albert Camus. They can hide, but they never fully disappear. They are always ready to invade, with zero notice, some happy city.

They are always ready to join forces with the West because their roots are in the West. They think precisely like the European conquerors, like North American imperialists. They have double nationalities and homes scattered all over the world. Latin America for them is just a place to live, and to plunder natural resources, exploit labor. They rob here, and spend money elsewhere; educate their children elsewhere, get their surgeries done (plastic and real) elsewhere. They go to opera houses in Paris but never mingle with indigenous people at home. Even if, by some miracle, they join the Left, it is the Western, anarcho-syndicalist Left of North America and Europe, never the real, anti-imperialist, revolutionary Left of non-European countries.

They dont need the success of the nation. They dont want a great, prosperous Bolivia; Bolivia for all of its citizens.

They only want prosperous corporations. They want money, profit for themselves, for their families and clans, for their bandit group of people. They want to be revered, considered exceptional, superior. They cannot live without that gap the great gap between them and those dirty Indians, as they call the indigenous people when no one hears them!


Stunning La Paz

And that is why Bolivia should fight, defend itself, as it is beginning to do so right now.

If this, what is happening to Evo and his government, is the end, then Bolivia will be set back by decades. Entire generations will again rot alive, in desperation, in rural shacks made of clay, without water and electricity, and without hope.

The elites are now talking about peace, peace for whom? For them! Peace, as it was before Evo; peace so the rich can play golf and fly for shopping to their beloved Miami and Madrid, while 90% of the population was getting kicked, humiliated, insulted. I remember that peace. The Bolivian people remember it even better.

I covered the civil war in neighboring Peru for several years in the 90s, and I often crossed over into Bolivia. I wrote an entire novel about it, Point of No Return. It was an absolute horror. I could not even take my local photographers to a concert or for a cup of coffee in a decent place because they were cholos, indigenous. Nobodies in their own countries. It was apartheid. And if socialism does not return, it will be apartheid once again.

Last time I went to Bolivia, few months ago, it was totally different country. Free, confident. Stunning.

Remembering what I saw in Bolivia and Peru, quarter of a century ago, I declare, clearly and decisively: To hell with such peace, proposed by elites!


None of this is, of course, mentioned in Western mass media outlets. I am monitoring them, from the New York Times to Reuters. In the US, UK, even France. Their eyes are shining. They cannot hide their excitement; euphoria.

The same NYT celebrated the massacres during the 1965-66 US-orchestrated military coup in Indonesia or on 9-11-1973 in Chile.

Now Bolivia, predictably. Big smiles all over the West. Again, and again, the findings of the OAS (Organization of American States) are being quoted as if they were facts; the findings of an organization which is fully subservient to Western interests, particularly those of Washington.

It is as if by saying: We have proof that a coup did not take place, because those who had organized the coup say that it actually did not happen.


In Paris, on November 10th, in the middle of the Place de la Republique, a huge crowd of treasonous Bolivians gathered, demanding the resignation of Evo. I filmed and photographed these people. I wanted to have this footage in my possession, for posterity.

They live in France, and their allegiances are towards the West. Some are even of European stock, although others are indigenous.

There are millions of Cubans, Venezuelans, Brazilians, living in the US and Europe, working tirelessly for the destruction of their former motherlands. They do it in order to please their new masters, to make profit, as well as various other reasons.

It is not peace. This is terrible, brutal war, which has already taken millions of lives in Latin America alone.

This continent has the most unequally distributed wealth on earth. Hundreds of millions are living in misery. While others, sons and daughters or Bolivian feudal scum, are attending Sorbonne and Cambridge to get intellectually conditioned in order to serve the West.

Each time, and I repeat each time, a decent, honest government is voted in, democratically, by the people, each time there is someone who has invented a brilliant solution and solid plan to improve this dire situation, the clock begins ticking. The years, (sometimes even months) of the leader are numbered. He or she will either be killed, or ousted, or humiliated and forced out of power.

The country then goes back to literally shit, as has happened just recently to Ecuador (under Moreno), Argentina (under Macri) and Brazil (under Bolsonaro). The brutal status quo is preserved. The lives of tens of millions are ruined. Peace returns. For the Western regime and its lackeys.

Then, as a raped country screams in pain, countless international NGOs, UN agencies and funding organizations, descend upon it, suddenly determined to help refugees, to keep children in classrooms, to empower women, or to fight malnutrition and hunger.

None of this would be needed if the elected governments which are serving their people were to be left alone; left in real peace!

All this sick, pathetic hypocrisy is never discussed publicly by the mass media. All this Western terrorism unleashed against progressive Latin American countries (and dozens of other countries, all over the world), is hushed up.

