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Matthew Lau: Circling the toilet bowl of socialism – Financial Post

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Liberals have broken all the rules of sensible taxation

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Had I been in charge of titling last weeks federal budget, it would have been called something like Circling the toilet bowl of socialism. Were not quite in the bowl yet, but with this budget, were circling it. The Liberals instead called their budget A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable, a far less accurate description, for their policies are exactly the opposite of what they should be if they really want to grow the economy. As a matter of basic economics, to encourage economic growth, taxes must be low, simple, predictable, and broadly applied, in order to minimize distortions and provide certainty. The Liberals have broken all the rules of sensible taxation by making taxes higher, more distortionary, more arbitrary, and less certain.

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Financial institutions are squarely in the governments crosshairs, and appallingly, the Liberals introduced a new tax with retroactive application by announcing that large financial institutions would have to pay a 15 per cent tax on income over $1 billion in the 2021 tax year. That is madness. Businesses and individuals plan for today, next year, and five and 10 years into the future. When retroactive taxes are in play, not only do people not know what tax rate they must pay next year, but they dont even know what tax rates apply to their income today, so that short-term planning, let along long-term planning, becomes impossible. Raising taxes is bad enough policy; by also creating an environment of policy uncertainty the Liberals do double damage.

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When it comes to taxes and uncertainty, the worst part of the budget is actually not the misnamed chapter on A Fair Tax System, but all the other sections of the document containing the new spending initiatives. Keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending, Milton Friedman wisely advised, because thats the true tax. If we dont pay for spending with the taxes in the current budget, we pay for it through future taxes or in the form of inflation. Keeping an eye on government spending is, like most everything Friedman said, excellent advice, but with this budget, taxpayers may instead want to look away.

Program spending this fiscal year, including net actuarial losses, is planned at $434.3 billion. This despite the Liberals saying in their fiscal update just four months ago that spending in 2022-23 would be $424.2 billion. Somehow the Liberals decided in the intervening period that spending was $10 billion per year too low a decision made undoubtedly with encouragement from the NDP. Note that the Liberals Budget 2019, itself far from fiscally responsibly, projected that by 2022-23 the government would be spending only $358.4 billion. That the government is spending $76 billion more than was planned just three years ago shows that the Liberals are abusing the pandemic, which has pretty well now ended, to dramatically and permanently increase government control.

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The most expensive chapter of the budget is surprise! the one on climate change and the environment. It includes $12.4 billion in new initiatives over the next five years, including $2.7 billion on zero-emission vehicle programs, $2.0 billion to expand the Low Carbon Economy Fund, $887 million on agricultural subsidies, and other big-dollar programs related to carbon capture, renewable energy, and various other things. Not included in that $12.4 billion figure are hundreds of millions of dollars in climate spending elsewhere in the budget, for such things as a green buildings strategy, low-interest loans for energy efficiency, and an Indigenous Climate Leadership Agenda.

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Much of the expense imposed on Canadians in the federal budget doesnt actually appear on the program expenses line for in addition to the Liberals spending other peoples money, they also create new rules and regulations about how people must spend their own money and otherwise conduct their private business affairs. Turning again to the climate chapter, the Liberals reaffirm their plan to ban sales of new light-duty vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035, propose to force federally regulated institutions to report on climate-related financial risks, and announce that the governments Sustainable Finance Action Council will develop strategies to marshal private-sector capital to support the transition to net-zero emissions.

The budget is all bad, but the good news is that a market economy is remarkably robust. Even if the government gives it a severe taxation and regulatory beating, the economy will still grow just not as quickly as it should. So even with this budget of higher spending, more intrusive regulation, and more climate alarm, the Canadian economy is not quite in the toilet bowl of socialism yet. Were only circling it.

Matthew Lau is a Toronto writer.

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Matthew Lau: Circling the toilet bowl of socialism - Financial Post

A socialist program of action for the working class to oppose war and fight COVID-19 and austerity – WSWS

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is standing candidates in the 2022 election to advance a socialist program of action for workers to fight for their class interests against the relentless assault on their basic social and democratic rights.

The source of this assault is the historic breakdown of the global capitalist system manifested in the unchecked spread of COVID-19, the growing danger of world war, the continual evisceration of social spending and wages, and the ravages of climate change.

