Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Neither Fascism, nor Liberalism, nor Socialism. Populism! – The Daily Gazette

Donald Trump once said that we would no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. Globalism, free trade, internationalismthey are nothing and everything, shapeshifting boogeymen that have helped us in many ways and ruined us in so many others. For the time being, they are a lost cause. We liberals must reject the false song of globalism. Our path is simple: adopt economic populism.

Starting symbolically with NAFTA in the 1990s, governments began signing massive trade deals at an astonishing rate. These deals promised to raise up every American and person on earth; we wrapped the narrative of free trade in luxurious promises of growth and progress. But then the factories closed. Never mind that it was technology and automation, the new boogeymen, that were truly the cause. Small towns that once supported themselves were now stagnant. Their economic livelihood was pulled out from beneath them like tablecloth under silverware. When the first signs of cracksin the armor appeared, our leaders ignored them. We melded into the world, becoming ever more interdependent and globalized.

Instead of slamming the brakes on this false song, governments pushed the globalist agenda even harder. NAFTA, TPP, KORUS, all backed with false promises. China joined the WTO with our prodding and promptly took advantage of us. We relinquished our status as a manufacturing Mecca to be the gluttonous, debt-ridden consumers of today. Forget the fact that these deals meant cheaper products; does anyone care how cheap their goods are when they have no jobs? When their towns, once buzzing, now were empty blocks of small businesses with For Sale signs on them? Is it so wrong for middle America to be resentful of the fact that they no longer produce? Their lives have shifted (seemingly) overnight, and their work now is a phantasm that lives, if not in another country with someone making 1/10th of their salary, then in the moving gears of a machine.

We never heeded their warnings or reacted to their concerns. We focused on foreign wars, education reform, and bank bailouts, while our inability to see the domestic, micro effects of economic interdependence became our undoing. We never once considered the fallout, economic and political, of progress. Labor unions, once our only chance to slow down the disastrous effects of such economic interdependence, are in ruin; our side of the aisle did nothing. We gutted our safety nets just when we would need them mostit was, after all, a certain Democratic president in the 1990s that said the era of big government is over.

Now, with smug looks, all I hear are academics and the elites saying This was going to happen anyway, or You cant stop globalization and technological progress. It is all structural, a necessity of economic progress. Are we so blind and elitist that we delude ourselves to the political consequences of these policies? Do we really think that telling millions of families in flyover country that their jobs were going to disappear no matter what is an adequate response? That is one of the fundamental splits in todays America: a discord between our elites and the mass public. The former stands to gain immensely from globalization, and the latter gains only in that what they buy is cheaper. Cheaper goods are not economic livelihood. They are not all that mattersjobs do. Economic security matters. A decent life, not subject to the ebb and flow of a global economy, matters.

The failure of the American Left in 2016 was not due to the American people rejecting liberal policiesit wasthe consequence of continuing to preach the false song of globalism. We went full speed into an interdependent world without policies to help those who would feel the unequal effects of globalization. People began to resent globalism, slowly and gradually. It is too late now. We cannot carry the flag of globalism anymore. The idea is toxicit is combined with feelings of lost sovereignty, political correctness, and economic stagnation. The longer we rally around that damned idea, the longer we lose.

The fight in todays world is not between right-wing and left-wing policies. It is between populism and elitist globalism. The former benefits the many at the expense of the few; the latter, the few at the expense of the many. Brexit, Donald Trump, and Marine Le Pen are the first things people name when thinking of the rise of populism. This could easily make one think that populism is a right-wing phenomenon, but one can also think of examples on the left. Syriza in Greece and Podemos and Ciudadanos in Spain are center-left/far left populist parties. They have seized millions of votes because they are responding to the new reality of our world.

Bernie Sanders and his insurgent campaign nearly rid our Democratic Party of the globalist agenda that stains it, inspiring millions of young people and Americans all over the country to join the political revolution. Populism on both sides of the aisle has returned.When we, the left, adopt ithope, American pride, and economic populismwe will win again. The left and Democrats can do it without the disgrace of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia so commonplace in right-wing populism. We must shed our corporatist, globalist skin and emerge a leaner, grassroots-oriented party. Do not fear populismadopt it.