Enough is enough!

Latin America is, once again, waking up. The people are outraged. The coup in Bolivia will be resisted. Macris regime has fallen. Mexico is marching in a cautiously socialist direction. Chile wants its socialist country back, a country which was crushed by military boots in 1973.

In the name of the people, in the name of the great indigenous culture, and in the name of the entire continent, Bolivian citizens are now resisting, struggling, confronting the fascist, pro-Western forces.

Revolutionary language is once again being used. It may be out of fashion in Paris or London, but not in South America. And that is what matters here!

For them we fight and will win

Evo did not lose. He won. His country has won. Under his leadership, it became a wonderful country; a country full of hope, a country that offered great prospects to hundreds of millions all over La Patria Grande. Everyone south of the Rio Grande knows it. Marvelous Mexico, which has given him asylum, knows it, too.

Evo has won. And then, he was forced out by the treasonous military, by treasonous business thugs, feudal land owners, and by Washington. Evo and his family and comrades have been brutalized by that extreme right-wing paramilitary leader Luis Fernando Camacho who is calling himself a Christian; brutalized by him and by his men and women.

Bolivia will fight. It will bring back its legitimate President where he belongs to the Presidential Palace.

The plane which is taking Evo to Mexico, north, is actually taking him home, back to Bolivia. It is a big, big detour. Thousands of kilometers, and months, perhaps even years But from the moment the airplane took off, the tremendous epic journey back to La Paz began.

The people of Bolivia will never abandon their President. And Evo is forever tied to his People. And Long Live Bolivia, Damn It!

Photos by Andre Vltchek

This article was posted on Friday, November 15th, 2019 at 8:04pm and is filed under "The West", Bolivia, Coup, Mexico, Opinion, President Evo Morales, United States.

See the rest here:
Evo overthrown but Bolivian Socialism will be victorious! - Dissident Voice

I am not a socialist: One candidates attempt to make sense of the polarizing Seattle elections – Seattle Times

Nothing in politics is more self-affirming, in a very public way, than winning an election.

Your message has resonated. Your principles have been given a public thumbs-up. The people like you, they really like you.

So it was interesting to catch up with freshly elected Seattle City Council member Andrew Lewis on Tuesday, and find him instead feeling a bit misunderstood.

There were narratives in this election that were forced on us as candidates that we did not choose, Lewis, 29, said. I dont think we all see ourselves as part of this story.

He was talking about the Amazon versus socialism smackdown that played out in the elections final few weeks. Lewis said it completely drowned out what most local candidates were actually proposing. Since the election ended, that polarized story line may only be intensifying.

After decisive Socialist victories, Amazon should ditch Seattle for Bellevue, read a hot take Monday on local radio website

The space between Seattle liberalism and Sawant socialism has closed, pronounced local political consultant DJ Wilson,referring to Socialist Alternatives Kshama Sawant, who won a stirring come-from-behind victory.

She, not surprisingly, agrees:The overall City Council results were as close to a referendum on the Amazon tax as possible, she said Saturday, as a crowd chanted for her other top priority: Rent control, rent control, make Seattle affordable.

Is any of this borne out by the election we just had?

First, one Socialist candidate scored a victory, not plural Socialists (the only other one running, Democratic Socialist Shaun Scott, didnt win). Second, while Amazons tone-deaf electioneering plainly backfired, that doesnt mean all the candidates who won last week fit neatly into Sawants anti-Amazon or pro-socialist camp.

I can confirm that I am not a socialist, said Lewis, laughing.

Take the Amazon tax, otherwise known as the head tax, which Sawant wants to bring back. Three of the four new, incoming members of the City Council said during the campaign theyre opposed to that (one, Ballards Dan Strauss, was more of a maybe, but he did say my preference is to not have it come back.)

Lewis, a self-described labor Democrat who will now represent the downtown district that contains Amazon, got grouped with the tax Amazon slate when the Chamber of Commerce endorsed his opponent. But all campaign long he kept saying a per employee type of head tax was a bad idea.

People were concerned about Amazon putting all that money into the election, because they want the council to be responsive to the general public, Lewis said. But thats different than the public wanting us to now turn around and tax Amazon. I just dont think the election meant tax Amazon.

Likewise three of the four incoming members of the council said in surveys and debates that they oppose rent control Lewis, Strauss and Alex Pedersen of the 4th District. That would leave Tammy Morales of the 2nd District as the only new member of the council who comes in backing rent control.

Im not arguing for or against these policy ideas, just that the winning slate is nowhere near as monolithic as advertised. This election, while unusually exciting, is now being predictably oversold by right-wingers who love to hate on Seattle as a socialistic hellhole, and by Sawant, who Tuesday on Democracy Now called the vote an absolutely historic event for progressive politics.

