Archive for the ‘Tax Freedom’ Category

Column: HHS mandate still undermines religious freedom

By Richard W. Garnett


The Obama administration has announced and adopted a rule that will require most religious institutions — including hospitals, schools, colleges, and social-services agencies — to pay for health insurance that covers abortion-causing drugs, sterilization procedures, and contraceptives. This requirement is bad policy, and it imposes a serious and unnecessary burden on these institutions' religious commitments, witness, and mission. And the "compromise" that the president announced last Friday did not and will not cure these defects.

By Susan Walsh, AP

President Obama announces the compromise on his administration's contraception mandate last week.

On Religion
Faith. Religion. Spirituality. Meaning. In our ever-shrinking world, the tentacles of religion touch everything from governmental policy to individual morality to our basic social constructs. It affects the lives of people of great faith — or no faith at all. This series of weekly columns — launched in 2005 — seeks to illuminate the national conversation.

According to the president, the administration plans — at some point, later on — to modify slightly the form, but not the substance, of the mandate. Under the promised new version, it is supposedly the insurance companies, instead of employers with religious objections, that will pay for employees' abortion-causing drugs and contraceptives. But, of course, even the president cannot make these items free. Someone will foot the bill and, in the end, it is not going to be the insurance company.

The announced-but-deferred changes to the mandate do not, unfortunately, represent a true "Road to Damascus" moment for the administration on the importance of religious liberty or the valuable role that distinctively faith-based institutions play in our society. Instead, the administration's promise of future accommodations for some religious objectors is best understood as a crafty — and, it must be said, cynical — election-year political move. The "compromise" is vague, incomplete, and undelivered; even those who welcome it admit that it leaves many important questions unanswered. Still, it turns down the heat on a boiling debate in which even some of the president's more prominent Catholic supporters were questioning both his judgment and his dedication to religious freedom. At the same time, it keeps in place a benefit that many in the president's political base value highly. Telling voters that someone else is going to be made to pay for something they want generally goes over well.

The burdens on religious freedom and diversity imposed by the mandate have been obscured by several widespread mistakes and misconceptions. First, it is said by some that those who resist the mandate — the Catholic bishops make particularly appealing villains in this account — are trying to "impose their morality" on employees, or to "deny access" to items and services to which most people — indeed, many Catholics — have no objection. This charge is false. Religious institutions are not trying to control what their employees buy, use, or do in private; they are trying to avoid being conscripted by the government into paying for what they teach are immoral acts. It is the administration, and not the Catholic Church, that is imposing its values on the vulnerable and unpopular.

Next, some insist that the mandate, like the host of other regulations to which religious institutions are subject, is just part of the price these institutions must pay for participating in public life and engaging in "secular" activities. When you enter the state's arena, they say, you have to play by the state's rules. But since when are educating the young, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, and comforting the lonely "secular" activities? Rather than acting as though the government is doing religious institutions a favor by allowing them to care for others and transform the world, we should acknowledge that religious institutions were ministering to the needy well before the government got into the act, and that religiously inspired love-of-neighbor long pre-dates the welfare state. Indeed, instead of imposing a heavy-handed, conscience-burdening mandate on religious schools, hospitals, and agencies, perhaps the nation should consider a thank-you card and a reimbursement check.

It is true that not all those who object in good faith to the community's laws can or should be accommodated. It is also true that, in a pluralistic society, everyone sees his or her tax dollars used by governments for some programs and purposes they oppose. At the same time, a free society like ours will regard it as often both wise and just to accommodate religious believers and institutions by exempting them from requirements that would require them to compromise their integrity. This is such a case.

A crucial thing to remember, both about the mandate and the promised adjustments-to-come, is that it is deeply un-American in its hostility to diversity and pluralism in civil society. The mandate's religious-employer exemption is limited only to inward-looking entities that hire and engage only their own. It embodies the view that religious institutions may be distinctive only insofar as they stay in their place — in the pews, in the pulpit, at the altar. It reflects a troubling tendency to impose ideological sameness and conformity in the public sphere, to insist that all groups and associations act like the government, in the service of the government's goals.

