006 Video Gerald Celente Child Care a Real Socialism – Video
006 Video Gerald Celente Child Care a Real Socialism
By: George Menelaev
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006 Video Gerald Celente Child Care a Real Socialism - Video
006 Video Gerald Celente Child Care a Real Socialism
By: George Menelaev
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006 Video Gerald Celente Child Care a Real Socialism - Video
Two Cows explain capitalism over socialism
An animated variation of the proverb of the two cows to explain governing systems, socialism, communism, fascism and capitalism.
By: animated american values
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Two Cows explain capitalism over socialism - Video
Controversy regarding "Secularism" and "Socialism"
Shiv Sena has demanded the removal of words "Secularism" and "Socialism" from the Indian Constitution CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR LATEST NEWS UPDATES http://put...
By: Puthiya Thalaimurai TV
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Controversy regarding "Secularism" and "Socialism" - Video
Afrikan Mother Principle(Matriarchy) We Must Return(Balance,Equality, Socialism)-Haki Kweli Shakur
Video on returning our greatest peaceful state Matriarchy I.E Afrikan Mother Principle check out the codes of Nyabinghi https://newafrikan77.wordpress.com/20...
By: Haki Kweli Shakur
Excerpt from:
Afrikan Mother Principle(Matriarchy) We Must Return(Balance,Equality, Socialism)-Haki Kweli Shakur - Video
The fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism is the scope of government intervention in the economy. The capitalist economic model allows free market conditions to drive innovation and wealth creation; this liberalization of market forces allows for the freedom of choice, resulting in either success or failure. The socialist-based economy incorporates elements of centralized economic planning, utilized to ensure conformity and to encourage equality of opportunity and economic outcome.
In a capitalist economy, property and businesses are owned and controlled by individuals. In a socialist economy, the state owns and controls the major means of production. In some socialist economic models, worker cooperatives have primacy over production. Other socialist economic models allow individual ownership of enterprise and property, albeit with high taxes and stringent government controls.
The capitalist economy is unconcerned about equity. The argument is that inequality is the driving force that encourages innovation, which then pushes economic development. The primary concern of the socialist model is the redistribution of wealth and resources from the rich to the poor, out of fairness and to ensure equality in opportunity and equality of outcome.
The capitalist argument is that the profit incentive drives corporations to develop innovative new products that are wanted by the consumer and have demand in the marketplace. It is argued that the state ownership of the means of production leads to inefficiency because without the motivation to earn more money, management, workers and developers are less likely to put forth the extra effort to push new ideas or products.
In a capitalist economy, the state does not directly employ the workforce. This can lead to unemployment during times of economic recession. In a socialist economy the state is the primary employer. During times of economic hardship, the socialist state can order hiring, so there is full employment even if workers are not performing tasks that are particularly useful.
Read the rest here:
What are the differences between capitalism and socialism?