The issue before the working class in Australia and internationally is the fight to end the capitalist profit system which dominates over and determines every aspect of the lives of working people.

Consequently, we are irreconcilably opposed to every other partythe Liberal-National Coalition, the Labor Party, the Greens, the United Australia Party and pseudo-left parties such as Socialist Alliance and the Victorian Socialistsas well as the array of so-called independent candidates who seek to curry favour with the major parties, all within the framework of the political establishment. All of them stand for the defence of the profit system.

This election takes place in conditions of mounting anger and frustration, with support for the Liberal-National Coalition and the Labor opposition at record lows. The campaign of diversionary point scoring, phony promises and invective has one aim: to divert attention from the real issues.

Whatever the shape of the next governmentCoalition, Labor or a minority government backed by various independentsit will make the working class pay for the huge budget deficits and spiralling government debt created by pouring billions into military spending and big-business pandemic support packages. In fact, Labor leader Anthony Albanese is signaling to the ruling class that Labor is the better party to take the country to war and impose austerity.

The Greens are again pledging a greener, kinder Australia with limited policies that they will quite happily ditch to enter a coalitionwith Labor or Liberalas they did in supporting the Gillard Labor government. The billionaire Clive Palmer is spending his millions on TV ads to present himself as a man of the people and get the jump on his rival right-wing populists Pauline Hanson and Jacqui Lambie.

A particularly pernicious role is played the pseudo-left parties. They function to corral the emerging anti-capitalist sentiment and combativeness of workers and young people back behind the very parties and organisations responsible for the crisisLabor, the Greens and the trade unions. Far from being socialist in any sense, they represent the interests of an upper middle-class layer steeped in the divisive and regressive politics of identity based on race and ethnicity, sexuality and gender.

None of these parties is addressing the real concerns and fears of working people or offering any solution to the excruciating daily difficulties facing millions struggling to make ends meet. There is a conspiracy by the media and political establishment not to discuss the major dangers facing humanity and the future of young people in particularthe pandemic, war climate change and the worsening social crisis.

The COVID pandemic is a devastating exposure of capitalism and the ruling classes around the world. Their governments have instituted the unscientific policy of herd immunity and let the deadly virus rip through the worlds population killing up to 20 million already and allowing the emergence of even more dangerous strains. It is a policy of wholesale murder that serves the needs of big business to drive workers back into the factories and workplaces to ensure the continued production of profits.

Australia is no exception. State and federal governments began the reckless lifting of the limited public health measures put in place at the start of the pandemic in December just as the highly infectious Omicron variant was taking hold. Infections, hospitalisations and deaths soared. Schools and workplaces have been turned into mass infection sites. Yet governments and the media insist that people have to live with the virus and act as if the pandemic is over.

Everyone knows it is a lie. Everyone knows at least one person who has been infected, and in some cases, someone who has died. Almost five million people have been infected in the past few months. More than 4,000 people have died of the virus so far this year, nearly double the figure in the first two years of the pandemic.

The responsibility for the catastrophe lies squarely with all parties. Coalition and Labor governments have conspired in the unconstitutional National Cabinet to lift necessary public health measures and unleash the virus. No one has stood up in any parliament to criticise or challenge the policy, let alone demand the prosecution of those responsible for criminal negligence.

The SEP and its sister parties of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) champion the scientifically based strategy to eliminate the virus. China has demonstrated that elimination is possible, but it cannot be achieved in one country. Internationally-coordinated public health measures are needed.

Workers have a growing sense of foreboding as they watch nuclear-armed powers go head-to-head in Ukraine. Many are distrustful of the daily deluge of propaganda demonising Russian President Vladimir Putin while portraying the right-wing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as the defender of freedom and democracy. We have seen it all beforein the US-led wars in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya.

What is behind the US drive to war with Russia? In response to the global breakdown of capitalism, the ruling classes everywhere have only one solution: war against their rivals and class war against the working class.

The most acute expression of the crisis lies at the very heart of world imperialism in Washington. Confronting social and political turmoil at home, the Biden administration has brought forward longstanding plans to subordinate Russia and also China in order to arrest Americas historic decline. It has deliberately goaded Putin into a reactionary and reckless war, calculating it will create chaos in Moscow and facilitate the breakup and US domination of Russia. The chief responsibility for this war rests squarely with the US and its allies that are funneling mountains of arms into Ukraine.

