Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Sri Lanka: Statements demanding the immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk – WSWS

We publish below statements from an academic, a senior journalist and several prominent artists in Sri Lanka calling for the release of comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk, leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL) in Ukraine, who has been arrested and detained by the Security Services of Ukraine. The statements are in response to the global campaign initiated by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) and the World Socialist Web Site (WSWS).

Bogdan was arrested and imprisoned by the fascistic Zelensky regimes secret police on April 25, on bogus allegations that he was an agent of the Putin regime in Russia. The real reason for his arrest is that he is fighting to unite Ukrainian and Russian workers on a socialist program against the US-NATO war against Russia and all the governments involved. We urge all readers to sign the ICFIs online petitionhere.

Ameen Izzadeen, Colombo-based Daily Mirrors international affairs analyst and advocate for global justice and media freedom:

As a senior journalist and an advocate for global justice and media freedom, I am calling for a worldwide outcry against the arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk, the leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL), currently detained in a high-security prison in Nikolaev, southern Ukraine.

His arrest on trumped-up charges raises serious concerns over the fast-shrinking political space for freedom of expression and socialist political views in Ukraine. Together with the indefinite postponement of democratic elections, the arrest of Syrotiuk on high-treason charges also signals Ukraines headlong plunge into right-wing extremism.

The arrest of Syrotiuk is an attempt to silence democratic dissent in society. I also note with serious concern the Ukrainian governments effort to slap terrorism labels on those who publish views critical of the regime and call them information terrorists.

To support the charges against Syrotiuk, the Ukrainian authorities have cited his contributions to the WSWS. Despite the Ukrainian regimes unfounded claims that label the WSWS as a Russian propaganda outlet, it is important to note that WSWS operates from the United States. Its wide readership and commitment to pro-peace activism and independent journalism cannot justifiably be categorised as pro-Russian propaganda.

As a media freedom activist, I add my voice to the growing global condemnation against the arrest of the young political leader and demand his immediate release.

Sumudu Walakuluge, a senior lecturer in the Political Science department at Peradeniya University:

Bogdan Syrotiuk, a nemesis of the fascistic Zelensky regime and the NATO-worldwide capitalist imperialist-led Ukraine-Russia war, has been arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Bogdan was arrested on fraudulent charges of sabotaging the territorial integrity of Ukraine and serving the interests of Russia. It has been common throughout history for fascistic and racist regimes to hurl these sorts of shameless accusations against all true opponents of bloody imperialist war. From the outset, Bogdan has fought against the US-led NATO, the Zelensky administration and the chaotic Moscow regime.

The frame-up charges concocted against Bogdan by the SBU, which could have been organised as part of the NATO-Zelensky alliance, falsely claim that he, and the WSWS, are propagators of Russian propaganda.

The Zelensky regime has manipulated this sort of scenario to call for their cowardly war against socialist opposition, including the ICFI and its public organ, the WSWS. This incident has taken place amid rising Ukrainian working-class solidarity against the war provoked by Western capitalism and Zelenskys puppet regime. It demonstrates that the Zelensky regime is brutally suppressing all left-wing movements.

Darshana Medis, poet and Marxist art critic:

I strongly denounce the foul arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Bogdan Syrotiuk, leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL) in Ukraine, by the fascistic forces of the Zelensky regime. His detainment one month ago due to his so-called high treason is based on false and absurd allegations. Reports confirm that he is being held under atrocious conditions in a high security prison in southern Ukraine, with no sign of release.

It is clear that Comrade Bogdan is not just an individual target but the victim of a state frame-up against the YGBL and its political allies. The YGBL, active not only in Ukraine but also in Russia and Eastern Europe, is affiliated with the ICFI, the world Trotskyist movement. It is a well-known fact that the ICFI is the only truly Marxist force in the world today, and fights against both imperialism and its puppets, on the one hand, and pseudo-leftists on the other. It fundamentally opposes the invasion of Ukraine by Russias Putin regime and US-NATO backed Zelensky regime as well. Both regimes do not wish to see the unity of Russian and Ukrainian workers and here lies the real concern in targeting Bogdan.

The recent activities by Comrade Bogdan and his YGBL, a socialist and internationalist opponent of wars waged by the ruling class along the above Marxist lines, are becoming popular among war-torn masses. This reveals a profound truth: Whatever political pressures, including the fatal physical blows experienced since Lenins demise, Trotskyism is not dead, and it cannot simply be destroyed in former USSR states. It will continue to hold its head high and will fulfill its obligations for the elimination of world capitalism from the planet once and for all.

