Archive for the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ Category

These Are the States That Have Stand Your Ground Laws …

A Nevada murder trial is renewing the debate over Americas Stand Your Ground self-defense laws.

The story begins in February, when Cody Devine, 34, and Janai Wilson, 29, apparently went, without permission, to a vacant rental property near Reno, Nevada, owned by Wayne Burgarello. According to prosecutors, Burgarello, 73, found Devine and Wilson resting on a floor. He shot them. Burgarello maintains he was acting in self-defense under Nevadas Stand Your Ground law.

The case is an important reminder about the debate over the controversial laws. Thirty-three states have adopted some form of Stand Your Ground law, according to the American Bar Association. Ten states have introduced bills to repeal or scale back their Stand Your Ground laws this year, and 13 states have pending legislation to strengthen or enact such laws.

Florida was the first state to enact such legislation, in 2005, under then Gov. Jeb Bush, who is currently a Republican presidential candidate. Florida essentially immunizes a person from criminal prosecution or civil action, provided he proves the use of force was necessary to prevent death or serious harm.

(Map: Courtesy Al

For years, much of the United States has followed the castle doctrine, which basically holds that a persons home is her castle, which gives that person the right to defend her home through the use of deadly forceand without legal consequences. The National Rifle Association and the American Legislative Exchange Councila group of conservative lawmakersbegan a push for legislation that ultimately would upend the castle doctrine.

Stand Your Ground laws provide more latitude to invoke self-defense as grounds for killing someone posing an imminent threat. Typically, such laws permit the use of deadly force outside the home against a perpetrator, regardless of whether the perpetrator is armed.

Its worth remembering that much of the country was introduced to Stand Your Ground laws after the 2012 fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black youth.

Stand Your Ground advocatesparticularly the gun industryargue that the laws are necessary protection from violent criminals. But criticsgun control groups, civil rights activists, and even some law enforcement officialsmaintain that they fuel a trigger-happy culture. The renewed debate over Stand Your Ground comes at a remarkable point in our thinking about guns: For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans say its important to protect citizens right to own guns.

At a time when the killing of unarmed African Americans by police has given birth to the Black Lives Matter movement, Stand Your Ground critics point to racial fear and bias in the laws implementation, with a particular appeal to white jurors.

In states with Stand Your Ground laws, justifiable homicides have increased 85 percent, and the shooting of a black person by a white person is deemed justifiable 17 percent of the time. Meanwhile, the shooting of whites by blacks is found justifiable in only 1 percent of cases.

These Are the States That Have Stand Your Ground Laws ...

Legislature expands Missouri’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KSPR) -- The Castle Doctrine is all about defending your home, and the way the law is written right now, only the homeowner or the people who live in the house can use deadly force if someone breaks in.

But that's going to change in 30 days.

"There are no limits, pursuant to this bill," said criminal defense attorney Adam Woody. "Any invited guest has the authority and legal authority and right to protect the home using deadly force."

Woody says there are many legal changes with the veto override of Missouri Senate Bill 656.

"Historically, people who have carried a concealed weapon have been guilty of a crime -- that's unlawful use of a weapon under the current statute -- but this new bill eliminates that; it's no longer a crime," said Woody.

The changes also impact the 'Stand Your Ground' law regarding how you defend yourself outside your home, such as a sidewalk or parking lot.

"You don't have a duty to retreat any longer. You can use deadly force if you believe your life is in danger and you have more of a reasonable belief now because of this bill that your life may be in danger," said Woody.

Parents also have mixed reactions on the castle doctrine and stand your ground law.

"It's a people problem and depends on the person carrying the weapon," said parent Cara Kirk.

"I'm all for it personally. For one I think people definitely need to protect their kids and if they're babysitting or anything I'd want my kids to be protected for sure," said parent Ashli Monzyk.

Parent Wes Osburn says he supports the Castle Coctrine on defending your home, but he's still on the fence about the Stand Your Ground law.

"That's a case by case basis and I really don't think you can say it's 100 percent good or bad it's going to vary person to person," said Osburn.

The changes to the castle doctrine and the stand your ground law will take effect in 30 days. The provision on carrying a concealed weapon without a permit will not take effect until Jan. 1, 2017.