At the same time, the US has not let up pressure, threats and provocations against China in which Australia is playing a central role. The Morrison government with Labors full support joined the AUKUS pact with the US and United Kingdom last September. The military are now acquiring nuclear-powered attack submarines and hypersonic missile. There is bipartisan support for a military budget of over $600 billion this decade. Who will pay this gargantuan sum? Inevitably it will be the working class.

The SEP and the ICFI oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine, not from the standpoint of supporting the NATO puppet Zelensky, but because it is sowing divisions between Ukrainian and Russian workers. Only a unified anti-war movement of the international working class can halt this reckless plunge towards a nuclear catastrophe. Having sacrificed millions of lives to COVID, the US and its allies will not hesitate to kill many millions more in a nuclear conflagration to prosecute their interests.

An immense gulf exists between working people and the world inhabited by politicians, media personalities and trade union functionaries who rub shoulders with corporate executives and billionaires. They have no idea what it is like to face the excruciating choices between paying the rent or mortgage, seeing a doctor or putting food on the table.

There are literally two Australias. Last year the wealth of the richest 250 Australians increased by $50 billion, to a staggering $520 billion, while wages stagnated, unemployment became more uncertain and government pensions and benefits declined in real terms.

This situation will only get worse. Inflation is rising around the world, including in Australia, driven by the economic dislocation caused by the pandemic and now the Ukraine war. The answer of central banks backed by government is to lift interest rates hitting workers with a double whammyrising mortgage repayments and rent as well as rising prices for goods. Inflation here has already hit 3.5 percent, but for food and fuel is growing at more than 10 percent.

The contempt of governments, state and federal, for working people is epitomised by their response to the recent harrowing scenes of flooding in Lismore and other areas. Morrison visited Lismore, hid from angry residents and told the city that it was on its own: you cannot expect government help the victims of floods, bushfires and cyclonesit is too costly.

Extreme weather events such as flood and bushfires are becoming increasingly common. While the connection to individual events is complex, no one can doubt that climate change is the basic driver of new extremes in temperature and climatic instability, nor that greenhouse gases are chiefly responsible. Yet for decades, governments have fiddled with patently inadequate policies and market-based measures, while the planet has baked. Already scientists are warning that we are on the brink of irreversible changes that threaten the future of humanity.

None of the other parties, including the Greens, has a solution. Their policies are limited to what is possible within the framework of the profit system and the national state, and are therefore piecemeal, parochial and based on the market. But capitalism and its division of the world into rival nation states are the essential barrier to the only real solution: a scientifically-based and internationally coordinated plan to halt and reverse climate change.

The capitalist agenda of social inequality and war is incompatible with democratic forms of rule. Under various pretexts, Coalition and Labor have collaborated in undermining basic democratic rights and legal norms and erecting the scaffolding of a police state that will be used against the working class.

The attack on democratic rights is most nakedly expressed in the endless incarceration of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, for exposing the war crimes and diplomatic intrigues perpetrated by the US and its allies. The SEP will continue to take the fight for Assanges freedom into the working class, making it a central feature of our election campaign.

The entire repressive apparatus of the capitalist state, its security forces and battery of anti-democratic laws must be abolished, including the party deregistration legislation and the laws barring dual citizens from standing for parliament.

Decades of abject treachery and betrayal by the trade unions and the Labor Party have led to growing anger, frustration, and rebelliousness towards organisations that are a barrier to any struggle by workers for their class interests. New workers organisations, independent of unions and guided by a revolutionary perspective, are needed. As a unified fighting force that understands what must be done, the working class is more than capable of refashioning society globally from top to bottom to meet the needs of humanity. That is the essence of the fight for socialist internationalism that has terrified the ruling classes ever since it was first developed.

Our campaign is above all aimed at providing workers with the political weapons and organisational means to fight for their interests. After decades of its suppression by the union apparatus, the class struggle is re-emerging in Australia. Nurses and other health workers in New South Wales have shown the way forward, taking their first strike action in over a decade, while teachers, rail workers and a number of other key sections of the working class are engaged in industrial disputes over wages and intolerable working conditions.