Malaka Devapriya, an award-winning filmmaker and radio playwright:

The Zelensky regime in Ukraine has made an absurd charge that anti-war activists opposing the Ukraine war are pro-Kremlin. Throwing out these vicious charges, Bogdan Syrotiuk, who opposes the war on the basis of a socialist program, has been arrested and labelled pro-Russian. I think that this is serious evidence of the fate facing anti-war activists in Ukraine. As an artist, I express my full support to the international campaign by the ICFI for the release of this young socialist fighter and demand he be immediately released.

I assume that artists around the world do not express a pro-war standpoint. With various conflicts taking place in Sri Lanka and internationally we see a divided social environment where human lives and properties have been destroyed. We can see in the regimes formed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the restoration of capitalism how the Russian people have been subjected to poverty, the looting of state property, war and other disasters. The eruption of the Russia-Ukraine war is intimately bound up with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

People must have a correct understanding of the material factors leading to war, such as the contradictions of capitalism and that there is the real threat that the Ukraine war and anti-Palestine genocide by Israel are developing into a Third World War. At the same time, we have the historical experiences of human lives claimed in wars. Millions of lives were lost during World War II, and we also experienced the racialist war in Sri Lanka, which spanned three decades and claimed more than one hundred thousand lives.

Sujith Ratnayake, a painter:

The Ukraine regime has arbitrarily taken Bogdan Syrotiuk into custody because he fights against war on behalf of the workers and youth that are being killed. He bases himself on socialism. It is true that when a war mindset is created, there is no place for opposition. As a painter I condemn the arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk and as a painter I use art as Bertolt Brecht did art against Hitler and the war.

It is the oppressed people who lose their lives in Ukraine and Russia, without any reason. As Brecht stated, when a war begins there will be no brakes and there are no good wars and bad wars. War is war.

Wasantha Wijesiri, a cartoonist and government schoolteacher

It is clear Bogdan Syrotiuk has been arrested by the Zelensky government in Ukraine on bogus charges. I think that this is an attack on the world Marxist-Trotskyist movement, the ICFI, which publishes theWSWS.

The aim of this arrest was to block the important struggle of Syrotiuk and his comrades to mobilise the Ukrainian and Russian working class on the program of the ICFI and a malicious attempt to cover up the true situation of this barbaric war.

A mass movement must be built against this repressive and arbitrary arrest and capitalist war. We should oppose Americas world order and its attempt to seize power in the region through NATO. It should be exposed. In this way we must support the anti-capitalist and anti-war struggle of Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk and wish this struggle to be successful.

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Sri Lanka: Statements demanding the immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk - WSWS

Understanding what Democratic Socialists of America are and how they differ from social Democrats – Fullerton Observer

Organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) continue to gain prominence, growing from 24,000 members in 2017 to 92,000 members today. So, what is Democratic Socialism? Democratic socialism is fairly easy to define based on the two components of its name: democratic, meaning rule by the people, and socialism, meaning that the workers own the means of production.

The first principle seeks to mend the source of many criticisms of forms of socialism, putting the direct will of the people above all else andfullysubjecting any structures of power to the desires of the people not those holding office. This focus on democracyis enshrinedin the national DSA Constitution and the constitutions of every local DSA chapter.

The second workers owning the means of production is the central end goal of the labor movement, which democratic socialists wholeheartedly support.Whether fromin-depth economic analyses like Capital or through observing historical and modern material conditions, socialists agree on one central principle: theliberation of the masses at large the working masses can only come from those masses owning the means of production. These two principles are agreed upon by all members of DSA, even those who do not consider themselves democratic socialists.

As an organization, DSA does not form an ideological hegemony; a wide variety of political views are represented throughout chapters around the country. Instead, members are committed to one shared goal: to progress society however they can. Thanks to their popularity as members of Congress, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezare commonly cited as examples of democratic socialists. Most socialists would not consider them such. Instead, they are considered social democrats a capitalist designation developing out of a regression from the principles of prior socialist organizations like the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Likewise, countries often regarded as socialist, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, are also social democracies; they arestill capitalist states but have a greater focus on providing services to the people than more laissez-faire capitalist nations like the United States.

