Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Larry Kudlow: Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley would be appalled at this socialist assault on freedom – Fox Business

FOX Business host Larry Kudlow reflects on the the consequences of the progressive agenda on 'Kudlow.'

We are here this evening at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, which itself is a great big treat for me because he was my former boss 40-something odd years ago. I've spoken here a few times in the past, but never in the Air Force One Pavilion, which is totally cool, and you should all come out and visit.

Later this evening, I am being honored at a National Review gala dinner to receive the William F. Buckley Prize for Leadership in Political Thought. For me, this is a monumental honor. My gratitude for this prize is unlimited. I knew Bill Buckley very, very well. I worked at National Review for a time and he had an enormous influence on my life and my thinking. Imagine learning conservative political thought and action from Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley, and then later on, Donald Trump. It has been a great gift in my time.

The show this evening we will continue our conversation about the totalitarian evils of socialism and the single, urgent importance of stopping America's socialist drift and restoring freedom, free-market capitalism, free enterprise, to regain the American soul and ideal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN: You and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people and those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.


A portrait of Ronald Reagan hangs in the reception hall at the Ronald Reagan Library. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images) (Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Of course, the Gipper was right. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. In the last two years under President Joe Biden, America has taken a sharp turn to the left. Massive inflationary federal spending to expand the size of government, accommodated by huge money-printing, big tax increases and an unbelievable increase in regulations which have become the left's biggest weapon for central planning and state control of the economy that includes the war against fossil fuels, which has decimated the greatest energy system in the world.

Along the way, the progressive agenda has undermined the dignity and incentives to work. A major expansion of the entitlement state is sending enormous government assistance without any workfare or work requirements, sofolks stayed on the dole, and the workforce in the economy has been demoralized and, of course, destroying American sovereignty with open borders, the flow of well over 2 million illegals, with crime, sex and drug trafficking and the scourge of poisonous fentanyl.

The progressives on the left don't care about American sovereignty or, for that matter, law and order, and culturally they have invaded our schools with racial and gender nonsense, rewriting American history and attempts to keep parents away from their childrens education.

Just step back for a moment. What we have here in this radical, progressive experiment is a complete failure, which of course is the whole history of socialist takeover attempts. In a little more than a year, the economy has gone from a prosperity boom with stable prices to a recessionary bust with sky-rocketing inflation. We just got a new number today confirming the first half recession with declining GDP.

Going from prosperity boom to stagflationary bust in a little more than a year is not an easy thing to do, but that is the sad tale of yet another unsuccessful attempt at government control of the economy and the socialist war against freedom.

Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley would be appalled at this socialist assault on freedom that has resulted in America's decline. Remember Bill Buckley's admonition that sometimes we need to stand athwart history and yell, "Stop"? Similarly, Ronald Reagan would be so saddened to see the decline in his beloved City on a Hill.


Steve Hilton and Katie Pavlich reflect on the dangers of socialism on 'Kudlow.'

We're going to talk about all of this with our distinguished guests, but if you know me, you'll know how hard I intend to keep fighting against these temporary setbacks. If you know the American people, you'll know that they see right through these phony progressive promises.

Americans are a practical-minded folk. They know a rube when they see one and they know that when something doesn't work, it's time to get rid of it. Reagan believed all of that. Buckley believed all of that. Trump believed all of that, and that's why the fight against socialism is getting stronger and stronger around the country right now.Yes, indeed, I believe the cavalry is coming.

This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow's opening commentary on the September 29, 2022, edition of "Kudlow."

More here:
Larry Kudlow: Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley would be appalled at this socialist assault on freedom - Fox Business

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris movie review: a sweet treat with a side order of socialism – Evening Standard

Review at a glance

Emily in Paris for geriatrics. Thats what cruel commentators may be inclined to label this Cinderella-ish tale, based on a 1958 Paul Gallico novella about a Battersea cleaning lady. Luckily, with the fantastic Lesley Manville as said charwoman, nothing is quite what it seems.

