Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Book Review | Social Justice Without Socialism – Primary Source Edition – Video

Book Review | Social Justice Without Socialism - Primary Source Edition
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Socialism Is Sure to Triumph: Russian Party

Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- The Maritime Territorial Regional Committee for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation issued a statement on Nov. 11 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's work "Socialism Is a Science."

The statement said:

The work evoked lively response among world people right after its publication.

The book authored by the great man was just like a fresh air as we were almost choked in face of criticism by imperialists and renegades of socialism who talked about the "end of socialism" by taking the advantage of a series of collapse of socialism in various countries.

The preceding socialist theory that attached importance to material and economic factors only could hardly escape historical limitations.

Comrade Kim Il Sung founded the man-centered Juche idea, the first of its kind in history, and built Korean-style socialism which thoroughly embodied it.

Comrade Kim Jong Il who personified the idea and traits of the President further developed in depth the Juche idea and the idea and theory of socialist construction, clearly indicating the road to be followed by the working people.

Socialism in the DPRK is solid and it has dynamically advanced toward the final victory despite nuclear threat, blockade and economic sanctions by the imperialists.

Socialism centered on the popular masses is the most scientific, advantageous and powerful one.

It is sure to triumph for its scientific accuracy and truth.

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Socialism Is Sure to Triumph: Russian Party

Is Korea a capitalist country?

Kim Seong-kon

The Korea Herald

Publication Date : 19-11-2014

South Korea is a strange country, where capitalism, socialism and communism blend and coexist. Our economic system is capitalist, our social structure is socialist, and our mindsets are communist. We adopt capitalism for our economic development, but strive for socialist welfare and demand equal distribution of wealth.

It is no wonder South Korea is called a land of contradictions. For instance, had it not been for the benefits of capitalism, Koreans would not have accomplished such outstanding economic prosperity. Yet, Koreans frequently condemn capitalism and big business corporations such as Samsung, LG and Hyundai as the root of all social evil and corruption. Paradoxically, however, they jump at the chance to work at these capitalist enterprises that they outwardly detest. Every year, thousands of young people apply for jobs at Samsung and beam with pride on being accepted.

By the same token, most Koreans detest the rich and privileged. Koreans mistake abhorring the rich and privileged for social justice. They assume that the rich are fundamentally corrupt people who accumulated wealth illegally. Naturally, they do not hesitate to criticise rich and powerful people openly. Ironically, however, while calling for economic equilibrium and equal society, Koreans secretly aspire to become rich and powerful themselves.

South Korea is now attempting to reform the public servants pension system. If reform is absolutely necessary for financial reasons, so be it. The problem is that the reform campaign resembles a ruthless witch-hunt. We unjustly condemn government pension beneficiaries as if they were impudent thieves who enjoy a luxurious post-retirement life at the taxpayers expense. This is far from the truth. The public servants pension system operates primarily on funds collected by deducting money from the government officials salaries each month. If a retired public servant receives a relatively high pension, it means that either he worked for the nation for a long time or that he contributed a larger sum to his pension fund every month.

Recently, a Korean newspaper carried an article condemning a retired public servant who has a full-time job now and still receives half of his monthly pension. Worse, he owns real estate as well. The article criticises him as if he were an unpardonable criminal, and implies that he should not be given his monthly pension at all since he is working full time even after retirement.

Few Koreans seem to realise that the above-mentioned person is entitled to full pension even though he has a job because he legally earned his pension by working for a long time at his former job and because he pays income and other taxes at his new workplace.

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Is Korea a capitalist country?

Alex Salmond makes 'sexy socialism' boast on Twitter

Even those who warned that Alex Salmond would undermine Nicola Sturgeons leadership of Scotland would struggle to believe that their prediction came true so quickly.

Within hours of Ms Sturgeon using her maiden speech as First Minister to set out a feminist agenda promising greater opportunities for women, Mr Salmond took to Twitter with a rather different message.

He posted to his 131,000 followers a picture of himself with three attractive young women taken at his leaving party with the boast sexy socialism.

In a message to a spoof Alex Salmond account on the website, which regularly makes the same boast, he said: Over to you again @AngrySalmond. Heres a picture from my leaving doo #SexySocialism.

The former First Minister had earlier posted the same picture with the message: With Historic Scotland staff at Bute House on final day in office. With thanks for all their help over the years.

Bute House is a Georgian townhouse in Edinburgh that currently acts as the First Ministers official residence.

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Alex Salmond makes 'sexy socialism' boast on Twitter

Socialism & Inspiration w/ Veronica Belmont | Komment Kaze #4 – Video

Socialism Inspiration w/ Veronica Belmont | Komment Kaze #4
YES we read your comments and respond to them each week! Subscribe to TakePart Live! Should out to everyone who leaves us comments. This week we responded to Emily M,...

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Socialism & Inspiration w/ Veronica Belmont | Komment Kaze #4 - Video