If I hear one more person compare Britain under a Labour Government to living in Venezuela I might to fly to Caracas and throw myself off Parque Central Torre Oeste.
Whichever way you voted during the EU referendum OR the General Election, youre probably tired of being labeled, and are sick to death of readingabsurd clichs.
Lazy baseless arguments posted over and over and over again on Facebook dont make thepoint more valid, but they do create division.
Both the right-wing tabloid press and the left-wing Twiterati, are both guilty of churning out labels faster than a Next Sale.
These labels, cliches and baseless arguments only serve to create and fuel divisions, generate some twitter, and sell more newspapers. Making everyone angry in the process.
Champaign socialist, racist, bigot, leftie luvvie, Remoaner, Brexitard, fascist, Tory, etc, etc. The list goes on.
The people like us mentality has truly taken hold in the UK. Such is the vitriol of reporting, Grandparents and Grandchildren can barely look each other in the eye. They should bediscussing their differing perspectives, or even what unites them, over a happy Sunday Roast with a glass of red wine and a smile.
But hey, stay angry. Social media sites serve up content you all ready agree with, so why would you bother engaging in any dialogue with the other side?
Applying labels to people is both dangerous and ignorant.
Take the recent Labour General Election vote for instance. According to YouGov, 44% of voters in their 40s opted for Corbyn, compared to 39 per cent who voted for the May.
45 per cent of people in full time work voted for Labour, compared to 39 per cent who backed the Tories. Similar results were recorded for part time workers too.
Its also worth observing the YouGov chart below that shows the more educated were more likely to vote Labour.
Whilst there is an age bias, this certainly doesnt suggest that Labour voters are work-shy 18-year-old under-grads with no understanding of the world.
Political norms have been turned on theirheads. What we actually witnessed was large proportions of educated and trained working people turning out to vote for more socialist policies, and back demand-side economics (i.e. investing in future workforce and infrastructure to kickstart our economy).
Its no secret that many of our daily newspapers are (and increasingly) right-wing. As expected, the right-wing press has began demonising socialism (even more) without mercy, but without really asking why so much of working Britain backed a move toward a more socialist Government.
Despite what some newspapers would have you believe (or even Hollywood during the past four decades), Democratic Socialism is not the same as Communism. Britain, like many European countries, is a very socialist country already. But the right-wing press have done an amazing job at making the word socialism dirty.
What many people dont appreciate is that many of the Great British foundationsthat we take for granted are democratic socialist principles:
When you blindly attack socialism or Comrade Corbyn and parrot the claim that Britain under him would be akin to living in Venezuela, perhaps remind yourself that Britain has embraced socialism throughout the last century.
You never know, you may realise that a little part of you is a socialist (eeek).
The socialist elements of our life are being slowly eroded away from under our noses. No wonder everybody complains about our population becoming increasingly self-serving or selfish.
I like to think its possible forpersonal political views to straddle a number of political landscapes,depending on the issue, but if you want to call me a socialist for valuing state schools, the NHS, and my Sunday stroll, then go ahead.
However, the truth is, you shouldnt have to choose socialism or capitalism. Socialism and capitalism can work side-by-side. Do you know why? Because thats exactly how the UK operates now, and has always operated. Life orpolitics shouldnt be polarized. The real trick is getting the balance right. Why do we need to be at one extreme or the other?
OK, its true that thelikelihood of voting Conservative increased with age in the last General Election, but is it all to do with wealth, as tradition dictates, or something much deeper?
Perhaps older people are more susceptible to traditional right-wing fear tactics, or maybe they are more controlled by the newspaper they read (considering five of the largest selling newspapers are staunchly right-wing, whilst young people dont buy newspapers anymore)?
In reality, due to technological advances, booming populations and higher social mobility, the older generation has seen the world change more rapidly than any generation on Earth before them. Its no surprise that the message of stability or taking back control is a popular one.
On the other side, the younger or working generation could be the first to have comparatively lower living standards than their parents, working longer, and with small/no pensions. Why would they want to back policies like Brexit or austerity when it will undoubtedly make them poorer in the short term (for another decade at least).
Whichever waythe divide manifests itself, surelyyoung and old are united by more than divides them. I have a hunch that most people care about the same things, but believe in different ways of protecting those things. The NHS is a great example of something many Brexit voters sought to protect, despite signing itspotential death warrant.
Both generations can see the NHS crumbling in front of their eyes.
Both generations witness modern-day monopolies in the form of globalised corporations paying little or no tax towards the infrastructure and services they use and exploit. Whilst strugglinglocal business diligently pay their contribution.
People from both generations are concerned about our crumbling infrastructure and limited resources. They all know that the lack of investment in infrastructure, services and people will come back to bite us.
Even if you hold the view thatCorbyn bribed students with the promiseof eliminating their student debt, ask yourself the following; given the proven benefits of education (better prospects, better health, lower birth rates, higher productivity, etc) is it right that a student should be saddled with 50k debt before they even start work? Should education only be available to the wealthy? Even without the burden of tuition fees, students must still find enough money to pay for rent, bills, food, study equipment, etc.
Perhaps, just perhaps, if more people realised some of the things they hold dear aresocialist ideals, they might back the policies a little more without fear of becoming Venezuela.
Some of the daily newspapers have more than tainted the word socialism. Theyve convinced you that socialism means freeloading students rioting around London, demanding the Worlds wealth is shared out. Theyve tricked you into believing socialism meansspending money from the Magic Money Treeor taking money from your piggy bank that isnt there (ignoring demand side economics, the Paradox of Thrift, or the multiplier effect i.e. investing in your country will pay you back with interest). Theyve conned you into thinking socialism means Venezuela.
Lets take the word back and own it. You dont have to be a full blown socialist to support a little more socialism.
Even if you still think socialism is a dirty word, a few things arecertain: re-nationalising the awful private railway system, ensuring water companies invest in the infrastructure we originally paid for, or making corporations pay their share of tax, will turn Britain into Venezuela no more than the Tory winter-fuel payment cap will turn the UK into Bahrain.
Its a lazy argument.
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You're a Dirty Socialist and you don't even realise it - The London Economic