Archive for the ‘Tax Freedom’ Category

America: From Freedom to Fascism (part 1 of 11) – Video

Aaron Russo: "I set out on a journey to make a film about whether or not there was a law requiring Americans to pay an income tax...or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the American government. This process of discovery brought something much more dangerous and frightening to my, I will bring it to yours." This film not only puts the legalities of the IRS and the Federal Reserve into question, but it also reveals the carefully concealed oligarchy of elitists and globalists whose main goals include financially enslaving society by creating a world order of manufactured consent devoid of individuality and freedom -- much like the former Soviet Union.

America: From Freedom to Fascism (part 1 of 11) - Video

MSM Best Kept Secret Beats All 'Frontrunners' – Video

You wouldn't know it from watching TV news, but Ron Paul wins most straw polls, most online polls, every TV debate poll, and has won 2nd place in Nevada and Louisiana caucuses so far! Ron Paul beat all records last December on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party when he raised over $6 million in contributions in a single day from regular Americans donating around $100 each! Ron Paul gets more money from active duty and retired military than any other candidate of either party! A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and FREEDOM!!! This is real and meaningful *change* and the media doesn't want you to know about real change and restoring your freedoms! Please, tell your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family about Ron Paul.

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MSM Best Kept Secret Beats All 'Frontrunners' - Video

Obama and Clinton Talk Taxes – Video

From the CF

Continued here:
Obama and Clinton Talk Taxes - Video

America Freedom To Fascism (03of11) – Video


Read the original here:
America Freedom To Fascism (03of11) - Video

It's Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes – Video

Politicians and interest groups claim higher taxes are necessary because it would be impossible to cut spending by enough to get rid of red ink. This Center for Freedom and Prosperity video shows that these assertions are nonsense

Continue reading here:
It's Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes - Video