These strikes are part of the first stirrings of an international movement that has already seen strikes and mass protests in Sri Lanka, India and Peru as well as through the Middle East and parts of Africa over surging prices for food and fuel and acute shortages. In North America and Europe, workers have increasingly taken strike action, in some cases in open defiance of the trade unions.

The SEP has initiated rank-and-file committees among teachers, university staff, postal workers and health workers, independent of the trade unions, to provide the basis to fight the onslaught on their jobs, wages and conditions. We encourage workers to form democratically elected rank-and-file committees in every factory and workplace and working-class suburb as the means to break out of the shackles of the trade unions and to advance their class demands.

Trade unions no longer defend even the most elementary needs of workers but function as the industrial police for governments and corporations to suppress workers. They rely on the draconian Fair Work legislation put in place by the last Labor government, and supported by the unions, to stand over and menace workers. The abolition of all anti-strike laws needs to be an elementary demand of all rank-and-file committees.

The unification of the working class is the essential means to halt the drive to war, eliminate COVID-19 or arrest climate change. To unify workers, all forms of racism and nationalism must be rejected, and the persecution of refugees and immigrants opposed. Workers must be able to live and work wherever they want with full citizenship rights.

We advance the following demands to meet the pressing needs of working people:

A hue and cry will immediately go out from the financial press, corporate CEOs and their political servants: This is unaffordable. But the working class, the source of all wealth in society, must decide what is affordable and what is not.

Nationalise the banks, finance houses and major corporations under the democratic control of the working class. Seize the colossal wealth of the billionaires. Place production and distribution under democratic workers control. Halt the squandering of billions on the military and weapons of war.

These demands inexorably lead to the issue of which class is to hold the reins of power. A workers government resting on organs created by the working class in its struggles has to be established to reorganise society along socialist lines as part of the fight for socialism internationally.

The SEP is not like other parties. Our ambition is not to establish as many of our members as possible in comfortable seats in parliament. We are based on the principles of socialist internationalism that animated the Russian Revolution and the creation of the first and only genuine workers state in history. We also stand on the lessons of the political fight waged by Leon Trotsky against the betrayal of the Russian Revolution by the Stalinist bureaucracy that usurped power from the working class. We are part of an international partythe ICFIthat alone defends and fights for the program and perspective that underpinned the Fourth International founded by Trotsky in 1938.

The SEP calls on workers to vote for our candidates to demonstrate their support for a socialist alternative. None of the issues confronting workers can be resolved through parliament. But if elected, our candidates will use parliament to expose the institution and the grubby manoeuvres of capitalist politicians, and to popularise our program to a broader audience of the working class.

We urge workers and youth to support our campaign in every way they can. But above all what is needed for the struggles ahead is revolutionary leadership. The history of the last century has demonstrated again and again that without a revolutionary party even the most sizeable and militant of movements of workers ends in defeat. We urge you to join and build the SEP as a mass revolutionary party of the workers.

Authorised by Cheryl Crisp for the Socialist Equality Party, Suite 906, 185 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.

Join the SEP campaign against anti-democratic electoral laws!

The working class must have a political voice, which the Australian ruling class is seeking to stifle with this legislation.

Continued here:
A socialist program of action for the working class to oppose war and fight COVID-19 and austerity - WSWS

Collier: Awakening to misuse of ‘woke’ – The Columbian

My inbox remains a reliable source of vitriolic accusations about the so-called woke mob, as well as more specific accusations that I am myself a member in good standing with the so-called woke mob, so I guess its time for a pertinent question:

Uh, what is it?

The woke thing is fairly ubiquitous and has been for a few years, but its comprehension is decidedly not. Confusion about woke reached a tipping point in the last couple weeks with yet another mindless assertion by Donald J. Trump, specifically that Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks made a horrible mistake when he went woke and stated, referring to the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, Put that behind you, put that behind you.

Brooks, lest youve misplaced your handy roster of Jan. 6 insurrectionists, is the guy who turned up in Washington that day for conspicuous speech-making that somehow required him to wear body armor and carry a Glock.

Today is the day American patriots start takin down names and kickin ass, Brooks yelled as the opening act of the Stop the Steal rally. But now that hes put that behind him, hes felt compelled to point out that hes not woke.