Adopting economic populism means slamming the brakes on globalization for now, until we have quelled the anger that surges through our citizenry. We must bite the bullet and do things that hurt temporarily, because it is the only way you show your peoplenow suspicious of your every move, concerned, rightfully, with their well-beingthat you are on their side. The transition to an interdependent world is chaotic and painful, and we have done nothing to minimize it. Why else did Donald Trump win? Wasnt he the only Republican that saw the growing anger? Meanwhile, on our side a corrupt, globalist, corporatist party leadership shut down our best chance to win the last election. Democratic leaders conspired against our chance to champion populism and once again picked up the flags that would lead to our ruin. We now know the result of thata rotting carcass of a party without control of almost any governorships, almost any state legislatures, and the White House or Congress. If we win in 2018 and 2020, it is because Donald Trump was an incompetent champion of populismnot because people rejected populism. It is here to stay.

Once we have joined the populist movement and shown the people that we are truly on their side, we can begin again with a reformed view of globalization, scaled back, better marketed and better equipped to deal with the inevitable disruptions it will cause to the way of life of millions of people. Until that can happen, however, I urge us to embrace populism. We must reject massive trade deals and listen to concerns about our loss of sovereignty to massive governmental organizations. We should become a party that is for the peopleall people.

There is nothing wrong with saying that your country comes first. Say it with me: America First. America the diverse, America the tolerant, America the free, America the compassionatebut America First. America must produce and America must provide for its own. Thats how we will win again as a new, populist left.

Podemos in Spain is an insurgent populist party. Podemos in Spanish means we can. But there is one word that better describes the choice of winning with populism or losing with globalism. I warn us all, if we want to win again, with debemossimply, we should.

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Neither Fascism, nor Liberalism, nor Socialism. Populism! - The Daily Gazette

Socialism’s Return – The Nation.

Norman Thomas in Milwaukee, 1932. (AP Photo)

For the American left, 2016 proved to be a year with a cruel twist ending. In the first few months, a self-described democratic socialist by the name of Bernie Sanders mounted a surprisingly successful primary challenge to the Democratic Partys presumed and eventual presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. By the end of 2016, however, not only had Sanders lost the primary race, but Clinton had been defeated in the general election by a billionaire who dressed his xenophobic and plutocratic ambitions in the garb of class resentment.

But the apparent strength of the left wasnt entirely an illusion. Even as late as November, the Sanders campaign had racked up a set of important victories. The Cold War had helped to entrench the idea of socialism as antithetical to the American political tradition, and Sanders had gone a long way toward smashing that ideological consensus. By identifying himself explicitly as a democratic socialist from the outset of his campaign, he helped give renewed meaning and salience to it as a political identity firmly rooted in the American tradition.

In addition to helping end the stigma around socialism, the Sanders campaign provided a blueprint for a new generation of leftists and progressives. By running in the Democratic primary and showing that he could draw large crowds, Sanders revealed an emerging left-leaning constituency. It seemed in those early autumn months that even in defeat, Sanders had opened up the path for a more progressive Democratic Party: Sanders Democrats could continue to work within the party and not only protest outside it. The way forward seemed clear: After Clinton won the general election, a strengthened social-democratic left could work toward the universal provision of various social services and push for criminal-justice reforms and other key priorities.

But now, instead of holding a strengthened position within a troubled but relatively secure Democratic Party, the left appears to be simultaneously invigorated and institutionally irrelevant. The ambitious ideas and goals that have blossomed in recent yearssingle-payer health care, debt-free higher education, a $15-dollar-an-hour national minimum wage, paid leave, criminal-justice reformseem to belong to a political world that no longer exists. The left is now primarily on the defensive: Rather than seeking to push the welfare state toward completion, it must defend against its dissolution. Rather than ensuring fair access to public goods like health care, education, and housing, the task of the left is now to prevent the wholesale pillage of the commons. And rather than merely restraining the hawks in the Democratic Party, the left must worry about global devastation, whether through nuclear action or climate inaction.

So what remains of 2016s hoped-for political revolution? Two books by Sanders, Outsider in the White House and Our Revolution, and two volumes of essays by some of this new lefts leading voices, The ABCs of Socialism and The Future We Want, offer us some clues. While written with different conditions in mind, these books still serve as important references for thinking through how to move forward.