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Legislature expands Missouri's 'Stand Your Ground' law

LISTEN: Ted Nugent On Stevie Wonders Drug Use

Last week, music legend Stevie Wonder responded to the acquittal of George Zimmerman by vowing to boycott the state of Florida until its Stand Your Ground law is repealed.

Im just one person, Im a human being, Wonder told an audience in Qubec City. But for the gift that God has given me, and for whatever I mean, I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again.

Ted Nugent aself-professed expert on the black problem has his own theory behind why Wonder would take such a stand.

When you live in a fog of denial, usually inspired by substance abuse you know with all the lies about dope being a victimless crime, I think youre listening to the victims of this dopey crime, because their brains are fried, Nugent said. Theyre either fried on substance abuse, and all of them know who Im talking about.

Nugent added that Wonder who, as nearly all adult humans know, has impaired vision is addled by being surrounded by people who help him.

But theres also a fog of denial with yes men surrounding you and you have people picking up after you and you have people serving you.

Nugent, like many conservatives, is obsessed with the gun violence in Chicago and blasted liberals for ignoring the slaughter there. These arguments point out that the Windy City has some of the strictest gun laws in America and ignore that most of the guns come from all over the nation to the city, often from Mississippi,where gun laws are much more lax.

Nugent actually argues that the lack of a Stand Your Ground law in Chicago is why so many people are killed.

Democrats have fought for expanded background checks to reduce gun violence with the support of some Republicans and independents, including Nugents brother.

The Motor City Madman is proud of the fact that hes never taken drugs to cloud his mind. So one has to wonder what he blames his sexual indiscretions, including one involving an underage Courtney Love, on?

(h/t Raw Story)

Photo:Ron Gallegos via

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LISTEN: Ted Nugent On Stevie Wonders Drug Use

What is the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law in California? – The Los …

After the tragic events that lead to the death of Trayvon Martin last month in Sanford, Fla., the Internet is abuzz with questions on Stand Your Ground laws and Castle Laws.

Indeed, it was the Stand Your Ground Law in Florida that appears to have allowed the alleged killer, George Zimmerman, to walk free after shooting the seventeen-year old. You see, it seems Zimmerman thought that a black man with a hoodie was reasonable cause for suspicion. So, he called 911 and reported the guy.

As far as reports now indicate, he thenfollowed and confronted Martin, eventually shooting him.

Zimmerman claimed that he acted in self-defense. After all, he was in fear of his life. But Trayvon Martin was armed with nothing more than a bag of Skittles and a bottle of ice tea.

Stanford police have not yet arrested Zimmerman, saying that under Florida's Stand Your Ground law, he was within his rights to confront a stranger on the streets and use deadly force, if he believed himself or others to be in imminent danger.

In Florida's version of the law, you can shoot anyone, anywhere, if you fear for your life. Well, anywhere you have the legal right to be.

Now, what if this scenario played out in Los Angeles? Would a Los Angeles criminal lawyer be able to assert a California Stand Your Ground law to protect a Zimmerman-wannabe?

California has a slightly different take on this law. Under California Penal Code sec. 198.5 , if someone enters your home, you can presume that your life is in imminent danger and you can use deadly force against the intruder. In your own home, you would have no duty to retreat in California. Also in this state, you have no duty to retreat if you're stopping someone from committing a felony.

But as for attacking a Skittles-wielding 17-year-old on the street, a Los Angeles defendant would not have much success in invoking the Stand Your Ground laws in California, as California adopts the more tailored version of that law, known as the Castle doctrine. As described above, those claiming self defense have more leeway in their homes (your home is your castle) than in a public area.

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What is the 'Stand Your Ground' Law in California? - The Los ...

How Stand Your Ground laws affect … –

How Do Stand Your Ground Laws Change Existing Law?

ALECs model Stand Your Ground law and the Florida law on which it was based contain seven key components that distinguish them from traditional self-defense doctrine. Some states have adopted all seven elements, while others have adopted varying combinations of them. For the purposes of this report, a state is only considered a Stand Your Ground state if its statute allows a person to use deadly force e.g., shoot someone anywhere the shooter has a right to be, even when there is a clear and safe opportunity to avoid a dangerous situation.

