Horse Racing Live Explosive Film Clip*Link Industrial Scale Accounting Fraud FBI Scotland Yard Case – Video
25-05-2012 14:23 The Carroll Foundation Trust case took a further disturbing twist with new shocking revelations which now involve yet another Police Authority in this ongoing organised crime tax fraud heist operation which stretches the globe. Sources have confirmed that the Suffolk Police Chief Constable continues to retain compelling criminal evidential Carroll Trust prosecution files concerning the multi-million pound Warren Park estate at Warren Hill Newmarket which was owned by the Gerald Carroll Trust interests. It has now been disclosed that Warren Park was the subject of a co-ordinated criminal seizure operation executed by the HSBC banking institution in concert with the FBI Scotland Yard targeted crime syndicate which continues to operate in offshore tax havens with impunity. It has emerged that the British Horse Racing Authority and Weatherbys are believed to also hold evidential material surrounding the Warren Hill Newmarket scandal. Political commentators close to this case of international have remarked that the Suffolk Police dossiers disclose a shocking trail of criminal subversive cover-up attempts linked to an array of obstruction offences directly involving the tax havens of the Bahamas Gibraltar and the Cayman Islands which are thought to have all been utilized effectively as criminal offshore money laundering platforms in the Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Carroll Maryland Trust cases. Further sources have revealed that the FBI have obtained new explosive ...
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Horse Racing Live Explosive Film Clip*Link Industrial Scale Accounting Fraud FBI Scotland Yard Case - Video