Sanderss emergence as the de facto spokesman and moral conscience of the American left was nearly impossible to anticipate. In spite of having risen to the highest elected position of any socialist in US history, Sanders wasnt viewed by many leftists as central to their projects and organizing efforts, most of which, in the early 2000s, were directed toward non-electoral goals and communities in urban areas. But the themes that Sanders struckreducing economic inequality, fighting climate change and the corrosive influence of money in our politicswere well-chosen for our moment of economic upheaval and drew progressively larger crowds.

A careful account of Sanderss story, and why he emerged so suddenly, will be the work of future historians. But he has written two campaign autobiographies that provide a reasonable first draft. Outsider in the White House was produced relatively quickly and published in 2015. Other than a new preface by Sanders and an afterword by The Nations John Nichols, it is essentially a retitled version of Outsider in the House, his 1997 book. Our Revolution, published in the days after Trumps election, recapitulates the candidates biography but also gives us an account of his primary campaign against Clinton and concludes with a detailed policy agenda.

Both books provide similar accounts of Sanderss life, but the earlier book offers a more complete portrait of his youth and political formation. Sanders was born into a lower-middle-class Jewish household in Brooklyn. The son of a paint salesman, he didnt grow up in poverty but was conscious throughout childhood of the familys lack of money. He attended Brooklyn College for his freshman year and then transferred to the University of Chicago, where he felt isolated among the children of businesspeople and professionals. By his own admission, Sanders wasnt an especially good student, instead dedicating much of his time to activism with the universitys chapters of the Young Peoples Socialist League and the Congress of Racial Equality.

The civil-rights movement was an important factor in Sanderss politicization in the early 1960s. He participated in protests against the segregated housing owned by the University of Chicago, for which he was arrested, and in 1963 he made the long bus trip to Washington, DC, to attend the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King Jr. made his I Have a Dream speech. Sanders also joined the Student Peace Union and became involved in the antiwar movement. After college, he moved to Vermont and lived in rustic conditions. After joining the antiwar Liberty Union Party, a statewide socialist party founded in 1970, Sanders ran for the US Senate in 1972, winning just 2 percent of the vote. Four years later, he ran for governor, winning all of 6 percent.

Perhaps it was Vermonts isolation from the civil-rights movement and other struggles of the era that made Sanders incline toward electoral politics rather than other forms of activism. Or perhaps it was simply that the Liberty Union Partys leadership could fit into a living room, and he happened to be the one who volunteered for a Senate run. But at a time when New Yorkbased socialists like Michael Harrington were forming the predecessors of todays Democratic Socialists of America to push the Democratic Party to the left wing of the possible, Sanders was instead gaining experience in presenting socialist ideas as part of electoral campaigns. If many on the left had reconciled themselves to the task of trying to reform the Democratic Party from within in the 1970s, Sanders had decided to carry on the tradition of electoral socialism inherited from his idol, Eugene Debs.

Sanderss first political success came in 1981, whento nearly everyones surprisehe was elected as mayor of Burlington by a margin of 14 votes. But it wasnt his own election that prompted him to first use his signature phrase political revolution. Elected on a platform that included protecting the environment and halting property-tax increases, Sanders soon found that Burlingtons board of aldermen was unwilling to work with him. So he decided that he needed to lead a political revolution in order to win more elections: this time to take aldermanic seats as well as the mayors office. In the following election, his Progressive Coalition ran candidates in every ward, an effort that found them knocking on nearly every door in the city. The Sanders forces won several of these races, and while they didnt have a majority, they had enough seats to veto any Democratic or Republican initiative, forcing the traditional parties to work with them. If the mayoral victory one year before had been regarded by some as a fluke, Sanders writes, there could be no mistaking what was happening now. A political revolution had occurred in Burlington.

In Sanderss time as mayor, Burlington became a small-town echo of the municipal socialism of the 1920s. He halted the property-tax increases, as promised, and raised revenue through a room-and-meal tax. A community land trust was set up to create affordable housing for low-income residents. There was also lakefront beautification and cultural renewal, with free blues, jazz, reggae, and country-music festivals, and events featuring left-wing luminaries like Studs Terkel and Noam Chomsky. Sanders also gave the city something of a foreign policy, traveling to Managua for the anniversary of the Nicaraguan Revolution, to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon in 1988, and to Cuba in 1989.

