David Cay Johnston is worried about creepingsocialism.
Hes concerned that the tax code is too complicated and unfair. He thinks that we are taking too much money from average, hardworking Americans and subsidizing those who dont need or deserve it. He thinks its time to return to the countrys fundamental economic principle of free, competitivemarkets.
But Johnston, the countrys pre-eminent tax journalist, isnt talking about welfare queens or food-stamp surfers. Hes talking about the very richest Americans and the very biggest businesses. Johnstons career has been spent unearthing the hidden
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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author David Cay Johnston will speak 7 p.m. tonight at the Fox Theater, and 4 p.m. Thursday at Washington State University in Pullman, at the Smith Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 203. Both lectures arefree.
David Cay Johnston is worried about creepingsocialism.
Hes concerned that the tax code is too complicated and unfair. He thinks that we are taking too much money from average, hardworking Americans and subsidizing those who dont need or deserve it. He thinks its time to return to the countrys fundamental economic principle of free, competitivemarkets.
But Johnston, the countrys pre-eminent tax journalist, isnt talking about welfare queens or food-stamp surfers. Hes talking about the very richest Americans and the very biggest businesses. Johnstons career has been spent unearthing the hidden ways that the tax system subsidizes the people who need it least, shifting the burden disproportionally onto working Americans a system that contributes to the yawning income gap and the ever-greater concentration of wealth in fewerhands.
America is slowly getting poorer even though the economy is getting bigger, he said in an interview this week. I believe in competitive markets, and I believe in capitalism. I dont believe in corporate socialism, and I dont believe in stealthsubsidies.
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Shawn Vestal: Speaker David Cay Johnston shines light on stealth subsidies - Wed, 18 Feb 2015 PST