But in some areas the council may even have just tilted rightward. Take the urbanist environmentalist plan for congestion tolling downtown streets, which was a goal of outgoing Councilmember Mike OBrien. Five out of the seven candidates elected last week answered a hard no to that in Seattle Times surveys (a sixth, incumbent Debora Juarez, said maybe). That leaves only one booster for a tolling scheme, Strauss who is OBriens replacement.

Issue stances that did get a clear political boost include more housing density in single-family zones (all seven winning candidate answered yes to that). Seattle opening a safe-injection site for drugs got the support of six winning candidates only Pedersen said no.

The record spending by outside groups and the contrived slates was like an out-of-body experience, Lewis said, obscuring the distinct character of any us. Ironically it may have gotten him elected, but now its continuing, and we havent even taken office yet, he said.

Thats politics, circa 2019. Polarize first, try to govern later. Maybe everyone take a break and, uh, go watch the impeachment hearings or something.

Go here to see the original:
I am not a socialist: One candidates attempt to make sense of the polarizing Seattle elections - Seattle Times

How A Russian’s Grocery Store Trip In 1989 Exposed The Lie Of Socialism – The Federalist

The fall of the Berlin Wall was indeed a watershed in the collapse of the Soviet Empire, yet one could argue the true death knell came two months before at a small grocery store in Clear Lake, Texas.

The fall of the Soviet Union is sometimes remembered as Nov. 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall symbolically collapsed. While the physical barrier endured for some two more years, on that day, East German Communist Party officials announced they would no longer stop citizens of the German Democratic Republic from crossing the border.

The fall of the barrier that scarred Germany was indeed a watershed in the collapse of the Soviet Empire, yet one could argue the true death knell came two months before at a small grocery store in Clear Lake, Texas.

On Sept. 16, 1989, Boris Yeltsin was a newly elected member of the Soviet Parliament visiting the United States. Following a scheduled visit to Johnson Space Center, Yeltsin and a small entourage made an unscheduled stop at a Randalls grocery store in Clear Lake, a suburb of Houston. He was amazed by the aisles of food and stocked shelves, a sharp contrast to the breadlines and empty columns he was accustomed to in Russia.

Yeltsin, who had a reputation as a reformer and populist, roamed the aisles of Randalls nodding his head in amazement, wrote Stefanie Asin, a Houston Chronicle reporter. He marveled at free cheese samples, fresh fish and produce, and freezers packed full of pudding pops. Along the way, Yeltsin chatted up customers and store workers: How much does this cost? Do you need special education to manage a supermarket? Are all American stores like this?

Yeltsin was a member of the Politburo and Russias upper political crust, yet hed never seen anything like the offerings of this little American grocery store.Even the Politburo doesnt have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev, Yeltsin said.

Its difficult for Americans to grasp Yeltsins astonishment. Our market economy has evolved from grocery stores to companies such as Walmart and Amazon that compete to deliver food right to our homes.

Yeltsins reaction can be understood, however, by looking back on the conditions in the Soviet Unions economy. Russia grocery stores at the time looked like this and this:

Now compare that footage to the images of Yeltsin shopping at a U.S. supermarket. The contrast is undeniable. Yeltsins experience that day ran contrary to everything he knew. A longtime member of the Communist Party who had lived his entire life in a one-party system that punished dissent harshly, Yeltsin had been taught over and over that socialism wasnt just more equitable, but more efficient.

His eyes were opened that day, and the revelation left the future Russian president feeling sick.

When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people, Yeltsin later wrote in his autobiography, Against the Grain. That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it.

Yeltsin was not the only person fooled, of course. There is copious documentation of Western intellectuals beguiled by the Soviet system. These individuals, who unlike Yeltsin did not live in a state-controlled media environment, saw the Soviet system as both economically and morally superior to American capitalism despite the brutal methods employed in the workers paradise.

I have seen the future, and it works, the Progressive Era journalist Lincoln Steffens famously said.

Paul Samuelson, the first American to win the Nobel Prize in economics and one of the most influential economists of the 20th century, was a longtime enthusiast of Soviet central planning and predicted it would lead to a higher standard of living.Who could know that [the data] was all fake? Samuelson is said to have asked a fellow economist following the empires collapse.

Despite decades of propaganda and obfuscation, the great fiction of socialism was eventually fully exposed with the fall of the Soviet Union and the publication of its archives in the 1990s.No longer could academics deny the truth that the people of the Soviet Union endured a painfully low standard of living despite the vast wealth of its empire.