The question remained whether Sanderss form of political revolutionthe idea that mass organizing and local electoral victories could help push American politics to the leftcould work on a scale larger than the municipal one. In 1990, Sanders ran successfully for the House of Representatives, where he served eight terms; in 2007, he was elected to the Senate, where he caucused, sometimes uneasily, with Democrats. He became the highest-ranking American politician to describe himself as a socialist.

Sanders remained out of step with the centrist politics of the Democratic Leadership Council, which dominated the party in those years. He was willing to endorse Bill Clinton for president in 1996 as preferable to Republican rule, but he did so without enthusiasm. He thought mainstream Democrats had abandoned the language of class, and he opposed DLC-championed trade deals like NAFTA, which served to place American workers in direct competition with the lower wages and regulatory standards outside the United States.

Once he arrived in the House of Representatives in 1991, Sanders helped set up the Progressive Caucus with Democratic allies like Peter DeFazio of Oregon, Lane Evans of Illinois, and Maxine Waters and Ron Dellums of California. He worked on adding progressive components to existing bills, and he wondered, as he watched the 1996 Republican National Convention produce a huge bounce in the polls, What could happen, what would happen, in this country if progressives were allowed to have four or five nights of prime-time television and front-page newspaper coverage? What would happen if we could present a point of view that most Americans are unfamiliar with? Would we suddenly become the dominant political force in America? No. Would millions of Americans develop a much more sympathetic attitude toward democratic socialism? Yes.

But it would be impossible to test his theory of political revolution from the confines of Congress. It required far more public attention, and a galvanizing campaign that would raise money and consciousness and inspire volunteers to put in work across the country. That could happen with a presidential campaign, the only realistic way to test his theory on a much larger scale. In 2015 and 2016, Sanders discoveredone suspects much to his own surprisejust how far he might be able to take this tactic.

If Sanders had won the presidency, he would have encountered, just as he had in Burlington in the early 1980s, a legislature consisting of Republicans and many Democrats who would have been unwilling to work with him or accept his victory as more than a fluke. The real test would have come in the 2018 midtermsanalogous to those aldermanic electionswith pro-Sanders candidates running across the country, competing for every House seat and the contested Senate ones. But perhaps the most important aspect of Sanderss run in the Democratic primary was cultural rather than electoral: He gave renewed vigor to the egalitarian ideals of socialism and, along the way, revealed a growing base of young voters who shared his enthusiasm for them.

Sanders defines democratic socialism in an idiosyncratic way: It is, above all else, fundamentally Rooseveltianespecially the Roosevelt of the never-implemented Second Bill of Rights in 1944. For Sanders, certain social goodshousing, education, and health caredeserve to be understood as rights rather than as commodities sold for profit. To achieve these ends, he sees the need to fight the power of concentrated wealth, which distorts both markets and politics in favor of the wealthy. But Sanders has another critique that is equally powerful and just as salient to our moment. His frequent invocation of the 1 percent and its undeserved share of the national wealth is not only an argument about economic inequality; it is also an argument about political inequality. One cannot be an equal member of a polity if those with wealth have far more say and far more power in the political system. A political democracy requires an economic democracyor, as Sanders writes in Our Revolution, todays tyrannical aristocracy is no longer a foreign power. Its an American billionaire class that has unprecedented economic and political influence over all of our lives.

Sanderss success with young voters reveals a bimodal distribution of socialist enthusiasm. The old guard that came of age in the 1960s, like Sanders, has now been met by a growing influx of organizers from the ranks of those born after 1980, people who have entered the workforce during years marked by varying degrees of capitalist crisis. The ABCs of Socialism, edited by Jacobin founder Bhaskar Sunkara, and The Future We Want, edited by Sunkara and The Nations Sarah Leonard, offer us some insights into the ways in which this new generation is attempting to redefine the socialist tradition for the 21st century.