Due to its organizations diversity and the desire to recruit all who want to change the world, regardless of age, DSA involves high school and college students through the Young Democratic Socialists of America or YDSA. Here in Fullerton, a YDSA chapter is currently being organized at CSUF toorganize the citys youth and work to improve Fullerton and CSUF. So far, this has included advocacy against crippling tuition hikes, calls for the demilitarization of Fullerton PD, and efforts to protect free speech on campus.

If you have any questions about democratic socialism or want to makechange happen, contact Titan YDSA at If you want to join DSA but are not a current student, contact Orange County DSA at to learn more.

(Note for transparency/clarification: while this post generally conveys the original ideas as submitted, it has been edited to some degree)

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Understanding what Democratic Socialists of America are and how they differ from social Democrats - Fullerton Observer

Australia: Gold Coast Gaza rally hears socialist anti-war perspective – WSWS

More than 100 people rallied and marched through Surfers Paradise at Australias Gold Coast on Saturday to denounce the intensifying Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Albanese Labor governments ongoing diplomatic and military support for the mass murder of Palestinians.

Led by young workers and Middle Eastern families, it was the latest in weekly protest activities in the city. Gold Coast, although mostly known as a tourism destination, is Australias sixth largest city, with a population exceeding 650,000, including many working-class people.

There were spirited chants, such as free, free Palestine and Albanese you cant hide, youre supporting genocide during the rally and march. Many onlookers were supportive, another sign of the widespread disgust and opposition to the crimes being committed by the Israeli regime with the backing of the US and its allies, including Australia.

Mike Head, a Socialist Equality Party national committee member and WSWS correspondent, addressed the rally at the invitation of the organisers. He began by posing the burning questions we all confront: How can the genocide in Gaza be ended? And how can we stop the wider plunge to war by the US and its allies?

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Head said the harsh reality was that the Israeli regime and its backers in Washington and Canberra had doubled down on the mass killings, despite millions of people around the globe, including in Australia, joining the largest worldwide anti-war movement in decades.

Over the past week, the protest movement has grown in the US, especially on the university campuses, he said. Following the arrests of more than 100 students at Columbia University in New York, encampments have been set up at least 40 universities across the US, and spread to other countries, including here.

In response, the Biden administration, in alliance with the fascist-led Republican Party, has backed a massive police mobilisation against the students. The ruling class is effectively moving to criminalise political opposition to the Gaza genocide, slandering it as antisemitic, even though many Jewish students are involved.

Head warned that the Albanese government and the police-intelligence agencies were trying to create the political conditions for similar repression in Australia by orchestrating sweeping police raids to arrest Islamic teenagers on flimsy terrorism charges without any evidence of terrorist plots or plans.

This is as the final stage of the genocide is now looming, with intensifying bombings in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where over 1.5 million Palestinians are crammed in shocking conditions, and plans to forcibly remove them all into tents.

The US Congress had just given bipartisan support to another $US95 billion for war fundingfor the US-NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, for arming Israel for its genocide in Gaza and military confrontation with Iran, and for building up Taiwan as a war base against China.

Also attached to the bill was another $3 billion for the AUKUS submarine program, which was aimed directly at China.

These developments make clear the connection between the Gaza genocide and the wider plunge to potential nuclear wars by US imperialism against Iran, Russia and China, Head stated.

Many protest leaders had presented Gaza as a single issue, unconnected to any other developments and the history of US wars, including from Vietnam to Iraq. And they had kept urging people to write to MPs and send petitions to the very same capitalist politicians responsible for the slaughter in Gaza.

The task is not to issue requests to these governments, but to build a mass political movement aimed at overthrowing them and the capitalist system they defend, Head said to applause.

Via the AUKUS military pact with the US and the UK, the Albanese Labor government was completing Australias transformation into a frontline state for war against China, including via US basing arrangements.

It is a political dead end to try to convince politicians and governments to adopt a more humane policy in Gaza, while they carry out policies that could blow up the world.

The same goes for appeals to the trade union apparatuses. They are completely aligned with the Labor government. They have not called a single strike against the genocide.

We urge workers to mobilise independently of the union bureaucracies and all the parties of the ruling class, including the Greens, to immediately stop weapons deliveries and arms production for the genocide in Gaza and other US-instigated wars.

We explain that to really fight the genocide and war, we have to turn to the revolutionary force in society, the global working class. But that poses the need for a genuine socialist party in Australia and on a world scale.

Head urged everyone at the rally to register for this years International May Day Online Rally, organised by the International Committee of the Fourth International. This global rally will be centred on the development of a working class and socialist movement against imperialist war.