Their standard of living was low, not only by comparison with that in the United States, but also compared to the standard of living in countries with far fewer natural resources, such as Japan and Switzerland, the economist Thomas Sowell observed in Basic Economics.

Yeltsin deserves credit for laying bare the lie of socialism that so many others had refused to see.[T]here would be a revolution, Yeltsin told his entourage that fateful September day in 1989, if the people in the Soviet Union ever saw the prosperity in American grocery stores.Yeltsin was more right than he knew.

How A Russian's Grocery Store Trip In 1989 Exposed The Lie Of Socialism - The Federalist

Socialism Becomes the Anti-Semitism of the Enlightened – Jewish Link of New Jersey

By Jonathan S. Tobin | November 14, 2019

In recent years, socialismthe ideology that gave birth to some of the worst horrors of the 20th centuryhas made a comeback. Only 30 years after it was consigned to an unlamented grave with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is making its political return.

Part of this surge in sympathy for socialism is due to Bernie Sanders presidential candidacy, as well as the notoriety gained by one of his greatest supporters: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who, like the Vermont senator, is an avowed socialist.

A poll taken earlier this year by Gallup showed that some four in 10 Americans embraced some form of socialism. While a majority of those polled51%said that socialism would be a bad thing for the country, a staggering 43% said it would be a good thing.

Its not clear if those who tell pollsters they like socialism understand what they are saying. Some may just like Sanders or AOC, hate President Trump or view it as a catchall phrase expressing very liberal views about a variety of subjects or antagonism toward big business. But whatever it means, theres no doubt that the stigma attached to socialism during the struggle against communism during the Cold War and the historical record of what happens when Socialists take over nations has faded.

The irony about this is that, as scholar Ruth Wisse noted in a brilliant lecture given at the third annual conference on Jews and conservatisman event sponsored by the Jewish Leadership Conference and supported by the Tikvah FoundationJewish socialism is dead. By that, Wisse, who is arguably the greatest living authority on Yiddish literature, as well as a formidable and insightful commentator on Jewish history and politics, was describing something that is largely extinct.

Prior to World War II and the Holocaust, supporters of the Socialist Bund Party were not merely ubiquitous in Jewish life, but more numerous than Zionists in many places. Jewish socialists won the political allegiances of many Jews who saw in Marxism an escape from both economic misery and religious prejudice.

Yet those hopesboth in terms of the endemic economic failure of socialist systems and the promise of equal rights for Jewswere ultimately dashed by the success of the revolution in Russia. The same is true elsewhere in places where the extreme left has subsequently gained power, as events in Cuba and Venezuela subsequently proved.

Jewish socialists didnt wish to abandon their Jewish identities. They dreamed of a world in which Yiddish-speaking Jews would exercise a degree of autonomy and nurture their unique culture, in which capitalism would be routed and replaced with a more just system.

But what they discovered was that there was a profound contradiction between the promises of socialism for Jews and what it delivered. In a system built on compulsion and where governments could dictate behavior to their subjects, Jews inevitably found themselves being victimized and told to give up their separate identity.

The only place where Jewish socialism succeeded, at least for a time, was in Israel, where the power of the institutions it created helped build the state. It did not, however, have the same tyrannical impact of other socialist systems. Even there, such ideas were ultimately no match for the genius of the market economy. Still, the contrast between the kibbutzim in their heyday and collective farming elsewhere was that Jews were free to leave and not compelled to become state serfs.

The point about socialism that todays enthusiasts forget is how closely it is linked to the worst tragedies of the last century. Its hard for people to admit that the evidence shows that it did far more harm than good. Governments are needed to help those who fall through the cracks of systems rooted in economic freedom, but giving the state so much power inevitably leads to tyranny. And that is something thats always bad for the Jews.

But the point about Wisses autopsy on socialism is that its legacy is antithetical to Jewish interests. Sanders embodies the irony that the man who stands a chance of becoming the nations first Jewish or socialist president is someone who gave up the practice of Judaism and is not supportive of Israel. Nor is it irrelevant to point out that the greatest enemies of Israel and the most blatant purveyors of anti-Semitism in our political system, like AOCs fellow Squad members Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), have endorsed him. Neither is the choice of left-wing academic elites in the West to support an anti-Semitic movement like BDS a mere accident of history.

If in the past anti-Semitism was derided by some on the left as the socialism of fools, Wisse rightly noted that socialism has now become the anti-Semitism of the enlightened. The death of Jewish socialism and an honest look at how totalitarianism sprung from its bosom is a warning from history that Jewish communities everywhere cant afford to ignore.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNSJewish News Syndicate. Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_tobin.

The rest is here:
Socialism Becomes the Anti-Semitism of the Enlightened - Jewish Link of New Jersey