At Occupy London, Robin Smith of political think tank Real Reform and co founder of the Systemic Fiscal Reform Group does Economics 101 on the concrete. He discusses the giant ponzi scheme, dwarfing the finanacial one yet hidden, but which we all take part in or aspire to
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ITV Robin Smith Just Economy on Tax Havens, Wealth Distibution and Energy and Environment.avi - Video
Further disclosures which been revealed in American and British media reports on the massive Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust and parallel Carroll Maryland Trust national security cases are understood to have galvanized well seasoned Washington political observers who have recently remarked...
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US Department of Homeland Security - Tax Havens Clear Present Danger - Video
"Treasure Islands,Tax Havens and the Man Who Stole the World" a book recommended by John Christensen.
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John Christensen 7 - Your Guide To Tax Havens.flv - Video
John Christensen describes how tax havens have developed over the last 40 years.
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John Christensen 3 - How Tax Havens developed.flv - Video
Amazing revelations in the Carroll Foundation Trust scandal have revealed that the FBI Los Angeles headquarterselite law enforcement officers charged with this case of international importance have recently obtained further dossiers that contain a startling litany of forged and falsified Delaware registered Carroll Trust corporations which are believed to be directly linked to fraudulent HSBC International offshore numbered bank accounts incorporated in Gibraltar Bahamas and the City of London.
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Tax Havens *Banksters - Bill Black *Enforcer US Congress National Security - Video