He also urged people to sign up as electoral members of the Socialist Equality Party so that we can have the basic democratic right to have our partys name on the ballot for the next federal election to broadcast the existence of a genuine socialist, anti-war party.

After the rally, Jasmine, a young worker from New Zealand, signed up for the partys mailing list, and wrote thank you on the form. She said she wanted to express her appreciation that Head had explained the link between the horror in Gaza and the US war moves against Russia and China.

A doctor who participated in the rally said she had first been motivated to join the anti-genocide protests by the fact that the Israeli forces were killing 100 children a day. At that rate, my sons school would be eliminated in a fortnight.

But this was the first time she had heard a real analysis presented at any Gaza protest rally. That speech explained the connection to the wider war drive by the US and its allies. It was very informative and resonated with the audience. It contextualised many of the facts about the genocide and clarified the broader significance of the genocide to international geo-politics and why Israel is being backed by the US and Australia.

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Australia: Gold Coast Gaza rally hears socialist anti-war perspective - WSWS

The Marxists Come Out at George Washington University – Daily Signal

We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America, said rally speaker Sean Blackmon, member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation

What would George Washington think if you told him that a university bearing his name would one day be inculcating protesters who sought the demise of the United States?

That reality was on full display Thursday night on the campus of George Washington University, located in Washington, D.C.

In a continuation of the encampments popping up on universities across the United States, leftists supporting Palestine gathered on George Washington Universitys University Yard to share their views.

Although the rally was flooded with the anti-Israel rhetoric and chants Americans have become accustomed to hearing, speakers at this rallyalso used language connected with Marxism, focusing on oppression and oppressors.

Based on what Id heard, Id say these protesters ultimate intentions go beyond the nation of Israel and extend to the goal of destroying the United States in particular and Western civilization generally.

A recurring theme was that the United States, like Israel, is the oppressor. As a settler colony, it must be brought to its knees.

Harkening back to the riots of 2020, protesters vilified law enforcement as oppressors for being protectors of the rich and the capitalist ruling class.

At one point, a speaker blasphemously compared the deaths of Palestinians to the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, the protesters made clear what their goals are here in the United States: to smash the whole thing.

What does Americas future look like if her universities, the grounds of education for so many young Americans, host protesters who champion her demise?

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The Marxists Come Out at George Washington University - Daily Signal

Communists and the party: a contribution to the debate with the Socialist Movement – In Defence of Marxism

Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks created the most revolutionary party that the world has ever seen. But is the building of a communist party still a relevant task for today? The role of the party in the struggle to overthrow capitalism is a fundamental question that all thinking communists must understand.

[Originally published in Spanish at]

This article is the fourth and final part of a series of contributions to a debate with the Socialist Movement in the Spanish State. Parts one, two and three are already available to read.

As we have already stated in the previous contributions to this debate, we fully agree with the comrades of the Socialist Movement that the working class is a revolutionary class, which plays a fundamental role in the transformation of society.

This flows from a materialist analysis of capitalism and the classes that compose it. From their scientific study of capitalism, Marx and Engels came to the conclusion that the working class, due to its role in production, must lead the struggle of all the oppressed, to end class society and thus establish communism.

In any given period, what determines the character of the social classes is the role they play in production and how they appropriate the products of labour.

The unity of interests of the working class is a product of its absolute dependence on the capitalist class to obtain its means of life. Regardless of workers occupations, they are in a constant struggle against the capitalist class to maintain and increase their standard of living. The fight to win a better wage is a struggle against the capitalist class over surplus value; the value that workers produce, for which they are not paid. In this way, capitalism is revealed as a system of exploitation, oppression and theft.

At the same time, the demands of the working class for higher wages and a reduction in the working day finds its historical justification, in that the struggle for surplus value is the driving force of the class struggle under capitalism. It is the justified attempt of the working class to reclaim from the capitalists all the value that workers create through their labour. Or, to put it another way, the class struggle under capitalism is, in essence, a struggle for the appropriation of society's surplus value.

Here we come to our first disagreement with the comrades of the Socialist Movement. In the article Subjecte i estratgia socialista. Una primera aproximaci (Subject and socialist strategy. A first approximation), it is stated that:

To derive the role of the proletariat as a revolutionary subject from their economic conditions, as if it were an automatic mechanism, would be to make one of the mistakes that we are often accused of: economism.