The books Ada Harris is a selfless and gutsy widow who falls in love with one of her clients Dior dresses. When she arrives in Paris, all set to buy a frock with her hard-earned cash, she impresses an open-minded Marquis, endears herself to practically every Dior employee she meets and is rewarded for her fairy godmother-ish ways with... flowers. She never gets to swan around in her gown. Its gutting!

In Mrs Arris goes to Paris, the spectacularly camp 90s TV movie, Angela Lansburys Ada has a bit more fun. She and the Marquis (Omar Sharif) scratch each others backs, albeit in a platonic way, and Ada gets to wear her beautiful dress, before returning to her dingy digs. The ballgown, dangling from a hanger in Adas London kitchen, performs a magical little jiggle. Thats the happy ending.

Isabelle Huppert stars as Claudine Colbert and Roxane Duran as Marguerite

This time around, its still the 1950s, but Ada, as well as being a talented seamstress, has a working libido (shes attracted to two men, including Lambert Wilsons Marquis de Chassagne, whos been royally screwed up by his upbringing). She also hangs out with fans of the left-wing intellectual, Jean-Paul Sartre, organises a workers strike, is defended by an out-and-proud communist and single-handedly circumvents the snobbery of Isabelle Hupperts Dior manager, Madame Colbert.

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris could never be mistaken for a Ken Loach polemic. But whilst showing us a lot of pretty frocks, it gets awfully close to giving the finger to feudalism.

Lesley Manville as Mrs. Harris with Lucas Bravo as Andr Fauvel

A note on the frocks. The majority of them (whether recreations of Dior New Look classics or originals designed by three-time Oscar-winner Jenny Beavan) are sublime. But one dresscoat resembles a tiny and poorly assembled tent. Or a giant tea cosy. Either way, its horrid. Ada, thank goodness, gravitates towards two outfits cut from a different cloth and, in the films suspenseful last third, everything works out in a way thats utterly delightful.

Years ago, when I told a friend I was naming my daughter, Ada, they were horrified and said, That sounds like the name of a cleaning lady! Heres to Manvilles Ada, a woman who knows youre never too old or too working class to be one of the happiest belles at the ball.

115mins, cert PG

In cinemas

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris movie review: a sweet treat with a side order of socialism - Evening Standard

Modest Declines in Positive Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’ in U.S. – Pew Research Center

Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand how the public views socialism and capitalism. For this analysis, we surveyed 7,647 adults from Aug. 1-14, 2022. The survey was primarily conducted on the Centers nationally representative American Trends Panel, with an oversample of Hispanic adults from Ipsos KnowledgePanel.

Respondents on both panels are recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. See the Methodology section for additional details. Read more about the ATPs methodology.

Here are the questions used for the report and its methodology.

The American public continues to express more positive opinions of capitalism than socialism, although the shares viewing each of the terms positively have declined modestly since 2019.

Today, 36% of U.S. adults say they view socialism somewhat (30%) or very (6%) positively, down from 42% who viewed the term positively in May 2019. Six-in-ten today say they view socialism negatively, including one-third who view it very negatively.

And while a majority of the public (57%) continues to view capitalism favorably, that is 8 percentage points lower than in 2019 (65%), according to a national survey from Pew Research Center conducted Aug. 1-14 among 7,647 adults.

Much of the decline in positive views of both socialism and capitalism has been driven by shifts in views among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents.

In 2019, nearly two-thirds of Democrats and Democratic leaners (65%) had a positive view of socialism. Today a smaller majority of Democrats (57%) say they have a positive impression.

There has not been significant change among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents since 2019. Today, just 14% say they have a positive impression of socialism, while about four times as many say they have a very negative view of the term.

There is a similar pattern on views of capitalism. Today, fewer than half of Democrats (46%) have a positive view of capitalism, down 9 points from the 55% who said this in 2019.

