Archive for the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ Category

Stand Your Ground law cited in movie theater shooting case – CBS News

DADE CITY, Fla. -- A Florida judge is hearing evidence to determine whether a retired police officer acted in self-defense when he shot a man in a movie theater in 2014.

Retired police officer Curtis Reeves, right, sits with his defense attorney Richard Escobar during a hearing at the Robert D. Sumner Judicial Center in Dade City, Fla. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017.

Charlie Kaijo /Tampa Bay Times via AP, Pool

Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Susan Barthle is being asked to decide whether Curtis Reeves should be immune from prosecution under Floridas controversial stand your ground statute. The hearing started Monday and continued on Tuesday.

The law says a person has no duty to retreat when faced with a violent confrontation and can use deadly force if he or she fears death or great bodily harm.

Reeves shot 43-year-old Chad Oulson during an argument over texting as movie previews played.

Prosecutors say the 74-year-old Reeves provoked the confrontation. Reeves attorneys say Oulsons actions made him think he was in danger of serious assault.

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Stand Your Ground law cited in movie theater shooting case - CBS News

New Stand Your Ground law cited as basis for Columbia shooting – The Maneater

Missouris new Stand Your Ground law has been been invoked as the basis for a shooting in Columbia, where the accused believed the statute permitted him to shoot a fleeing thief.

Senate Bill 656 went into effect Jan. 1 after former Gov. Jay Nixons veto was overturned last fall. This law removed the duty to retreat provision and allows citizens to use deadly force whenever they feel reasonably threatened without retreating first.

You used to have a duty to retreat, criminal defense attorney John Picerno told KSHB news last September. It's one of the few laws in Missouri that's actually very good for the citizens. Not only does it provide the accused with those particular rights but it places the burden on the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you did not act in lawful self-defense."

But Columbia resident Karl Henson was arrested for first-degree felony assault after allegedly shooting at a man who apparently tried to steal his cellphone.

The only reason I thought it was okay to shoot at him while he was running away was because of what happened with the new year on the law change, Henson said, according to the probable cause statement for the Jan. 23 incident. Henson nonfatally shot the man six or seven times in the back.

MU School of Law professor Frank Bowman, a former criminal defense lawyer, said Henson misunderstood the many provisions of the new statute.

I would say this person has an erroneous understanding of what the law says, Bowman said. The [shooting victim] was committing a felony, but you cant use deadly force because theyre leaving the commission of a non-forcible felony like stealing.

Forcible felonies, Bowman explained, include crimes like murder, armed robbery and assault. Regarding the bill as a whole, Bowman said he was opposed to it and considered it to be macho posturing by Missouri legislators.

Its bad on a number of levels, Bowman said. One of them is that, to the extent that people misunderstand it, those kinds of misunderstandings can produce killings which shouldnt happen. [The law] ought to discourage folks from using deadly force unless it is absolutely necessary.

Edited by Madi McVan |

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New Stand Your Ground law cited as basis for Columbia shooting - The Maneater

Pasco theater shooting case heads to ‘stand your ground’ hearing … –

If you believe Curtis Reeves, he was a scared old man who thought he was about to get beat up when Chad Oulson loomed over him in a dark Wesley Chapel theater.

If you believe Nicole Oulson, her husband was calm as the "belligerent" Reeves pestered him about turning off his cell phone before the movie Lone Survivor.

If you believe what was captured on a grainy surveillance video, Oulson's arm came toward Reeves an instant before the retired Tampa cop drew a pistol from his front pocket and fired a single shot.

Was it self defense when Reeves killed Oulson that Sunday afternoon three years ago?

A judge will have to decide.

Starting Monday, Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Susan Barthle will begin weighing whether Reeves, 74, should be immune from prosecution in Oulson's death under Florida's stand your ground law. Otherwise, Reeves will head toward trial on a second-degree murder charge.

The court has set aside two weeks in which attorneys will present evidence and question experts on the use of deadly force, and how age affects one's perception of danger.

They will go back over the details of what happened that day at the Cobb Grove 16 theaters.

The movie was scheduled to start at 1:20 p.m. in theater No. 10

Oulson, 43, and his wife were already seated when Reeves and his wife arrived and sat in the row directly behind them.

As movie previews rolled, Oulson scrolled through his cell phone.