When the (former) president calls me woke, theres not anybody in Alabama with a brain larger than the size of a pea who believes that Mo Brooks is a woke liberal, Brooks told ABC.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has warned that Disney will destroy the country if its woke ideology is left to flourish unabated. Luckily, the line to destroy the country is longer than the one for Space Mountain, and I doubt Disney will be cutting the line in front of Ron DeSantis.

This is the first reference Ive seen to a woke ideology, even if I admit the suspicion that if anyone was about to foist some sinister agenda upon America it would be Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Laugh if you must, but I believe it was Democratic strategist James Carville who told CNN not long ago that some Democrats need to visit a woke detox center.

As it happens, there is an official definition of woke, and its not surprising that its as benign as can be. According to Merriam-Webster, woke means aware and attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of race and social justice. It has lyrical roots in a 1938 protest song by bluesman Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly), who urged listeners to stay woke.

Oooh. So scary.

No one on the left should allow themselves to be defined by the pejorative slang of people whod be hard-pressed to define such terms for themselves, and vice versa. Its the same with the lefts socialist agenda. What percentage of people who throw socialist around can ascribe to it an accurate definition? Id say about 16 percent.

Thankfully, were coming up on the 70th anniversary of that time Harry Truman put the socialist trope to bed for good.

Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years, Truman said in a speech at Syracuse. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called Social Security. Socialism is what they called farm price supports. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.

Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.

And who is the they in all of that?

Not the woke mob.

Gene Collier is a columnist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Continued here:
Collier: Awakening to misuse of 'woke' - The Columbian

The Soul of the Worker – Jewish Currents

Likewise, contemporary Chabadniks are likely to associate socialism with their inherited memories of Soviet persecution. Thousands can recount stories of grandparents and great-grandparents who were shot or sent to the Gulags for practicing and perpetuating their Jewish way of life. Those who evaded arrest lived in fear, in hiding or on the run. Their refusal to work on Shabbos usually meant that they couldnt find official employment; often, they survived by laboring in home workshops and selling goods on the black market. The stories of this struggle, experienced not only by rabbis and kosher butchers, but also by laborers, homemakers, and artisansordinary men, women, and childrenare the threads from which the collective story of the Chabad community is woven. Take, for example, the story of Sarah Katsenelenbogen (known among Chabadniks as Mumme Sarah). Her husband was disappeared in 1937, and she was left alone with five young children. She insisted on raising them as religious Jews, refusing to send them to government schools. After World War II, she helped mastermind the mass escape of Chabadniks (including Plotkin and his surviving family members) into Poland. She never made it across the border herself, and she died in 1952 while incarcerated by the Ministry of State Security, which conducted surveillance and repressed political dissent. Today, more than a hundred of her direct descendants serve in Chabad institutions all over the world.

Given this background, it is understandable that contemporary Chabadniks often respond to any invocation of socialism with suspicion, or even fear. This reflex is part of a broader matrix of factors that skews political inclinations among Hasidic Jews to the right, so that when it comes to the ballot they tend to be more aligned with political elites than with working people whose interests might appear much closer to their own. Last years Pew study of American Jews showed that those who identify as Orthodox tend to have lower household incomes than those affiliated with other denominations, suggesting that contrary to the pervasive stereotypes, many are workers, modern incarnations of Moshe the carpenter.

As a member of the Chabad community myself, as well as an academic who studies the movements intellectual, social, and literary history, one of the reasons Kaddish Denied grabbed my attention is the way it centers a character whose very identity is a rejection of the false bifurcation between working people and religious Jews. Plotkins story, it seems, might help us cast off this antiquated binary.

CHABAD EMERGED AS A DISTINCT STREAM within the wider Hasidic movement at the end of the 18th century, under the leadership of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. His classical work of Hasidic thought, Tanya (1796), demystified Kabbalah and made contemplative mystical practices accessible, empowering readers to overcome spiritual and material anxieties through the joyful alignment of thought, speech, and action with divine wisdom and will. Over the course of the 19th century, Chabad (centered from 1813 in the village of Lubavitch) became the dominant Hasidic group in the region that now encompasses Belarus and stretches south into the eastern parts of Ukraine, north into Latvia, and east into Russia. Chabads heady mix of cerebrality and spirit, combined with a rich tradition of literary and melodic production, was seminal to the development of Eastern European Jewish culture. Modernist figures like the artist Marc Chagall and the playwright and folklorist S. Anskyfamed for his play The Dybbukboth emerged from the Chabad milieu.

