Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Socialism: A Definition (With Examples) – About

Definition: Socialism is a political term applied to an economic system in which property is held in common and not individually, and relationships are governed by a political hierarchy. Common ownership doesn't mean decisions are made collectively, however. Instead, individuals in positions of authority make decisions in the name of the collective group. Regardless of the picture painted of socialism by its proponents, it ultimately removes group decision making in favor of the choices of one all-important individual.

Socialism originally involved the replacement of private property with a market exchange, but history has proven this ineffective. socialism cannot prevent people from competing for what is scarce. Socialism as we know it today, most commonly refers to "market socialism," which involves individual market exchanges organized by collective planning.

People often confuse "socialism" with the concept of "communism." While the two ideologies share much in common -- in in fact communism encompasses socialism -- the primary difference between the two is that "socialism" applies to economic systems, whereas "communism" applies to both economic and political systems.

Another difference between socialism and communism is that communists directly oppose the concept of capitalism, an economic system in which production is controlled by private interests. Socialists, on the other hand, believe socialism can exist within a capitalist society.

Pronunciation: soeshoolizim

Also Known As: Bolshevism, Fabianism, Leninism, Maoism, Marxism, collective ownership, collectivism, communism, state ownerhsip

Alternate Spellings: none

Common Misspellings: none

Examples: Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. -- French historian and political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville

As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents. -- author George Orwell

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Socialism: A Definition (With Examples) - About

Kim Jong Il Socialism is a science Part 3 2 2 – Video

Kim Jong Il Socialism is a science Part 3 2 2

By: Weopss Fapa

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Kim Jong Il Socialism is a science Part 3 2 2 - Video

Kim Jong Il Socialism is a schience Part 4 2 2 – Video

Kim Jong Il Socialism is a schience Part 4 2 2

By: Weopss Fapa

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Kim Jong Il Socialism is a schience Part 4 2 2 - Video

ATOS: America is turning to socialism

(PRWEB) September 08, 2014

TRINITY, Fla. In the last 50 years, the great American nation has been dramatically reshaped by the hands of various political leaderships. How far has Uncle Sam gone since the establishment of the constitution? Are the original goals of its founders spontaneously met or has there gone a sly breach in the truth left unbeknown to the American people? In The Good Old Days versus Tyranny Today,(published by Xlibris) an intriguing inquiry into the current state of the US political health, author ATOS poses challenging assertions about the possible misalignment of ideologies then and now, how the country is entering a new socialist age and the misleading propaganda that masks the reality behind it.

"In this edition I try to point out to the reader how our current political system is dangerously corrupt and is very divergent to the thoughts and ideas of our framers," says ATOS. "The Democratic Party from its grass roots during the Great Depression has been transformed into a Socialistic Party and has 'fellow travelers' in our elected Congress."

To back his claims, the author presents readers an analysis of the recent policies being adopted in the system that are a possible preface to bolder political reformations in the future. He also quotes the words of Thomas Jefferson along with modern ideological concepts to outline the differences in this thinking between the 'founders' and the current administration. Moreover, he provides factual comparisons to prove how the country is detracted as a constitutional republic.

"Our political system is corrupt and must be rectified if we are to survive as a nation," he says. With this, the author hopes that his ideas would ring a bell among many and break the brainwashing propaganda that the American people are enforced to believe. "It's happening today, everyday; we have to see the truth for ourselves, what's really happening against what we are being told."

The Good Old Days versus Tyranny Today By ATOS Hardcover | 6x9in | 48 pages | ISBN 9781499020649 Softcover | 6x9in | 48 pages | ISBN 9781499020663 E-Book | 48 pages | ISBN 9781499020632 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Xlibris Publishing, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider created in 1997 by authors, for authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. For more information, visit or call 1-888-795-4274 to receive a free publishing guide. Follow us @XlibrisPub on Twitter for the latest news. ###

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ATOS: America is turning to socialism

Chinese president says China should stick with socialism and copying Western democracy will ruin Ch – Video

Chinese president says China should stick with socialism and copying Western democracy will ruin Ch
BEIJING, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday urged the people to keep to the socialist path, on the 60th anniversary of the National P...

By: TonBloggerVideo

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Chinese president says China should stick with socialism and copying Western democracy will ruin Ch - Video