The mandate prompted an impressively united reaction by those who cherish America's tradition of religious freedom and accommodation. On the left and on the right, among Republicans and Democrats, there was an appreciation for the fact that this was an overreach. It was, and still is.

Richard W. Garnett is a professor of law and associate dean at the University of Notre Dame and a senior fellow at the Center for the Study of Law & Religion at Emory University.

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Column: HHS mandate still undermines religious freedom

OUR VIEW: Congress should extend the tax cut

February 14, 2012 7:15 PM

On the payroll tax cut, Republicans are playing tiddlywinks. Democrats are playing poker. They reached a tentative House-Senate agreement on Tuesday and may unveil an agreement today to send to President Barack Obama for approval.

Obama and Congressional Democrats want to extend the
2 percentage-point cut in the Social Security tax that was enacted in December 2010. The tax cut expired in December 2011 but was extended until Feb. 29. The cut dropped to 4.2 percent from 6.2 percent the amount of income each employee is taxed.

The options are for another short-term extension, to Dec. 31 (and through the November election) or to make the cut permanent. Congressional negotiators also are approaching a Feb. 17 deadline, when Congress is scheduled to go into recess. Democrats have pushed the tax cut because it goes to working people, whom they want to attract as voters.

Republicans have balked because the tax cut adds close to $90 billion a year to the federal deficit. The deficit is expected to be $1.1 trillion through fiscal year 2012, which ends on Sept. 30. That amount was a bit less than the $1.3 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2011. But it’s an incredible amount of money that adds to the current federal debt of $15.3 trillion.

Are Democrats bluffing? Would they let the payroll tax cut expire at the end of this month, thus sticking it to workers and throwing blame on Republicans?

AP reported that some Republicans want “to partially pay for the 2-percentage point payroll tax holiday through freezing federal workers’ pay and requiring more affluent seniors to pay higher Medicare premiums.” Well, we’re all for freezing federal workers’ pay, which according to some studies is double that of equivalent jobs in the private sector. And Medicare needs to be reformed. But those issues can be dealt with later.

Republicans should start playing some real poker and insist on making the payroll tax cut permanent.

“It would continue the economic growth we’re enjoying, and that’s good news,” Esmael Adibi told us; he’s Director of the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research at Chapman University. “A big portion of that will be spent by consumers. If Republicans say ‘no,’ then come the election, Democrats could say the Republicans didn’t help working people.”

He agreed that adding to the deficit and debt is a problem. “But there are trade-offs,” he said. If the payroll tax cut is eliminated, it would suck $90 billion out of the private economy. “But over the long run, it’s a problem because of the deficit and debt. As long as we come up with a solution to those problems, then it’s a good idea.”

We believe that making the payroll tax cut permanent — or at least extending it to Dec. 31 — would signal that Congress is serious about continuing the current economic growth, which after all is modest, thus forestalling a recession. An economic crash would create more joblessness, which in turn would cut payroll tax payments because the unemployed don’t pay the tax.

As to the deficit and debt, they ought to be dealt with through cutting current spending. Long-run solutions to these problems will have to wait until the presidential and congressional races are decided in November. Until then, Republicans should put on their poker faces and increase the bid to a permanent payroll tax cut. — Freedom Communications, Inc.

See more here:
OUR VIEW: Congress should extend the tax cut

Wonkbook: Payroll tax cut deal nears

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Say Bottle Tax Hike Will Benefit City Schools

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—Embarrassing. That’s what the mayor called the conditions at many Baltimore schools. Now she wants to raise the city’s bottle tax to start immediate repairs.

Monique Griego has more on just how bad things are from parents and administrators.

Parents say while they’re happy the mayor is trying to fix things, they want to know what took so long.

Old AC units, dilapidated doors and a building that looks like an abandoned warehouse–this is what kids at Holabird Academy deal with every day.