Allowing People to Stand Their Ground in Public

Stand Your Ground states give shooters the right to use deadly force even when there is a safe opportunity to retreat, as long as they are in any place they have a right to be. An additional three states which are not classified as Stand Your Ground states for the purposes of this report expand the Castle Doctrine only to the shooters vehicle,Missouri: 2007 Mo. SB 62; Ohio: 2007 Ohio SB 184; Wisconsin: 2011 Wis. ALS 94. allowing a driver to shoot someone when threatened in his or her car instead of simply driving away.

Permitting Deadly Force in Defense of Property

At least nine Stand Your Ground statesAlabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(a)(3); Arizona: A.R.S. 13-411(A); Florida: Fla. Stat 776.031, 776.08; Georgia: O.C.G.A. 16-3-23(3); Kansas: K.S.A. 21-3212, 21-3213; Kentucky: KRS 503.080(2)(b); Nevada: Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 200.120(1); Oklahoma: 21 Okl. St. 643(3); Texas: Tex. Penal Code 9.42. have statutes that allow a shooter to kill a person to defend property, even if no one is in physical danger and, in at least one state, even if the perpetrator is fleeing.Texas: Tex. Penal Code 9.42(2)(B)

The statutes that allow deadly force to be used to defend property fall into two broad categories. Four states allow deadly force to be used to protect personal property, such as money, cell phones, and cameras.Kansas: K.S.A. 21-3212, 21-3213; Nevada: Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 200.120(1); Oklahoma: 21 Okl. St. 643(3); Texas: Tex. Penal Code 9.42 This can result in the legally justified killing of people even when the compromised property is of very little value.For example, in June 2012, Benito Pantoja stole $20.29 from the tip jar of a taco truck in Houston, Texas. The owner of the business chased Pantoja and shot him in the back, killing him. Pantojas death was ruled a justifiable homicide. See Yang Wang and Dane Schiller, Texas Justifiable Homicides Rise with Castle Doctrine, Houston Chronicle, July 2, 2012, Six states permit the use of deadly force to prevent the burglary of an unoccupied building, even if the shooter does not own or control the building, and even if the shooter knows that no one is inside or otherwise in danger.Alabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(a)(3); Arizona: A.R.S. 13-411(A); Florida: Fla. Stat 776.031, 776.08; Georgia: O.C.G.A. 16-3-23(3); Kentucky: KRS 503.080(2)(b)

Though proponents of these laws claim that they deter criminals, the evidence indicates otherwise. A recent study by Texas A&M University economists found that rates of burglary and robbery are unaffected by the passage of Stand Your Ground laws.C. Cheng and M. Hoekstra, Does Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence? Evidence from Castle Doctrine, Texas A&M Department of Economics, 29 May 2012, available at Meanwhile, as this report explains, states that have passed these laws have experienced increased homicide rates.

Creating Presumptions that Shootings are Lawful

Beyond expanding the Castle Doctrine to apply outside the home, the Stand Your Ground laws in 14 states also alter traditional doctrine by creating a legal presumption that shooters in certain locations, such as their home or vehicle, are justified in their use of deadly force.Alabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(a)(4); Arizona: A.R.S. 13-411(C); Florida: Fla. Stat. 776.013; Kansas: K.S.A. 21-3212a; Kentucky: KRS 503.055; Louisiana: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 14:19(B); Michigan: MCLS 780.951; Mississippi: Miss. Code. Ann. 97-3-15(3); North Carolina: N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-51.2(b); Oklahoma: 21 Okla. Stat. 1289.25(B); Pennsylvania: 18 Pa.C.S.A. 505(b)(2.1); South Carolina: S.C. Code Ann. 16-11-440; Tennessee: Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-611(c); Texas: Tex. Penal Code 9.31. In two states Arizona and Texas these presumptions apply everywhere.

Under traditional American legal principles, a defendant is presumed innocent and the governments prosecutors are required to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime in question.

Layered on top of this exacting beyond a reasonable doubt standard, Stand Your Ground presumptions are often effectively irrefutable. If the victim is dead, and there are no other witnesses to contradict the shooters claims, the presumption forces authorities to take the shooter at his or her word, regardless of how unlikely and unsubstantiated the shooters version of events may be. Additional evidence may be impossible to obtain if the victim was killed and there were no eyewitnesses to or video recordings of the shooting.