Among Republicans, there has been a modest decline in the share who have positive views of capitalism, although a large majority still have a positive impression (78% in 2019, 74% today).

Americans see capitalism as giving people more opportunity and more freedom than socialism, while they see socialism as more likely to meet peoples basic needs, though these perceptions differ significantly by party.

While 36% of adults say gives all people an equal opportunity to be successful describes capitalism extremely or very well, fewer (23%) say that about socialism. And roughly twice as many say the phrase makes sure everyones basic needs, such as food, health care, and housing, are met describes socialism at least very well as say the same of capitalism (38% vs. 18%).

Consistent with the wide partisan differences in opinions of socialism and capitalism, Republicans and Democrats characterize the terms in very different ways. For example, Republicans widely think socialism restricts peoples individual freedoms 62% say this describes socialism extremely or very well, compared with 19% of Democrats. Democrats, by contrast, are far more likely than Republicans to say socialism meets peoples basic needs (56% extremely or very well vs. 19% of Republicans).

These differences echo findings from Americans open-ended descriptions of the terms in the 2019 study, which found that critics of socialism were more likely to mention stifled innovation and restrictions of freedom in their responses and to cite countries like Venezuela as examples. Those with a positive view of socialism were more likely to describe it as a fairer system and to mention countries like Finland and Denmark as examples.

Democrats and Republicans also have markedly different views of self-described democratic socialists. In a survey conducted this July, 33% of Democrats say they like political leaders who identify as democratic socialists, while 18% dislike such leaders; Republicans largely express a negative view of leaders who identify as democratic socialists (78% dislike).

There are sizable demographic differences in views of these terms especially capitalism.

Opinions of both terms differ widely by age. While younger adults are more likely than older adults to say they have positive impressions of socialism, the opposite is true for capitalism.

Just 40% of those ages 18 to 29 view capitalism positively; that is the lowest share in any age group and 33 percentage points lower than the share of those 65 and older.

Adults younger than 50 also are more likely than those 50 and older to have a positive impression of socialism (41% vs. 30%).

Men and women are about equally likely to have positive impressions of socialism. However, men are far more likely than women to have a favorable impression of capitalism: 68% of men have a positive impression of capitalism, compared with 48% of women. Men are also roughly twice as likely as women to say they have a very favorable impression of capitalism (28% vs. 15%).

About half of Black (52%) and Asian (49%) Americans have a positive impression of socialism, as do 41% of Hispanic Americans compared with just 31% of White Americans. About six-in-ten White (62%) and Asian (59%) adults and 54% of Hispanic adults have a positive impression of capitalism. By comparison, 40% of Black adults view capitalism positively.

People with higher family incomes are more likely than those in the lowest income tier to view capitalism positively (70% vs. 45%). By contrast, those with lower family incomes are more positive about socialism than are those with middle and upper incomes.

Both Democrats and Republicans differ by age and income in their opinions about these terms. Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, there are stark differences in views of capitalism by age: 64% of Democrats 65 and older say they have a positive view of the term, as do about half of Democrats ages 50 to 64. By comparison, 42% of Democrats ages 30 to 49 and just 29% of those under 30 say the same.

There are more modest age differences among Democrats in views of socialism. Democrats under 50 are somewhat more likely to have a positive view of the term than those 50 and older (60% vs. 54%).

Lower-income Democrats are also less likely to have positive views of capitalism (39%) than middle- (47%) and upper-income Democrats (55%). Similar majorities of Democrats across income tiers view socialism positively.

Among Republicans and GOP leaners, majorities in all age groups have positive views toward capitalism, but younger Republicans are less likely to say this than older Republicans. Six-in-ten Republicans under the age of 30 say they have a positive view of capitalism. Among Republicans ages 30 to 49 71% say they have a positive view toward capitalism, as do eight-in-ten Republicans 50 and older.

And while just 6% of Republicans 65 and older say they have positive views toward socialism, a larger share of those under 30 (23%) say the same thing.