Reeves leaned forward and asked him to turn it off, he later told investigators. Oulson responded with an expletive, he said.

Oulson kept looking at the phone. Reeves got up and left to tell a manager. A minute later, he returned. Oulson had put the phone away.

"I said, 'I see you put it away,'" Reeves later told detectives. "'I told the manager for no reason.'"

Oulson, according to Reeves, said something to the effect of, "if it was any of your ... business, I was texting my daughter."

Oulson rose on the seat and moved toward Reeves, he said. Reeves put a hand out and shrunk backward.

"He kept on hollering," Reeves said. "And it led me to believe he was going to kick my a--."

Reeves felt his head move to the right. His glasses were knocked sideways, he said. Popcorn flew.

"He hit me with something," he told detectives. "I don't know if it was his fist."

In one quick motion, Reeves drew the gun and fired.

Oulson was shot in the chest. He died at the scene.

"As soon as I pulled the trigger, I said 'oh, shoot. This is stupid,'" Reeves told detectives. "But again, I'm 71 years old. I don't need an a-- whipping from a younger man."

An off-duty Sumter County sheriff's deputy was sitting a few seats down from Reeves and took the weapon from him.

Vivian Reeves, in a separate interview, said she turned away as Oulson approached. She didn't see the confrontation.

Detectives asked why she thought her husband fired the gun.

"I don't know," she said. "He was in law enforcement 20 years and he never shot anybody. ... I don't know if he thought he was going to hurt him. That's what I would think, is he thought he was going to be hurt."

Oulson's wife, Nicole, had her arm on his chest when the gun went off. The bullet grazed her middle finger.

Later that day, at St. Joseph's Hospital, she told detectives her version on events, which differed from the story Reeves told.

When Oulson confronted Reeves, she said, she put her arm up and tried to tell him it wasn't worth it. She heard yelling, but didn't see any hitting or shoving.

"He was just very rude from the beginning," she said of Reeves. "Just belligerent. My husband was calm and just said, 'It'll just take a minute. I'll turn it off. The movie hasn't even started.' And he was just nasty."

In a court document filed in 2015, Reeves' attorneys invoked Florida's "stand your ground" law in requesting immunity from prosecution in Oulson's death.

Passed in 2005, the controversial law says a person has no duty to retreat when faced with a violent confrontation and can use deadly force if he or she fears death or great bodily harm.

In their motion, Reeves' attorneys stated that Oulson twice attacked Reeves before the fatal gunshot throwing a cell phone at him, then grabbing Reeves' bag of popcorn and tossing it at him. In doing so, the attorneys argue, Oulson committed a number of felonies, including aggravated battery on a person 65 years of age or older.

Reeves, they argue, feared that because of his age and health, he was in danger of serious injuries. They noted his extensive training as a former law enforcement officer in the use of deadly force.

Supporters say the stand your ground law extends necessary legal protection to people who use lethal force in the face of grave danger. Critics say it creates a dangerous loophole for people to escape criminal charges.

In 2012, the Tampa Bay Times examined cases where defendants invoked stand your ground and found that nearly 70 percent avoided prosecution.

Locally, the law has been cited in cases like that of Trevor Dooley. The Valrico man unsuccessfully argued he was defending himself in 2010 when he shot his neighbor, David James, during a fight over skateboarding on a basketball court in their neighborhood.

Last year, prosecutors cited stand your ground when they declined to charge Jeffrey Glenn in the fatal shooting of Timothy Martin, a former Navy SEAL, at the SoHo Backyard restaurant in Tampa.

Whether it will work in Reeves' case remains to be seen.

Contact Dan Sullivan at or (813) 226-3386. Follow @TimesDan.

Pasco theater shooting case heads to 'stand your ground' hearing 02/17/17 [Last modified: Thursday, February 16, 2017 4:50pm] Photo reprints | Article reprints

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Pasco theater shooting case heads to 'stand your ground' hearing ... -

House committee approves toughening Utah’s "Stand Your Ground … – KUTV 2News

(KUTV) Utah lawmakers took the first step Friday toward toughening the state's Stand Your Ground law.

That law allows someone to use deadly force -- without retreating -- if they feel threatened.

House Bill 259, sponsored by Rep. Cory Maloy (R-Lehi), would add an extra layer of protection for somebody who fights back in self-defense. The House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee approved that bill, 6 to 4, sending it on to the next step.