Criminal Immunity, Part 1: Preventing the Arrest of Shooters

Typically, police can arrest a person if they have probable cause essentially, a reasonable belief that he or she has committed a crime, such as shooting another person.See, e.g., F. Andrew Hessick III & Reshma Saujani, Plea Bargaining and Convicting the Innocent: the Role of the Prosecutor, the Defense Counsel, and the Judge, 16 BYU J. Pub. L. 189, 200 (2002); Elise Bjorkan Clare et. al., Twenty-Fifth Annual Review of Criminal Procedure: I. Investigation and Police Practices. 84 Geo. L.J. 717, 759-760 (1996). However, Stand Your Ground laws in six states forbid police from arresting a shooter who claims self-defense unless they find evidence to disprove the shooters claim.Alabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(d); Florida: Fla. Stat. 776.032(2); Kansas: K.S.A. 21-5231(a); Kentucky: KRS 503.085(1); Oklahoma: 21 Okl. St. 1289.25(G); South Carolina: S.C. Code Ann. 16-11-450(B). This heightened standard for making an arrest and, in three states, for even detaining a suspectFlorida: Fla. Stat. 776.032(2); Kansas: K.S.A. 21-5231(a); Kentucky: KRS 503.085(1). puts a significant roadblock in front of law enforcement because police often start accumulating evidence by interviewing the shooter, and a shooter who is presumed to have acted lawfully has little incentive to cooperate with an investigation. If the victim is dead and there are no other witnesses, it may be impossible for the police to proceed with the investigation.

Stand Your Ground laws provide law enforcement with little guidance for how to evaluate the validity of a suspects self-defense claim,Reagan v. Mallory, 429 Fed. Appx. 918 (11th Cir. 2011) (Under Florida law, law enforcement officers have a duty to assess the validity of this defense, but they are provided minimal, if any, guidance on how to make this assessment.). and instead expose officers to the prospect of a wrongful arrest lawsuit for improperly detaining a suspect who has claimed self-defense.See, e.g., Reagan v. Mallory, 429 Fed. Appx. 918 (11th Cir. 2011). Additionally, as a recent Tampa Bay Times study demonstrated, courts have difficulty determining when arrests and prosecutions are proper, leading to confusion and inconsistent decisions.Floridas Stand Your Ground Law, Tampa Bay Times at This uncertainty creates a chilling effect, making police less likely to arrest, and prosecutors less likely to prosecute, shooters who claim self-defense.

Criminal Immunity, Part 2: Immunity Hearings

Stand Your Ground laws in eight states shield a shooter from criminal prosecution even after an arrest is made.Alabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(e); Florida: Fla. Stat. 776.032(1); Georgia: O.C.G.A. 16-3-24.2, Kansas: K.S.A. 21-5231(a); Kentucky: KRS 503.085(1); North Carolina: N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-51.3(b); Oklahoma: 21 Okl. St. 1289.25(F); South Carolina: S.C. Code Ann. 16-11-450(A). State courts have interpreted these criminal immunity provisions to entitle a shooter to a pretrial immunity hearing a procedure during which each party presents evidence to a judge who determines if the shooter acted in self-defense. If the judge finds it more likely than not that the defendant acted in self-defense, the case is dismissed. Otherwise, the case proceeds to trial.See, e.g. Dennis v. State, 51 So. 3d 456 (Fla. 2010); Bunn v. State, 667 S.E.2d 605 (Ga. 2008); Rodgers v. Commonwealth, 285 S.W.3d 740 (Ky. 2009); State v. Duncan, 392 S.C. 404 (S.C. 2011). Such immunity hearings alter traditional criminal procedure by requiring a judge to make factual determinations usually left to a panel of jurors.

The distinction between judge and jury can be significant. The jury with its breadth and diversity of opinions, experiences, and backgrounds generally determines what evidence to believe and disbelieve. Self-defense cases, in particular, often turn on only a few crucial facts.Jean K. Gilles Phillips & Elizabeth Cateforis, Self-Defense: Whats a Jury Got to Do with It?, 57 Kan. L. Rev. 1143 , 1168-1174 (2009). In most states, a jury must decide those facts. The immunity provisions found in Stand Your Ground laws effectively overturn this rule in self-defense cases by requiring factual disputes to be decided by a judge instead of by the people a jury of ones peers.In doing so, Stand Your Ground laws grant a unique status to claims of self-defense. There are many defenses e.g., necessity, entrapment, insanity that a defendant can raise at trial that would relieve him or her of criminal responsibility for actions that would otherwise constitute a crime. Until the advent of Stand Your Ground laws, self defense ranked among them, but these provisions single out self-defense and create a new type of procedural mechanism to determine whether self-defense applies.