In the first decades of the 20th century, Chabad-Lubavitch was led by Rabbi Shneur Zalmans great-great-grandson, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn (Rashab). Advocating for the primacy of traditional Torah authority in institutional Jewish life, he successfully competed with the Jewish aristocracy, who sought the acculturation and reform of Russian Jewry, and who had previously dominated representation of the Jewish community to the tsarist government. Rashab celebrated the tsars 1917 abdication, comparing it to the fall of Pharaoh, and in subsequent elections for a new All-Russian Jewish Congress, he mobilized a united religious front that captured a significant share of the vote. By then, however, Octobers Bolshevik Revolution had ended Russias brief moment of emancipation and initiated a bloody civil war.

When Rashab died in the spring of 1920, the networks and institutions he had built had been all but decimated. In the wake of war, pogroms, famine, and disease, the Evsektsiiaaided by other agents of the new statewere beginning to systematically stifle traditional Jewish life. But the students of Rashabs rabbinical school had internalized his vision, and his son, the aforementioned Rayatz, rallied them to resist the Evsektsiias campaign of compulsory secularization.

Kaddish Denied is set in the 1930s and 40s, the darkest and most difficult period for Chabadniks who remained behind the Iron Curtain. Sholemke grows up in the shadow of his most vivid childhood memorythe night that uniformed men ransacked the dank apartment he shared with his parents (halfway underground, halfway a grave) and took his father away:

Do you see? Schneersohn!

They ordered Father to dress and to come with them. Father came over to my small bed, bent over, and kissed me; a powerful and final kiss. A few large tearswarm, hot, boiling like bloodtumbled from his deep black eyes onto my forehead. Then he gave my mother a fiery glance, his eyes now bloodshot. He kissed the mezuzah, opened the door and was swallowed up in the unending darkness of the night.

Sholemke remembers his father as an unhappy kaloshnik, a mender of old galoshes and rubber boots. But as he pieces together the mish-mash of impressions and incomplete images that survive this shattering event, he comes to understand that his father was actually a rabbi forced to abandon his position due to the more recent circumstances. The arrest and presumed murder of Sholemkes father draws on real events with which Plotkin was intimately familiar. On a single night in 1938, 12 of his closest friends and colleagues were arrested, tortured, and later shot. The location of their communal grave, in the Levashovo Wasteland near Leningrad, remained unmarked until 2014.

Amid the horror of this repression, the light in the darkness was chassidusChabadniks term for their rebbes teachings. Reflecting on his own experience as a teenager and a young adult, Sholemke explains how the rich and spirited conceptual forms of chassidus endowed him and his friends with a new life-meaning . . . a glorious inner world, fruitful and divine. The new world that it conjured within gave them the ideological conviction to meet all the difficult circumstances of life with courage, poise, and the capacity to endure.

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The Soul of the Worker - Jewish Currents

Capitalism and the climate crisis: IPCC appeal falls on deaf ears – Socialist Appeal

Buried underneath the propaganda surrounding the war in Ukraine recently was news that the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released the third instalment in its latest report, focussing on the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The IPCCs findings reveal that existing commitments, far from limiting global warming to a 1.5 rise, as agreed at the COP21 summit Paris in 2015, would actually see global temperatures reach 3.2 above pre-industrial averages by 2100. This would have devastating consequences for billions across the world.

Climate inaction, the report concludes, has brought us to a now or never tipping point, whereby global carbon dioxide emissions will need to peak within the next three years and then decrease by 43% by 2030 to stay on target with the Paris Agreement.

UN secretary-general Antnio Guterres went so far as to point the finger at lying government and business leaders, who he said had presided over a litany of broken climate promises, revealing a yawning gap between climate pledges and reality.

Guterres may act surprised. But the fact that the capitalist system is incapable of solving the climate crisis is one that has been increasingly clear to most workers and youth for some time.

Across the board, noises from establishment politicians about climate action have turned out to be little more than hot air.

Capitalist governments boast of public and private investment plans to tackle the impending crisis. Yet researchers at Climate Action Tracker have found that of 40 countries surveyed in 2021, none had sufficient policies required to meet the Paris Agreement. In fact, 21 countries had policies that would actually increase emissions.