“I think it’s long overdue,” said Clezel Farmer, parent. “Schools needed repairs years and years and years ago.”

Principal Anthony Ruby agrees. He gave WJZ a tour inside the school.

Ruby says teachers do their best to dress things up, but it’s hard to hide the outside.

“It takes away from what we’re able to do for the kids, but we do make things as beautiful as possible,” Ruby said.

Because so many Baltimore City schools look like this, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is making it her mission to improve things for kids by finding more funding for school construction.

“We are at place where too many of our schools don’t have AC. Too many of our schools have clouded windows,” Mayor Rawlings-Blake said.

The mayor’s plan would raise the city’s bottle tax from 2 to 5 cents. She says it will raise $11 to 17 million and increase the city’s contribution to school construction by 140 percent.

And the mayor says there’s one thing she’s focused on when it comes to plan to improve city schools.

“That the proposals that we put in place will give us immediate results,” she said.

Parents and community groups have also been rallying for change. Angela Simonson’s daughter goes to Baltimore’s Freedom Academy.

“It’s awful. The bathrooms, the lockers, the smell and everything. It’s just horrendous,” Simonson said.

While parents and Ruby know upping taxes isn’t an easy choice, many feel Baltimore kids are being left behind.

“Their county cousins go to a nice new building. We don’t have that, and our kids deserve that,” Ruby said.

The mayor plans to introduce the city’s bottle tax hike sometime next week.

The mayor says the city is waiting to determine exactly how many schools need repairs and what it will cost.

See more here:
Mayor Rawlings-Blake Say Bottle Tax Hike Will Benefit City Schools

Obama Appeals to Public on Payroll Tax

Feb 14, 2012 10:41am

(Image Credit: Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo)

Two months after successfully marshaling public support to extend a payroll tax cut for all Americans, President Obama today attempted to do it again.

“Allowing this tax cut to expire would make people’s lives harder right now.  It would make their choices more difficult.  It would be $40 less for groceries to feed your kids.  It would be $40 less for the medications you depend on, $40 less to cover bills and the rent, $40 less to take care of an elder parent or to donate to a church or a charity,” Obama said in a speech from the South Court Auditorium at the White House.

“Call, tweet. Write your congressman, write your senators.  Tell them:  Do not let up until this thing gets done.  Don’t let taxes go up on 160 million  working Americans.”

Obama was flanked by a group of supporters who were among the tens of thousands that spoke out online and on social media in December to pressure Congress to compromise, securing a temporary deal to extend the tax cut through the end of this month.

Now taxes are set to rise again on 160 million Americans unless lawmakers act, and congressional negotiators remain at impasse.  The administration estimates the tax cut would save a family making about $50,000 a year $40 per paycheck.

Obama said there are “hopeful signs” that an extension of the tax cut will be achieved. But he warned the audience not to take anything for granted.

“We’ve got to keep on making sure that the American people’s voices keep breaking through until this is absolutely, finally, completely done,” he said. “Until you see me sign this thing, you’ve got to keep on speaking up. Until you see that photograph of me signing it at my desk — you know, make sure it’s verified, certified.”

The White House hopes to spark a social media blitz, with average Americans concerned about their paychecks taking to Twitter — using the #40dollars hashtag — or posting their opinions on Facebook or the White House blog.

Meanwhile, congressional negotiators have 14 days to work out the fine print of a deal.

At issue is how to offset the cost of the tax cut and whether to extend unemployment insurance benefits and deal with the Medicare “doc fix” at the same time.

House Republican leadership Monday proposed as a last resort passing the payroll tax cut extension alone, through the end of the year, and dealing with the other issues separately.

But Democrats are reluctant to consider the items separately, believing that doing so would compromise passage of all the items.

White House press secretary Jay Carney signaled Monday that the administration backs a legislative solution to the payroll tax cut, unemployment insurance and “doc fix” all at once. “We are willing to work with them to offset [costs] in a responsible way,” Carney said of Congress.

SHOWS: World News

Continue reading here:
Obama Appeals to Public on Payroll Tax