The purpose of granting criminal immunity, according to Representative Dennis Baxley, who sponsored Floridas Stand Your Ground law in the Florida House of Representatives, was to protect law-abiding citizens from uncertainty while they wait for the government to decide whether to prosecute them for shootings they claimed were in self-defense.See, e.g., Ann ONeill, NRAs Marion Hammer stands her ground, CNN, April 15, 2012, In practice, however, immunity provisions do not accomplish this goal. Shooters continue to wait sometimes years for a decision.For example, in one Florida case, Dennis Sosa Palma, who had fatally stabbed his brother during a 2010 brawl, waited more than two years for a favorable determination on immunity. David Ovalle, Miami-Dade judge tosses murder charge based on self-defense, The Miami Herald, August 17, 2012 at In fact, if the shooter is prosecuted, the case may take even longer to resolve than under the traditional regime: If the judge decides the shooter is not entitled to criminal immunity, the case then proceeds to a jury trial, effectively lengthening the process and giving the shooter two trials instead of one. The difference is often not in the time spent awaiting a decision, but in whether the case is decided by a judge or a jury.

Civil Immunity: Prohibiting Civil Lawsuits

Our civil justice system provides avenues for injured parties to seek redress for harms they have suffered. Shooting victims and their families traditionally have the ability to file a civil lawsuit for monetary damages to compensate for injuries like lost wages, medical costs, and pain and suffering. To prevail, the injured party must generally show by a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., that it is more likely than not) that the defendants actions violated the law and caused harm. This standard of proof is much easier to meet than the exacting beyond a reasonable doubt standard in criminal cases and provides some measure of justice where the proof of guilt was substantial, but not strong enough to satisfy the criminal standard. Of the 22 Stand Your Ground states examined in this report, 19 effectively bar civil lawsuits against shooters protected by Stand Your Ground laws.

These so-called civil immunity laws take different forms. Eleven states have statutes that create immunity from all civil suits arising from the lawful use of force.Alabama: Code of Ala. 13A-3-23(d); Arizona: A.R.S. 13-413; Florida: Fla. Stat. 776.032; Kansas: K.S.A. 21-3219; Kentucky: KRS 503.085; Louisiana: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 9:2800.19; Mississippi: Miss. Code. Ann. 97-3-15(5); North Carolina: N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-51.2(b), 14-51.3(b); Oklahoma: 21 Okla. Stat. 1289.25(F); South Carolina: S.C. Code Ann. 16-11-450(A); Texas: V.T.C.A. 83.001. Often referred to as blanket immunity, these provisions prevent all suits against the shooter, including suits brought by innocent bystanders who may have been injured. Eight states have more limited civil immunity provisions that shield the shooter only from suits brought by the intended victim and his or her survivors, implicitly allowing innocent bystanders to sue.Alaska: Alaska Stat. 09.65.330; Georgia: O.C.G.A. 51-11-9; Michigan: Mich. Comp. Laws 600.2922b; Montana: Mont. Code. Ann. 27-1-722; New Hampshire: N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 627:1-a; Pennsylvania: 42 Pa.C.S.A. 8340.2(a); Tennessee: Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-622; West Virginia: W. Va. Code 55-7-22(d).

In addition, 12 states award attorneys fees and litigation costs to a shooter who prevails in a civil suit, creating a strong disincentive for a shooting victim to pursue justice in the civil system.Alaska: Alaska Stat. 09.65.330(b); Florida: Fla. Stat. 776.032 (3); Kentucky: KRS 503.085; Louisiana: La. R.S. 9:2800.19; Michigan: Mich. Comp. Laws 600.2922c; Mississippi: Miss. Code. Ann. 97-3-15(5); Montana: Mont. Code. Ann. 27-1-722(4); New Hampshire: N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 627:1-a; Oklahoma: 21 Okla. Stat. 1289.25(H); Pennsylvania: 42 Pa.C.S.A. 8340.2(b); South Carolina: S.C. Code Ann. 16-11-450(C); Tennessee: Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-622(b). These cost-shifting provisions only work in one direction: They award attorneys fees if the shooter prevails, but not if the injured party prevails.

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