However, in his analysis of the situation in Britain, in his book The Poverty of Philosophy, Marx points out:

Economic conditions had first transformed the mass of the people of the country into workers. The combination of capital has created for this mass a common situation, common interests. This mass is thus already a class as against capital, but not yet for itself. In the struggle, of which we have noted only a few phases, this mass becomes united, and constitutes itself as a class for itself. The interests it defends become class interests. (Our emphasis)

What does it mean to become a class for itself? It means gaining an awareness of belonging to a particular layer of society, with its own social interests and its own historical objectives. These objectives are the result of the class condition as salaried workers, and the relation of this work to the economic system in general. The working conditions themselves therefore necessarily create an environment which promotes class consciousness.

Consciousness is a product of material conditions / Image: public domain

This applies to all layers of society that make up the working class, regardless of whether particular working conditions make certain layers reach class conscious conclusions before others. The consciousness of the working class flows from its material situation, from the production of material life itself. This is the materialist position, which states that consciousness is a product of material conditions, that ideas are a more or less correct reflection of the reality that surrounds us.

Now, the comrades of the Socialist Movement are correct to point out that this process is neither automatic nor instantaneous: it is the expression of the dialectical relationship between the objective situation and the subjective factor, between the given material conditions and the living class struggle. Thus, from the point of view of the proletariat, we agree with the comrades that:

Social classes, as we have mentioned before, exist in an economic situation such that, although it contains the possibility for their manifestation as political subjects, it does not immediately imply this, since this requires an entire historical process of class struggle, through which they can become aware of themselves. (Subjecte i estratgia socialista. Una primera aproximaci, our emphasis)

Class consciousness develops not only through the experiences of workers within the economic structure of capitalist society, but also in the superstructure, through the experience of workers in organisations such as trade unions, political parties, city councils, parliaments etc. In particular, class consciousness develops due to great political and social upheavals, such as repression, wars, social turmoil, general strikes, revolutions, etc

That said, it is important to add that the consciousness of the vast majority of society is not, generally, revolutionary. On the contrary, it tends to be conservative, because it clings to old ideas, traditions, and to the comfort of what people are used to. For the most part, people just want to be able to live peacefully in decent conditions. Who can blame them? Nobody wants major disruptions in their lives.

In addition to this relative impediment on the development of class consciousness, the working class, although sharing common interests, also has heterogeneous components, as the Socialist Movement also points out. Understanding these objective differences is vital, as the working class develops its consciousness unevenly, with some layers far ahead of others due to events.

In last years revolutionary struggle in Iran, for example, it was women, especially students, who were at the head of the movement. They made a very important leap forward, going from being one of the oppressed layers, with a social role limited by the extreme oppression of the regime, to spearheading the fight against Iranian capitalism.

For all that has been said above, in a normal period of relative stability, it is inevitable that only a small layer of workers is willing to embrace revolutionary or communist ideas. The masses of the working class need great events to break their illusions in the system and the dominant ideas of the bourgeoisie, as well as their distrust towards a radical change in society.

What's more, this is admitted by comrades of the Socialist Movement in their article Subjecte i stratgia socialista. Una primera aproximaci. The comrades note that a substantial part of the movement's cadres must be recruited from the proletarianised middle class, since, they suggest, they have a more advanced cultural level than most workers.

What is this if not the admission of the existence of a more advanced, vanguard layer? Is this not also an admission that the party or movement must first be built around a layer of cadres, which constitutes its skeleton? Every communist organisation must strive to recruit among advanced workers and educate members from other social classes in the methods of the working class.

With this in mind, we think that the comrades of the Socialist Movement fall into a contradiction by describing the objective of communists in the following way:

The general objective of a revolutionary organisation is to create the conditions for the possibility of the seizure of political power by the proletariat as a form of the suppression of class society and, therefore, of overcoming bourgeois domination. That is, the objective is to become a hegemonic force. (Subjecte i estratgia socialista. Una primera aproximaci, our emphasis)

Starting from the historical analysis of the labour movement and the objective conditions of our class, we see that in stable times only a small layer of the population reaches revolutionary conclusions in advance. At the same time, we see that it is events, above all, that change the consciousness of the masses. In this sense, wars and revolutions are the events that hammer your conscience with the greatest force and depth.

Let us be clear: the revolutionary organisation does not create the conditions for the seizure of power. It is the insoluble contradictions of capitalism that generate the conditions that force millions to seek to overthrow the system. These contradictions generate suffering, misery, rage, frustration, death, etc. which accumulate over a period of time. This continues until, seemingly spontaneously, thousands or even millions of people, who were previously apathetic, take to the streets. The inspirational struggles around the world in recent years, such as in Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Sudan, etc., demonstrate this. In a revolutionary period, yesterday's consciousness, which lagged behind events, abruptly catches up with reality.