The two books have much in common, sharing an editor and several authors. The ABCs of Socialism is a direct response to the surge of interest in socialism generated by the Sanders campaign. During his candidacy, subscriptions to Jacobin increased by the hundreds each week, and basic definitional and historical questions poured in. The ABCs of Socialism offers selections from the magazine, in the form of questions and relatively brief answers, to provide a useful history of the socialist ideal.

Enthusiastic though they were about the Sanders campaign, Jacobins writers are explicitly rooted in Marxism in a way that Sanders is not. For the authors in The ABCs, socialism means something more than his vision of a Rooseveltian social democracy. In their analysis, socialism cannot be achieved through progressive taxation and a more robust system of rights that decommodifies certain social goods; this would bend, but not break, the power of capital. And capital will always fight back, just as it has for the last 40-plus years, starting with the crises of the early 1970s, which created opportunities for businesspeople and their political allies (like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher) to fight the power of unions and the welfare state.

For Sanders, the problem is Wall Street and the billionaire class, which have captured the government and shaped the market to their advantage at the expense of ordinary workers. For Jacobins socialists, the problem is more acute: It is capitalism itself. In Our Revolution, Sanders defends the idea of capping the size of major banks and briefly discusses having the government support worker-owned businesses. But as Sunkara, going far beyond Sanders, puts it in his essay for The ABCs, the socialist vision remains abolishing private ownership of the things we all need and usefactories, banks, offices, natural resources, utilities, communication and transportation infrastructureand replacing it with social ownership, thereby undercutting the power of elites to hoard wealth and power. That doesnt mean the state will seize your Kenny Loggins records, Sunkara puckishly adds: Socialism requires the abolition of private property, not personal property.

One of socialisms problems in the 20th century was that its existing examplesat least the ones claiming to have gone beyond social democracywere always politically repressive single-party states. The new socialists neither deny this fact nor dwell on it. Instead, they focus on the ethical appeal of socialism. For Jacobins writers, so long as capitalism remainseven in the modified form of social democracyinjuries to human flourishing can be stanched, but not cured. It isnt enough simply to expand the purview of the state if it leaves private property intact. But although the essays in The ABCs occasionally offer a Marxist critique of Sanders, they mostly articulate a view of socialisms purpose that is similar to his own. As Sunkara puts it, the desired goal is a world where people dont try to control others for personal gain, but instead cooperate so that everyone can flourish. Jacobin, which sometimes seems to take pride in being part of an unreconstructed left, more closely resembles the tradition of Marxist humanism that cropped up in the mid- to late 20th century, when actually existing socialism in the Soviet bloc too often proved to work against human flourishing. The point, after all, is to improve things.

If The ABCs seeks to establish a socialist ideal upon which to ground the left, The Future We Want is less theoretical and more focused on outlining the kinds of policies that might help to realize this ideal in our present moment. Collectively, the essays of The Future We Want think through how high-quality universal services, in an egalitarian context, would change human life.

Megan Erickson, in her essay Imagining Socialist Education, looks at our school system and argues that socialists must fight for universal access to the kind of liberating, decommodified education that members of the elite receive. In Sex Class, Sarah Leonard describes the importance of universal child care for socialist feminismbecause otherwise the best that liberal feminism can offer will only be available to those who can pay. In How to Make Black Lives Really, Truly Matter, Jesse Myerson and Mychal Denzel Smith argue that overcoming the legacy of racism can only happen by closing the wealth gap between black and white Americans. To this end, they propose job guarantees and baby bonds that mature at 18 for all those born to families below the median net wealth.

Several of the books contributors mention the prospect of a universal basic income to cope with technological and social changes here and on the horizon, and to help manage the transition toward less workthe decommodification of life itself, and thus the weakening of the power of capital. But overall, the imagined interlocutor of these essays is neither on the left nor the right; its the sort of liberal who also seeks to reduce inequality, but would do so by increasing opportunity rather than reducing economic disparities. By highlighting the inequalities born out of liberal policies, the writers and editors of The Future We Want assert that the kind of goals that liberals and socialists sharegreater formal equality, more egalitarian representation, a political system that doesnt solely benefit elitescan only be realized through socialist means.