There are also income divides among Republicans: While a majority of lower-income Republicans (61%) have favorable views of capitalism, the share who say this is smaller than among middle- (75%) and upper-income Republicans (87%). About three-in-ten Republicans in the lower tier of household income (29%) have positive views toward socialism, compared with about one-in-ten who are middle (9%) and upper income (8%).

Among the public overall, roughly four-in-ten (39%) have a positive view of capitalism and a negative view of socialism. That is about double the share who have a positive view of socialism and a negative view of capitalism (18%). About one-in-five adults either have positive impressions of both terms (18%) or neither one (21%).

Adults under the age of 30 are about as likely to only have a positive view of socialism (28%) as they are to have a positive view of only capitalism (24%). Among those 65 and older, a majority (53%) have a positive view of capitalism and not socialism, while just 9% only have a positive view of socialism.

Adults under 30 are about twice as likely as those 65 and older to have a positive view of neither term (27% vs. 14%).

A clear majority of Republicans (66%) have a positive impression of capitalism and a negative view of socialism.

Younger Republicans are less likely than older Republicans to view capitalism positively and also view socialism negatively: 47% of Republicans under the age of 30 hold this combination of views. By comparison, 79% of Republicans 65 and older and 71% of those ages 50 to 64 hold this combination of views.

Among Democrats, views are more mixed: Three-in-ten have a positive view toward socialism but not capitalism, 19% express a positive view toward capitalism only, 27% of Democrats view both socialism and capitalism positively, and about two-in-ten (21%) do not have a positive view of either term.

Views toward socialism and capitalism also differ across age groups among Democrats. About four-in-ten Democrats under the age of 30 express a positive view toward socialism and a negative view of capitalism (41%), while 21% of Democrats 50 and older hold this combination of views. Democrats under 30 are about twice as likely as those 65 and older to say they have negative views of both socialism and capitalism (28% vs. 15%).

Republicans and Democrats also have different impressions of the ways capitalism and socialism affect society.

While about a third of Democrats and Democratic leaners (34%) say the phrase gives all people an equal opportunity to be successful describes socialism extremely or very well, just 11% of Republicans and say the same. Nearly seven-in-ten Republicans and Republican leaners (69%) say this phrase does not describe socialism well, with 44% saying it does not describe socialism at all well.

Conversely, while a majority of Republicans (56%) associate capitalism with giving people an equal opportunity for success, just 20% of Democrats say this phrase describes capitalism extremely or very well. Nearly half of Democrats (48%) say it characterizes capitalism not too or not at all well.

The pattern of partisan responses to the phrase makes sure everyones basic needs, such as food, health care, and housing, are met is largely similar to that of equal opportunity. Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to say this phrase describes socialism extremely or very well (56% vs. 19%) and to say this does not describe capitalism (62% vs. 38%).

And Republicans are 43 percentage points more likely than Democrats to say restricts peoples individual freedoms describes socialism extremely or very well (62% vs. 19%). Partisan differences in the shares using this description for capitalism are more modest, with 14% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats saying it describes capitalism extremely or very well.

The majority of Democrats who view socialism positively (57% of all Democrats and Democratic leaners) are much more likely than those who view it negatively to say it gives all people a chance to succeed and ensure their needs are met.

Among Democrats with a positive impression of socialism, nearly half (48%) say the phrase gives all people an equal opportunity to be successful describes socialism extremely or very well, while just 10% say it describes socialism not too or not at all well.

By comparison, only 14% of those with a negative impression of socialism say this phrase characterizes socialism at least very well.

An even larger share of Democrats with a positive impression of socialism (71%) say makes sure everyones basic needs, such as food, health care, and housing, are met describes socialism extremely or very well. Only about a third of Democrats with a negative impression of socialism (34%) say the same.

Conversely, Democrats with a negative impression of socialism are more likely to say that socialism restricts peoples individuals freedoms. Roughly three-in-ten (29%) say this, compared with just 12% of Democrats who have a positive impression of socialism.