Precisely for this reason, we follow the model of the Bolshevik party. Lenin defended the need for an organisation of revolutionary cadres, trained in theory and practice, capable of uniting different political struggles into a single fight against the capitalist system. This view coincides with the position of the Socialist Movement, who say that the Party is not a mere coordination of fronts, but a global articulation of the proletariat under the same strategy and direction. On this, again, we agree. However, the comrades disagree with the Bolshevik view of the role of communists in class struggle. Thus, in the article Crtica a la qesti organitzativa: desviacions i potencialitats (Critique of the organisational quest: deviations and potentialities), they state:

"The first deviation that starts from this separation between theory and practice conceives socialist theory as a set of principles, statements and premises existing in the world of ideas and that the theoretical task of communists is to search for it, that is, to define socialism a priori and bring it into the world a posteriori. As a result of this conception, the vanguard is understood as that sector that would have accessed these ideas and that must organise the class without its conscious participation. For this reason, we understand the vanguard as a deviation under which there is no possible incorporation of the masses into the organisation, since it is not designed to fulfil the previously defined mediation function, but rather it is a minority with a developed consciousness, but with a limited role in theoretical study and with a very limited impact on mass spaces. Therefore, the root of the vanguard is the erroneous perception of the concept of the vanguard and the consequent disconnection between the masses and the revolutionary organisation. To guarantee this necessary connection, it is necessary for the vanguard to develop itself in parallel with the development of the class consciousness of the proletarian masses, since it is ultimately the vanguard of the proletariat, not an agent external to the class itself. The vanguard falls into contempt for the role of the proletarian masses as active subjects in the transformation of their own conditions and ends up reducing socialism to a work of social engineering where a more just world is schematically created, as with a set square. The masses only have to be convinced of this schemas good intentions in the face of the barbarity of capitalism.

The first thing to say is that Marxist theory is a science based on the objective study of the laws of nature and human society. From these studies, fundamental principles are derived, some of which we share with the comrades of the Socialist Movement: the dictatorship of the proletariat, understood as a regime of workers' democracy that enables the emancipation of all the oppressed, the political independence of the working class, etc.

Like any science, Marxism requires a deep study of all its component parts, starting with philosophy. Due to the time and effort this requires, combined with the objective conditions of the working class, only a minority of workers access these ideas and get organised. Thus, it is not that Marxists do not want to build a mass organisation, but rather the objective conditions imposed by the capitalist system that make this task difficult. However, this is changing. The very development of the Socialist Movement is a symptom of the radicalisation of broad layers of youth and the working class. In other words, the senile decay of capitalism and abrupt changes in the consciousness of millions of people are creating the objective conditions for the development of revolutionary mass organisations in the next period. We will return to this later.

For many years, the Bolshevik Party consisted of several thousand committed workers and youth / Image: public domain

For us, the main error in the analysis cited above is the lack of a dialectical view of the relationship between the masses and the vanguard. Firstly, and as we have already stated, it is not the revolutionary organisations who make the revolution, but the masses.The history of all revolutions internationally shows that not all layers of the working class reach revolutionary and communist conclusions at the same time, even at the beginning of a revolution. Even where the communist party is dominant among the working class, at the beginning of the revolutionary process it continues to organise only a part of it. Hence it is a mistake to try to compare the party to the class, and incorporate into it all the heterogeneity that the latter carries from the previous period. The party, in addition to practising the greatest possible internal democracy, must be homogeneous in its principles, program, methods and goals, which express the objective historical interests of the proletariat. If this were not the case, at the decisive moment it would be paralysed by controversies and disputes that should have been resolved in the pre-revolutionary stage. The important thing is to establish the hegemony of the party in the working class. The main task of the revolutionary organisation the Communist Party then becomes to lead the masses in their struggle. The relationship is similar to that of the head with the body, one depends on the other, but it is the brain that directs the body.