As we are no longer in a moment in which well-intentioned liberals are in power, these arguments will have to be repurposed. Donald Trumps election has been a radicalizing experience for many: Subscriptions to the lefts magazines and membership in the Democratic Socialists of America increased throughout the Sanders campaign and jumped again after Election Day. But in spite of its energy and vigor, the left now needs to rethink some of its strategies and ideas. Total control of the government by the Republican Party, joined with Trumps executive power, means that even massive mobilizations will produce defensive victories at best. Those victories are real and clearly worth the fightnot least because they produce solidaritybut the losses will still pile up. We are no longer debating a slower or longer path to social democracy; we are defending against the racist, misogynistic, and kleptocratic practices of a man committed to dismantling the New Deal.

But the left cannot sustain itself on defense alone. Other than doing what it can to stop Trumps worst abuses, the left must develop a theory of change for a moment when the Democratic Party doesnt control any branch of government. For a time, Sanders seemed to have shown us how to pull the Democratic Party to the left. Yet the vulnerability of his strategy was that it required the partys more centrist wing to win the presidential electionwhich, as events have proved, isnt something we can take for granted. Despite this defeat, the energy to resistand to buildis there. If the Democrats are still afraid to speak of class, they will have to be taught. Those who cannot or will not stand up to Trump need to face primary challenges from the left. And even if the partys next presidential candidate isnt a progressive, the left needs to make clear in the intervening years that he or she will have to win over a sizable number of young voters who are.

Trumps enormous unpopularity means that, assuming the continued existence of small-D democracy, the Democratic Party will win major elections in the future. The lefts job is to make sure that when it does, it will be a more egalitarian and progressive force. Until then, the broad left should focus on the common ground: civil rights, economic equality, universal services, and real democracy for all. Whatever Trump succeeds in dismantling, we must have the ideas at hand to rebuild it stronger and better once hes gone. In short: What do we need to do next? Everything.

Read the original post:
Socialism's Return - The Nation.

Our Views: Michael Novak A journey away from socialism – The Winchester Star

Never, ever would we ever say, or even wish to imply, that a death was bracing, refreshing, or needed. And so we wish that Michael Novak one of those names you seldom hear but whose bearer achieved true greatness; in this instance, in the twinned fields of philosophy and theology was still with us, spreading his unique perspective on the American Dream, as he both lived and defined it.

Mr. Novak, who died Friday at the age of 83, hailed from one of those classic and now largely forgotten Rust Belt cities Johnstown, Pa., whose steel (and the local Pennsylvania coal that fired it) built modern-day America and helped win its wars.

Mr. Novak left Johnstown a Roman Catholic as most boys did from those Cambria County hills populated by immigrant Eastern Europeans but, over time, surrendered his faith to socialism. To be sure, he came full circle, as exemplified by a decade that saw him begin as a speechwriter for George McGovern and end as the author of The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, not to mention Ronald Reagans ambassador to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights.

What returned Mr. Novak to his roots? Viscerally, perhaps the Catholicism hard-wired into his heart and soul, but, on an intellectual level, most likely the utter common sense that marks capitalism. As he implied in an article published in The Wall Street Journal two days after Christmas in 1994, neither capitalism nor democracy are perfect, but together democratic capitalism; hence the title of his seminal 1984 work they are the most moral conjoining of theory and method for the betterment of man on both an individual and communitarian basis.

Better than the Third World economies, and better than the socialist economies, Mr. Novak wrote that December, capitalism makes it possible for the vast majority of the poor to break out of the prison of poverty; to find opportunity; to discover full scope for their own personal economic initiative; and to rise into the middle class and higher.

Unlike the great economists of that time Milton Friedman, pre-eminent, but also, for instance, Thomas Sowell Mr. Novak did not so much look at capitalism from the perspective of, say, entrepreneurial supply and demand, but rather from how the demands of the soul could be supplied by capitalisms provisions. Take this abbreviated disquisition, found in the Journal piece, of capitalisms effect on envy, which Mr. Novak called the most destructive social passion ... a deadly invisible gas:

When all the people in the [commercial] republic, especially the able-bodied poor, see that their material conditions are actually improving from year to year, they are led to compare where they are today with where they would like to be tomorrow. They stop comparing themselves with their neighbors because their personal goals are not the same as those of their neighbors. They seek their own goals, at their own pace, to their own satisfaction.