Overall, a third of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they like political leaders who identify as democratic socialists, while 18% dislike such leaders, a separate Pew Research Center survey conducted June 27-July 4 found. Nearly half of Democrats (47%) say they neither like nor dislike political leaders who call themselves democratic socialists. These shares are essentially unchanged over the past year.

Among Democrats, ideology and age are both closely associated with views of political leaders who identify as democratic socialists. This mirrors the pattern of opinion on the term socialism with younger Democrats and liberal Democrats more positive about both democratic socialists and the overall term socialism than older Democrats and conservative or moderate Democrats.

Half of liberal Democrats express favorable views of those who identify as democratic socialists, including 26% who like such leaders a lot. Only about one-in-ten liberal Democrats (12%) say they dislike leaders who say they are democratic socialists, while another 38% neither like nor dislike such leaders.

By contrast, conservative or moderate Democrats are somewhat more likely to say they dislike (24%) than like (19%) such leaders; 55% neither like nor dislike leaders who use this term to describe themselves.

On balance, younger Democrats like leaders who describe themselves as democratic socialists: Among those under 50, 37% like such leaders while 15% dislike them. By comparison, opinion of democratic socialists is more divided among those 50 and older: 28% like political leaders who identify as democratic socialists, while 22% dislike such leaders.

Read more:
Modest Declines in Positive Views of 'Socialism' and 'Capitalism' in U.S. - Pew Research Center

Are we on the road to Socialism? | Letters To Editor | – The Sun Chronicle

To the editor:

The following eight steps or level of control were written by Saul Alinsky who was born in 1909 and died in 1971. He was an American community activist.

President Barrack Obama quotes him often in his book and Hillary Clinton did her thesis on Alinsky in 1969 while a senior at Wellesley College.

The eight steps are needed to create a socialist state. Read them carefully and decide for yourself how many of these steps have already been achieved in this country. This should be extremely frightening to all Americans. President Joe Biden and the leftist Democrats have pushed and made tremendous progress on every single one of the eight steps. Should you prefer a socialist way of life, I suggest you research Venezuela and see first hand how socialism is working for their citizens. We can only hope and pray the country we love can survive the Biden administration and somehow get back on track before its to late.

Keep in mind these steps were written more than 50 years ago.

1) Health care: Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing and income).

6) Education: Take control of what people read and listen to take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion: Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.

8) Class warfare: Divide the people into wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.

With the current people in power we should be afraid very afraid.

Kenneth Porter


More here:
Are we on the road to Socialism? | Letters To Editor | - The Sun Chronicle

Xi’s article on socialism with Chinese characteristics to be published – Xinhua

BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- An article on consistently upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, will be published.

The article by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published on Friday in this year's 18th issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

The article stresses that socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is both the outcome and the continuation of the great social revolution by the people under the leadership of the Party.

This must be carried out consistently, it says.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics did not just fall from the sky. It is, in fact, a valuable result of the painstaking efforts made by the Party and the people at great cost, which is a hard-won achievement, it says.

The significant success of socialism with Chinese characteristics in China demonstrates that socialism did not collapse and will not collapse. On the contrary, it has thrived with vigor and vitality, reads the article.

The success of scientific socialism in China has a significant bearing on Marxism, scientific socialism and world socialism, it adds.

The Party's 19th National Congress reached a major political conclusion that socialism with Chinese characteristics had entered a new era. It should be acknowledged that this new era is a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics rather than any other kind of new era, according to the article.

It is fundamental that the Party should hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics so as to realize its historic mission in the new era, the article says.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is becoming a banner for the development of scientific socialism in the 21st century, as well as a mainstay for revitalizing world socialism, it says.

The article adds that the Party has the responsibility, confidence and capability to make greater contributions to the new development of scientific socialism.

Read this article:
Xi's article on socialism with Chinese characteristics to be published - Xinhua