This has been proved countless times in practice. For many years, the Bolshevik Party consisted of several thousand committed workers and youth. This necessary commitment was particularly evident in the dictatorial police state of tsarist Russia, which prevented the formation of proletarian parties and independent unions. Thus, at the beginning of the February Revolution in 1917, the Bolshevik Party did not have more than 8,000 members. By October 1917, however, the party already had more than 200,000 members. It had become a mass party in a country with a working class of 10 million. One in every 50 Russian workers was organised with the Bolsheviks an astounding proportion which was achieved in a very short time. In reality, they had won the confidence of millions of workers and peasants, through the democratic majority that the party had achieved in the Soviets. The question remains: is a revolutionary party with 200,000 members a mass party or a vanguard party? Our answer is concrete: it is both at the same time.

The Bolshevik party was able to play the decisive role during the 1917 Revolution precisely because it had been formed in the previous period on the basis of Lenins method, emphasising the need for a revolutionary leadership made up of cadres, steeled in the class struggle and armed with the ideas of Marxism. Lenin's conclusions were not the result of arrogance or contempt for the masses, but rather were derived from the realities of capitalist society.

The historic task of the working class is to end once and for all the division of society into classes. This is its mission because for the first time in history, it is a class dispossessed of the means of production, that can and must take power into its hands. Concretely, this task translates into the vital need of the working class to have a concrete, finished program and strategy capable of establishing workers' power. Thus, revolutionary leadership becomes a decisive factor in the victory of the class struggle, where the question of taking power is on the agenda.

Once again, we believe that the comrades of the Socialist Movement contradict themselves, when they defend the position cited above, and at the same time affirm that one of the tasks of the communists is to link particular struggles with a general offensive against the system as a whole. Is this not precisely the role of the revolutionary vanguard?

On this topic, Lenin says the following in What is to be done?:

Social-Democracy [i.e. communism] leads the struggle of the working class, not only for better terms for the sale of labour-power, but for the abolition of the social system that compels the propertyless to sell themselves to the rich. (Our emphasis)

The role of a revolutionary organisation is to consciously formulate what the workers come to understand in only a semi-conscious, confused and contradictory way. The task is to start from the objective conditions and the level of consciousness of our class, and continually demonstrate the need to put an end to the capitalist system, the source of all the worlds evils. In a word, the task is to lead.

However, we believe that the position advanced by the comrades of the Socialist Movement is directly contrary to this. In our opinion, if we follow the ideas of our comrades to their logical conclusion, they defend the need to substitute the revolutionary organisation with the class as a whole, thus eliminating the difference between the vanguard and the rest of the working class, leaving no distinction between the leadership and the masses. This is made clear in Crtica a la qesti organitzativa: desviacions i potencialitats:

In this sense, the revolutionary organisation is not only an organisational structure, it is the proletariat itself constituting itself as a revolutionary subject. (Our emphasis)

Studying Marxism teaches us the dialectical relationship between the general and the particular. In this way, the IMT defends the vital importance of building a genuine Communist Party in the fight to overthrow capitalism. Now, concrete tasks flow from the material situation at each moment. Lenin, in What is to be Done? sets out the immediate tasks of the communists in the specific historical moment in Russia, namely: the creation of a professional revolutionary organisation with an all-Russian national newspaper. Thus, he says:

Without a strong organisation skilled in waging political struggle under all circumstances and at all times, there can be no question of that systematic plan of action, illumined by firm principles and steadfastly carried out, which alone is worthy of the name of tactics. (Our emphasis)

Likewise, we must ask ourselves, what is the main characteristic of our time? On the one hand, the enormous objective decline of capitalism, which is leading society increasingly towards barbarism; on the other, the nonexistence of the subjective factor, of the revolutionary party, that can raise the level of consciousness of the masses and lead our class to final victory. This is all the more evident with the recent experience in a whole series of countries, where the masses have demonstrated their enormous potential and capacity for sacrifice without achieving their emancipation from capital. But the development of the revolutionary party, again, is connected to material conditions. Marxist forces have been isolated from the masses during a long period of the rise of world capitalism and the domination of Stalinism. We share one of the conclusions reached by the Socialist Movement:

This analysis shows us that one of our limitations is the current state of our militant forces, which need to experience immediate growth to carry out the objectives that we set for ourselves as a movement. (Subject and socialist strategy. A first approximation, our emphasis)

Thus, starting from the concrete conditions given, we in the IMT think that the immediate task that we communists have, like Lenin and the Bolsheviks during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, is to build the revolutionary organisation of Marxist cadres. This must be done with a systematic orientation towards the layers of the population most open to the ideas of communism, that is, the youth and working-class youth, as the comrades also say.