So Mr. Novaks continued relevance, to our way of thinking, is obvious. But never so much more than today, when people are almost fixated on the present, and often the pettiness folks choose to extract from it. If nothing else, Michael Novak instructed us to take the long view, to appreciate the present for the promise it portends for tomorrow.

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Our Views: Michael Novak A journey away from socialism - The Winchester Star

Letter: America is full of great ‘socialist’ ideas – Asheville Citizen-Times

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I guess people easily forget the past.

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The Citizen-Times 6:24 a.m. ET Feb. 21, 2017

I guess people easily forget the past.

The ACA was a conservative idea. Two conservative senators introduced a proposal formed by the Heritage Foundation as a means of requiring personal responsibility. So I guess if ultraconservative senators and the ultraconservative Heritage Foundation are in favor of socialism then the writer has it correct. If the writer has no clue what socialism is, look at the military the ultimate form of socialism or Border Patrol, or farm subsidies and oil subsidies.

But I am guessing those forms of socialism are acceptable. But helping those who cannot get insurance are not. I should not be surprised that people will accept government where they want it and hate it where they do not. That is people. And the Electoral College has twice put into power someone who lost the popular vote.

George Sharp, Black Mountain

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Letter: America is full of great 'socialist' ideas - Asheville Citizen-Times

Whither democratic socialism and the PNP? – Jamaica Observer

The Opposition Peoples National Party (PNP) often refers to its members as Comrades. Yet it may be more of an anachronism, considering the current political flavour that prevails within the PNP and the country.

Comrade, according to one description in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, is a fellow Socialist or communist. But the PNP, which declared that it was democratic socialist under then Prime Minister Michael Manley in 1974, has seemingly dropped its left of centre posture to a more right-wing approach, promoting a more capitalist path since the 1990s.

Is there still a place for democratic socialism? The Jamaica Observer put the question to president-designate of the PNP, Dr Peter Phillips, during a recent interview.

We dont reject our history, nor the principles that formed us, and democratic socialism was an essential foundation of the partys history an essential element, Dr Phillips said.

Slogans mean different things to different people and they have to be made to fit the times. We are not committed to any notion of the State dominating the economic life of the country. We recognise and we have moved this country forward most on the basis of creating a viable market-driven economy, and we will remain committed to that. But we are also a party that has always believed that the State needs to act in support of the aspirations of the majority of the people; that the State needs to be the vehicle of affirmative action, if you will, on behalf of the marginalised.

Democratic socialism, as articulated by Manley, was a non-revolutionary political system that sought to maintain the democracy of the State on the one hand, and meet the needs of the majority and not just to create bigger profits for a few by broad-based ownership of the means of production on the other.

But Manley, political analysts often argued, did not get far with his philosophy, as many of the structures upon which the political system could have been built were not in place, nor were the resources readily available to reform the economy along socialist lines.

We have to take on a role that makes certain that the landless can get land, because from 1838, freedom never meant access for us, the majority of the people. So all those thousands of people who live on so-called squatted land for generation after generation, it is the obligation of the country to allow them to own their piece of the Rock, Dr Phillips stated, emphasising the need for agrarian reform.

But what is the next PNP leaders position that less than 10 per cent of the population owns more than 90 per cent of Jamaican businesses, real estate, and other entities?

We are not against anybody who owns things. We want to open the ambit for ownership; thats why we are for broadening the scope of ownership through the stock market, thats why we are the party that introduced the land reform effort during the time of (former Prime Minister) Comrade (PJ) Patterson with LAMP (Land Administration and Management Programme). We want to accelerate it. We want to find ways of getting the people who have lived on squatted lands for generations to get the land. Thats why we introduced Operation PRIDE in those times. We want to deepen those efforts to create a stakeholder society where you dont have a country divided between haves and haves not, but that everybody will have enough, the incoming PNP president said.

Ownership through cooperatives, too, is not something that Dr Phillips has ruled out, should his party regain State power.

Cooperatives are necessary where appropriate and where people are organised. We promoted Employee Share Ownership, not to ram it down anybodys throat, but as a viable means for sharing the benefits of ownership and creating a society with greater solidarity among the elements, the political economist said.

Original post:
Whither democratic socialism and the PNP? - Jamaica Observer