I just believe strongly in that right to defend yourself, said Maloy, a freshman lawmaker.

"Stand Your Ground" has been on Utahs books for some time. But Maloy didn't think the law was strong enough.

His bill beefs it up, clarifying that if someone is attacked, they do not have to retreat even if safety could be achieved by retreating. It also forbids a court from even considering that during a trial.

The Utah Chiefs of Police Association opposes the bill. According to their lobbyist, David Spatafore, the chiefs believe it sends a dangerous message.

Not only can you stand your ground, said Spatafore, you can escalate if you feel that it's appropriate.

Some of Maloy's fellow lawmakers are worried, too. They cited a study from Texas A&M University that says "Stand Your Ground" laws actually lead to more homicides.

Rep. Angela Romero (D-Salt Lake City) said she's especially concerned about people of color like her son.

The things that they experience in our current political climate scares me, and so bills like this scare me more, said Romero.

But just enough of the House committee wasn't scared. They sent the bill to the full House of Representatives.

I think it was a good victory for the rights of people living here in Utah, said Maloy.

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House committee approves toughening Utah's "Stand Your Ground ... - KUTV 2News

Florida Republicans Move to Expand Stand Your Ground Laws, Disgrace Trayvon Martin – Observer

Enacted in 2005, Floridas current Stand Your Ground law permits individuals to use deadly force in instances of self-defense and without any obligation to retreat. Individuals who use deadly force must defend their use of it before trial.

On February 7, abill, proposed by NRA-backed Florida Sen. Rob Bradley, expandingthe Stand Your Ground law passed the Judiciary Committee by a 5-4 vote along party lines. The bill would shift the responsibility to the prosecution to prove that an individual beyond a reasonable doubt is not eligible to claim immunity under the law.

The bill, which will likely be made law given that Republicans hold the governorship and the state legislature, has provoked immense criticism from those who worry it willcausemore violence. The Miami Heraldreported, Bradleys proposal drew immediate backlash from prosecutors and opponents of Stand Your Ground who fear the changes could flood the courts and make it easier for criminals to go unpunished. The plan also raises among critics renewed constitutional questions of double jeopardy in that requiring a burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt would essentially force prosecutors to try a case twice, once before trial and then at trial itself.

Floridas Stand Your Ground law gained national attention in 2012 when George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida, shot and killed an unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman had a record of frivolous 911 calls, and a 911 dispatcher told him not to confront Martin, who did nothing wrong but looked suspicious to Zimmerman. Under Floridas Stand Your Ground law, Zimmerman was not arrested that night and was ultimately not convicted for killing Trayvon Martin.

Since his trial, Zimmerman has spread racist remarks and flaunted the fact that he got away with the murder that incited the nationwide Black Lives Matter movement. In May 2016, Zimmermanattemptedto sell the gun that he killed Martin with on a gun auction website. Before Twitter suspended his account, Zimmermantweetedphotos of Martins body, touting the Confederate Flag, and regularly posted racist memes about Barack Obama. Zimmermanhasbeen arrested several times since the trial, mostly for domestic violence disputes.

He took a life, carelessly and recklessly, and he shouldnt deserve to have his entire life walking around on the street free, Trayvon Martins mother, Sybrina Fulton, saidin a February 2016interview. I just believe that he should be held accountable for what hes done. Its just upsetting to know that a person can shoot and kill someone and justify it.Martins parents recentlyreleaseda book,Rest In Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin,about their experiences in the wake of Trayvons death.

Rather than taking steps to ensure suchtragedies arentrepeated, Florida is disgracing Martins legacy by considering an expansion of the Stand Your Ground laws. Stand Your Ground laws increase homicides, have no deterrent on serious crimes, result in racial disparities in the criminal justice system and impede law enforcement,noteda 2014 report by the American Bar Association, recommending Stand Your Ground laws across the country be repealed or heavily scaled down. Unfortunately, Florida is doing the opposite. In addition to Bradleysbill, 22 Florida Republican legislators have co-sponsored a companion bill that shifts the burden of overcoming the self-defense immunity from defendants to prosecutors pre-trial.

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Florida Republicans Move to Expand Stand Your Ground Laws, Disgrace Trayvon Martin - Observer