Equally important, as we have already stated, is the theoretical education of communists. As far as practical activity is concerned, given the limited strength of the communist forces, it is, in Lenin's words:

The mass communist party should not be proclaimed in the revolutionary process itself but before, with the largest possible mass base / Image: public domain

For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organisation, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. (Our emphasis)

This activity aimed at the masses wherever they are, aims to increase the ranks of the organisation and gain influence and authority within the labour and youth movement. The objective, shared with the Socialist Movement, is to develop as much as possible a revolutionary mass organisation, rooted in the labour movement. However, unlike what the Socialist Movement proposes, for us the mass communist party should not be proclaimed in the revolutionary process itself but before, with the largest possible mass base, because the revolutionary process is necessarily short (weeks, months, a few years) and there is no time for great experimentations once it has begun. The revolutionary tension cannot be maintained much longer than that, otherwise the opportunity is lost and the reaction can take the initiative and spread hesitation in the working class, which suffers the dislocations of social instability, crisis, unemployment, and must live every day, work and collect a salary from the class enemy. By a mass organisation we mean a force composed of at least hundreds of thousands of militants, capable of directing the bulk of the class, and where the organisation would already have an extensive base in the unions, soviets, in the streets, etc.

That is why, even though we share the need to grow as a communist organisation, we disagree with our comrades in the tasks, since they point to the practical issue as a starting point:

The construction of a revolutionary organisation and socialism implies locating oneself in the concrete elements of social reality in order to promote political proposals capable of overcoming the current state of things. The question of strategy and tactics only makes sense if there is a real possibility of putting them into practice through a revolutionary organisation. (Criticism of the search for an organisation: deviations and potentialities, our emphasis)

Although we sympathise with the underlying reason they propose, fighting in a practical way against the system, in the terms proposed by them and within their strategies, the conclusion they draw for the current era is not the construction of the Communist Party, but of activist organisations that contest capitalist hegemony through control of the social system and production process. We have already taken a position on this issue here (see section two).

Returning to the concrete question, in the years 1919-1923, the immediate tasks of the communists were completely different. There was revolutionary ferment throughout Europe, and the seizure of power was on the order of the day. In Russia, the Bolsheviks had marked the way forward, and the International was made up of mass communist parties in a whole series of countries: Germany, France, Italy, etc. Under these conditions, the communists had to prepare for the seizure of power, and they had the responsibility not only to intervene in the class struggle, but also to initiate battle. Simply put, they were in a position to lead broad masses of the working class and the oppressed into class war with the aim of seizing power.

In the writings of the first four congresses of the Communist International, all of which were held during Lenin's lifetime, we see how practical tasks derive from the development of perspectives from the point of view of Marxism. Flowing from these perspectives, the specific tactics to be applied were developed, taking into account the situation of the class struggle, the revolutionary ferment, the strength of social democracy, and the class forces themselves. This is the method to follow, which is based on Marxist philosophy, dialectical materialism.

Thus, the current task of the communists is to prepare for the socialist revolution by developing the organisation so that, once the masses move decisively against the system, with leaps forward in their consciousness, it can correctly lead the working class in its historic task.

This development involves urgently prioritising the growth of the organisation and the relentless defence of Marxism. As we have already explained, this growth must be connected to participation within the labour and student movement, to link and raise partial, immediate demands to the need to end capitalism as a whole.

Above all, it is absolutely necessary to build an international organisation that defends the programme of revolutionary Marxism in a concrete way throughout the world. The Communist Party must intervene decisively in each national revolution that develops in the next period. The Communist International must direct and concentrate the effort of the world working class to overthrow the global capitalist system. Only then will it be possible to end the barbarism of capitalism through the revolutionary emancipation of all the oppressed.

We raise our criticisms of some of the comrades positions in a constructive manner and with great respect for the courage and determination with which they have launched themselves into the struggle and built their movement. We may have some differences, which we are not going to hide or minimise. But we have learned from the history of the communist struggle, especially from the first four congresses of the Communist International where everyone could express their opinion and differences, before the Stalinist degeneration of the International that there is no problem in having differences. That is, so long as they are addressed in a fraternal manner, without distorting the points of view of the other party, and with the aim of raising the level of the discussion and the political level of the comrades. In the end, it will be events that will illustrate which parts need to be corrected and which not.

In the meantime, we will closely follow the development and progress of the Socialist Movement, to which we wish the greatest success and with which we hope to collaborate, not only in a fruitful exchange of ideas, but in common work wherever we agree.

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Communists and the party: a contribution to the debate with the Socialist Movement - In Defence of Marxism