At the same time, the OECD (a club of advanced capitalist countries) found that, in 2019, only $80 billion of the $100 billion annual transfer from rich to poor nations pledged in the Paris Agreement had been made available a figure that has likely dropped further since. Oxfams own investigation suggests that the real figure is closer to $19-23 billion.

Even this money is being used deceitfully, with some countries classifying development aid (already dubiously used by the imperialists as a means of soft power) as relevant to climate goals, even when it clearly isnt.

That the Paris Agreement itself is insufficient to solve the crisis is an inconvenient truth glossed over by the establishment. The capitalists wont let any mere laws, regulations, or accords get in the way of their profit-making. This is the elephant in the room that none of these big business politicians dare mention.

Elsewhere, supporters of the market have boasted about the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), created at COP26. The intention is to mobilise private capital for the decarbonisation of the world economy, with 450 firms valued at a combined total of over $130 trillion signing up to the initiative.

One small hitch with this proposal is that there are no plans, commitments, or deadlines attached. Instead, ordinary people are expected to take the bosses at their word when they say that they will fork over their cash in a timely and orderly manner.

Such hollow promises and greenwashing are clearly designed to throw dust in our eyes an attempt to distract us whilst the capitalists continue to destroy the planet for the sake of their profits.

The lack of private investment in tackling the climate crisis is not the result of a few ignorant politicians and business leaders, but is embedded in the logic of capitalism itself.

At the end of the day, the capitalists invest only in order to make a profit, not to address the needs of people or the planet.

And with most climate-related investment opportunities deemed either too risky or too unprofitable, they are far more interested in pouring their money into speculative bubbles, demonstrating once again the inability of capitalism to take society forward even one inch.

The latest IPCC report naively suggests that the aftermath of the pandemic would provide governments with the opportunity to rebuild their economies on a sustainable basis. Similar hopes have been voiced in relation to the Ukraine war and the potential to wean the global economy off fossil fuels. This is nothing but wishful thinking.

The anarchy of the capitalist market is a fetter on any transition away from oil and gas, and towards renewable alternatives.

Already, for example, left to the invisible hand of the market, increasing demand for materials needed for low-carbon technologies, alongside tightening regulations, are resulting in greenflation, pushing up the costs of decarbonisation compared to initial calculations.

Similarly, although the cost of solar panels and wind turbines has fallen dramatically over the past decade, as the IPCC report notes, the deployment of green technologies is being hindered by the profit motive.

On the one hand, renewable energy is still not as profitable as fossil fuels; and on the other, large upfront costs are needed to develop a 100% clean energy sector.

The IPCC therefore laments that current attempts at climate action amount to incremental change, rather than system transitions.

Such a widespread, systemic transformation requires large-scale planning, with mass investment in new infrastructure and technology, and huge transfers of labour and capital across entire industries and nations.

The wealth and resources for this clearly exists. But you cannot plan what you dont control; and you dont control what you dont own.

At the same time, we live in an epoch of immense, deepening capitalist crisis, fueling protectionism and trade wars hardly prime conditions for the international cooperation that is required to solve this inherently global problem.

Once again, we see the fundamental barriers that the capitalist system imposes on progress: those of private ownership and the nation state.

Despite the IPCC ringing the alarm bells, the capitalist class is not breaking into a sweat. After all, whilst billions suffer from drought, flooding, and heatwaves, the billionaires are already living on another planet from the rest of us.

It is workers and the most vulnerable who will face the consequences of the climate catastrophe. The super-rich, meanwhile, are far removed from this destruction. And if all else fails, and things get too hot on Earth, they will shoot off into space.

The climate crisis is therefore ultimately a class question.

The technological, scientific, and productive capacity needed to mitigate global warming and adapt to its worst impacts already exists. But this can only be successfully deployed on the basis of a rationally-planned socialist economy, under democratic workers control.

Only on this basis can investment and resources be allocated according to the needs of society, rather than the profits of the capitalist class.

As disaster looms, the burning necessity of overthrowing this rotten system has never been stronger. And the choice facing humanity has never been clearer: socialism or barbarism.

See the original post:
Capitalism and the climate crisis: IPCC appeal falls on deaf ears - Socialist Appeal